passing access token to Jira using OAuth Authentication - oauth

I am using OAuth authenication in Jira to test some methods in jira using JIRA Rest Java Client. I have got the access token using OAuth authenication that I need to pass on Jira URL. Here is all what I have got to get access token.
Token is 38ESi9IJW5u3vKDslPFtuV1ZtzDpr6zi
Token secret is cnDSL8oJyuoaQdRcFDwgHzLppSshQn9b
Retrieved request token. go to http://bmh1060149:8080/plugins/servlet/oauth/authorize?oauth_token=38ESi9IJW5u3vKDslPFtuV1ZtzDpr6zi
Access token is : 015CeJiH8cpI5R3OKpNco158kApq8YwV
Now I am passing that access token to Jira URL but I am getting an empty array. Please let me know where I am doing wrong or what changes do I need to incorporate into my code to make this thing work. Here is my code.
public void getAllIssueTypesUsingOAuth(JiraCQCredential jcqcred) {
System.out.println("Inside getAllIssuetypeAssociatedToProject for JiraAdapterImpl");
//String username = jcqcred.getUserName();
//String password = jcqcred.getPassword();
String jiraURL = jcqcred.getJiraUrl();
if (!jiraURL.endsWith("/")) {
jiraURL = jiraURL + "/";
try {
String accessToken = JiraAdapterImpl.getAccessToken(); // This method is giving me access token
URL url = new URL(jiraURL + "rest/api/2" + "/" + "issuetype?access_token=" + accessToken);
HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
httpConnection.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)");
httpConnection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(httpConnection.getInputStream()));
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String line = "";
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
String issueTypes = sb.toString();
System.out.println("Issuetype associated to project are\n" + issueTypes);
JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(issueTypes);
for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
JSONObject jsonObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i);
String issueNames = (String) jsonObject.get("name");
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (JSONException e) {
Its giving me an empty array like []

Hi After searching the little bit I finally managed to a find the solution to the above problem. After getting the access token just pass that access token to the makeAuthenticatedRequest(url, accessToken) method that will give you the resultant data which you want to retrive. Here url is the url which you want to hit to get the resultant data.
private AtlassianOAuthClient getJiraOAuthClient() {
final String baseURI = "http://bmh1060149:8080";
final String consumerKey = "hardcoded-consumer";
final String consumerPrivatekey = "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";
AtlassianOAuthClient jiraoAuthClient = new AtlassianOAuthClient(consumerKey, consumerPrivatekey, baseURI, "");
return jiraoAuthClient;
Here is the code to get Access Token
private String getAccessToken() {
AtlassianOAuthClient jiraoAuthClient = getJiraOAuthClient();
TokenSecretVerifierHolder requestToken = jiraoAuthClient.getRequestToken();
String authorizeUrl = jiraoAuthClient.getAuthorizeUrlForToken(requestToken.token);
String token = requestToken.token;
String tokenSecret = requestToken.secret;
System.out.println("Token is " + requestToken.token);
System.out.println("Token secret is " + requestToken.secret);
System.out.println("Retrieved request token. go to " + authorizeUrl);
String accessToken = jiraoAuthClient.swapRequestTokenForAccessToken(token, tokenSecret, "");
System.out.println("Access token is : " + accessToken);
return accessToken;
This is the method you call to retrieve the data.
public void getAllCommentOfIssueUsingOAuth() {"Inside getAllCommentOfIssue for JiraAdapterImpl");
AtlassianOAuthClient jiraoAuthClient = getJiraOAuthClient();
String accessToken = getAccessToken();
String url = "your Jira URL";
String responseAsString = jiraoAuthClient.makeAuthenticatedRequest(url, accessToken);
This will give you the resultant JSON data or XML data in resultantString.


How to get oauth access token in console without authentication prompt

I want to oauth authentication like
Login using Google OAuth 2.0 with C#
But i don't want to authentication prompt popup
i want to get token directly without popup..
public ActionResult CodeLele()
if (Session.Contents.Count > 0)
if (Session["loginWith"] != null)
if (Session["loginWith"].ToString() == "google")
var url = Request.Url.Query;
if (url != "")
string queryString = url.ToString();
char[] delimiterChars = { '=' };
string[] words = queryString.Split(delimiterChars);
string code = words[1];
if (code != null)
//get the access token
HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
webRequest.Method = "POST";
Parameters = "code=" + code + "&client_id=" + googleplus_client_id + "&client_secret=" + googleplus_client_sceret + "&redirect_uri=" + googleplus_redirect_url + "&grant_type=authorization_code";
byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Parameters);
webRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
webRequest.ContentLength = byteArray.Length;
Stream postStream = webRequest.GetRequestStream();
// Add the post data to the web request
postStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
WebResponse response = webRequest.GetResponse();
postStream = response.GetResponseStream();
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(postStream);
string responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd();
GooglePlusAccessToken serStatus = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GooglePlusAccessToken>(responseFromServer);
if (serStatus != null)
string accessToken = string.Empty;
accessToken = serStatus.access_token;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken))
// This is where you want to add the code if login is successful.
// getgoogleplususerdataSer(accessToken);
{ }
{ }
{ }
catch (WebException ex)
var resp = new StreamReader(ex.Response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();
dynamic obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(resp);
//var messageFromServer = obj.error.message;
//return messageFromServer;
return obj.error_description;
catch (Exception exc)
throw exc;
return Content("done");
public ActionResult JeClick()
var Googleurl = "" + googleplus_redirect_url + "&scope=" + googleplus_client_id;
Session["loginWith"] = "google";
return Redirect(Googleurl);
The credentials window (popup) is how you ask the user if you can access their data. There is no way to get access to a users data without asking the user first if you may access their data. That is how Oauth2 works.
If you are accessing your own data then you can use something called a Service account. Service accounts are pre authorized. You can take the service account and grant it access to your google calendar, you could give it access to a folder in Google drive. Then you can authenticate using the service account. Service accounts are like dummy users.
My article about service accounts: Google Developer service account

Unable to generate Access token for flipkart API

I am trying to get New access token for Oauth 2.0 with client credential. I am always getting Forbidden or unauthorized error. While I can directly login to url and generate the token but going with below code I am not able to generate token
public static String getAccessToken(OAuth2Details oauthDetails) {
URL url;
HttpURLConnection con;
String accessToken = null;
try {
url = new URL("\?grant_type\=client_credentials\&scope=Seller_Api");
con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
con.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json");
String clientId = oauthDetails.getClientId();
String clientSecret = oauthDetails.getClientSecret();
String scope = oauthDetails.getScope();
.println("Authorization server expects Basic authentication");
System.out.println("Retry with client credentials");
int code = con.getResponseCode();
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
if (code == 401 || code == 403) {
String s;
while ((s = br.readLine()) != null) {
.println("Could not authenticate using client credentials.");
throw new RuntimeException(
"Could not retrieve access token for client: "
+ oauthDetails.getClientId());
Map<String, String> map = handleResponse(con);
accessToken = map.get(OAuthConstants.ACCESS_TOKEN);
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return accessToken;
public static String getBasicAuthorizationHeader(String username,
String password) {
System.out.println("uu" + OAuthConstants.BASIC + " "
+ encodeCredentials(username, password));
return OAuthConstants.BASIC + " "
+ encodeCredentials(username, password);
public static String encodeCredentials(String username, String password) {
String cred = username + ":" + password;
return new String(Base64.encodeBase64(cred.getBytes()));
Remove the "\" from your url
url = new URL("");
Also make the app-id and and secretlike this
example kdfjkfjdsakfjd93842908039489:kdjsfkajidsjf8939034820

WSO2 Identity Server - Oauth 2.0 - Sign-off Example for Java

I wrote a Java based sign-off routine (token revocation) for an Oauth2 authentication flow. See below the code implementation following the cURL protocol instructions in the manual described [ here ]. The program code compiles and works without error message, but after the log-off the user accounts still remains in a connected state under the WSO2 dashboard query.
See below the Servlet class that triggers the log-off function:
class SignoffServlet extends HttpServlet {
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException,IOException {
String accessToken = (String) req.getSession().getAttribute("access_token");
System.out.println("Start Logoff processing for revoke of the token: " + accessToken);
URL url = new URL (Oauth2Server + "/oauth2/revoke?token="+accessToken);
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
// new encode with Apache codec (for Java8 use native lib)
String userCredentials = clientId + ":" + clientSecret;
String basicAuth = "Basic " + new String(new Base64().encode(userCredentials.getBytes()));
connection.setRequestProperty ("Authorization", basicAuth);
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8");
connection.addRequestProperty("token", accessToken);
connection.addRequestProperty("token_type_hint", "access_token");
//connection.setRequestProperty("token", accessToken);
// connection.setRequestProperty("token_type_hint", "access_token");
InputStream content = (InputStream)connection.getInputStream();
BufferedReader in =
new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (content));
String line;
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
System.out.println("Logoff finished sucessfully");
} catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("Logoff failed, error cause: " + e.toString());
System.out.println("Logoff finished sucessfully");
// return the json of the user's basic info
String html_header = "<html><body>";
String myjson = "<br>Logoff completed sucessfully";
myjson += "<br><br><b><a href='./index.html'>Back to login page</a></b><br>";
String html_footer = "</body></html>";
String mypage = html_header + myjson + html_footer;
Advice about what to change in the Java code to activate the sign-off function for Oauth 2.0 is welcome.
Thanks for detailed explanations about the difference between authorization and authentication in Oauth2. See below the code that is able to revoke the valid Oauth2 token:
class SignoffServlet extends HttpServlet {
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException,IOException {
String outputl = "";
String accessToken = (String) req.getSession().getAttribute("access_token");
// testing .. inhibu acivate this line: // revoke accessToken = "abc";
System.out.println("Start Logoff processing for revoke of the token: " + accessToken);
// URL url = new URL (Oauth2Server + "/oauth2/revoke?token="+accessToken);
// URL url = new URL (Oauth2Server + "/oauth2endpoints/revoke");
URL url = new URL (Oauth2Server + "/oauth2/revoke");
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8");
// new encode with Apache codec (for Java8 use native lib)
String userCredentials = clientId + ":" + clientSecret;
String basicAuth = "Basic " + new String(new Base64().encode(userCredentials.getBytes()));
basicAuth = basicAuth.replace("\\r", "");
basicAuth = basicAuth.replace("\\n", "");
connection.setRequestProperty ("Authorization", basicAuth);
// send data
// String str = "{\"token\": \"" + accessToken + "\",\"token_type_hint\":\"access_token\"}";
// example of JSON string "{\"x\": \"val1\",\"y\":\"val2\"}";
//byte[] outputInBytes = str.getBytes("UTF-8");
//OutputStream os = connection.getOutputStream();
//os.write( outputInBytes );
// os.close();
//send request
DataOutputStream wr = new DataOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream());
wr.writeBytes("token=" + accessToken);
// end of new method
InputStream content = (InputStream)connection.getInputStream();
BufferedReader in =
new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (content));
String line;
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
// System.out.println(line); // for debug only
outputl += line;
} catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("Logoff failed, error cause: " + e.toString());
System.out.println("Logoff finished successfully");
// return the json of the user's basic info
// customized Apache HTTP GET with header - Claude, 27 August 2015 reading user information
// ===============================================================================================
String tokeninfo = "";
String infourl = Oauth2Server + "/oauth2/userinfo?schema=openid";
StringBuilder infobody = new StringBuilder();
DefaultHttpClient infohttpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); // create new httpClient
HttpGet infohttpGet = new HttpGet(infourl); // create new httpGet object
// get some info about the user with the access token
String currentToken = (String) req.getSession().getAttribute("access_token");
String bearer = "Bearer " + currentToken.toString();
infohttpGet.setHeader("Authorization", bearer);
try {
HttpResponse response = infohttpclient.execute(infohttpGet); // execute httpGet
StatusLine statusLine = response.getStatusLine();
int statusCode = statusLine.getStatusCode();
if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
infobody.append(statusLine + "\n");
HttpEntity e = response.getEntity();
String entity = EntityUtils.toString(e);
} else {
infobody.append(statusLine + "\n");
// System.out.println(statusLine);
} catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
tokeninfo = infobody.toString();
infohttpGet.releaseConnection(); // stop connection
// User info lookup is done fetching current log status of the token
if (tokeninfo.startsWith("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request")) {
tokeninfo = "Token " + currentToken + " was revoked";
String html_header = "<html><body>";
String myjson = "<br>Logoff completed successfully";
myjson += "<br>Current Userinfo and Token Status";
myjson += "<br>" + tokeninfo + "<br>";
myjson += "<br><br><b><a href='./index.html'>Back to login page</a></b><br>";
String html_footer = "</body></html>";
String mypage = html_header + myjson + html_footer;
// to print signoff screen for debug purpose
// resp.getWriter().println(outputl);
Above doc has been mentioned the way to revoke the access token.Access token revoking and sign-off from OAuth2 authorization server are two different process. As an example; in Facebook, you can revoke the access token which are given for different applications. But it does not mean that you are sign-off from FB or any other application which you already login.
OAuth2 is not an authentication mechanism. It is authorization framework. It does not contain standard way to sign-off from authorization sever. However, there is some custom way which you can use to sign-off (terminate the SSO session in WSO2IS) from WSO2IS which can be used. But, it must be done using the end user's browser (not using the back channel) by calling following url. Please check last part of this for more details

Oauth2 Yahoo Gemini API

I am having trouble calling Yahoo Gemini API to access Yahoo Gemini Advertising from my C# console (desktop) application.
Here are steps I used:
Create an installed application on This gave me both {Client ID} and {Client Secret}.{Client ID} &redirect_uri=oob&response_type=code&language=en-us. This will take me to the yahoo login screen where I sign in. Press the Agree button and the next screen shows the seven-letter authorization code (say nzbcns9). I write down this authorization code.
Then I use the following code to try to get the access token:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string clientId = {Client ID};
string secret = {Client Secret};
var request = WebRequest.Create(#"");
request.Method = "POST";
SetBasicAuthHeader(request, clientId, secret);
string postData = "grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri=oob&code=nzbcns9";
ASCIIEncoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] byte1 = encoding.GetBytes(postData);
request.ContentLength = byte1.Length;
Stream dataStream = request.GetRequestStream();
dataStream.Write(byte1, 0, byte1.Length);
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
var response = request.GetResponse();
static void SetBasicAuthHeader(WebRequest request, String userName, String userPassword)
string authInfo = userName + ":" + userPassword;
authInfo = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(authInfo));
request.Headers["Authorization"] = "Basic " + authInfo;
Then I get
Unhandled Exception: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse().
What did I do wrong?
I also try to post the same message using Fiddler, I get
I tried your code and what worked for me was to put the line request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; BEFORE Stream dataStream = request.GetRequestStream();
So this worked:
string postData = "grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri=oob&code=nzbcns9";
ASCIIEncoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] byte1 = encoding.GetBytes(postData);
request.ContentLength = byte1.Length;
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
Stream dataStream = request.GetRequestStream();
dataStream.Write(byte1, 0, byte1.Length);
Neither of these worked for me, but it did work once I changed the SetBasicAuthHeader to use ISO-8859-1 encoding:
static void SetBasicAuthHeader( WebRequest request, String userName, String userPassword )
string authInfo = userName + ":" + userPassword;
authInfo = Convert.ToBase64String( Encoding.GetEncoding( "ISO-8859-1" ).GetBytes( authInfo ) );
request.Headers[ "Authorization" ] = "Basic " + authInfo;

Post message from ASP.NET app to Twitter

I am using very simple code to post message in twitter. The code is as given below:
public void UpdateStatus(string username, string password, string tweetMsg)
byte[] bytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("status=" + tweetMsg);
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(username, password);
request.Method = "POST";
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
request.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = false;
string statusUpdate = string.Empty;
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))
statusUpdate = "status=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(tweetMsg);
using (HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse) request.GetResponse())
// Handle response here
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream()))
catch (WebException ex)
Console.WriteLine("Web Error: {0}", ex.Message);
if (ex.Response != null)
HttpWebResponse r = (HttpWebResponse)ex.Response;
using (StreamReader esr = new StreamReader(r.GetResponseStream()))
Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", esr.ReadToEnd());
catch (IOException ex)
Console.WriteLine("I/O Error: {0}", ex.Message);
I am not sure why this code is not working. I am getting the exception
The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
But, whichever site I am referring, everywhere I find that people are able to post their messages using the same code.
Can anybody please tell me what I am missing in this code? The site that I referred for this code is
Thanks in advance....
The Twitter API no longer supports Basic Auth for authentication. You need to switch to OAuth which uses tokens instead of passwords.
Twitter's guide to transitioning from Basic Auth to OAuth
OAuth homepage
