Can Google Cloud Vision API be trained using your image data? - machine-learning

IBM Watson has a capability where you can train the classifiers on Watson using your images but I am unable to find a similar capability on Google Cloud Vision API? What I want is that I upload 10-15 classes of images and on the bases of upload images classify any images loaded after that. IBM Bluemix (Watson) has this capability but their pricing is significantly higher than Google. I am open to other services as well, if prices ares below Google's

As far as I know Google Cloud Vision API cannot be trained with your custom data. However, there is a service called, where you can define your custom classes and upload the images, the training is for free and the prices for API usage are below Google's and IBM's.
Disclaimer: I'm co-founder
Edit: Link changed

You can train your own models using Cloud AutoML Vision. There are 2 different ways to do this:
Cloud-hosted models.
Edge exportable models.

With some work you can train a model for free using TensorFlow - see the model training section.
However, they have released an already trained model, so if you're lucky and what you want to classify already overlaps with their model, then no training is needed.

Azure has started this now, google for "azure custom vision" this is still a preview service but with good accuracy at least for our workload which is preschool children images.


Storing training dataset in a platform like mlflow

Are there experiment management platforms that also allow
storing and managing training datasets (images, in my case)? I am familiar with the ML-Flow, but AFAIK it doesn't support such an option, am I right? If there are no platforms like this, how would you suggest managing training datasets in combination with existing platforms?
You can use a cloud service's object storage to store and manage your training dataset. Any cloud provider has such a solution. Then, your code should allow ingesting data from storage buckets to train and do experiment tracking.

Migrate from running ML training and testing locally to Google Cloud

I currently have a simple Machine Learning infrastructure running locally and I want to migrate this all onto Google Cloud. I simply fetch the data I need from a database, build my model and then test the model on test data. This is all done in PyCharm locally.
I want to simply migrate this and have the possibility for all this to be done on Google Cloud, while having the flexibility to make local changes that can apply when run on the cloud as well. There are many Google Cloud resources relating to this and so I am looking for best practices people follow on running such a procedure.
Thanks and please let me know if there are any clarifications needed.
I highly suggest you to take a look at this machine learning workflow in the cloud which consists of:
Data Ingestion and Collection
Storing the data.
Processing data.
ML training.
ML deployment.
Data Ingestion and Collection
There are multiple resources you can use if you would like to ingest data with Google Cloud Platform. The simplest solution I can recommend to you are both Google Compute Engine or an App Engine App (for example for a forum where a user fill some data up).
Nonetheless, if you would like to ingest data in real-time, you can also use Cloud Pub/Sub.
Storing the data
As you mentioned, you are retrieving all the information from a database. If you are used to work with SQL or NoSQL I highy suggest you to go after Cloud SQL. Not only provides a good interface when building your instance, but also lets you access it securely and very rapidly.
If it not the case, you can also use Google Cloud Storage or BigQuery, but over those two, I will pick BigQuery since it has also the possibility to work with stream data.
Processing data
For processing data before feeding it to the model you can use either:
Cloud DataFlow: Cloud Dataflow is a fully-managed service for transforming and enriching data in stream (real time) and batch (historical) modes with equal reliability and expressiveness -- no more complex workarounds or compromises needed.
Cloud Dataproc: Dataproc is a fast, easy-to-use, fully managed cloud service for running Apache Spark and Apache Hadoop clusters in a simpler, more cost-efficient way.
Cloud Dataprep: Cloud Dataprep by Trifacta is an intelligent data service for visually exploring, cleaning, and preparing structured and unstructured data for analysis, reporting, and machine learning.
ML training & ML deployment
For training/deploying your ML model I would suggest to use AI platform.
AI Platform makes it easy for machine learning developers, data scientists, and data engineers to take their ML projects from ideation to production and deployment, quickly and cost-effectively.
If you have to work with huge datasets, the best practices are run the model as a Tensorflow job with AI Platform so you can have a training cluster.
Finally for deploying your models using AI Platform, you can take a look here.

Can I use Google Cloud data labeling service to do text classification?

I have a large dataset with lots of news articles, stored in Google Cloud Storage. I want to train a sentiment classifier (positive, negative, neutral). Does Google has a data labeling service that I can use to create the training data? If yes, where can I find the API documentation?
It looks like Google Cloud AutoML Vision supports human labeling for image classification here: However, I didn't find the one for text.
Google Cloud has an alpha version of Data Labeling API, which supports human annotation on text classification, sentiment analysis and other use cases (image, video etc.). You will need to email to get whitelisted so that you can access their API and documentation.

How to improve VNDetectRectanglesRequest to VNDetectCarRequest?

I use VNImageRequestHandler and VNDetectRectanglesRequest to handle request to find rectangles in a image. But since Vision in iOS11 only provide barcode、rectangle、face finding,but I want to find cars in an image ,what should I change code to find specify object in an image?
If you’re looking for Apple to create an API named VNDetectCarRequest you should probably file a feature request. (And if it happens, I’m sure the “Apple is making a car!” rumor mill will start up again...)
For general-purpose image recognition, the path to take with Vision is to use VNCoreMLRequest and supply a machine learning model trained for the image recognition task you have in mind.
On the native programming side, all image recognition/classification tasks are the same — you can start by reusing Apple’s Classifying Images with Vision and Core ML sample code, which sets up VNCoreMLRequest and handles the VNClassificationObservation results it produces. The special sauce that changes a general “what is this” classifier into a “hotdog or not a hotdog” classifier or a “what kind of vehicle is this (if it’s one at all)” classifier is all in the model.
There might be a machine learning model that already does the task you’re looking for out there — if you find one, you can wrap it in a Core ML Model file using the scripts Apple provides.
Otherwise, you’ll need to look at one of the general purpose image classifier models out there (again, there are several already conveniently gathered on and work on specializing / retraining it to your more specific task. That part of your work is outside Apple’s API ecosystem, and there are many possible options. Web searches for “train caffe image model” or “train keras image model” or similar should be helpful there.
Once you’ve trained your model, use the Core ML tools to get it into Core ML to use with Vision.

Annotated images classification

I've got a bunch of images (~3000) which have been manually classified (approved/rejected) based on some business criteria. I've processed these images with Google Cloud Platform obtaining annotations and SafeSearch results, for example (csv format):
file name; approved/rejected; adult; spoof; medical; violence; annotations
I want to use machine learning to be able to predict if a new image should be approved or rejected (second column in the csv file).
Which algorithm should I use?
How should I format the data, especially the annotations column? Should I obtain first all the available annotation types and use them as a feature with the numerical value (0 if it doesn't apply)? Or would it be better to just process the annotation column as text?
I would suggest you try convolutional neural networks.
Maybe the fastest way to test your idea if it will work or not (problem could be the number of images you have, which is quite low), is to use transfer learning with Tensorflow. There are great tutorials made by Magnus Erik Hvass Pedersen, who published them on youtube.
I suggest you go through all the videos, but the important ones are #7 and #8.
Using transfer learning allows you to use the models they build at google to classify images. But with transfer learning, you are able to use your own data with your own labels.
Using this approach you will be able to see if this is suitable for your problem. Then you can dive into convolutional neural networks and create the pipeline that will work the best for your problem.
