I have database with entities person (name,age) and project (name).
can I query the database in cypher that specifies me it is person or project?
for example consider I have these two instances for each :
Node (name = Alice, age= 20)
Node (name = Bob, age = 31)
Node (name = project1)
Node (name = project2)
-I want to know, is there any way that I just say project1 and it tells me that this is a project.
-or I query Alice and it says me this is a person?
So your use case is to search things by name, and those things can be of several types instead of a single type.
Just to note, in general, this is not what Neo4j is built for. Typically in Neo4j queries you know the type of the thing you're searching for, and you're exploring relationships between that thing (or things) to figure out associations or data derived from that.
That said, there are ways to do this, though it's worth going through the rest of your use cases and seeing if Neo4j is really the best tool for what you're trying to do
Whenever you're querying by a property, you either want a unique constraint on the label/property, or an index on the label/property. Note that you need a combination of a label and a property for this; you cannot blindly ask for a node with a property without specifying a label and get good performance, as it will have to do a scan of all nodes in your database (there are some older manual indexes in Neo4j, but I'm not sure if these will continue to be supported; the schema indexes are recommended by the developers).
There is a workaround to this, as Neo4j allows multiple labels on the same node. If you only expect to query certain types by name (for example, only projects and people), you might create a :Named label, and set that label on all :Project and :Person nodes (and any other labels where it should apply). You can then create an index on :Named.name. That way your query would be something like:
MATCH (n:Named)
WHERE n.name = 'blah'
WITH LABELS(n) as types
WITH FILTER(type in types WHERE type <> 'Named') as labels
RETURN labels
Keep in mind that you haven't specified if a name should be unique among node types, so it could be possible for a :Person or a :Project or multiple :Persons to have the same name, unsure how that affects what should happen on your end. If every named thing ought to have a unique name, you should create a unique constraint on :Named.name (though again, it's on you to ensure that every node you create that ought to be :Named has the :Named label applied on creation).
You should use node labels (like Person and Project) to represent node "types".
For example, to create a person and a project:
CREATE (:Person {name: 'Alice', age: 20})
CREATE (:Project {name: 'project1'})
To find the project(s) named 'Fred':
MATCH (p:Project {name: 'Fred'})
To get a collection of the labels of node n, you can invoke the LABELS(n) function. You can then look in that collection to see if the label you are looking for is in there. For example, if your Cypher query somehow obtains a node n, then this snippet would return n if and only if it has the Person label:
If you want to find all nodes with the name property value of "Fred":
MATCH (n {name: 'Fred'})
If you want to find all relationships with the name property value of "Fred":
MATCH ()-[r {name: 'Fred'})-()
If you want to match both in a single query, you have many ways to do that, depending on your exact use case. For example, if you want a cartesian product of the matching nodes and relationships:
OPTIONAL MATCH (n {name: 'Fred'})
OPTIONAL MATCH ()-[r {name: 'Fred'})-()
I'm looking into neo4j as a Graph database, and variable length path queries will be a very important use case. I now think I've found an example query that Cypher will not support.
The main issue is that I want to treat composed relations as a single relation. Let my give an example: finding co-actors. I've done this using the standard database of movies. The goal is to find all actors that have acted alongside Tom Hanks. This can be found with the query:
MATCH (tom {name: "Tom Hanks"})-[:ACTED_IN]->()<-[:ACTED_IN]-(a:Person) return a
Now, what if we want to find co-actors of co-actors recursively.
We can rewrite the above query to:
MATCH (tom {name: "Tom Hanks"})-[:ACTED_IN*2]-(a:Person) return a
And then it becomes clear we can do this with
MATCH (tom {name: "Tom Hanks"})-[:ACTED_IN*]-(a:Person) return a
Notably, all odd-length paths are excluded because they do not end in a Person.
Now, I have found a query that I cannot figure out how to make recursive:
MATCH (tom {name: "Tom Hanks"})-[:ACTED_IN]->()<-[:DIRECTED]-()-[:DIRECTED]->()<-[:ACTED_IN]-(a:Person) return DISTINCT a
In words, all actors that have a director in common with Tom Hanks.
In order to make this recursive I tried:
MATCH (tom {name: "Tom Hanks"})-[:ACTED_IN|DIRECTED*]-(a:Person) return DISTINCT a
However, (besides not seeming to complete at all). This will also capture co-actors.
That is, it will match paths of the form
So what I am wondering is:
can we somehow restrict the order in which relations occur in a multi-path query?
Something like:
MATCH (tom {name: "Tom Hanks"}){-[:ACTED_IN]->()<-[:DIRECTED]-()-[:DIRECTED]->()<-[:ACTED_IN]-}*(a:Person) return DISTINCT a
Where the * applies to everything in the curly braces.
The path expander procs from APOC Procedures should help here, as we added the ability to express repeating sequences of labels, relationships, or both.
In this case, since you want to match on the actor of the pattern rather than the director (or any of the movies in the path), we need to specify which nodes in the path you want to return, which requires either using the labelFilter in addition to the relationshipFilter, or just to use the combined sequence config property to specify the alternating labels/relationships expected, and making sure we use an end node filter on the :Person node at the point in the pattern that you want.
Here's how you would do this after installing APOC:
MATCH (tom:Person {name: "Tom Hanks"})
CALL apoc.path.expandConfig(tom, {sequence:'>Person, ACTED_IN>, *, <DIRECTED, *, DIRECTED>, *, <ACTED_IN', maxLevel:12}) YIELD path
WITH last(nodes(path)) as person, min(length(path)) as distance
RETURN person.name
We would usually use subgraphNodes() for these, since it's efficient at expanding out and pruning paths to nodes we've already seen, but in this case, we want to keep the ability to revisit already visited nodes, as they may occur in further iterations of the sequence, so to get a correct answer we can't use this or any of the procs that use NODE_GLOBAL uniqueness.
Because of this, we need to guard against exploring too many paths, as the permutations of relationships to explore that fit the path will skyrocket, even after we've already found all distinct nodes possible. To avoid this, we'll have to add a maxLevel, so I'm using 12 in this case.
This procedure will also produce multiple paths to the same node, so we're going to get the minimum length of all paths to each node.
The sequence config property lets us specify alternating label and relationship type filterings for each step in the sequence, starting at the starting node. We are using an end node filter symbol, > before the first Person label (>Person) indicating that we only want paths to the Person node at this point in the sequence (as the first element in the sequence it will also be the last element in the sequence as it repeats). We use the wildcard * for the label filter of all other nodes, meaning the nodes are whitelisted and will be traversed no matter what their label is, but we don't want to return any paths to these nodes.
If you want to see all the actors who acted in movies directed by directors who directed Tom Hanks, but who have never acted with Tom, here is one way:
MATCH (tom {name: "Tom Hanks"})-[:ACTED_IN]->(m)
MATCH (m)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(ignoredActor)
WITH COLLECT(DISTINCT m) AS ignoredMovies, COLLECT(DISTINCT ignoredActor) AS ignoredActors
UNWIND ignoredMovies AS movie
MATCH (movie)<-[:DIRECTED]-()-[:DIRECTED]->(m2)
WHERE NOT m2 IN ignoredMovies
MATCH (m2)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(a:Person)
WHERE NOT a IN ignoredActors
The top 2 MATCH clauses are deliberately not combined into one clause, so that the Tom Hanks node will be captured as an ignoredActor. (A MATCH clause filters out any result that use the same relationship twice.)
I have a label Person with nodes that have certain properties (forename, surname etc.) and I have a label Company with nodes with certain properties (name, companyNumber etc.). Now I need to add property compNumber to the person nodes which will indicate in which companies that person works.
My question is: Is there a way to put multiple values in the property compNumber, for example
(:Person {forename:John, surname'Smith', compNumber:[001,002,003]})
and later make a relationship WORKS_AT if the property companyNumber in Company node matches one of the values in compNumber property?
Or, will a better approach to store compNumber values as separate nodes be like:
(:Person {forename:John, surname:Smith})-[:HAS_NUMBER]->(:Number {compNumber:001})
(:Person {forename:John, surname:Smith})-[:HAS_NUMBER]->(:Number {compNumber:002})
(:Person {forename:John, surname:Smith})-[:HAS_NUMBER]->(:Number {compNumber:003})
Yes, you can do that in the way you want it. In Neo4j you can set an array property with following command:
CREATE (:Person {forename:'John', surname:'Smith', compNumber:[1,2,3]});
You can search for specific nodes with the IN keyword:
MATCH (n:Person) WHERE 1 IN n.compNumber RETURN n;
Then you can create relations in the following way:
MATCH (n:Company) MATCH (p:Person) WHERE n.companyNumber IN p.compNumber MERGE (p)-[:WORKS_IN]->(n);
I think this solution should fit you needs.
I would like to use cypher to create a relationship between items in an array and another node.
The result from this query was a list of empty nodes connected to each other.
MATCH (person:person),(preference:preference)
UNWIND person.preferences AS p
WHERE NOT (person)-[:likes]->(preference) AND
p = preference.name CREATE (person)-[r:likes]->(preference)
Where person.preferences contains an array of preference names.
Obviously I am doing something wrong. I am new to neo4j and any help with above would be much appreciated.
Properties are attributes of a nodes while relationships involve one or two nodes. As such, it's not possible to create a relationship between properties of two nodes. You'd need to split the properties into their own collection of nodes, and then create a relationship between the respective nodes.
You can do all that in one statement - like so:
create (:Person {name: "John"})-[:LIKES]->(:Preference {food: "ice cream"})
For other people, you don't want to create duplicate Preferences, so you'd look up the preference, create the :Person node, and then create the relationship, like so:
match (preference:Preference {food: "ice cream"})
create (person:Person {name: "Jane"})
create (person)-[:LIKES]->(preference)
The bottom line for your use case is you'll need to split the preference arrays into a set of nodes and then create relationships between the people nodes and your new preference nodes.
One thing....
MATCH (person:person),(preference:preference)
Creates a Cartesian product (inefficient and causes weird things)
Try this...
// Get all persons
MATCH (person:person)
// unwind preference list, (table is now person | preference0, person | preference1)
UNWIND person.preferences AS p
// For each row, Match on prefrence
MATCH (preference:preference)
// Filter on preference column
WHERE preference.name=p
// MERGE instead of CREATE to "create if doesn't exist"
MERGE (person)-[:likes]->(preference)
RETURN person,preference
If this doesn't work, could you supply your sample data and noe4j version? (As far as I can tell, your query should technically work)
I've built a simple graph of one node type and two relationship types: IS and ISNOT. IS relationships means that the node pair belongs to the same group, and obviouslly ISNOT represents the not belonging rel.
When I have to get the groups of related nodes I run the following query:
"MATCH (a:Item)-[r1:IS*1..20]-(b:Item) RETURN a,b"
So this returns a lot of a is b results and I added some code to group them after.
What I'd like is to group them modifying the query above, but given my rookie level I haven't yet figured it out. What I'd like is to get one row per group like:
(node1, node3, node5)
I assume what you call groups are nodes present in a path where all these nodes are connected with a :IS relationship.
I think this query is what you want :
MATCH p=(a:Item)-[r1:IS*1..20]-(b:Item)
RETURN nodes(p) as nodes
Where p is a path describing your pattern, then you return all the nodes present in the path in a collection.
Note that, a simple graph (http://console.neo4j.org/r/ukblc0) :
will return already 6 paths, because you use undericted relationships in the pattern, so there are two possible paths between item1 and item2 for eg.
I'm modeling a "tag cloud" with the graph:
(t:Tag {name:'cypher'})-[:IN]->(g:TagGroup)<-[:TAGGED]-(x)
IE: A named tag is part of a "TagGroup", to which zero or more nodes are "TAGGED". I chose this design as I want the ability to combine two or more named tags (e.g. "cypher" and "neo4j") so that both (Tag)s are [IN]the new (TagGroup) and the new (TagGroup) is the endpoint for the union of all nodes that were previously [TAGGED].
My only (not very pleasing) attempt is:
match (t:Tag {name:'cypher'})-[i:IN]->(g:TagGroup),
(t2:Tag {name:'neo4j'})-[:IN]->(g2:TagGroup)<-[y:TAGGED]-(x)
create (t2)-[:IN]->(g)
create unique (g)<-[:TAGGED]-(x)
with g2 as g2
match (g2)<-[r]->() delete g2,r
My main issues is that it only combines two nodes, and doesn't feel very efficient (although I have no alternatives to compare it with). Ideally I'd be able to combine an arbitrary set of (Tag)s by name.
Any ideas if this can be done with Cypher, and if so, how?
You can use labels instead of creating separate tag groups.
eg. if tag neo4j and cypher come under tag group say XYZ then
MERGE (a:Tag {name: "neo4j"})-[:TAGGED]->(x)
MERGE (b:Tag {name: "cypher"})-[:TAGGED]->(x)
set a :XYZ , b :XYZ
So next time you want tags of a particular group TAGGED to a particular post x
MATCH (a:Tag:XYZ)-[:TAGGED]->(x) return a.name