UITableviewCell Dynamic Height Programmatically with the use of UITableViewAutomaticDimension - ios

Hi Guys here i am suffering issue of dynamic height of UITableview Programmatically. I have set Autolayout of all view without any error
but lblDesc (UILabel) not expand with its size according to content. plz guide me
sometimes I do not need btnVideo (UIButton) so i have to hide btnVideo(UIButton) and dynamically all social networks UIButton come after lblDesc (UILabel)
Here i attached my code with only one view

You should use UITextView instead of UILabel.
Btw, never forget you setup constraints between text view and container views for all edges correctly, so according to your text size, the whole cell will be resized dynamically.
I have reviewed your code. tableview has correct setting.
Just setup correct layout constraints so that table view could know how it should change the height of cell.


ios - UITableViewCell does not fill the entire width of the table

I think the cells don't fill the parent width because of indicated dimensions 300x300, but I don't know how to change it to parent size.
TableView has constraints on the boundaries of the device. I also tried set constraints for the cell but it didn't help.
You should set constraints in your image and on entire UITableViewCell xib just like in ViewController
This is a very basic design task. You really should take the time to go through a few tutorials on Auto-Layout.
The comment you posted: "Adding constraints in the UITableViewCell xib is not possible for me," along with the image, indicates you are selecting the Content View in your cell xib, but that is not where you want to add constraints.
You need to constrain the elements in your cell to the content view:
which results in a table view (at run-time) that looks like this:

Tableview in scrollview when tableview content size increase then textview just below the tableview goes up to the tableview

I have Viewcontroller in which I set the scrollview. In the scrollview I have tableview which is in the Container and just below the container I have an textview and some other UIViews when I set the tableview frame size equal to content size and tableview scroll property false so that only scrollview scrolls when the content size increase the textview goes up to tableview and I want that when tableview content increase then textview also goes down and parent view frame size increase and decrease as the content size
This look like a job for a UICollectionViewController. If you want to take a look here
you can get a better understanding of what they are and how to use them.
Basically you want to put each of those UITableViews, UILabels and the UIButtons in it's own cell(buttons need to be arranged) of the collectionView then the cell with the buttons try to use a stack view with the image. This will automatically set the different sections apart from each other. I know the idea of a collectionViewCell containing a tableView may seem weird but check this out
Another solution is to get crazy with constraints and autoLayout. I don't recommend this route because autoLayout will make decisions on it's own if the exact layout is not explicitly declared. Basically you'll set the constraints by pinning the tableView and labels to each other and the container they are in.
Checkout Apple's docs here
Good luck and let me know how it goes
I would recommend using a xib (if storyboards is your preference) or programmatically embed a tableview in the Scrollview Controller. Set a default cell height and then calculate the height of the Tableview by grabbing the amount of cells (which you'll normally get from .count in an array).
Afterwards, constrain the top, left, and right constraints of the tableview to its parent. You can imbed these in a scroll view for ease. Then if you want default text underneath it, all you have to do is constrain the top of the textview to the bottom of the tableview.
Do the cell for the button's. As the post above said, buttons might be best done in a CollectionView, so you can either create a default cell (xib again is useful) or use a prototype cell in storyboard. Collection views are the same principle as tableviews when it comes to populating data, they are just formatted differently and insets/spacing between cells.
This should help!

UITableView resize cell based on content

Hi I need help with understanding how to resize cell based on its content.
So first of all of course I found many links:
iOS: Multi-line UILabel in Auto Layout
As we said about git example (last link) I can't understand how to change some label and make it works. For example if I delete UILabel and create new one and bind it with content property (content - it is IBOutlet property of bottom label). I seems lost some setting and cell won't stretch.
So I think I don't know to much understanding how to do it.
What I want to understand:
How to setup auto layouts in the storyboard or programmatically.
Which thing I should handle programmatically to make it done.
How the preferred size affects on label. Do we need every time use bonds of superview as a preferred size?
Also in the git example we have one label that changes itself size. What if we have 2 UILabels with dynamic content how to setup it?
If you have some links or videos please drop them here, because I really stuck. Thank you!
I know it's duplicated question but I can't understand how to setup it.
To make Self Sizing Cells works there is three steps:
Setup correctly the constraints of the cell (most important the top and bottom constraints)
Specify the estimatedRowHeight of your table view
Set the rowHeight of your table view to UITableViewAutomaticDimension
for step 2 and 3 it's so easy just add these two lines in you viewDidLoad method
tableView.estimatedRowHeight = 44.0 // or whatever you want
tableView.rowHeight = UITableViewAutomaticDimension
for step 1 which is the most important part of self sizing process
what you need to keep in mind is that "self-sizing needs to get its size from your constraints."
Basically we need to make sure that top space and bottom space constraints of our cell is correctly set up here is an example :
just two labels with the constraints top,bottom,right and left space to each other and to container (see image) the UILabels Lines property is 0 so that you allow have multiple lines
Another example from a project that I am working on:
bottom line:
The label constraints should push against the size of the table view cell and make it taller. So always check the top and bottom constraints.
Also you may run intro trouble working with UILabel with multi-lines because
The intrinsic content size of UILabel and NSTextField is ambiguous for
multi-line text.
so make sure always to setup the preferredMaxLayoutWidth property of yout label:
- (void)layoutSubviews
[super layoutSubviews];
self.contentLabel.preferredMaxLayoutWidth = self.contentLabel.frame.size.width;
for more infrmation about this issue here read :
iOS Autolayout multi line UILabel
iOS multi-line UILabel in Auto-layout
And for more information about Dynamic Table View Cell Height in general here is some useful resources:
UITableView Tutorial: Dynamic Table View Cell Height
Understanding Self Sizing Cells and Dynamic Type in iOS 8
Self Sizing Table View Cells
Mysteries of Auto Layout, Part 1 (wwdc 2015)
Not sure if it will apply to AutoLayout, although when laying out a cell programmatically, running "layoutIfNeeded()" fixed my cell content stretch issue.
layoutIfNeeded was ran at the end of a configure method, used to map values (view model) to UI objects (views)

Swift: UITableViewCell size to width of parent UITableView with autolayout enabled

I'm experimenting with autolayout and am running into trouble with UITableViewCell since they're created at runtime. My cells are loaded from a xib from the main ViewController. This xib has View mode set to Aspect Fill.
I've read about different ways to do this online and have yet to get any of them working. What's considered the best way to handle this?
It looks like your constraints aren't set properly, as the cell is shorter than the image's height.
Using AutoLayout and self-sizing cells is the easiest way to handle what you want to do. Once your constraints are setup properly for your custom cell, tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: can call dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:forIndexPath: and all the subview layout will be handled for you.
See the detailed walkthrough by smileyborg in his answer to Using Auto Layout in UITableView for dynamic cell layouts & variable row heights.
He also provides workarounds for the minor issue with the initial cell width being based on the storyboard cell, instead of the tableView width. I worked around it by setting the cell's initial width to the tableView's width, as Rasputin had suggested.

iOS - layout constraints guide for dynamic height of table cell

I'm new to iOS development and am stucked with the problem to finish my layout with dynamic content..
Generally layout I'm trying to implement is quite popular, as an example:
and here is screenshot of my storyboard:
and table cell hierarchy:
The main question what are the main rules of building dynamic height table cell with dynamic height uiview inside it? The content could be long, so do I need to add constraints to bottom of the view?
Is it possible in Storyboard?
I don't think it is possible with storyboard (I might be wrong...): UITableView can have cells with a fixed size - using UITableView rowHeight property - or its delegate can provide a different size for any indexPath.
Constraints provided in Storyboard (or programmatically) only help layout the cell's subviews ONCE the cell's frame has been set.
So I think you should look to tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath:, and a way to compute programmatically your cells' height dynamically.
