Sending invitations to friends facebook ios - ios

I'm trying to create in your application, send invitations to your friends from the app facebook. After reading the documentation of Facebook, I was able to get a dialog box with a list of friends and even send the invitation. Confirms a snapshot of the screen.. But invitations to friends not to come because I just can not correctly create a link to the application. Facebook Documentation states that you need to have a link to the current application in AppStote. I found thisenter image description here link but I can not understand in what place it is necessary to add to the info plist and how to add the facebook site, so that the request is sent to come and recipients. I spent a lot of time to solve this problem, and all to no avail. Be kind, who faced with this problem, please help me to solve it ... I would be very grateful ...
Friends, I added to the site as the testers


Allow users of my web app to post to their personal facebook page

I have read a lot about allowing users to log into my rails app via facebook omniauth, though I would like users, having loggeed in, to be able to post a to their own personal wall by simply clicking a button in my app. Is this possible? I'm not very new to rails but have never integrated facebook functionality and am very new to working with omniauth. I'm not looking for someone to spell out the specifics...just point me in the right direction! Thanks
According to Facebook documentation here and here, publishing a post to user's wall on behalf of the subject user is not allowed. Instead of this, they encourage the sharing ability.
I hope this is helpful.

How to fetch user's likes and comments for my app posts to facebook timeline?

I am working on iOS app in which i have implemented Facebook integration.In the app user can login
from Facebook ,share app events on his/her timeline.
Whenever a user posts something on the app and it goes to his/ her Facebook timeline, then I want to fetch likes and comment
on this this particular post from Facebook.
I have gone through Facebook documentation, but I have not found any solution for this.
I want to know how could we do this, please suggest me any example or mention any official documentation of Facebook which specifies this functionality.
Help is appreciated!

Facebook SDK iOS invite user without FBWebDialogs

I want to get list of my friends from Facebook who are not users of my app, and be able to invite them.
Using FBWebDialogs I can pick users, but I'm wondering how foursquare did it?
There is option of frictionless requests.
On Facebook developer site they mentioned in section of Invites and Requests
We touched on a scenario where users exchange requests back and forth. If this scenario is typical in your game, it can be a bad user experience to force them through the request dialog every time they want to send a request. The solution for this is frictionless requests.
Frictionless requests let users send requests to friends from an app without having to click on a pop-up confirmation dialog. When sending a request to a friend, a user can authorize the app to send subsequent requests to the same friend without another dialog. This streamlines the process of sharing with friends.
For more reference see Facebook Invites and Requests
You are asking two questions here:
How to invite Facebook friends without web dialogs?
Unfortunately, the web dialogs you are referring to are the best way to send invites to friends. There was a time when we had to resort to ugly hacks just to get this functionality in applications. Facebook added this functionality to iOS SDK after developers created bug reports and were literally behind them.
Get a list of friends who are not using the app and invite them
Foursquare IMO is not using the requests API. What they do is, whenever somebody links their Facebook account to their Foursquare account they make a note of the users friends who are using/not using the app. This is possible if the user grants the app permissions.
Then in the invite screen, they simply build a UITableView with list of friends who they think are not using the app. When you tap Invite they will just send an email invitation and not the Facebook request you are referring to.
I think FourSquare syncing the user's friend list(friend ids) to its own server.. Then after they are checking it to create the custom interface like the screen shot you shared.
Maybe I didn't get the question right, but from what I know after you tap the invite button on Foursquare the Facebook invite dialog (apprequest) will pop up.
In general this dialog will let you select friends if you didn't specify any friends ids before presenting it, or show you the selected friends like in Foursquare example.
There is an API to get your FB friends, so it's possible for your server to check witch of then already has the app...
I've been researching this for a while and the main solution I have found is frictionless requests, as Rahul Patel noted. You can do a direct request to the graph API and see who has your app installed.
From there you could fairly easily implement any sort of filtering. For example, using the Friend Picker UI Control and implementing the method friendPickerViewController:shouldIncludeUser: and checking against a list of facebook ids who are not on the app that you cache somewhere else in your application and actively update it (for example in a simple core data model that is updated when appDidFinishLaunching), returning no if the user is not displayed. This would only allow users to select individuals who are not on the app, and then you could send a request to them under the hood with frictionless requests.
I do think that it is not a great idea to spam people, however, without at least allowing them to check the names of their friends, or see who they are.

Facebook Comment integration iOS

Does anyone has already succeeded integrating facebook comments in iOS ?
I am making an app for a blog and I simply want to integrate facebook comment
I tried the UIWebView way, but it doesn't show anything in iOS 6. I tried a lot of thing to make it work, but I stopped when I saw that it doesn't show up in the web view of the twitter app.
I also tried to integrate the SDK, although it's impossible to publish comment (error from the api), I tried at least to retrieve all the comment attached to an URL, but as it's not possible to join table in FQL, I would have to,for each comment, retrieve informations about the user that has posted the comment... Silly !!
Am I the only one Facebook cursed ?
I have not been able to do this either so at least two of us are cursed. It would be great if facebook allowed you to use the facebook comment box to comment on facebook posts. I for one do not find working with the facebook API documentation very helpful.

How to have a FB application create a personalized post to a user

I've read over some of the developer material and have not seen a way to have an application send facebook users personalized wall posts. For example, FB users who likes "Mustangs" could receive a post from my application when there is news specifcally about Mustangs. However, FB users who didn't select Mustangs would not receive the post. Is there a way to do this on the FB platform for applications?
FYI - The only success I have had is sending a post to a user which appears to have been sent from the user as if the user is posting to themselves. Only upon close inspection can one find the text "via application xyz" next to the post time.
Thanks for taking the time to read and respond.
Yes, you can do this with any of the frameworks. See Also study up on the Graph API (pay attention to the from attribute of a feed item, testing it out using the graph API Exporer:
