Reference to xml_****_**** is ambiguous - ios

I have updated my Xcode to the latest version of 8.0
After the update, I am facing a new build error preventing me to run the project on the simulator.
The error is the below in DDXMLNode.m:
reference to 'XML_DOCUMENT_NODE' is ambiguous
I am using the XMPP framework as pods (pod 'XMPPFramework') so I still can't figure out a way to solve this.
Note that the project is working normally on the device and was working on both Device and Simulator with the previous Xcode Version.
I have tried to search the internet but I still didn't find any solution for this.
I tried to clean the project and delete everything in the DerivedData folder as well, but it didn't solve the issue.
Appreciate any help.

Actually I am posting this answer in case it may help someone in the future.
After searching a lot without finding any answer, I discovered the following:
There is a file called module.modulemap that contains 2 methods.
module libxml [system] {
header "/Applications/"
export *
module libxmlSimu [system] {
header "/Applications/"
export *
The first one is used for real devices, the other one for the simulator.
However, when building the app on the simulator, and for a reason that I didnt figure it out, tree.h is being duplicated and causing all these issue.
So what I made to be able to run the project on the simulator was to comment the first method so the app can build successfully.
NB: Don't forget to uncomment the method once you want to run the project again on the real device.
Hope this will help anyone who will face the same issue.

i have tried some way.
I search the word XML_DOCUMENT_NODE with a result here:
then replace every error with the left symbol. It turns out to be OK for me now.


GoogleMobileAds.h file not found

I know that there must be a whole bunch of questions like this, but I tried everything, and nothing would work.
I'm creating a iOS app, and I use Google Ad Mob. I built my Xcode project from Unity, but when I tried to archive it in Xcode, there is this annoying error "GoogleMobileAds.h file not found"! I have the Google Mobile Ad Framework, but when I put it in the project, the error still shows! I looked up this problem, and tried to follow some of the people to fixed it, but the error still wouldn't go away.
Could anyone help please?
Here is the link to the project you can download.
Xcode project
I fixed this by going to Framework Search Paths in build settings, and putting in the GoogleMobileAd.framework!
as #SullyBully already correctly mentioned.
You have to add your folder with the Admob SDK to Framework Search Paths in Build Settings.
Additionally you have to include your GoogleMobildeAds.framework into your frameworks section in xcode (no ideas whats that called)
See screenshot 1 and 2 (I literally spent now hours because of it, hopefully this finds a soul helpful :P)
By the way it is completely neccessary just to include GoogleMobildeAds.framework.
You dont need to include the others like GoogleUtilities, or GoogleAppMeasurement etc.
After you build the the game in Unity.You also have to add google admob iOS library to your Xcode project. You can get from : [][1]

Apple Mach-O Linker Warning after xCode Update [duplicate]

I have a slight issue when build my Xcode project, get tones of warning after update pod. It looks like this
Already search the whole site here but still no luck. it doesn't affect the project but it is quite annoying. Anyone could help?
It probably means their binary file has non-aligned pointer when they compile their code. In those cases the alignment basically defaults to 1 byte and hypothetically might impact performance.
After updating to Xcode 8.3 public release I am still seeing this error, so Google might need to compile their static library with different settings to make it go away.
Got this response from firebase support:
This is a known issue with Xcode 8.3 beta, so it might be a beta thing
and Xcode being extra verbose. It works well though with 8.2.1 so I
recommend temporarily use it to avoid the warnings or ignore the
warnings on 8.3 beta if it does not affect your app.
This has been fixed in Firebase 3.16.0 (Firebase Core 3.6 + Firebase Analytics 3.8.0)
guys, it is all fixed now. Tested it all myself on two projects. You got to go to the correct directory of your project so that your pod spec file is visible to your command line commands, run
pod update
and see it all fixed and working properly!
These problems are addressed, and likely fixed, with release 3.16.0.

Xcode 7.3.1 autocomplete code completion not working

Ever since Xcode 7.3 the autocompletion or code completion doesn't work properly.
I have tried:
Deleting Derived Data folder
Clean Targets and Build
Reinstalling Xcode
It does autocomplete after you type it out fully the first time. But if you haven't referenced it once (i.e. like enums) it only shows what you typed out before (not showing full list of enums). Pressing escape doesn't help either.
Any other suggestions? Or anyone else experiencing the same?
Without doing anything, In Build-Settings -> Deployment changing iOS Deployment target from 8.0 to 8.1 resolved the issue for me.
It also works for XCode 6 as mentioned here
Also works on Xcode 8, Simply change the deployment target from iOS 9.0 to iOS 9.1.
Xcode 8 has now fixed this very annoying autocomplete issue. So anyone who is still having this problem, update to Xcode 8.
Edit: Please note, this has not solved for others. So your milage may vary. For me, it has fixed without doing anything extra. But they are using their new 'intelligent' autocomplete. Thinking about it, it could be part of the indexing. Deleting the DerivedData folder could help.
Perhaps, this answer is too late, I'll share it anyway.
First of all, I've uninstalled Alcatraz and all plugins.
Second, I've followed ElonChan's instructions explained on:
Xcode 7.3 autocomplete issues
As a result, autocompletion automagically got back! Thanks #ElonChan.
I hope this answer also solves your problem.
This Happen usually when you are using core Data in your project.(because of automatic indexing of files by xcode not been done) The simple way to avoid this thing is that just click to your project name and clean project come back the same file where you wanna see suggestions type any word and thats it.
There is a way to set shortcut keys for code completion. Xcode -> Preferences -> Key Bindings -> find Show Completions and set whatever non-duplicate keys you want.

XCode - Command /Applications/ failed with exit code 1

Lately I've started to take up a course for learning swift to devolp iOS OS X and Watch OS apps. I'm taking this course on udacity. The first step is to download a project and put it in a folder on your desktop. I had to open the app and then run it, which should've worked. But not for me somehow. I hit run and the following error showed up (this is the complete error log):
Some poeple suggested that I should update my XCode but I already have. I currently have XCode 7.3! I'm quite new to this platform, that's also why I'm doing this course, so I don't really know what I have to do. Can someone please tell me what's going on here?
This is the result of a corrupted swift class. If you encounter a class looking similar to the following code:
Ôæ≠fiÔæ≠fiqcaJÔæ≠fihJ0ç硡ˇ2ç硡ˇ$5y$ġˇˇ% 7.ġˇˇÔæ≠fiÔæ≠fiP‚—ġˇˇfl‚ġˇˇ ˗ġˇˇ∞B‚ġˇˇÄ+€
Try to re-create the class or re-download it. This solved my problem and to me, it would look like the only solution possible for a corrupted class.
Delete derived data.
Windows->Projects->select your project and delete derived data
This worked for me for couple of projects which i downloaded from internet.
I do everything restarts Xcode, rebuild Project, adding toolChains lock unlock them,
so there are two possibilities
first, maybe you install the beta version of Xcode
or try this, this work for me->
I tried to run a project in Xcode12/Swift4, while the project was written on Xcode8/Swift3
so I install Xcode version 11.7 and run this work for me.
if you not done with 11.7 then install another version of Xcode and try the appreciated version
May this help you

Compilation failed for data model at path - xcode 6

In one of my project, I am using CoreData to store all local data and it was working absolutely fine till xcode 5.1.1. But with the upgrade to xcode 6, I started getting compilation error. The error looks like this:
/Users//Desktop/test/test/test.xcdatamodeld: Compilation failed
for data model at path
I tried searching SO for the issue, found some suggestions and implemented them in my project as well. But none of the suggestions worked for me and am left wondering "what the h**l this issue is. Any hint/suggestion/solution will be a great help right now.
Not sure if you ever resolved this issue, but I had the same issue after I erroneously versioned my data model. I found the steps below fixed my issue:
In Xcode locate your .xcdatamodeld file then click "Show in Finder" and delete the .xcdatamodel file that was not previously visible in Xcode or that was erroneously versioned.
Hope this helps you in some way, if you are still looking for answers.
