Jenkins workspace not shown for concurrent builds on different nodes - jenkins

I have one job and two slave nodes. "Workspace" is shown in job overview, but it contains only "Workspace of job on slave2". I run two builds on this job in parallel (one build runs on slave1 and one on slave2)
I tried Jenkins 2.74 and 1.658. I use Windows7 for server and slave. I configured Jenkins Job to "Execute concurrent builds if necessary". Description says
Each concurrently executed build occurs in its own build workspace, isolated from any other builds. By default, Jenkins appends "#" to the workspace directory name, e.g. "#2".
The separator "#" can be changed by setting the hudson.slaves.WorkspaceList Java system property when starting Jenkins. For example, "hudson.slaves.WorkspaceList=-" would change the separator to a hyphen.
I also use "Restrict where this project can be run" with: slave1||slave2
How can i display links to all workspaces of all configured slaves at the same time in jenkins web interface, i thought they will be shown as workspace#1 and so on?


When do the jenkins workspaces get preserved?

I have a bunch of pipeline jobs, yet when executed, workspaces of some get preserved, some are deleted. How does jenkins make these decisions?
Based on my findings so far:
All jobs executed on nodes will have their workspace persisted, e.g. /home/ec2-user/workspaces/some-job
Some works on master keep their workspaces but some others' workspaces disappear after the job has finished. For example, after my build job succeeded, if I ssh in I can see the its workspace directory; but all my e2e jobs have no workspace.
Note I didn't use any of clearWs, deleteDir etc in my pipelines.
By the way, the reason I'm looking into workspaces is the disk usage keeps increasing and I want to cleanup. I thought the workspace is overwritten each time a job runs, but yet I get the 'Disk space is too low' warning several times.
Jenkins is creating a new workspace for every build job (= run) per default. You can see that in the path of the ws in your console log: /here/is/the/ws#buildnumber. If you dont want to have that behavior you can set it to an path which is for instance for every repo the same: How to set specific workspace folder for jenkins multibranch pipeline projects
Maybe some of your jobs don't get executed on the Jenkins Master, but on some connected Node (via an agent directive within your Jenkinsfile or Pipeline description). If that's the case you won't see a build directory inside the workspace for this Job on the Jenkins master, but on the connected Node.
You would only get the build results (like artifacts, reports, etc.) under /<JENKINS_HOME>/jobs/My_Job/ on the Master.
Remember that you could trigger a Jenkins build on a node also indirectly if you, for example, run the build within a Dockerfile and have configured (within Jenkins configuration) a specific node label for execution of Docker builds.

How to checkout and run pipeline file from TFS on specific node in Jenkins?

I am trying to run a pipeline job that get its' pipeline file from TFS but the mapping of the workspace and the checkout is done on the Master instead of the Slave.
I have Jenkins-master which is installed on a linux machine and I connected a windows machine as a slave to it. I created a pipeline job with 'Pipeline script from SCM' option selected for TFS.
How can I make the windows slave run that pipeline job?
The master can't run that job because it is running on linux and it fails when it is trying to map a workspace to TFS in order to download the pipeline script and run it.
Even if I create another pipeline job and select to hard-code a script to run my original pipeline job like this:
node('WIN_SLAVE') {
build job: 'My_Pipeline'
It doesn't work.
And I can see in the output that the initiali script (above) is in fact running on my windows slave, but when it's building the job 'My_Pipeline' it still tries to map a workspace to the Jenkins-master at it's linux machine path /var/jenkins/... and it fails.
If the initial pipeline script ran at the windows slave, why does the other pipeline script not running on the same node? Why is it trying again to checkout the pipeline file from TFS to the Jenkins-Master?
How can I make the windows slave checkout the pipeline file and run it?
Here are some things to check...
Make sure you disabled the original job, or you are completely redefining it for running on the slave, because you indicated you set up “another job” for the slave. It appears that this other job is just triggering the previous job, rather than defining its own specifications. When the job is ran on the slave, it’s just running whatever settings are in that original job.
Also, If you have the box checked to build when a change is pushed to TFS, then your original job could still be trying to run every time a change is made to TFS.
Verify the slaves Remote root directory is set properly in the slave configuration under Manage Jenkins -> Manage Nodes.
Since this slave job is triggering the other job you originally created on the master, then it will build on the master as expected.
Instead of referencing the My_Pipeline job, change the My_Pipeline job itself to run on the slave. If you are using a declarative Pipeline for the original job, then change that original job to run on the slave within the original job settings. You can do it similarly to how you have indicated above, just define the node in the original job.
If the original job is a freestyle project, there is a checkbox titled Restrict where this project can be run. Check that and include the name of the slave in the Label Expression. When you run the job, it will then be restricted to the slave.
Lastly, posting the My_Pipeline job will be helpful.

Copy files from remote Jenkins workspace

Im trying to create a cross-compilation job, that will build my code for both Windows & Linux.
I have set up Windows & Linux jenkins nodes, and configured two jobs, one with 'windows' label to run on my Windows machine and the other with 'linux' label to run on my linux machine.
I installed MultiJob plugin, and wrapped both jobs to run in parallel
When both finishes successfully, I want to copy all the generated files and do operations on them
In other words I want to copy the files from both jobs remote workspaces for further operations
Can anyone suggest a way how to do it?
Add your files to the artifacts in your child job (Using "Archive the artifacts" post-build step)
In parent job add build step "Copy artifacts from another project", put you child job name and choose "Build triggered by current MultiJob build" in field "Which build"

Use different slave for same job on different runs in Jenkins

How do we make Jenkins start the Job in a different slave every time it is run. It usually picks the slave which is free, but what if we wish to run the jobs in a different slave environment.
When you configure your job you should tick the box that says "Restrict where this project can be run" and add the name of the specific node you want your job to run on.

Jenkins Build Distribution among Slaves

I need to get some advice about the way to control the way Jenkins Slaves are used / Jobs are being triggered.
Background / Constraints:
I have a sequence of 10 jobs that run one after each other using the "Trigger parameterized build on other projects" option Parameterized Trigger Plugin.
Each Build of these jobs must run on the same node (I am doing it by using "Build on the same node" which is also configured in the parameterized build plugin and comes from the NodeLabel Plugin).
I have 5 Slaves (current number of executors per slave is 1 but i am open for suggestions here...)
Once Slave is occupied by a Build Sequence, no other job can run on it. When I had only 1 slave, the way I enforced it was using the "Block build when downstream project is building"
The way I configured the slave to be chosen when the first Job is triggered is one of the following: (None of them solved my problem)
a. Using the "Restrict where this project can be run" and put there a label that all relevant slaves will point to.
b. Using the option of "This build is parameterized" (Parameterized Trigger Plugin) and then add a "Node" parameter with the list of Slaves that the User can choose from.
What I want to achieve?
When a User triger the build of the First Job in the Build Sequence, this Build will be done on once of the idle Slaves. (I mean a slave that is doing nothing at the moment)
If there are no idle slaves, then it will join a queue of one of them (doesn't matter which)
Any suggestions how to solve it?
Try passing ${NODE_NAME} as a NodeLabel as a post-build trigger to the downstream jobs. If that works, you may need to pass it every job.
Try node-label parameter plugin. you can make Jobs to run slave node which is free at that movement
