No components are shown in the nexus bower proxy repository - bower

I had setup a proxy repository for bower ( as per Nexus Document. After running bower install command, nothing was shown in the components section.
All the files were downloaded to bower_components of my local directory. But it is not available in the nexus components.
It always try to download libraries directly from internet instead of caching it.
My .bowerrc configuration,
"directory": "bower_components",
"registry": {
"search": [
"register": "http://usr:pas#localhost:8081/repository/repo-internal"
"resolvers": [
"nexus": {
"username": "usr",
"password": "pas"


How to use artifactory query language inside a jenkins pipeline instead of having it call from a file

I have a AQL that is used to delete files from the artifactory. I am designing a pipeline so that it can delete files from artifactory based on the AQL.
I know for artifactory upload and download we can specify the AQL within the pipeline using rtupload/rtdownload, but is there a way to do for delete as well?
#AQL delete.spec
"files": [
"aql": {
"items.find": {
"repo": {"$eq":"app-java-repo"},
"path": "archives/test/app",
"type": "folder",
"$or": [
"$and": [
"name": {"$nmatch" : "*build*"}
jf rt del --spec delete.spec
Using the jfrog cli, the spec file can be passed and the files from artifactory repo can be deleted. This is working out manually, but how can the same be achieved by having the AQL in the pipeline stage instead of having AQL as a file.

Electron-forge package generates an empty out folder

I am working on app with electron and electron-forge, this app is being built on a virtual machine with no internet connection, so I got electron binaries files, and set the electron_config_cache to the path where I located the new binaries as well as for cacheRoot for packagerConfig in the package.json file, the problem is that:
When I run yarn package (electron-forge package) I am getting Done with green check next to each step which had been called by yarn package .. but the out folder is empty, while it should has appName-win32-x64 folder which contains .exe.
so does anyone have an idea regarding this?
Be sure that your package.json has the correct settings, including the "main" attribute as well as build directories. It seems electron forge uses electron-packager as its packaging platform so:
Following these instructions:
From Electron forge,Electron forge - packager options, Electron-packager options
Without a forge.config.js file:
Add this to your package.json:
"config": {
"forge": {
"packagerConfig": {dir:"./path/to/your/dir"},
"makers": [
"name": "#electron-forge/maker-zip"
Or with a forge.config.js file:
In your package.json, make sure to have:
"name": "my-app",
"version": "0.0.1",
"config": {
"forge": "./forge.config.js"
In your forge.config.js:
packagerConfig: {dir:"./path/to/your/dir"},
electronRebuildConfig: { ... },
makers: [ ... ],
publishers: [ ... ],
plugins: [ ... ],
hooks: { ... },
buildIdentifier: 'my-build'
I think it is most probable that forge is just not pointed to the correct dir, add the dir setting shown above.
The problem was a virtual machine problem, nothing related to electron forge itself, the VM was not able to copy the content from the temp folder to the out folder, this can be solved by changing the temp folder

nexus bower registry download to a wrong place

I have setup a nexus proxy registry for bower. I am using Debian 9.
bower version is 1.8.8, installed bower-nexus3-resolver (version 1.0.4).
My .bowerrc is like this:
"directory": "components",
"registry" :
"search" : [ "" ]
"resolvers" : [ "bower-nexus3-resolver" ]
under ~/temp/bower_tst directory, I do bower install q. Then I see ~/temp/bower_tst/q-2.0.2, which has all the package files. However, under ~/temp/bower_tst/components/q the directory is empty.
I switched to use and removed bower-nexus3-resolver, the .bowerrc is like:
"directory": "components",
"registry" :
"search" : [ "" ]
Then bower successfully downloaded q and installed it under the components directory. Please help, is this a bug of the bower-nexus3-resolver?
It's because buggy bower-nexus3-resolver#1.0.4. After switching to version 1.0.2, it works just fine.

electron-forge how to specify a source directory for packaging?

I've rigged create-react-app with the electron-forge app and now I need to somehow specify the build folder produced from the CRA for the packaging. That folder should also be served.
Would such a thing be possible with electron-forge?
I understand are you asking how to tell electron-forge which directory to find your source files in for packaging the app.
If so, see:
where it describes the options of the
"config": {
"forge": {
object in your package.json file
inside they there is this package config object:
"electronPackagerConfig": {
"dir": "./src",
where you can specify your source folder.
Also, BTW: there you can specify files/file-regexs to be ignored in packaging:
"ignore": [".idea", ".gitignore"]
electron-forge has no option to specify input folder (project's root folder will be used):
Specify ignore option to skip folders/files;
Use main key in
package.json to specify correct start script.
For example, package.json for vue project:
"name": "project",
"version": "1.0.0",
"main": "index.js",
"config": {
"forge": {
"packagerConfig": {
"ignore": [

ASP.NET 5 Client Side Depdency Management - Bower

I'm trying out the new ASP.NET 5 with MVC 6, and I'm using bower to manage all my client-side dependencies. Everything is working fine.
But I have a question: When I add a dependency (let's say jQuery). It adds both the /dist and /src along with bower configuration files to the /lib folder of wwwroot. How do I make it include just the compiled source for usage? (So I can reference it in my pages via /lib/jquery/jquery.js?
I have recently been playing in this space and following is something that I have tried:
Deleted the .bowerrrc file to enable installing in the default bower_components folder under the project folder rather than under wwwroor\lib as anything under wwwroot tends to get published.
Added "main-bower-files": "2.9.0" to package.json. This package gets all the files mentioned in the main property of each installed package's bower.json files.
Created a gulp task using the above package
gulp.task('copyMainFiles', function () {
return gulp.src(mainBowerFiles(), { base: 'bower_components' })
Added a postrestore step to your application's project.json file
"scripts": {
"postrestore": "gulp copyMainFiles",
"prepublish": [ "npm install", "bower install", "gulp clean", "gulp min" ]
Updated my application's bower.json to copy files which are not listed in main (like some packages do not have min files as main files..ex: jQuery). The following settings are read by main-bower-files:
"overrides": {
"jquery": {
"main": [ "dist/jquery.js", "dist/jquery.min.js" ]
"hammer.js": {
"main": [ "hammer.js", "hammer.min.js" ]
"bootstrap": {
"main": [
Finally had to update the jquery-validation package to use 1.14.0 instead of 1.11.1 as the previous version does not dist folder and indeed no bower.json...
