How to print Office365 Verbose Error Message - office365api

We are trying to create a user in O365 Graph AD using ReST endpoint. For some of the users we are getting the following error message
Error with response code 400 : {"odata.error":{"code":"Request_BadRequest","message":{"lang":"en","value":"An error occurred while processing the write request."},"values":null}}
To get verbose logs we tried setting the "Content-Type" to application/json;odata=verbose but still we are not able to see the full error. Can someone help in fixing this error or help in printing the verbose logs.


What are the reasons why Slack API is getting failed_to_send_invite error?

Currently using this code to send workspace invites via Slack API, this is working but for some emails it is getting this failed_to_send_invite error. At first I thought it was because of using test emails, but now we also encountered it with a gmail email. Any idea why this error occurs? Documentation only says "The invite failed to send." as the description for this error.
response = slack.admin_users_invite(team_id=workspace_id, email=invitee_email, channel_ids=channel_id, custom_message=custom_msg, guest_expiration_ts=guest_expiry_epoch,is_restricted="true")

Eventbrite Events API now returning 404

I was previously using the following code to retrieve data about Eventbrite events:
This was working just fine a few months ago. However when I've tried it again, I now get a "failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 NOT FOUND" error. I've checked the Eventbrite API documentation and it seems that the URL structure is still correct.
This user and token definitely exists, as I can run the following code which does give valid results:
What is wrong with my Events code?

Error 403 - Forbidden error when I'm trying to access ?WSDLs from browser in WSO2

Dears, I'm trying to access this URL through my browser: https://localhost:9443/services/OAuth2TokenValidationService?wsdl
But I'm getting error 403
I followed everything based on this doc,
please someone help me.
If you set <HideAdminServiceWSDLs>false</HideAdminServiceWSDLs> and restart the server this should work.
First understand what the 403 error means.
The error (HTTP 403 Forbidden) means that the browser was able to connect to the website, but it does not have permission to view the webpage.
So, check the user under which the process is running. If that user is not having the right permissions, then this error will pop out.
Kill the process id, and start the server with the correct user who is having the right permissions.

integrating ccavenue i am getting 10001 error code invalid request encrypted request invalid or not present

I am getting 1001 error code while integrating cc-avenue using Asp.Net MVC.
It also showing that Encrypted request is invalid/not present.
I am not able to trace this error in cc-avenue error code list.
please help me.

Facebook oAuth 400 Error from ASP.NET application

ASP.NET application performing oAuth with Facebook. This code was working fine until a few days ago and now suddenly throws 400 errors. Cannot seem to find out why - the code has remained unchanged (verified using SVN). Can anyone help with might be the cause?
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.
Source Error:
Line 231: {
Line 232:
Line 233: webRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream().Close();
Line 234:
Line 235: responseReader.Close();
No. They URLdecode the response BEFORE sending it back to you now. So if you were already decoding it at your server its double decoded and when you send it back to Facebook it throws an invalid token exception.
This was really shitty of facebook. They should have atleast warned the developers.
If anyone finds this page because they are/were getting a 400 error with facebook the problem for me was that my redirect URL ended with a /.
So, for your redirect URL: - Bad - Good
I hope that helps someone..
