I am trying to open from my keyboard extension. I am having custom keyboard and I have add that keyboard from setting. On my custom keyboard there is one button “Show More”, and I want to open my app on this button click.
So I have tried following code :
let context = NSExtensionContext()
context.open(url! as URL, completionHandler: nil)
var responder = self as UIResponder?
while (responder != nil) {
if responder?.responds(to: Selector("openURL:")) == true {
responder?.perform(Selector("openURL:"), with: url)
responder = responder!.next
It is working successfully, but as we know in swift Selector("method_name:") is deprecated and use #selector(classname.methodname(_:)) instead so it is giving warning. And I want to solve that warning. So I have tried as Xcode automatically suggested :
if responder?.responds(to: #selector(UIApplication.openURL(_:))) == true {
responder?.perform(#selector(UIApplication.openURL(_:)), with: url)
Also tried :
if responder?.responds(to: #selector(NSExtensionContext.open(_:))) == true {
responder?.perform(#selector(NSExtensionContext.open(_:)), with: url)
I have also tried others possible ways, but no luck. If anyone know how to do, please let me know.
I referred this link, Julio Bailon’s answer :
openURL not work in Action Extension
Swift 5.0:
Open Info.plist of hosting app.
Add Url Types -> Item 0 -> Url Schemes -> Item 0 : "yourappname"
Url Types -> Item 0 -> Url Schemes -> URL Identifier: "your bundle
Go to Keyboard App:
Add following code properly:
#objc func openURL(_ url: URL) {
func openApp(_ urlstring:String) {
var responder: UIResponder? = self as UIResponder
let selector = #selector(openURL(_:))
while responder != nil {
if responder!.responds(to: selector) && responder != self {
responder!.perform(selector, with: URL(string: urlstring)!)
responder = responder?.next
Call : openApp ("yourappname://your bundle id")
Following code works on Xcode 8.3.3, iOS10, Swift3 without any compiler warnings:
func openUrl(url: URL?) {
let selector = sel_registerName("openURL:")
var responder = self as UIResponder?
while let r = responder, !r.responds(to: selector) {
responder = r.next
_ = responder?.perform(selector, with: url)
guard let url = URL(string: UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString) else { return }
extensionContext?.open(url, completionHandler: { (success) in
if !success {
var responder = self as UIResponder?
while (responder != nil){
let selectorOpenURL = NSSelectorFromString("openURL:")
if responder?.responds(to: selectorOpenURL) == true {
_ = responder?.perform(selectorOpenURL, with: url)
responder = responder?.next
I've 2 siri shortcuts in my App.
I use NSUserActivity to donate these shortcuts. I've also created 2 NSUserActivityTypes in my info.plist.
There are 2 view controllers which handle these shortcuts (1 view controller for 1 shortcut).
If I add 1 siri shortcut from 1 view controller and then go to 2nd view controller the native siri shortcut button (INUIAddVoiceShortcutButton) on 2nd view controller automatically picks the first shortcut (created from 1st view controller) and shows "Added to Siri" with suggested phrase instead of showing "Add to Siri" button. I double checked that each NSUserActivity has different identifier but still somehow its picks the wrong shortcut.
View Controller 1:
let userActivity = NSUserActivity(activityType: "com.activity.type1")
userActivity.isEligibleForSearch = true
userActivity.isEligibleForPrediction = true
userActivity.title = shortcut.title
userActivity.suggestedInvocationPhrase = suggestedPhrase
let attributes = CSSearchableItemAttributeSet(itemContentType: kUTTypeItem as String)
attributes.contentDescription = description
userActivity.contentAttributeSet = attributes
let shortcut = INShortcut(userActivity: userActivity)
let siriButton = INUIAddVoiceShortcutButton(style: .whiteOutline)
siriButton.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
siriButton.shortcut = shortcut
View Controller 2:
let userActivity2 = NSUserActivity(activityType: "com.activity.type2")
userActivity2.isEligibleForSearch = true
userActivity2.isEligibleForPrediction = true
userActivity2.title = shortcut.title
userActivity2.suggestedInvocationPhrase = suggestedPhrase
let attributes = CSSearchableItemAttributeSet(itemContentType: kUTTypeItem as String)
attributes.contentDescription = description
userActivity2.contentAttributeSet = attributes
let shortcut = INShortcut(userActivity: userActivity2)
let siriButton = INUIAddVoiceShortcutButton(style: .whiteOutline)
siriButton.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
siriButton.shortcut = shortcut
A similar thing happens when I delete the App and reinstall without deleting the shortcuts from Phone's Settings App.
Seems like its an IOS bug. I figured out a workaround for this problem. You have to create a new siri button every time the user add/edit the siri shortcut. Before creating siri button do the following things
1- Get all the voice shortcuts from INVoiceShortcutCenter by calling the function. Note that this happens asynchronously, so you need to do it some time before you need the data (e.g. in your AppDelegate). You'll also need to re-load this whenever the user adds a Siri Shortcut (probably in the INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewControllerDelegate.addVoiceShortcutViewController(_:didFinishWith:error) method).
INVoiceShortcutCenter.shared.getAllVoiceShortcuts { (voiceShortcutsFromCenter, error) in
guard let voiceShortcutsFromCenter = voiceShortcutsFromCenter else {
if let error = error as NSError? {
os_log("Failed to fetch voice shortcuts with error: %#", log: OSLog.default, type: .error, error)
self.voiceShortcuts = voiceShortcutsFromCenter
2- In View Controller-1 check if the shortcut is already added or not by iterating all the voice shortcuts
let voiceShorcut = voiceShortcuts.first { (voiceShortcut) -> Bool in
if let activity = voiceShortcut.shortcut.userActivity, activity.activityType == "com.activity.type1" {
return true
return false
3- If your voice shortcut is registered then pass the INShortcut to siri button otherwise don't set it.
if voiceShorcut != nil {
let shortcut = INShortcut(userActivity: userActivity1)
siriButton.shortcut = shortcut
Do the same thing in Second View Controller.
It's iOS 12.0 bug.
You can fix it by update INUIAddVoiceShortcutButton.voiceShortcut with correct value.
Use KVO to observe "voiceShortcut" property and when it change assign correct value to it.
I've moved to intents setup now and I find that even having just one intent setup and working the INUIAddVoiceShortcutButton is not able to track my shortcut. Once phrase is recorded it shows the Added to Siri with phrase.
But every time the app relaunches the Add to Siri button shows up instead of the Added to Siri button with recorded phrase.
I have tried going by Bilal's suggestion and although I can see the INVoiceShortcutCenter showing me my shortcut as present it doesn't loaded it into the Siri button.
My code looks like this for the button itself.
private func addSiriButton() {
let addShortcutButton = INUIAddVoiceShortcutButton(style: .blackOutline)
addShortcutButton.delegate = self
addShortcutButton.shortcut = INShortcut(intent: engine.intent )
addShortcutButton.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
siriButtonSubView.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: addShortcutButton.centerXAnchor).isActive = true
siriButtonSubView.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: addShortcutButton.centerYAnchor).isActive = true
I have all the protocols implement and I had a close look at the Soup app but just can't figure out what drives this inaccuracy.
Funny enough, even British Airways app developers have given up on that as their button has exactly the same fault behaviour.
Update: I've built another test project with minimal amount implementation for the Intent and the Add to Siri and Added to Siri works perfectly. I'm guessing at this point that there is something in my own apps codebase that is causing this unwanted behaviour.
update 2 Just wanted to let everyone know I have fixed the issue. Using intents works fine but there is definitely a little sensitivity in the Intents definition file itself. All I had to do is create a new intent which then was generated and that worked. Seems my initial intent was somehow corrupt but there were no errors. After creating another intent and re-assigning intent handling function to that it all worked as intended. (pun intended)
I encountered this error when I had an existing intent and working configuration, but added a new parameter. However, in my Intent configuration, I had not added the new parameter name to a supported combination under the Shortcuts app section.
For example, if I had two properties myId and myName, and specified them as such:
let intent = MyIntent()
intent.myId = 1234
intent.myName = "banana"
Then I would need a supported combination of myId, myName in my intents definition file. In my particular case, I had forgotten myName so the INUIAddVoiceShortcutButton was attempting to do a lookup using myId, myName but didn't know how.
I just fixed this issue myself by changing my implementation (originally based on the soupchef app) to this code sample provided by apple (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/sirikit/inuiaddvoiceshortcutbutton):
EDIT: I added code that shows how I create and pass in the shortcutObject (INShortcut) for both UserActivity and custom Intent shortcuts.
The Shortcut class is an enum that contains a computed property called intent that returns an instantiation of the custom intent.
private func addShortcutButton(shortcut: Shortcut, parentViewController: UIViewController, shortcutViewControllerDelegate: INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewControllerDelegate) {
guard let view = parentViewController.view else { return }
if let intent = shortcut.intent {
shortcutObject = INShortcut(intent: intent)
} else if let userActivity = view.userActivity {
shortcutObject = INShortcut(userActivity: userActivity)
self.shortcutViewControllerDelegate = shortcutViewControllerDelegate
addSiriButton(to: shortcutButtonContainer)
func addSiriButton(to view: UIView) {
let button = INUIAddVoiceShortcutButton(style: .whiteOutline)
button.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
view.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: button.centerXAnchor).isActive = true
view.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: button.centerYAnchor).isActive = true
button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(addToSiri(_:)), for: .touchUpInside)
// Present the Add Shortcut view controller after the
// user taps the "Add to Siri" button.
func addToSiri(_ sender: Any) {
guard let shortcutObject = shortcutObject else { return }
let viewController = INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewController(shortcut: shortcutObject)
viewController.modalPresentationStyle = .formSheet
viewController.delegate = shortcutViewControllerDelegate
parentViewController?.present(viewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
So we can't use the default Siri button, you have to use custom UIButton.
The class VoiceShortcutsManager will check all the voice intents and then we can search that list check if exist one match if yes so we should suggest edition if not we should suggest adding.
public class VoiceShortcutsManager {
private var voiceShortcuts: [INVoiceShortcut] = []
public init() {
updateVoiceShortcuts(completion: nil)
public func voiceShortcut(for order: DeviceIntent, powerState: State) -> INVoiceShortcut? {
for element in voiceShortcuts {
guard let intent = element.shortcut.intent as? ToggleStateIntent else {
let deviceIntent = DeviceIntent(identifier: intent.device?.identifier, display: intent.device?.displayString ?? "")
if(order == deviceIntent && powerState == intent.state) {
return element
return nil
public func updateVoiceShortcuts(completion: (() -> Void)?) {
INVoiceShortcutCenter.shared.getAllVoiceShortcuts { (voiceShortcutsFromCenter, error) in
guard let voiceShortcutsFromCenter = voiceShortcutsFromCenter else {
if let error = error {
print("Failed to fetch voice shortcuts with error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
self.voiceShortcuts = voiceShortcutsFromCenter
if let completion = completion {
And then implement in your ViewController
class SiriAddViewController: ViewController {
let voiceShortcutManager = VoiceShortcutsManager.init()
override func viewDidLoad() {
contentView.btnTest.addTarget(self, action: #selector(self.testBtn), for: .touchUpInside)
#objc func testBtn() {
let deviceIntent = DeviceIntent(identifier: smartPlug.deviceID, display: smartPlug.alias)
//is action already has a shortcut, update shortcut else create shortcut
if let shortcut = voiceShortcutManager.voiceShortcut(for: deviceIntent, powerState: .off) {
let editVoiceShortcutViewController = INUIEditVoiceShortcutViewController(voiceShortcut: shortcut)
editVoiceShortcutViewController.delegate = self
present(editVoiceShortcutViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
} else if let shortcut = INShortcut(intent: intentTurnOff) {
let addVoiceShortcutVC = INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewController(shortcut: shortcut)
addVoiceShortcutVC.delegate = self
present(addVoiceShortcutVC, animated: true, completion: nil)
#available(iOS 12.0, *)
extension SiriAddViewController: INUIAddVoiceShortcutButtonDelegate {
func present(_ addVoiceShortcutViewController: INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewController, for addVoiceShortcutButton: INUIAddVoiceShortcutButton) {
addVoiceShortcutViewController.delegate = self
addVoiceShortcutViewController.modalPresentationStyle = .formSheet
present(addVoiceShortcutViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
func present(_ editVoiceShortcutViewController: INUIEditVoiceShortcutViewController, for addVoiceShortcutButton: INUIAddVoiceShortcutButton) {
editVoiceShortcutViewController.delegate = self
editVoiceShortcutViewController.modalPresentationStyle = .formSheet
present(editVoiceShortcutViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
#available(iOS 12.0, *)
extension SiriAddViewController: INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewControllerDelegate {
func addVoiceShortcutViewController(_ controller: INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewController, didFinishWith voiceShortcut: INVoiceShortcut?, error: Error?) {
voiceShortcutManager.updateVoiceShortcuts(completion: nil)
controller.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
func addVoiceShortcutViewControllerDidCancel(_ controller: INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewController) {
controller.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
#available(iOS 12.0, *)
extension SiriAddViewController: INUIEditVoiceShortcutViewControllerDelegate {
func editVoiceShortcutViewController(_ controller: INUIEditVoiceShortcutViewController, didUpdate voiceShortcut: INVoiceShortcut?, error: Error?) {
voiceShortcutManager.updateVoiceShortcuts(completion: nil)
controller.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
func editVoiceShortcutViewController(_ controller: INUIEditVoiceShortcutViewController, didDeleteVoiceShortcutWithIdentifier deletedVoiceShortcutIdentifier: UUID) {
voiceShortcutManager.updateVoiceShortcuts(completion: nil)
controller.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
func editVoiceShortcutViewControllerDidCancel(_ controller: INUIEditVoiceShortcutViewController) {
voiceShortcutManager.updateVoiceShortcuts(completion: nil)
controller.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
This code was inspired/copy from this webpage:
My experience with solving this was a little different. Some intents added via the Add to Siri button worked, which adjusted to "Added to Siri", while others didn't. I realised the actions that worked didn't require parameters.
After setting default values for intents that exposed parameters, which are passed into INShortcut (and then assigned to INUIAddVoiceShortcutButton), all buttons updated their state correctly!
I have a Safari share extension where I want the ability to open the main app from within the extension. The user is presented with an alert where they have the option to open the app.
func openAppHandler() {
self.extensionContext?.completeRequest(returningItems: []) { (success) in
if let url = URL(string: "myapp://...") {
self.extensionContext?.open(url, completionHandler: nil)
The alert appears after the method didSelectPost() is called, and as you can see it occurs in the background priority completion block for the extension. The open method says in it's docs "In iOS 8, only the Today extension point (used for creating widgets) supports this method." I'm guessing it's still the case that it's still not supported in the Safari Share Extension.
Does anyone know of a way to open my main app from a share extension?
I found a solution here. I'm not sure if this is technically ok with Apple, but it works just as I need it to.
#objc func openURL(_ url: URL) {
func openContainerApp() {
var responder: UIResponder? = self as UIResponder
let selector = #selector(MyViewController.openURL(_:))
while responder != nil {
if responder!.responds(to: selector) && responder != self {
responder!.perform(selector, with: URL(string: "myapp://url")!)
responder = responder?.next
I am creating an iOS Application iMessage Extension.
According to Example by Apple, I creating a message according to provided logic
guard let url: URL = URL(string: "http://www.google.com") else { return }
let message = composeMessage(url: url)
activeConversation?.insert(message, completionHandler: { [weak self] (error: Error?) in
guard let error = error else { return }
self?.presentAlert(error: error)
private func composeMessage(url: URL) -> MSMessage {
let layout = MSMessageTemplateLayout()
layout.caption = "caption"
layout.subcaption = "subcaption"
layout.trailingSubcaption = "trailing subcaption"
let message = MSMessage()
message.url = url
message.layout = layout
return message
private func presentAlert(error: Error) {
let alertController: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(
title: "Error",
message: error.localizedDescription,
preferredStyle: .alert
let cancelAction: UIAlertAction = UIAlertAction(
title: "OK",
style: .cancel,
handler: nil
animated: true,
completion: nil
As far as I understand, after message is sent, on a click, Safari browser should be opened.
When I click on a sent message, MessageViewController screen takes place in whole screen, without opening safari or another app.
Where is the problem? How can I achieve desired functionality?
Here is the code I use to open a URL from a iMessage extension. It is currently working to open the Music app in the WATUU iMessage application. For instance with the URL
This functionality currently works in iOS 10, 11 and 12
func openInMessagingURL(urlString: String){
if let url = NSURL(string:urlString){
let context = NSExtensionContext()
context.open(url, completionHandler: nil)
var responder = self as UIResponder?
while (responder != nil){
if responder?.responds(to: Selector("openURL:")) == true{
responder?.perform(Selector("openURL:"), with: url)
responder = responder!.next
func openInMessagingURL(urlString: String){
if let url = URL(string:urlString){
let context = NSExtensionContext()
context.open(url, completionHandler: nil)
var responder = self as UIResponder?
while (responder != nil){
if responder?.responds(to: #selector(UIApplication.open(_:options:completionHandler:))) == true{
responder?.perform(#selector(UIApplication.open(_:options:completionHandler:)), with: url)
responder = responder!.next
I think safari Browser only opens for macOS. This worked for me:
override func didSelectMessage(message: MSMessage, conversation: MSConversation) {
if let message = conversation.selectedMessage {
// message selected
// Eg. open your app:
let url = // your apps url
self.extensionContext?.openURL(url, completionHandler: { (success: Bool) in
Using the technique shown by Julio Bailon
Fixed for Swift 4 and that openURL has been deprecated.
Note that the extensionContext?.openURL technique does not work from an iMessage extension - it only opens your current app.
I have posted a full sample app showing the technique on GitHub with the relevant snippet here:
let handler = { (success:Bool) -> () in
if success {
os_log("Finished opening URL")
} else {
os_log("Failed to open URL")
let openSel = #selector(UIApplication.open(_:options:completionHandler:))
while (responder != nil){
if responder?.responds(to: openSel ) == true{
// cannot package up multiple args to openSel so we explicitly call it on the iMessage application instance
// found by iterating up the chain
(responder as? UIApplication)?.open(url, completionHandler:handler) // perform(openSel, with: url)
responder = responder!.next
It seems it is not possible to open an app from a Message Extension, except the companion app contained in the Workspace. We have tried to open Safari from our Message Extension, it did not work, this limitation seems by design.
You could try other scenari to solve your problem :
Webview in Expanded Message Extension
You could have a Webview in your Message Extension, and when you click
on a message, you could open the Expanded mode and open you Url in the
The user won't be in Safari, but the page will be embedded in your Message Extension.
Open the Url in the Companion App
On a click on the message, you could open your Companion app (through
the Url Scheme with MyApp://?myParam=myValue) with a special parameter
; the Companion app should react to this parameter and could redirect
to Safari through OpenUrl.
In this case, you'll several redirects before the WebPage, but it should allow to go back to the conversation.
We have also found that we could instance a SKStoreProductViewController in a Message Extension, if you want to open the Apple Store right in Messages and let the user buy items.
If you only need to insert a link, then you should use activeConversation.insertText and insert the link. Touching the message will open Safari.
openURL in didSelectMessage:conversation: by using extensionContext
handle the URL scheme in your host AppDelegate
It seems I can't open the second app using my method. Nothing happened. Is there any silly mistakes here?
My second app .plist file
My first app code
#IBAction func btnCRM(sender: AnyObject) {
var customURL: NSString = "CRM://"
if (UIApplication.sharedApplication().canOpenURL(NSURL(fileURLWithPath: customURL as String)!)){
UIApplication.sharedApplication().openURL(NSURL(fileURLWithPath: customURL as String)!)
In addition to the URL Schemes under Item 0, you need to add URL identifier which is CFBundleURLName, as outlined here.
try this code:
let url = NSURL(string: "CRM://")
if (UIApplication.sharedApplication().canOpenURL(url!)) {
'openURL' was deprecated in iOS 10.0
Updated version:
guard let url = URL(string: "CRM://"), UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) else {
UIApplication.shared.open(url, options: [:], completionHandler: nil)
Swift 5.7 2023
The code below opens the main application
private func openMainApp() {
self.extensionContext?.completeRequest(returningItems: nil, completionHandler: { _ in
guard let url = URL(string: self.appURL) else {
_ = self.openURL(url)
// Courtesy: https://stackoverflow.com/a/44499222/13363449 👇🏾
// Function must be named exactly like this so a selector can be found by the compiler!
// Anyway - it's another selector in another instance that would be "performed" instead.
#objc private func openURL(_ url: URL) -> Bool {
var responder: UIResponder? = self
while responder != nil {
if let application = responder as? UIApplication {
return application.perform(#selector(openURL(_:)), with: url) != nil
responder = responder?.next
return false
I want to create an Android Style share feature for my app.
I created a share extension which gets called when you select pictures inside the stock photo app and press share.
Now I want those pictures to be sent to the main app and get handled over there.
My question is now:
Can iOS open my app after a button is pressed on the share extension window?
How do I get the picture files inside my main app?
Swift 4+ (tested on iOS 13)
#objc should be added to the declaration of openURL, that is,
#objc func openURL(_ url: URL) -> Bool {
// Code below.
Without it one would see this compiler error:
Argument of '#selector' refers to instance method 'openURL' that is not exposed to Objective-C
Working solution in Swift 3.1 (tested in iOS10):
You need to create your own URL Scheme, then add this function to your ViewController and call it with openURL("myScheme://myIdentifier")
// Function must be named exactly like this so a selector can be found by the compiler!
// Anyway - it's another selector in another instance that would be "performed" instead.
func openURL(_ url: URL) -> Bool {
var responder: UIResponder? = self
while responder != nil {
if let application = responder as? UIApplication {
return application.perform(#selector(openURL(_:)), with: url) != nil
responder = responder?.next
return false
Edit: Notes for clarification:
openURL is a method of UIApplication - since your ShareExtension is not derived from UIApplication I added my own openURL with the same definition as the one from UIApplication to keep the compiler happy (so that #selector(openURL(_:) can be found).
Then I go through the responders until I find one that is really derived from UIApplication and call openURL on that.
More stripped-down-example-code which copies files in a ShareExtension to a local directory, serializing filenames and calling openURL on another app:
// ShareViewController.swift
import UIKit
import Social
import MobileCoreServices
class ShareViewController: UIViewController {
var docPath = ""
override func viewDidLoad() {
let containerURL = FileManager().containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: "group.com.my-domain")!
docPath = "\(containerURL.path)/share"
// Create directory if not exists
do {
try FileManager.default.createDirectory(atPath: docPath, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)
} catch let error as NSError {
print("Could not create the directory \(error)")
} catch {
// removing previous stored files
let files = try! FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(atPath: docPath)
for file in files {
try? FileManager.default.removeItem(at: URL(fileURLWithPath: "\(docPath)/\(file)"))
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
let alertView = UIAlertController(title: "Export", message: " ", preferredStyle: .alert)
self.present(alertView, animated: true, completion: {
let group = DispatchGroup()
NSLog("inputItems: \(self.extensionContext!.inputItems.count)")
for item: Any in self.extensionContext!.inputItems {
let inputItem = item as! NSExtensionItem
for provider: Any in inputItem.attachments! {
let itemProvider = provider as! NSItemProvider
itemProvider.loadItem(forTypeIdentifier: kUTTypeData as String, options: nil) { data, error in
if error == nil {
// Note: "data" may be another type (e.g. Data or UIImage). Casting to URL may fail. Better use switch-statement for other types.
// "screenshot-tool" from iOS11 will give you an UIImage here
let url = data as! URL
let path = "\(self.docPath)/\(url.pathComponents.last ?? "")"
print(">>> sharepath: \(String(describing: url.path))")
try? FileManager.default.copyItem(at: url, to: URL(fileURLWithPath: path))
} else {
group.notify(queue: DispatchQueue.main) {
let files = try! FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(atPath: self.docPath)
NSLog("directory: \(files)")
// Serialize filenames, call openURL:
do {
let jsonData : Data = try JSONSerialization.data(
withJSONObject: [
"action" : "incoming-files"
options: JSONSerialization.WritingOptions.init(rawValue: 0))
let jsonString = (NSString(data: jsonData, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)! as String).addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlQueryAllowed)
let result = self.openURL(URL(string: "myapp://com.myapp.share?\(jsonString!)")!)
} catch {
alertView.message = "Error: \(error.localizedDescription)"
self.dismiss(animated: false) {
self.extensionContext!.completeRequest(returningItems: [], completionHandler: nil)
// Function must be named exactly like this so a selector can be found by the compiler!
// Anyway - it's another selector in another instance that would be "performed" instead.
#objc func openURL(_ url: URL) -> Bool {
var responder: UIResponder? = self
while responder != nil {
if let application = responder as? UIApplication {
return application.perform(#selector(openURL(_:)), with: url) != nil
responder = responder?.next
return false
Technically you can't open containing app from share extension, but you can schedule local notification, and that's what I end up doing. Just before I call super.didSelectPost, I schedule local notification with some text, and if user wants to open containing app, they can, and if not - they can continue with their workflow. I even think its a better approach than automatically opening containing app and disrupting what they are doing.
Currently there's no way to do this. A share extension cannot open the containing app.
The intended approach for share extensions is that they handle all of the necessary work themselves. Extensions can share code with their containing apps by using custom frameworks, so in most cases that's no problem.
If you want to make data available to your app, you can set up an app group so that you have a shared directory. The extension can write data there, and the app can read it. That won't happen until the next time the user launches the app, though.
I opened the host app from shared extension with a trick.
Using a webview with clear background color.
below is the code
NSString *customURL = #"MY_HOST_URL_SCHEME_APP://";
UIWebView *webView = [[UIWebView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 300, 400)];
webView.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
webView.tintColor = [UIColor clearColor];
[webView setOpaque:NO];
[self.view addSubview:webView];
NSURLRequest *urlRequest = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:customURL]];
[webView loadRequest:urlRequest];
[self didSelectCancel];
Implement custom url schema in host app and call openURL(url:) method
like openURL(url:NSURL(string:"schema_name://"))
extension SLComposeServiceViewController {
func openURL(url: NSURL) -> Bool {
do {
let application = try self.sharedApplication()
return application.performSelector("openURL:", withObject: url) != nil
catch {
return false
func sharedApplication() throws -> UIApplication {
var responder: UIResponder? = self
while responder != nil {
if let application = responder as? UIApplication {
return application
responder = responder?.nextResponder()
throw NSError(domain: "UIInputViewController+sharedApplication.swift", code: 1, userInfo: nil)
Xamarin.iOS version of #coyer answer:
using System;
using Foundation;
using UIKit;
using MobileCoreServices;
using CoreFoundation;
using System.Linq;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using ObjCRuntime;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Your.ShareExtension
public partial class ShareViewController : UIViewController
public ShareViewController(IntPtr handle) : base(handle)
string docPath = "";
public override void ViewDidLoad()
var containerURL = new NSFileManager().GetContainerUrl("group.com.qsiga.startbss");
docPath = $"{containerURL.Path}/share";
// Create directory if not exists
NSFileManager.DefaultManager.CreateDirectory(docPath, true, null);
catch (Exception e)
{ }
// removing previous stored files
NSError contentError;
var files = NSFileManager.DefaultManager.GetDirectoryContent(docPath, out contentError);
foreach (var file in files)
NSError err;
NSFileManager.DefaultManager.Remove($"{docPath}/{file}", out err);
catch (Exception e)
{ }
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("ShareViewController exception: " + e);
public override void ViewDidAppear(bool animated)
var alertView = UIAlertController.Create("Export", " ", UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert);
PresentViewController(alertView, true, () =>
var group = new DispatchGroup();
foreach (var item in ExtensionContext.InputItems)
var inputItem = item as NSExtensionItem;
foreach (var provider in inputItem.Attachments)
var itemProvider = provider as NSItemProvider;
itemProvider.LoadItem(UTType.Data.ToString(), null, (data, error) =>
if (error == null)
// Note: "data" may be another type (e.g. Data or UIImage). Casting to URL may fail. Better use switch-statement for other types.
// "screenshot-tool" from iOS11 will give you an UIImage here
var url = data as NSUrl;
var path = $"{docPath}/{(url.PathComponents.LastOrDefault() ?? "")}";
NSError err;
NSFileManager.DefaultManager.Copy(url, NSUrl.CreateFileUrl(path, null), out err);
group.Notify(DispatchQueue.MainQueue, () =>
var jsonData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "action", "incoming-files" } });
var jsonString = NSString.FromData(jsonData, NSStringEncoding.UTF8).CreateStringByAddingPercentEncoding(NSUrlUtilities_NSCharacterSet.UrlQueryAllowedCharacterSet);
var result = openURL(new NSUrl($"startbss://share?{jsonString}"));
catch (Exception e)
alertView.Message = $"Error: {e.Message}";
DismissViewController(false, () =>
ExtensionContext?.CompleteRequest(new NSExtensionItem[] { }, null);
public bool openURL(NSUrl url)
UIResponder responder = this;
while (responder != null)
var application = responder as UIApplication;
if (application != null)
return CallSelector(application, url);
responder = responder?.NextResponder;
return false;
[DllImport(Constants.ObjectiveCLibrary, EntryPoint = "objc_msgSend")]
static extern bool _callSelector(
IntPtr target,
IntPtr selector,
IntPtr url,
IntPtr options,
IntPtr completionHandler
private bool CallSelector(UIApplication application, NSUrl url)
Selector selector = new Selector("openURL:options:completionHandler:");
return _callSelector(
I'm able to get this working by accessing the shared UIApplication instance via key-value coding and calling openURL on that:
let application = UIApplication.value(forKeyPath: #keyPath(UIApplication.shared)) as! UIApplication
let selector = NSSelectorFromString("openURL:")
let url = URL(string: "jptest://")!
application.perform(selector, with: url)
I was having this problem, and in iOS 11+ none of the previous answers work. I ended up adding a completion handler to my JavaScript code, and from there setting window.location="myapp://". It's a bit hacky but it doesn't look to bad and the user can follow along.
Not only there is no way (and won't be) to do this:
there is no NEED to handle this in the app.
The extension is supposed to handle this with the very
same codebase as the main app. You should create a framework
with extension safe API shared between the app and the extesnion targets.
This is the top topic here:
Extra rationale: in the extension you'd have to work with a much
smaller memory allowance meaning: if you use the images
of decent size as in the main app you will likely crash and burn.
In extension you'd have to work with jpeg or reasonable small size
and even then make sure size is small enough otherwise you'd be booted out trying to unpack the image from disk into memory
(see size limitation above)
EDIT: This solution works for today extension (Widget).
An extension can open the hosting app:
- (IBAction)launchHostingApp:(id)sender
NSURL *pjURL = [NSURL URLWithString:#"hostingapp://home"];
[self.extensionContext openURL:pjURL completionHandler:nil];
And like Apple says in Handling Commons Scenarios :
An extension doesn’t directly tell its containing app to open; instead, it uses the openURL:completionHandler: method of NSExtensionContext to tell the system to open its containing app. When an extension uses this method to open a URL, the system validates the request before fulfilling it.