Youtube autoplay on mobile with WiFi - youtube

So I understand based on the Youtube API docs as well as a few related questions here on Stackoverflow that auto-play is not allowed for embedded media on Safari/Chrome on mobile devices. The rationale is to ensure unsolicited downloads don't happen over cellular networks. But if a user is on Chrome in a mobile device but is on Wi-Fi (which a lot of users are on typically), this restriction of disallowing autoplay seems to still exist via the Youtube iframe API. Why is this the case? Perhaps there is something I am missing. Appreciate any advice/pointers. I was hoping to achieve auto-play on mobile web if user is on WiFi.

Actually it's not Youtube's Restrictions, it's (was) Apple's.
New Policies for iOS
You just need to add the correct html tag and attribute and it works on newer devices.


I want camera permission to need to be granted only one time in a video networking - platform - issues with ios and safari

I want to be able to enable a user on a video networking web platform to only need to grant camera permission one time, and be able to have separate video chats with multiple users.Part of the 'event" will have multiple one to one video chats. There is a one to one video chat with one user. it ends. there is another 1 to one video chat with another user. It ends, etc.... As it is this permission is needed to be granted for each separate video chat. I am having this issue primarily with ios on safari. I am having someone else build this web platform and the person is not able to solve this issue with the video plug in they are using. They claim it is an issue with mac devices that cannot grant permission to particular websites. But I know that this issue has been solved with other networking platforms. Can I accomplish this with tokbox (vonage)? Or please tell me what video platform to use and the specific way to accomplish this. I am not a developer but will pass on exactly what you give me to my developer team. I am considering having the website be rebuilt with tokbox but first want to be sure that I can accomplish this. The website it being built with PHP but this issue is so sognificant that I might have it bilt from scratch in whatever way is needed. Thank you very much!!!! I know this issue is solveable as I've seen this on other platforms - Zoom and other video networking platforms like remo.. thanks!!!
The Agora web SDK requests the browser for camera and microphone permissions. Now remembering these permissions is done by the browser itself and not the JavaScript SDK.
As to answer how other platforms offer this is because those are native apps and not a mobile website. So they don't have to play by the rules of the browser. If you are interested in that, you can take a look at our IOS SDK.

Disable the audio autoplay policy restriction on mobile Chrome on iOS?

I need to be able to autoplay sounds for a specific web application. As the application is being used internally I have access to the devices and would therefore like to turn off the autoplay restriction for audio on mobile chrome for iOS.
Are there any settings for that?
There is a policy AutoplayAllowed for this purpose:
But it doesn't work anymore on iOS:
Policy Support on Chrome on iOS is being removed in Chrome 48 as part of Chrome's move to WKWebView where supporting many of the policies was not possible.

can ios safari access bluetooth device?

I'm working on a location related project. I found that iOS has iBeacon which can help the app to get the location data. I want to know if iOS Safari does have the access to it? Or any other similar bluetooth device which can be accessed?
Not yet. There is a proposal in W3C for a "web-bluetooth" specification which has been partly implemented in the chrome , opera and chrome-for-android browsers, although they need to be activated by the users in a somewhat convoluted manner. Like all these things, it'll take time for the committees to spin their wheels and for the browser makers to decide if they want to support it , and then implement it.
MDN docs:
Apple don't have this built in to Safari (yet), however there is a Web Browser app called WebBLE that implements 'Web Bluetooth' mentioned by Shayne.
Currently the app only supports a subset of the standard, but it's more than enough for most tasks. It's also Open Source so you could add it to a WebView in your own app if needed.
Having said all that, currently I don't believe Web Bluetooth supports accessing Advertising data - so while you can connect to Bluetooth LE devices and interact with them, you may not be able to get the actual Advertisements (which is kind of the point of iBeacon).

Unusual issue: Youtube iOS player helper "restricted from playback on certain sites." message, but works on Android

I know this question seems to have been asked before, but it apparently hasn't (at least on stack overflow). I get the following error using Youtube iOS helper api for certain videos when I attempt to embed them in my iOS app.
"This video contains content from VEVO. It is restricted from playback on certain sites."
The error below is fairly self explanatory... and it appears that there is nothing you can do about it. I can live with that. But there is more to it.
The reason I am puzzled by this message (and it refers to any VEVO music video on Youtube) is that the videos play on Android. Someone else has also had this problem... stated here:
If there is a restriction on other sites - and there may well be - it should be restricted on both iOS and Android devices. I find it highly odd that the restriction applies to only iOS.
Can someone advise?
add this in your playerVars #"origin" :#"" it will work. I had the same problem.. i solved it using playvars
According to this answer,
...iOS devices use iframe so they basically embed. Android devices that
use player API can check syndicated.
From the documentation: if a video is embeddable, it can be embedded into a webpage, and if it is syndicated, it can be played outside of
A video that is embeddable but not syndicatable will play on or on other sites that embed the YouTube player, but may not play on devices such as mobile phones or TVs (source). Therefore, if a video plays on Android but not on iOS, it's possible that it's syndicateable but not embeddable, in which case it's working as intended.

iOS Browsers not respecting HTML5 audio preload tag

Has anyone else noticed that Safari (and even Chrome) for iOS attempt to preload all audio tags even if you use the preload="none":
<audio src="test.mp3" preload="none"></audio>
Desktop browsers appear to work correctly, but as soon as I load the page from the iPhone the Apache server registers a request for the file.
According to Apple Docs, Mobile Safari never loads music file or metadata until user touch is detected. This is to make sure a webpage doesn't request a lot of music or data to be downloaded on mobile devices which might take up a lot of mobile data. So preload tag is essentially always set to "none" in mobile Safari regardless of what your code has. Here's the link to the docs where they explain everything.
Quote straight from the docs "Note: The preload attribute is supported in Safari 5.0 and later. Safari on iOS never preloads."
