Rails 5 Rspec receive with ActionController::Params - ruby-on-rails

I have just upgraded to Rails 5. In my specs I have the following
expect(model).to receive(:update).with(foo: 'bar')
But, since params no longer extends Hash but is now ActionController::Parameters the specs are failing because with() is expecting a hash but it is actually ActionController::Parameters
Is there a better way of doing the same thing in Rspec such as a different method with_hash?
I can get around the issue using
expect(model).to receive(:update).with(hash_including(foo: 'bar'))
But that is just checking if the params includes that hash, not checking for an exact match.

You could do:
params = ActionController::Parameters.new(foo: 'bar')
expect(model).to receive(:update).with(params)
However it still smells - you should be testing the behaviour of the application - not how it does its job.
expect {
patch model_path(model), params: { foo: 'bar' }
}.to change(model, :foo).to('bar')
This is how I would test the integration of a controller:
require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.describe "Things", type: :request do
describe "PATCH /things/:id" do
let!(:thing) { create(:thing) }
let(:action) do
patch things_path(thing), params: { thing: attributes }
context "with invalid params" do
let(:attributes) { { name: '' } }
it "does not alter the thing" do
expect do
end.to_not change(thing, :name)
expect(response).to have_status :bad_entity
context "with valid params" do
let(:attributes) { { name: 'Foo' } }
it "updates the thing" do
expect do
end.to change(thing, :name).to('Foo')
expect(response).to be_successful
Is touching the database in a spec inheritenly bad?
No. When you are testing something like a controller the most accurate way to test it is by driving the full stack. If we in this case had stubbed out #thing.update we could have missed for example that the database driver threw an error because we where using the wrong SQL syntax.
If you are for example testing scopes on a model then a spec that stubs out the DB will give you little to no value.
Stubbing may give you a fast test suite that is extremely brittle due to tight coupling and that lets plenty of bugs slip through the cracks.

I handled this by creating in spec/rails_helper.rb
def strong_params(wimpy_params)
and then in a specific test, you can say:
expect(model).to receive(:update).with(strong_params foo: 'bar')
It's not much different from what you're already doing, but it makes the awkward necessity of that extra call a little more semantically meaningful.

#max had good suggestions about how to avoid this altogether, and I agree they switched away from a hash to discourage using them with hashes interchangeably.
However, if you still want to use them, as a simple hack for more complex situations (for instance if you expect using a a_hash_including), you can try using something like this:
.with( an_object_satisfying { |o|
o.slice(some_params) == ActionController::Parameters.new(some_params)


Getting FactoryBot object attributes for API requests with RSpec

I am setting up RSpec request tests, and I have the following test:
require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.describe "ClientApi::V1::ClientContexts", type: :request do
describe "POST /client_api/v1/client_contexts" do
let(:client_context) { build :client_context }
it "creates a new context" do
post "/client_api/v1/client_contexts", params: {
browser_type: client_context.browser_type,
browser_version: client_context.browser_version,
operating_system: client_context.operating_system,
operating_system_version: client_context.operating_system_version
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(json.keys).to contain_exactly("browser_type", "browser_version", "operating_system", "operating_system_version")
# and so on ...
The corresponding factory is this:
FactoryBot.define do
factory :client_context do
browser_type { "Browser type" }
browser_version { "10.12.14-blah" }
operating_system { "Operating system" }
operating_system_version { "14.16.18-random" }
Now, obviously, that all seems a bit redundant. I have now three places in which I specify the attributes to be sent. If I ever want to add an attribute, I have to do it in all of these places. What I actually want to do is send the particular attributes that the Factory specifies via POST, and then check that they get returned as well.
Is there any way for me to access the attributes (and only these!) that I defined in the Factory, and re-use them throughout the spec?
I should prefix this with a warning that abstracting away the actual parameters from the request being made could be seen as detrimental to the overall test expressiveness. After all, now you'd have to look into the Factory to see which parameters are sent to the server.
You can simply get the Factory-defined attributes with attributes_for:
attributes_for :client_context
If you need more flexibility, you can implement a custom strategy that returns an attribute Hash from your Factory without creating the object, just building it.
Create a file spec/support/attribute_hash_strategy.rb:
class AttributeHashStrategy
def initialize
#strategy = FactoryBot.strategy_by_name(:build).new
delegate :association, to: :#strategy
def result(evaluation)
Here, the important part is evaluation.hash, which returns the created object as a Ruby Hash.
Now, in your rails_helper.rb, at the top:
require 'support/attribute_hash_strategy'
And below, in the config block, specify:
# this should already be there:
config.include FactoryBot::Syntax::Methods
# add this:
FactoryBot.register_strategy(:attribute_hash, AttributeHashStrategy)
Now, in the Spec, you can build the Hash like so:
require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.describe "ClientApi::V1::ClientContexts", type: :request do
describe "POST /client_api/v1/client_contexts" do
let(:client_context) { attribute_hash :client_context }
it "creates a new context" do
client = create :client
post "/client_api/v1/client_contexts",
params: client_context
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
The attribute_hash method will be a simple Hash that you can pass as request parameters.

Using the one-liner syntax for controller specs

I'm trying to write terse tests for an API controller, but I'm having trouble with the "one-liner" syntax offered by RSpec.
I'm overriding the subject explictly to refer to the action of posting rather than the controller:
let (:params) { some_valid_params_here }
subject { post :create, params }
When I use the one-liner syntax to test http_status, it works fine:
it { is_expected.to have_http_status(:created) }
# pass!
But when I try to use it for a different expectation, it blows up:
it { is_expected.to change{SomeActiveRecordModel.count}.by(1) }
# fail! "expected result to have changed by 1, but was not given a block"
Notably, when I run this second expectation in a longer form, calling on subject explictly, it works:
it "creates a model" do
expect{ subject }.to change{SomeActiveRecordModel.count}.by(1)
# pass
Is this just a weakness of the one-liner syntax, that it can't handle this more complicated expression? Or have I misunderstood something about how subject is inferred into these tests?
(NB: I know that setting the subject to an action has some detractors, and I'm happy to hear opinions, but that isn't the aim of this question).
You can do it like this
subject { -> { post :create, params } }
and then
it { is_expected.to change(SomeActiveRecordModel, :count).by(1) }
Here you have very nice discussion about this
As it was said before there's a simple solution involving subject ; it does not require a lambda tho ; I applied it this way for my CategoryController#show :
describe '#show' do
subject { get :show, id: category }
context "as guest" do
it { is_expected.to render_template('show') }

Clean Rspec matcher for change(Model, :count).by(1)

I'm working hard trying to keep my spec files as clean as possible. Using 'shoulda' gem and writing customized matchers that follow the same pattern.
My question is about creating a custom matcher that would wrap expect{ post :create ... }.to change(Model, :count).by(1) and could be used in the same example groups with other 'shoulda' matchers. Details bellow:
Custom matcher (simplified)
RSpec::Matchers.define :create_a_new do |model|
match do |dummy|
::RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationTarget.new(subject).to change(model, :count).by(1)
Working example
describe 'POST create:' do
describe '(valid params)' do
subject { -> { post :create, model: agency_attributes } }
it { should create_a_new(Agency) }
This work OK as long as I use a subject lambda and my matcher is the only one in the example group.
Failing examples
Failing example 1
Adding more examples in the same group makes the other matcher fail because subject is now a lambda instead of an instance of the Controller.
describe 'POST create:' do
describe '(valid params)' do
subject { -> { post :create, model: agency_attributes } }
it { should create_a_new(Agency) }
it { should redirect_to(Agency.last) }
Failing example 2
The 'shoulda' matcher expect me to define a before block, but this become incompatible with my custom matcher
describe 'POST create:' do
describe '(valid params)' do
before { post :create, agency: agency_attributes }
it { should create_a_new(Agency) }
it { should redirect_to(Agency.last) }
Expected result
I am looking for a way to write my custom matcher that would fit in the same example group as other matchers, meaning my custom matcher should use the before block to execute the controller action, the "failing example #2" above is the way I would like to write my specs. Is it possible?
Thanks for reading
I do not think there is a way you can get your failing examples passing.
This is because change really needs a lambda, since it needs to perform your count twice (once before, and once after calling it). That's the reason I tend not to use it (or use it in context isolation).
What I usually do, instead of using the count matcher, is checking three things:
The record is persisted. If I assign the model to #model, then I use expect(assigns(:model)).to be_persisted
The record is an instance of the expected model (though might not seem useful, it is
quite descriptive when using an STI). expect(assigns(:model)).to be_a(Model).
Check the last record in DB is the same as the one I just create `expect(assigns(:model)).to eq(Model.last)``
And that's the way I usually test the change matcher without using it. Of course, you can now create your own matcher
RSpec::Matchers.define :create_a_new do |model|
match do |actual|
actual.persisted? &&
actual.instance_of?(Participant) &&
(Participant.last == actual)

last_response.body is empty in Rack::Test rspec test (but not in actual app)

I've ben struggling with this for a couple hours now. I am using Rack::Test to write API tests for my Rails 3.2 app.
Regardless of what I do, last_response has an empty body (well, specifically it has "{}", so 2 characters).
Here are the tests:
describe "updating a product set with JSON" do
def app
let(:update_json) { ... }
before do
#product_set = FactoryGirl.build(:product_set)
it { #failures.should == 0 }
it "should not increment the product set count" do
expect { put :update, update_json }.to_not change(ProductSet, :count).by(1)
it "should increment the conditions count" do
expect { put :update, update_json }.to change(#product_set.conditions, :count).by(2)
context "response should be valid" do
before do
put :update, update_json
subject { last_response }
it { should be_ok }
All these tests pass. But the body is empty.
The weird thing is that if I run the actual application the response body is definitely not empty. It has JSON about the updated product_set.
So I'm setting up the test incorrectly somehow. I bet I'm overlooking something really silly as this is my first time using Rack::Test. Any thoughts?
Just had a thought that I may not be setting the request headers correctly. I'm also using RABL for generation.
The problem is indeed with RABL. Haven't figured out a solution yet, but if I use:
file: 'app/views/product_sets/update.json.rabl', :handlers => [:rabl])
instead of:
then it works in testing, whereas both work in development or production. Also I've confirmed that it's not a Gemfile problem.
Found the answer. In short, make sure to use the keyword "render_views" at the top of the root describe block in the rspec document to ensure that views are rendered correctly.
This was the helpful article:

Best practice for reusing code in Rspec?

I'm writing integration tests using Rspec and Capybara. I've noticed that quite often I have to execute the same bits of code when it comes to testing the creation of activerecord options.
For instance:
it "should create a new instance" do
# I create an instance here
it "should do something based on a new instance" do
# I create an instance here
# I click into the record and add a sub record, or something else
The problem seems to be that ActiveRecord objects aren't persisted across tests, however Capybara by default maintains the same session in a spec (weirdness).
I could mock these records, but since this is an integration test and some of these records are pretty complicated (they have image attachments and whatnot) it's much simpler to use Capybara and fill out the user-facing forms.
I've tried defining a function that creates a new record, but that doesn't feel right for some reason. What's the best practice for this?
There are a couple different ways to go here. First of all, in both cases, you can group your example blocks under either a describe or context block, like this:
describe "your instance" do
it "..." do
# do stuff here
it "..." do
# do other stuff here
Then, within the describe or context block, you can set up state that can be used in all the examples, like this:
describe "your instance" do
# run before each example block under the describe block
before(:each) do
# I create an instance here
it "creates a new instance" do
# do stuff here
it "do something based on a new instance" do
# do other stuff here
As an alternative to the before(:each) block, you can also use let helper, which I find a little more readable. You can see more about it here.
The very best practice for your requirements is to use Factory Girl for creating records from a blueprint which define common attributes and database_cleaner to clean database across different tests/specs.
And never keep state (such as created records) across different specs, it will lead to dependent specs. You could spot this kind of dependencies using the --order rand option of rspec. If your specs fails randomly you have this kind of issue.
Given the title (...reusing code in Rspec) I suggest the reading of RSpec custom matchers in the "Ruby on Rails Tutorial".
Michael Hartl suggests two solutions to duplication in specs:
Define helper methods for common operations (e.g. log in a user)
Define custom matchers
Use these stuff help decoupling the tests from the implementation.
In addition to these I suggest (as Fabio said) to use FactoryGirl.
You could check my sample rails project. You could find there: https://github.com/lucassus/locomotive
how to use factory_girl
some examples of custom matchers and macros (in spec/support)
how to use shared_examples
and finally how to use very nice shoulda-macros
I would use a combination of factory_girl and Rspec's let method:
describe User do
let(:user) { create :user } # 'create' is a factory_girl method, that will save a new user in the test database
it "should be able to run" do
user.run.should be_true
it "should not be able to walk" do
user.walk.should be_false
# spec/factories/users.rb
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :user do
email { Faker::Internet.email }
username { Faker::Internet.user_name }
This allows you to do great stuff like this:
describe User do
let(:user) { create :user, attributes }
let(:attributes) { Hash.new }
it "should be able to run" do
user.run.should be_true
it "should not be able to walk" do
user.walk.should be_false
context "when user is admin" do
let(:attributes) { { admin: true } }
it "should be able to walk" do
user.walk.should be_true
