Selenium Builder test execution through SeInterpreter.jar - selenium-builder

I have recorded a UI test with selenium builder (firefox plugin) and have saved it as a .json file.
Now I am trying to run this through commandline using SeInterpreter jar.
My command is this:
java -jar SeInterpreter.jar <path of .json test file>
I have found information here.
I have downloaded the project but have not found SeInterpreter.jar file anywhere, I have searched exclusively for the jar file as well but could not get it.
Is there any other better way to achieve this?

After some analysis and searching i finally found the SeInterpreter.jar here:
Hope will be helpful for others with similar query.


java -jar saxon9he.jar persons.xml persons_users.xslt -o:persons_transformed.txt

I am having an XSLT to convert my xml into html format. I didn't achive any Experience about Saxon before but I'll try again and again.
This is the problem I had :
C:>java -cp saxon9he.jar net.sf.saxon.Transform -t -s:samples\date\books,xml-csl:samples\styles\books,xsl -o:c:\temp.html
Error: Main class net.sf.saxon.Transform could not be found or loaded
I did everything step by step from the Saxon Website :
and I saw MR.Michael Kay Videos a lot before but it isn't work any way.
Can perhaps any one help me please ?
The problems are with Java, not with Saxon, in case that helps you look in the right place for documentation.
The message "Main class net.sf.saxon.Transform could not be found or loaded" is Java telling you that it can't find Saxon.
The bit of the command that tells it where to look is this:
java -cp saxon9he.jar net.sf.saxon.Transform
Here "java" is telling the operating system to load the Java virtual machine (which has succeeded). The "-cp" option is telling Java what Jar files to search for the relevant classes, and the "net.sf.saxon.Transform" part is saying what the relevant class is.
The problem is probably that there is no file called saxon9he.jar in the current working directory. Unfortunately Java doesn't give you an explicit error message for this, it just ignores this part of the command. Probably the current working directory isn't what you think it is. If you do "ls" or "dir" immediately before the "java" command, it will tell you what files are in the current working directory, which should include the saxon9he.jar file. If the JAR file is in some other directory, you can supply an explicit path, e.g. -cp c:/mike/java/saxon9he.jar.

jacaco unit test coverage reports path and file name(as jacaco.exec)

I am running following maven command on jenkins
clean org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:prepare-agent install
The jacaco exec file created as shown below.
I would like to generate this file under following path, since all other Project use same conventions.
I could not figureout why it is generated in this way and how to modify it as "target/jacoco.exec"
I will use this report in sonarqube analysis.
I would appriciate your helps, thanks in advance.
As per documentation of prepare-agent - destFile parameter controls location of output file, whose default is ${}/jacoco.exec which is exactly target/jacoco.exe. So check your POMs to find where it is modified to be target/coverage-reports/jacoco-int-test.exec.

Get HostName in .jtl file in Jmeter

I am using ANT (build tool) to run jmeter functional scripts. I want to get the hostname or website name where all my jmeter scripts are running.
I have checked the file to do some changes but no luck but no luck.
I fixed and I want to share solution.
I have uncommented the configuration in
so that the hostname will be written to the jtl file and from the jtl file, i got it by xpath as below,
Thats it, you can use this as xsl variable for reporting or for any purpose.
You can use below inbuilt functions in JMeter.
${__machineName} - to get the machine name
${__machineIP} - to get the IP address

Ant: Logging via Log4j

My issue is to make ant logging in the way I need. So that I decided to use Log4j. As I has read from this article I set the ANT_OPTS:
set ANT_OPTS=-Dlog4j.debug -Dlog4j.configuration=file:///d:/ant_dir/lib/log4j.xml
When I try to execute the build.xml by the command:
D:/ant_dir>ant -listener
I catch an error: Class could not be loaded because of an invalid dependency.
The log4j.jar and log4j.xml are located in the ANT_HOME/lib directory.
I have been searching for a tutorial but found nothing.
Can somebody, please, help me with an advice or give a useful link?
Well, I found a solution. The problem was in log4j.jar. This file was corrupted. I have changed it and everithing is working now.

jsUnit and build.xml

So I want a build.xml file that I can invoke from Hudson to run my jsUnit tests. However, the build.xml file has a few things that it needs to ... I guess run the unit tests. One of things it needs are these browser files such as ie.exe or firefox.exe. However on Ubuntu I have no clue as to where these browser files are.
If anyone can help me, I would really appreciate perhaps
- a sample build.xml file that can run multiple tests (through Hudson).
- OR a way to reference the "browser files"
- OR a description of a simpler/better alternative of jsUnit
Thanks so much in advance!
From your question it sounds like you are looking for the firefox executable. On Ubuntu, I believe that is located at:
There is no ".exe" extension.
