Can I get location access without generating the default popup in iphone? - ios

I am working on an app that requires location access. I created a view controller asking the user to allow or not with 2 buttons. But when I click the allow button, device is generating it's own popup asking the user for location access. Can I avoid the popup and just add the functionality of allow in popup into my code for the allow button in my app itself?

No you cannot avoid system popup. As per apple
Always request authorization at the point where you actually plan to
use location services to perform a task. Requesting authorization may
display an alert to the user. If it is not clear to the user that your
app is using location services for a useful purpose, the user may deny
your request to use those services.
Also, It is safe to start location services before the authorization status of your app is determined. Although you can start location services, those services do not deliver any data until the authorization status changes to authorizedAlways or authorizedWhenInUse. To be notified when the authorization status changes, implement the locationManager(_:didChangeAuthorization:) method in your location manager delegate.

No, Not possible in Apple device yet.


ios - Ask for multiple permissions

My application ask for location and notification permissions.
When user launch the app for first time the location request displays and after notification request displays.
Is there any way to request this better? Maybe an a list like in Android or anything better than I have right now?
You should generally only ask for permissions or check for authorisation when it is required by the app, and not when the user launches the app for the first time. For example, notification permissions could be requested at launch, but location permissions should be requested only when the data is required in your app.
As far as I know, there is no Android-like way to request for permissions.
Edit: You may want to check out third party libraries like ISHPermissionKit and JLPermissions, which provide a more unified approach to asking for user permissions, which is what you might be looking for. But ultimately, I still believe that asking for permission only when it is required is still the way to go.
When your app uses push notification, it will be the first to prompt to user for notification access. Notification Access Pop-Up will prompt at the very beginning of App Launch.
You can ask for location access permission on demand using - CLLocationManager requestWhenInUseAuthorization or AlwaysInUseAuthorization.
If you need to access Camera, Photo Library Access just add privacy usage on your info.plist and iOS will ask for permission accordingly on demand.

Programmatically request location updates permissions

How do I programmatically request location updates permissions?
I mean, I what to control, when does the native popup asking for "Your current location" pops
I what to control that if there is no permissions, to present something and only then to ask for them (apple native popup). How to that?
You don't control the "Apple native popup".
You know whether the desired services are available through CLLocationManager class methods (locationServicesEnabled, authorizedStatus, etc). If location services are switched off, you can just start using a location manager anyway (e.g. startUpdatingLocation) - that is your only way of getting the system dialog asking the user to switch them on. Be prepared for the possibility that the user won't do so.
Of course nothing prevents you, having detected that you have been denied authorization, from putting up your own alert requesting that the user switch to Settings and authorize you.

If an iOS consumer denies permission to 'Use Current Location', is it technically possible to show the permission dialogue again?

My iOS app wants to display the users current location. Nothing special - but to do so, the first time the app is ran (or more to the point, the first time an MKViewMap in the app is displayed, I guess...) .. the user is asked for permission (which is awesome).
Now, if the user accidentally says DON'T ALLOW or decides to (later on) give permission ... is there technically a way we can reset their previous decision and when the app is restarted, ask them again automatically when the MKViewMap is next rendered again?
The user can enable or disable that option in the setting of the iphone. To do this, user have to select the Privacy option in the Setting Menu, and then select the Location Services option and than search the desired app to whom user want to enable or disable the permission and perform desired function by switching the toggle button on or off.
As it was a Private API provided from Apple the alert cannot be shown up again. Alternatively, we can check manually and show an alert like this.
The following can be read in the Apple docs:
" is recommended that you always call the locationServicesEnabled class method of CLLocationManager before attempting to start either the standard or significant-change location services. If it returns NO and you attempt to start location services anyway, the system prompts the user to confirm whether location services should be re-enabled. Given that location services are very likely to be disabled on purpose, the user might not welcome this prompt."
If I understand it right the alert will pop up everytime you try to get the users location, but it's not recommended to do so.
Link to full post:
No you cannot do so. Rather than this, you can just check the latitude and longitude value and show alert to the user that enable the service from settings.

iOS Core-location: How to disable the default iOS pop-up message for user permission

I am using core location framework to collect the device location in my iOS app. When i install the app for the first time in device, iOS asks for the user permission with a alert view as below.
Is there any way to disable this default alert view and display a customized message to the user?
I added screen shot where to add purpose message.
Those alerts are system generated and not editable by the developer. If they were editable, then the developer could change the meaning or make it not obvious to the end user what permissions they were asking for.
For user privacy reasons, this prompt/alert is system generated and you can't disable it if your app uses core location.
Having said that, however, you can delay the display of this alert in your app by organizing your code flow such that location services are only called when needed (lazy initialization).
As per apple docs, read notes under method -
+ (BOOL)locationServicesEnabled
Location services prompts users the first time they attempt to use location-related information in an app but does not prompt for subsequent attempts. If the user denies the use of location services and you attempt to start location updates anyway, the location manager reports an error to its delegate.

Customize default current location alert message (iOS)

Is it possible to customize the default alert message when the iPhone wants to use users current location. I want to change not only the text but also the default blue screen alert view. Is it possible ?
Not possible. From documentation,
Important: In addition to hardware not being available, the user has
the option of denying an application’s access to location service
data. During its initial uses by an application, the Core Location
framework prompts the user to confirm that using the location service
is acceptable. If the user denies the request, the CLLocationManager
object reports an appropriate error to its delegate during future
requests. You can also check the application’s explicit authorization
status using the authorizationStatus method.
The alert is prompted by Core location framework. We don't have any control over it.
EDIT : To add up, from this Apple developer forum thread (login required)
That alert is shown in a standard fashion for all applications for
privacy reasons. The user's current location is sensitive
information, and we want to be sure that they give their informed
consent to any use of it on the device. The way that we do that is by
providing a clear, consistent mechanism for the user to give their
consent. If applications were allowed to override or disable the
alert, then that consistency would be lost.
and the answerer is an Apple employee..
Years later, Apple did implement some customization options!
Have a look at the documentation
If you put one of the following key in your info.plist (depending on your usage of the location services), you can specify a custom string, that is displayed in the default alert additionally.
NSLocationUsageDescription (available since iOS6)
NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription (since iOS8)
NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription (since iOS8)
