I've implemented Firebase and originally had ad banners loading fine. But at some point along the way they have stopped showing up and i've tried everything i can think of. I have no idea what i could have changed as not much is different and certainly nothing with the Firebase or AdMob code has changed.
print("Google Mobile Ads SDK version: " + GADRequest.sdkVersion())
bannerView.adUnitID = "ca-app-pub-6956068899232786/3635179951"
bannerView.rootViewController = self
let request = GADRequest()
request.testDevices = [kGADSimulatorID]
I have also tried implementing the adViewDidReceiveAd() delegate function and i'm not seeing that get called either.
adViewDidReceiveAd did not call because you forget add
bannerView.delegate = self
I have implemented google admob in my IOS app.All other adds are working e.g Banner,Native. Interstitial add is also working fine with test id during debugging mode.But when I replaced test key with actual key I got below crash on crashlytics
GADInterstitial.m line 306
__49-[GADInterstitial presentFromRootViewController:]_block_invoke
I have crosschecked keys and code from official google site.Below is the code I am using
interstitial = GADInterstitial(adUnitID: "ca-app-pub-.....") //test
interstitial.delegate = self
let request = GADRequest()
if interstitial.isReady {
interstitial.present(fromRootViewController: self)
} else {
print("Ad wasn't ready")
Is the interstitial variable a property on the class or just a local function variable? (sorry, but I do not have enough rep. to comment)
In June, Admob adverts worked perfectly and AdMob sent a letter with a verification PIN for me to verify my identity & payment details.
Around the beginning of July, nearly all live ads stopped displaying in my app. I am still making the same number of requests, but impressions are so low I have dropped to £0.00/£0.01 a day. All test ads work correctly.
This issue began around the time I renamed my app (only on the app store display), however; all links to my app in my AdMob account are correct so the name change appears to have made no difference on their front-end UI.
When I debug my app, I get a list of warnings in the output section:
[I-ACS025031] AdMob App ID changed. Original, new: (nil), AppId
My 'GADApplicationIdentifier' value in my info.plist is the same as the 'new' app id.
[I-ACS013003] User property name must start with a letter: _ap
I am not setting any user properties, no idea what this means.
What have I tried?
Setting up new ad units.
Reverting back to an older version of the app.
Contacted AdMob 'support' via a form. They told me my ad serving is being limited. They did not say for how long and it has been around 2/3 weeks (by 'limited', I don't think they meant completely stopped).
Checked for policy violations in my account; nothing is there.
Code I use to display ads:
I have created an 'AdMobDisplayer' class that allows me to set up and display ads; this is called by each view controller. For example, my banner ads code:
View Controller:
let adMobDisplayer = AdMobDisplayer()
#IBOutlet weak var bannerView: GADBannerView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.bannerView = self.adMobDisplayer.setupAdBannerView(self.bannerView, viewController: self, adUnitId: Constants.timerTabBannerAdId)
func setupAdBannerView(_ bannerView: GADBannerView, viewController: UIViewController, adUnitId: String, bannerViewDelgate: GADBannerViewDelegate? = nil) -> GADBannerView {
if(checkIfAdsAreDisabled()) {
return bannerView
/// Creates a new GADBannerView to be displayed in a view controller
bannerView.adUnitID = adUnitId
/// bannerView.adUnitID = Constants.testBannerAdId
bannerView.rootViewController = viewController
if let delegate = bannerViewDelgate {
bannerView.delegate = delegate
return bannerView
func displayBannerAd(_ bannerView: GADBannerView) {
if(checkIfAdsAreDisabled()) {
///Creates a request and loads an advert from AdMob
let request = GADRequest()
request.testDevices = [ "My Device Id" ]
This should display a banner ad in the view. It worked when I first added adverts in, it works for test adverts, but intermittently/rarely for live adverts now.
Find the full application on my GitHub: https://github.com/AlexMarchant98/KeGal-Trainer
Thanks in advance for any help!
I recently worked on GADBannerView in my last app and had almost similar issue, in your case you may need to generate Admob ad id, from their website.
So I fixed this ages ago, but, my fix was to add the required 'NSAppTransportSecurity' keys into my info.plist.
Is there any restriction that it is not possible to display a bannerview from Google Admob in a sharesheet? I have an app which provides additional data in the sharesheet, and I also want to display ads there. In my main app, the ads work fine - but in the sharesheet, I don't get any error message or anything when initialising the ads.
Update: I am using the cocoapod Firebase/Admob. This one is assigned to the main app and the sharesheet. As I have the ads on several view controlers, I created a function, which is connected via an app group to both parts. In ViewDidLoad, I initialice google admob
GADMobileAds.configure(withApplicationID: "filledwiththecorrectcode")
Then I run this function providing the view and the constrains:
func loadAdd(ViewController: GADBannerView, HightConstrain: NSLayoutConstraint, MainApp: Bool){
ViewController.adSize = kGADAdSizeSmartBannerPortrait
ViewController.adUnitID = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/2934735716"
ViewController.rootViewController = self
HightConstrain.constant = 50
let request: GADRequest = GADRequest()
request.testDevices = [kGADSimulatorID]
This works fine in the main app. In the sharesheet, I run the same function - it also walks through in the debugger, but nothing happens. Ah, the
I've implemented AdMob in to my application, but I'd like to ensure that the logic in the adViewWillPresentScreen: and adViewDidDismissScreen: methods are correct.
I have added my device's ID as a test device, so that I am only displayed test adverts. However, when I tap on the test advert, I am taken directly out of the app, rather than a screen (such as the App Store) being displayed. This means that the above methods are not being fired, and I am unsure how to test them without removing my device from the array of test devices and creating a false impression by tapping on one of my own ads - potentially repeatably while debugging.
Code creating banner:
let bannerView = GADBannerView(adSize: size)
bannerView.delegate = self
bannerView.adUnitID = "<redacted>"
bannerView.rootViewController = rootViewController
let request = GADRequest()
request.testDevices = [
"<redacted>" // Test device
I have also tried an example adUnitID (ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111), which even when my device is not in the array of test devices displayed the example advert.
I have the next issue with admob. I created app for iOS 8 in swift using the latest admob sdk and I when I debug this app on the simulator I see test ads, when I debug on the real device I see the real ads. But when I published the app to the app store I see test ads.
I have not set up any test ads on the device or in the account adb it must show ads in simulator only, but I see test ads in release build on the AppStore.
Maybe I doing something wrong? I have not requested testing on any device so it must show me real ads on any real device but it does not.
My code
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.bannerView.adUnitID = "my id"
self.bannerView.rootViewController = self
var request:GADRequest = GADRequest()
//other setup code which is not related to ads
let tracker = GAI.sharedInstance().defaultTracker
let build = GAIDictionaryBuilder.createAppView().set("Custom event", forKey: kGAIScreenName).build() as NSDictionary
tracker.send(build as [NSObject : AnyObject])
Other controller
override func viewDidLoad() {
var interstitial : GADInterstitial = GADInterstitial()
interstitial.adUnitID = "interstitial ad id"
var request: GADRequest = GADRequest()
//other setup code not related to ads
I was provided by wrong advertiser id. So fix is obvious - just recheck your ad unit id before release.