Why an application starts with FPU Control Word different than Default8087CW? - delphi

Could you please help me to understand what is going on with FPU Control Word in my Delphi application, on Win32 platform.
When we create a new VCL application, the control word is set up to 1372h. This is the first thing I don't understand, why it is 1372h instead of 1332h which is the Default8087CW defined in System unit.
The difference between these two:
1001101110010 //1372h
1001100110010 //1332h
is the 6th bit which according to documentation is reserved or not used.
The second question regards CreateOleObject.
function CreateOleObject(const ClassName: string): IDispatch;
ClassID := ProgIDToClassID(ClassName);
Set8087CW( Default8087CW or $08);
OleCheck(CoCreateInstance(ClassID, nil, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER or
CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IDispatch, Result));
on E: EOleSysError do
raise EOleSysError.Create(Format('%s, ProgID: "%s"',[E.Message, ClassName]),E.ErrorCode,0) { Do not localize }
The above function is changing control word to 137Ah, so it is turning on the 3rd bit (Overflow Mask). I don't understand why it is calling Reset8087CW after, instead of restoring the state of the word which was before entering into the function?

The 6th bit is reserved and ignored. Those two control words are in fact equal in the sense that the FPU behaves the same. The system just happens to set the reserved bit. Even if you attempt to set the value to $1332, the system will set it to $1372. No matter what value you ask the 6th bit to have, it will always be set. So, when comparing these values you have to ignore that bit. Nothing to worry about here.
As for CreateOleObject the authors decided that if you are going to use that function then you are also going to mask overflow when using the COM object, and indeed beyond. Who knows why they did so, and for 32 bit code only? Probably they found a bunch of COM objects that routinely overflowed, and so added this sticking plaster. It wasn't enough to mask overflow on creation, it also need to be done when using the object so The RTL designers chose to unmask overflow henceforth.
Or perhaps it was a bug. They decided not to fix it for 32 bit code because people relied on the behaviour, but they did fix for 64 bit code.
In any case this function does nothing very special. You don't need to use it. You can write your own that does what you want it to do.
Floating point control is a problem when working with interop. Delphi code expects unmasked exceptions. Code built with other tools typically masks them. Ideally you would mask exceptions when you call out of your Delphi code and unmask them on return. Expect other libraries to arbitrarily change the control word. Also be aware that Set8087CW is not thread safe which is a massive problem that Embarcadero have refused to address for many years.
There's no easy way forward. If you aren't using floating point in your program then you could simply mask exceptions and probably be fine. Otherwise you need to make sure that the control word is set appropriately at all points in all threads. In general that is close to impossible using the standard Delphi RTL. I personally handle this by replacing the key parts of the RTL with threadsafe versions. I have documented how to do so in this QC report: QC#107411.

Disclaimer: I debugged the questions in Delphi XE.
First, the second question.
If you look at the code of Set8087CW you will see that it stores the new FPU CW value in Default8087CW variable, and Reset8087CW restores FPU CW from Default8087CW; so the Reset8087CW call after Set8087CW does nothing at all, which is demonstrated by
Memo1.Lines.Add(IntToHex(Get8087CW, 4)); // 1372
Set8087CW( Default8087CW or $08);
Memo1.Lines.Add(IntToHex(Get8087CW, 4)); // 137A
Memo1.Lines.Add(IntToHex(Get8087CW, 4)); // 137A
Evidently a bug.
Now the first question - it was interesting debugging exercise.
The Default8087CW value of Delphi VCL application is changed from hex 1332 to 1372 by Windows.CreateWindowEx function, called from Classes.AllocateHWnd, called from TApplication.Create, called from initialization section of Controls.pas unit.
Have a look at CreateWindowEx code - it explains what happens. I don't really want to discuss it further - the FPU support in Delphi is too messy and buggy.


How to handle spurious "H2077 Value assigned to '%s' never used" messages without suppressing all hints?

Delphi (10.3 Rio) emits spurious H2077 warnings for code like:
x := TFoo.Create;
y := nil;
y := function_that_can_throw;
// use x and y
Note: the warning would still be unwanted even if the compiler could prove that the function cannot throw, since AFAIK there is no way to lock the function into non-throwingness by declaring it nothrow as in other languages and to assert the nothrow property at the call site. Hence the code must be written under the assumption that the function can throw.
I would like to suppress the unhelpful/erroneous hint, but apparently it is not possible to suppress hint H2077 specifically, only all hints or none. I would like to leave hints enabled if possible, so I'm wondering if there is another option for suppressing H2077 in this situation.
Also, I would like to avoid having to code a redundant second try/finally frame, since it clutters the source and creates unnecessary object code. The simplest and most obvious alternative - calling an empty dummy procedure like pretend_to_use(y) which takes a TObject parameter and does nothing with it - would create an unnecessary global dependency and most likely superfluous function calls as well. Hence I'd like your advice on a better solution...
EDIT: it turns out that Andreas has a point and the above snippet does not create the spurious warning (special coding in the compiler?). Here is an amended snippet that does cause the unwanted hint:
y := nil;
y := function_that_can_throw;
// use y and the Indy stack
The Indy stack thing is from something I'm currently working on, but entering/leaving critical sections would perhaps be a more common situation.
If you really want to suppress H2077, here's how I do it.
In my "utilities include" unit I have routines like:
procedure preventCompilerHint(I: integer); overload;
procedure preventCompilerHint(S: string); overload;
These are EMPTY routines, consisting simply of begin end; blocks.
I simply call these routines to show the compiler that I am actually "using" the variable in question.
If you're like me & like to be able to do a build and see zero hints and zero warnings... Well, this is how I handle the H2077.
Some may say this is less than elegant. At times that may be true. At other times I simply want to suppress this hint and move on.
Do with this as you will...
NOTE: I removed the sample code as (a) it wasn't related to my suggestion here; and (b) it was generating more interest than the suggestion itself.

Delphi DLL (in XE) must handle TStringList (D2007, Ansi)

The DLL was originally written in D2007 and needed a quick, panic TStringList call (yes, it was one of those “I’m sure to regret”; though all the calls to the DLL, made by several modules, are all made by Delphi code and I wrongly presumed/hoped backwards compatibility when XE came out).
So now I’m moving the DLL to XE5 (& thus Unicode) and must maintain the call for compatibility. The worst case is I simply write a new DLL only for XE while keeping the old one for legacy, but feel there should be no reason why XE couldn’t deconstruct/overrride to an {ANSI} TStringList parameter. But my Delphi behind-the-scenes knowledge is not robust and a couple of attempts have not succeeded.
Here is the DLL call – it takes a list of file paths and in this stripped-down code, simply adds each string to an internal list (that is all the DLL does with the parameter, a single read-only reference):
function ViewFileList ( lstPaths: TStringList): Integer; Export; Stdcall;
for iCount := 0 to lstPaths.Count - 1 do
What I found is that when I compiled this in XE5, that lstPaths.Count is correct, so the basic structure aligns. But the strings were garbage. It seems the mismatch would be two-fold: (a) the string content naturally is being interpreted as two-bytes per character; (b) there is no Element size (at position -10) and code page (at position -12; so yes, garbage strings). I am also vaguely aware of behind-the-scenes memory management, though I only do read-only access. But the actual string pointers themselves should be correct (??) and thus is there a way to coerce my way through?
So, regardless of whether I have any of that right, is there any solution? Thanks in advance.
What you perhaps don't yet realise is that your code has always been wrong. In general, it is not supported to pass Delphi objects across module boundaries. You can make it work so long as you understand the implementation very well, so long as you don't call virtual methods, so long as you don't do memory allocation, so long as you use the same compiler on both sides, and probably many other reasons. Either use runtime packages (also requires same compiler on both sides), or use interop safe types (integers, floats, null terminated character arrays, pointers, records and arrays of interop safe types, etc.)
There's really no simple solution here. It should never have worked in the first place and if it did then you have been very unlucky. Unlucky because a much better outcome would have been a failure that would have led you to doing it properly.
Perhaps the best thing you can do is make an adapter DLL. The architecture goes like this, from bottom to top:
Original Delphi 2007 DLL at the bottom, with the bogus export that requires D2007 string list to be supplied.
New adapter Delphi 2007 DLL in the middle. It calls the bogus export, and is able to supply a D2007 string list. The adapter DLL exposes a proper interface that does not require Delphi objects to be passed across the module boundary.
New XE5 executable at the top. This talks to the adapter, but does so using valid interop types.
David and Jerry already told you what you should do - re-write the DLL to do the right thing when it comes to passing interop-safe data across module boundaries. However, to answer your actual question:
the actual string pointers themselves should be correct (??) and thus is there a way to coerce my way through?
So, regardless of whether I have any of that right, is there any solution?
You can try the following. It is dangerous, but it should work, if a re-write is not an option for you at this time:
// the ASSUMPTION here is that the caller has been compiled in D2007 or earlier,
// and thus is passing an AnsiString-based TStringList object. When this DLL is
// compiled in Delphi 2009 or later, TStringList is UnicodeString-based instead,
// so we have to re-interpret the data a little.
// The basic structure of TStringList itself should be the same, just the string
// content is different. For backwards compatibility, the refcnt and length
// fields of the StrRec record found in every AnsiString/UnicodeString payload
// are still at the same offsets. Delphi 2009 added some new fields, but we can
// ignore those here.
// Of course, XE is the version that removed the RTL support code for the {$STRINGCHECKS}
// compiler directive, which handled all of these details in Delphi 2009 and 2010
// when users were first migrating to Unicode. But in XE, we'll have to deal with
// it manually.
// These assumptions may change in future versions, but lets deal with that if/when
// the time comes...
function ViewFileList ( lstPaths: TStringList): Integer; Export; Stdcall;
tmp: AnsiString;
for iCount := 0 to lstPaths.Count - 1 do
// the DLL is being compiled in Delphi 2009 or later...
// the Length(String) function simply returns the value of the string's
// StrRec.length field, which fortunately is in the same location in
// both pre-2009 AnsiString and 2009+ AnsiString/UnicodeString, and in
// this case will reflect the number of AnsiChar elements in the source
// AnsiString. We cannot simply typecast a "UnicodeString" directly to
// a PAnsiChar, nor can we typecast a PWideChar to a PAnsiChar, but we
// can typecast a string to a Pointer first and then cast that to a
// PAnsiChar. This code is assuming that it can safely get a pointer to
// the source AnsiString's underlying character data to make a local
// copy of it that can then be added to the internal list normally.
// Where this MIGHT fail is if the source AnsiString contains a reference
// to a string literal (StrRec.refcnt=-1) for its character data, in
// which case the RTL will try to copy the character data when assigning
// the source string to a variable, such as the one the compiler is
// likely to generate for itself to receive the TStringList.Strings[]
// property value before it can be casted to a Pointer. If that happens,
// this is likely to crash when the RTL tries to copy too many bytes from
// the source AnsiString! You can use the StringRefCount() function to
// detect that condition and do something else, if needed.
// But, if the source AnsiString is a normal allocated string (the usual
// case), then this should work OK. Even with the compiler-generated
// variable in play, the compiler should simply bump the reference count
// of the source AnsiString, without affecting the underlying character
// data, just long enough for this code to copy the data and release the
// reference count...
SetString(tmp, PAnsiChar(Pointer(lstPaths.strings[iCount])), Length(lstPaths.strings[iCount]) * SizeOf(AnsiChar));
// the DLL is being compiled in Delphi 2007 or earlier, so just add the
// source AnsiString as-is and let the RTL do its work normally...

Why do I get access violations when a control's class name is very, very long?

I subclassed a control in order so I can add a few fields that I need, but now when I create it at runtime I get an Access Violation. Unfortunately this Access Violation doesn't happen at the place where I'm creating the control, and even those I'm building with all debug options enabled (including "Build with debug DCU's") the stack trace doesn't help me at all!
In my attempt to reproduce the error I tried creating a console application, but apparently this error only shows up in a Forms application, and only if my control is actually shown on a form!
Here are the steps to reproduce the error. Create a new VCL Forms application, drop a single button, double-click to create the OnClick handler and write this:
type TWinControl<T,K,W> = class(TWinControl);
procedure TForm3.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
with TWinControl<TWinControl, TWinControl, TWinControl>.Create(Self) do
Parent := Self;
This successively generates the Access Violation, every time I tried. Only tested this on Delphi 2010 as that's the only version I've got on this computer.
The questions would be:
Is this a known bug in Delphi's Generics?
Is there a workaround for this?
Here's the link to the QC report: http://qc.embarcadero.com/wc/qcmain.aspx?d=112101
First of all, this has nothing to do with generics, but is a lot more likely to manifest when generics are being used. It turns out there's a buffer overflow bug in TControl.CreateParams. If you look at the code, you'll notice it fills a TCreateParams structure, and especially important, it fills the TCreateParams.WinClassName with the name of the current class (the ClassName). Unfortunately WinClassName is a fixed length buffer of only 64 char's, but that needs to include the NULL-terminator; so effectively a 64 char long ClassName will overflow that buffer!
It can be tested with this code:
TLongWinControlClassName4567890123456789012345678901234567891234 = class(TWinControl)
procedure TForm3.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
with TLongWinControlClassName4567890123456789012345678901234567891234.Create(Self) do
Parent := Self;
That class name is exactly 64 characters long. Make it one character shorter and the error goes away!
This is a lot more likely to happen when using generics because of the way Delphi constructs the ClassName: it includes the unit name where the parameter type is declared, plus a dot, then the name of the parameter type. For example, the TWinControl<TWinControl, TWinControl, TWinControl> class has the following ClassName:
That's 75 characters long, over the 63 limit.
I adopted a simple error message from the potentially-error-generating class. Something like this, from the constructor:
constructor TWinControl<T, K, W>.Create(aOwner: TComponent);
if Length(ClassName) > 63 then raise Exception.Create('The resulting ClassName is too long: ' + ClassName);
At least this shows a decent error message that one can immediately act upon.
Later Edit, True Workaround
The previous solution (raising an error) works fine for a non-generic class that has a realy-realy long name; One would very likely be able to shorten it, make it 63 chars or less. That's not the case with generic types: I ran into this problem with a TWinControl descendant that took 2 type parameters, so it was of the form:
TMyControlName<Type1, Type2>
The gnerate ClassName for a concrete type based on this generic type takes the form:
so it includes 5 identifiers (2x unit identifier + 3x type identifier) + 5 symbols (<.,.>); The average length of those 5 identifiers need to be less then 12 chars each, or else the total length is over 63: 5x12+5 = 65. Using only 11-12 characters per identifier is very little and goes against best practices (ie: use long descriptive names because keystrokes are free!). Again, in my case, I simply couldn't make my identifiers that short.
Considering how shortening the ClassName is not always possible, I figured I'd attempt removing the cause of the problem (the buffer overflow). Unfortunately that's very difficult because the error originates from TWinControl.CreateParams, at the bottom of the CreateParams hierarchy. We can't NOT call inherited because CreateParams is used all along the inheritance chain to build the window creation parameters. Not calling it would require duplicating all the code in the base TWinControl.CreateParams PLUS all the code in intermediary classes; It would also not be very portable, since any of that code might change with future versions of the VCL (or future version of 3rd party controls we might be subclassing).
The following solution doesn't stop TWinControl.CreateParams from overflowing the buffer, but makes it harmless and then (when the inherited call returns) fixes the problem. I'm using a new record (so I have control over the layout) that includes the original TCreateParams but pads it with lots of space for TWinControl.CreateParams to overflow into. TWinControl.CreateParams overflows all it wants, I then read the complete text and make it so it fits the original bounds of the record also making sure the resulting shortened name is reasonably likely to be unique. I'm including the a HASH of the original ClassName in the WndName to help with the uniqueness issue:
TWrappedCreateParamsRecord = record
Orignial: TCreateParams;
SpaceForCreateParamsToSafelyOverflow: array[0..2047] of Char;
procedure TExtraExtraLongWinControlDescendantClassName_0123456789_0123456789_0123456789_0123456789.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
var Wrapp: TWrappedCreateParamsRecord;
Hashcode: Integer;
HashStr: string;
// Do I need to take special care?
if Length(ClassName) >= Length(Params.WinClassName) then
// Letting the code go through will cause an Access Violation because of the
// Buffer Overflow in TWinControl.CreateParams; Yet we do need to let the
// inherited call go through, or else parent classes don't get the chance
// to manipulate the Params structure. Since we can't fix the root cause (we
// can't stop TWinControl.CreateParams from overflowing), let's make sure the
// overflow will be harmless.
ZeroMemory(#Wrapp, SizeOf(Wrapp));
Move(Params, Wrapp.Orignial, SizeOf(TCreateParams));
// Call the original CreateParams; It'll still overflow, but it'll probably be hurmless since we just
// padded the orginal data structure with a substantial ammount of space.
inherited CreateParams(Wrapp.Orignial);
// The data needs to move back into the "Params" structure, but before we can do that
// we should FIX the overflown buffer. We can't simply trunc it to 64, and we don't want
// the overhead of keeping track of all the variants of this class we might encounter.
// Note: Think of GENERIC classes, where you write this code once, but there might
// be many-many different ClassNames at runtime!
// My idea is to FIX this by keeping as much of the original name as possible, but
// including the HASH value of the full name into the window name; If the HASH function
// is any good then the resulting name as a very high probability of being Unique. We'll
// use the default Hash function used for Delphi's generics.
HashCode := TEqualityComparer<string>.Default.GetHashCode(PChar(#Wrapp.Orignial.WinClassName));
HashStr := IntToHex(HashCode, 8);
Move(HashStr[1], Wrapp.Orignial.WinClassName[High(Wrapp.Orignial.WinClassName)-8], 8*SizeOf(Char));
Wrapp.Orignial.WinClassName[High(Wrapp.Orignial.WinClassName)] := #0;
// Move the TCreateParams record back were we've got it from
Move(Wrapp.Orignial, Params, SizeOf(TCreateParams));

Does Delphi compiler perform optimization?

I am using Delphi 7 IDE. Does Delphi compiler optimize codes, just like what the C++ compiler is doing in this following link?
WCHAR szPassword[MAX_PATH];
// Retrieve the password
if (GetPasswordFromUser(szPassword, MAX_PATH))
// Clear the password from memory
SecureZeroMemory(szPassword, sizeof(szPassword));
If ZeroMemory were called in this example instead of SecureZeroMemory, the compiler could optimize the call because the szPassword buffer is not read from before it goes out of scope. The password would remain on the application stack where it could be captured in a crash dump or probed by a malicious application.
Yes, of course Delphi performs optimizations. However, it does not perform the optimization that the SecureZeroMemory function is meant to circumvent. There is no need to use that function in Delphi; just use plain old ZeroMemory, or even FillChar. They're not macros, and they don't do anything that Delphi recognizes as being unused assignment statements that could get optimized out.
Delphi performs code optimization by default, you can disable it in Project > Options > Compiler.
The Delphi help provide a few tips of what type of optimizations are used:
The $O directive controls code optimization. In the {$O+} state, the compiler performs a number of code optimizations, such as placing variables in CPU registers, eliminating common subexpressions, and generating induction variables.
It also states that "the compiler performs no "unsafe" optimizations", but in the sense that they won't alter the execution path, not from a security point of view.
Delphi certainly optimizes code (it is a modern, and excellent, compiler). Another example of optimization deleting lines is:
SomeFunction(); // Set breakpoint here, then step (F10)
myInt := 7; // Next line will not hit this...
myInt := 13; // ...but will instead skip to here
I like to ensure optimization is in the correct state (and not accidentally left switched on or off) by adding {$I MyProjectOptions.inc} in every .pas file in my project. This goes just below the unit name (right at the top of the file). In "MyProjectOptions.inc" you simply add this code:
// Is this a debug or non-debug build?
{$IF Defined(DEBUG)}
{$O-} // Turn optimization off
{$O+} // Ensure optimisation is on
Finally, ensure you have defined "DEBUG" and "NDEBUG" (or your equivalent in older versions of Delphi) in the Conditional defines section of Project > Options > Diectories/Conditionals.
I don't believe the compiler will ever eliminate apparently dead code like this. I have never had trouble setting breakpoints on code that could have been eliminated as redundant.
For some scenarios, the compiler can detect if the code is unreachable and eliminate the code.
For instance, the compiler correctly eliminates the "unreachable" portion of the code below.
It will not generate code for that line so:
So there are no blue bullets indicating there is code
Breakpoints put on that line will be marked visually as 'not reachable'
Just tested in Delphi XE, but older Delphi versions have similar behaviour.
program Project1;
procedure Test;
if (True = False) then
on E: Exception do
Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message);
It takes quite some while to learn when (or when not) the optimizer on code level and liker level kicks in.
For instance: When you have optimizations turned on, the compiler will also eliminate variables as soon as they are not used.
Sometimes, it even eliminates global symbols.
Danny Thorpe (former Delphi Compiler engineer and Chief Scientist) once wrote a magic method Touch that prevents this.
Just call this Touch method at the end of your method to fool the optimizer during debugging:
procedure Touch(var arg);

Why is Self assignable in Delphi?

This code in a GUI application compiles and runs:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
Self := TForm1.Create(Owner);
(tested with Delphi 6 and 2009)
why is Self writable and not read-only?
in which situations could this be useful?
is this also possible in Delphi Prism? (I think yes it is, see here)
Delphi applications/libraries which make use of Self assignment:
That's not as bad as it could be. I just tested it in Delphi 2009, and it would seem that, while the Self parameter doesn't use const semantics, which you seem to be implying it should, it also doesn't use var semantics, so you can change it all you want within your method without actually losing the reference the caller holds to your object. That would be a very bad thing.
As for the reason why, one of two answers. Either a simple oversight, or what Marco suggested: to allow you to pass Self to a var parameter.
Maybe to allow passing to const or var parameters?
It could be an artefact, since system doesn't have self anywhere on the left of := sign.
Assigning to Self is so illogical and useless that this 'feature' is probably an oversight. And as with assignable constants, it's not always easy to correct such problems.
The simple advice here is: don't do it.
In reality, "Self" is just a name reference to a place on the stack that store address pointing to object in the heap. Forcing read-only on this variable is possible, apparently the designer decided not to. I believe the decision is arbitrary.
Can't see any case where this is useful, that'd merely change a value in stack. Also, changing this value can be dangerous as there is no guarantee that the behavior of the code that reference instance's member will be consistence across compiler versions.
Updated: In response to PatrickvL comment
The 'variable' "Self" is not on the
stack (to my knowledge, it never is);
Instead it's value is put in a
register (EAX to be exact) just before
a call to any object method is made. –
Nope, Self has actual address on the memory. Try this code to see for yourself.
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
newform: TForm;
p: ^Integer;
Self.Caption := 'TheOriginal';
newform := TForm.Create(nil);
newform.Caption := 'TheNewOne';
// The following two lines is, technically, the same as
// Self := newform;
p := Pointer(#Self);
p^ := Integer(newform);
ShowMessage(Self.Caption); // This will show 'TheNewOne' instead of 'TheOriginal'
Self.Free; // Relax, this will free TheNewOne rather than TheOriginal
Sometimes, when you want to optimize a method for as far as you can take it (without resorting to assembly), 'Self' can be (ab)used as a 'free' variable - it could just mean the difference between using stack and using registers.
Sure, the contents of the stack are most probably already present in the CPU cache, so it should be fast to access, but registers are even faster still.
As a sidenote : I'm still missing the days when I was programming on the Amiga's Motorola 68000 and had the luxury of 16 data and 16 address registers.... I can't believe the world chose to go with the limited 4 registers of the 80x86 line of processors!
And as a final note, I choose to use Self sometimes, as the Delphi's optimizer is, well, not optimizing that well, actually. (At least, it pales compared to what trickery one can find in the various LLVM optimizers for example.) IMHO, and YMMV of course.
