Advanced installer - mandatory prerequisite was not correctly installed - advanced-installer

Tried to install some feature-based prerequisites but it can't installed.
In logs looks like driver installation error 4153.
CustomAction AI_VerifyPrereq returned actual error code 1603
And inside installation it looks like
But if I running this driver installation outside advanced installer it's gone good and return exit code 0.
Don't know what wrong with this.
Please, ask any additional information if you need.

Usually, this message appears when the install conditions associated with prerequisites are not valid. In order for a prerequisite to successfully be reported as installed a valid install condition is needed that will not be met if the prerequisite is not installed and will be met if the prerequisite is installed.
The install conditions for prerequisites are evaluated at two specific moments:
At the beginning of the package installation process. If the condition is met then the prerequisite will not be installed because it is already present on the target machine. If the condition is not met the prerequisite will be scheduled for installation.
After the installation of prerequisites. Once the prerequisites are installed the associated conditions will be re-evaluated. If the conditions are met then the prerequisites were successfully installed. If the conditions are not met then the installation of the prerequisites failed and the message you got is displayed.


Installing MRPT on Fedora

Can anyone provide a detailed procedure for installing MRPT on Fedora 33 Scientific (one of the Fedora Labs which has a KDE interface)? The MRPT installation instructions for Ubuntu mentions something about cmake/cmake-gui. Checking the man pages, F33Sci has no such thing. It must be possible to accomplish this somehow, because Fedora Robotics Lab includes MRPT. I've already tried "$sudo dnf install mrpt", resulting in "Error: Unable to find a match: mrpt". However, "$dnf search mrpt" results in a bunch of items from mrpt-base... to mrpt-stereo-camera-calibration.
The version of MRPT that ships with Fedora is really outdated, so you do well in building from sources.
cmake-gui is not 100% required, it is only mentioned in the instructions to make things easier to those preferring GUIs, but you should be able to compile using the console commands here (that is, the standard workflow with cmake).
Next, the CMake configuration process will warn you about missing libraries. Most are optional, but at least make sure of installing eigen3, opencv and wxwidgets. Those should be installed with the standard commands used in Fedora...

Nuget gives the error "ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled"

I have a new empty MVC 5 project, and I try to install Nuget packages.
When I insert in the Nuget Console the command :Update-Package I got the following asnwer:
File E:\WebApp\packages\Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.1.0.0\tools\uninstall.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is
disabled on this system. For more information, see about_Execution_Policies at line:1 char:3
+ & 'E:\WebApp\packages\Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.Dot ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : SecurityError: (:) [], PSSecurityException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnauthorizedAccess
then I start to install some new packages and got again this message:
WebApp\packages\Modernizr.2.8.3\tools\install.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system
I saw some posts related with this message, but not related with MVC projects.
My question is:
Why I get those messages?
What can I do to fix this issue?
This issue, can appear on the server where my application will run? Some scripts to not run as expected?
I guess the specific package you are trying to install needs to run a Powershell script and for some reason, Powershell execution is disabled on your machine.
You can search google on "how to enable Powershell" for a complete guide but generally, it goes like this:
Open up a Powershell command window (just search for Powershell after pressing windows start button)
Check out current restrictions by typing Get-ExecutionPolicy
Enable PowerShell by typing Set-ExecutionPolicy remotesigned
This issue does not affect the server you are planing to install your application on.
If you encounter this installing NuGet packages from Visual Studio Package Manager Console, run Visual Studio as Administrator.
In case anybody finds this on Google and this happened to you, I suggest you first try restarting Visual Studio, particularly if the Package Manager Console has worked for you before. In VS 2019, I've noticed that, if I leave it in the background while it's loading, sometimes it'll throw that error.
For me, restarting Visual Studio and leaving it in the foreground until the Package Manager Console finished initializing solved the issue. Note that running it as administrator was not necessary.
Translation of the image text would be somewhat: This certificate has been revoked from its key store.
Certificate on my init.ps1 has expired - thus RemoteSigned will not do. For that package version to work, it would need to be set to ByPass or Unrestricted. Personally, i would not recommend doing this...
-- EDIT --
I went ahead and updated the package and found they have resigned a new cert for v 1.0.2. Issue following in NuGet console for fix:
Update-Package Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform
open your power-shell as administration and type
Expected result RemoteSigned
Set-ExecutionPolicy remotesigned
if it does not work, try Powershell run in administrator
I ran into a similar issue building a project and found that you MAY have to set the execution policy to remoteSigned (as others have mentioned) in BOTH powershell (x86) and powershell (x64). I was running the x64 version as administrator and Get-ExecutionPolicy returned "remoteSigned" but the x86 version hadn't been updated. Just something to try if the above answers don't work for you.
This should work
open your power-shell as administration and type
Expected result RemoteSigned
Set-ExecutionPolicy remotesigned
A quick to fix this error when using Package Manager Console without VS restart and/or running as Admin is to remove the restriction for current user:
Set-ExecutionPolicy remotesigned -scope CurrentUser

ROS PTAM: cannot locate rosdep definition

I am trying to install the latest PTAM (Parallel Tracking and Mapping) as described on the Installation page ( However, when running "rosdep install ptam" it yields the following error:
ERROR: the following packages/stacks could not have their rosdep keys resolved
to system dependencies:
ptam: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [ptam_com]
I have followed the exact same procedure on a different system one month ago (before PTAM was changed to catkin) and it worked. The reason for changing the system is that the GUI of PTAM is said to be successfully loaded but it is actually not showing. So we changed to a new system with an nvidia graphics card.
I tried to retrieve the old version from Github on the new system but it yields the same error.
Many thanks.
ROS has its own very active answer forum. So questions like this should better be answered there. Besides,
Cannot locate rosdep definition for
This indicates that "ptam" is not yet registered as the rosdep key (I'm looking at Ubuntu).
The process for adding new keys may not be documented, but you could refer to thread like this and see if you can pick up.

Installing Agda onto Windows 7

I'm having trouble running Agda on my windows 7 64-bit pc. I tried running the following commands:
cabal install agda
cabal install agda-executable
which both work, but I still can't seem to get it going with emacs, can someone help me? I've tried the one click installer from here but it doesn't seem to work, I run into this complaint:
C:\agda2\bin\agda2-install.cmd failed.
Code = 1
Incorrect Function
Setup was not completed.
Please correct the problem and run setup again
Install Agda (cabal install agda agda-executable), make sure agda-mode.exe is on search path. This required because installer will put something like (shell-command-to-string "agda-mode.exe locate") to .emacs file.
run "agda-mode setup".
My Emacs bin directory is also on the search path but I'm not sure if it required or not. Anyway, you will get error messages if you'll do something wrong.
You will also need Haskell mode (can be obtained from here and you will have to add (load "c:\\haskell\\dev\\haskell-mode\\haskell-site-file.el") to your .emacs file. I load it prior to Agda stuff, I do not really know does load order matter or not.
I have GHC 7.0.4 (with Haskell Platform 2011.4.0.0) and I could install Agda 2.3.0 installer in Win7 64b without problems.
If you have GHC 7.4, you should try Agda

the installed product does not match the installation source(s) error when uninstalling a windows service

when I try to uninstall a windows service from the control panel, I am getting error "the installed product does not match the installation source(s), until a matching source is provided or the installed product and the source are synchronized, this action cannot be performed". actually I do have the original MSI file, but I modified some settings in the config file (where it is installed) after installation, so that might have caused it, how can I uninstall it now?
The MSI you think is the original probably isn't really. It sounds like you got yourself in a situation where PackageCode ( GUID ) A is installed and now you have an MSI with PackageCode B.
Take the MSI you have and run the following command:
MsiExec.exe /I foo.msi REINSTALLMODE=voums REINSTALL=ALL
This will "recache" the MSI with the updated PackageCode. You should then be able to uninstall either through Add Remove Programs ( Programs and Features ) or with the command
MsiExec.exe /X foo.msi
