docker run error on OSX - docker

I've tried running the official docker container on OSX10.11.
When I download and run on Kitematic, it gives me an error: Error: No config file found.
I've run the standard ubuntu container and it has worked correctly.
Any help would be appreciated.

I'm afraid so, we're currently looking into it as part of


Issue with Azeroth Core Docker install on Windows 10: Pro
On step 4 of the guide I am getting "Service ac-worldserver is not available".
I am unsure how to troubleshoot as I am new to docker.
The answer was to move on and open a seperate terminal. Then run the following command using the worldserver name from docker desktop.
winpty docker attach azerothcore-wotlk-ac-worldserver-1

Error when trying docker-compose up command

I get the following error when trying the docker-compose up command on a fresh install, I'm installing on a external HDD, not on C:\.
I suspect it has to do with your docker daemon service thinking it's installed on C:.
Give this a try:

Docker commands and setup running successfully yesterday started giving error "ENOENT" today suddenly on windows 10

I am relatively new for the docker technology.
Yesterday I setup docker on windows 10 machine and ran few dockers.
Today I first used command "docker system prune" so that I can run all of it once again without any conflicts.
But now I am firing below command:
docker run --name DockerName -v /c/collections:/etc/newman -t
postman/newman:ubuntu run
--environment="MyAPITestEnvironment.postman_environment.json" --reporters="json,cli" --reporter-json-export="reports/MyAPITestReport.json"
And getting below error:
error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'MyAPITestEnvironment.postman_environment.json'
I haven't made any changes to the directories or anything else.
I checked the docker desktop setup option and found that the drive on which the file is located is still showing as the shared drive.
I tried by restarting the docker desktop several times and once by rebooting the machine as well but still found same error.
Kindly requesting to help me figure out the root cause of this issue and the solution as well.
My docker network had once again become public so firewall might be preventing the file access.
I changed it to private by using below command and it ran successfully:
Set-NetConnectionProfile -interfacealias "vEthernet (DockerNAT)" -NetworkCategory Private

unable to run OpenFOAM docker image

I'm trying to use the OpenFOAM docker image. I installed everything correctly and when I try to run OpenFOAM_Start I get the error:
Started machines may have new IP addresses. You may need to re-run the docker-machine env command.
Error response from daemon: No such container: of_1712
Error: failed to start containers: of_1712
Error: No such container: of_1712
Stopping "default"...
Machine "default" was stopped.
Then I ran docker-machine env command and I got the error:
Error checking TLS connection: Host is not running
I would appreciate if you could help me know what is the problem and how I can solve it.
P.S. Hopefully this is not off-topic. Please let me know if I should ask this question in a different stackexchange.
I found the solution but I'm still not sure what the error above mean. As indicated in the OpenFOAM installation guide, right after installation of the docker image you should run the:
shortcut on the Desktop. A shell will open and close automatically,
completing setup of the user working environment. This step is mandatory
only on the first occasion of OpenFOAM for Windows installation.
Then you can run OpenFOAM_Start again and it just works.

Docker: Unable login to Docker Hub from Windows

I installed docker toolbox v17.03 in my windows 10. When I try to login using docker login, I get the following error.
error getting credentials - err: exec: "docker-credential-wincred": executable file not found in %PATH%, out: ``
Any ideas?
Really apologize for jumping too fast. I think I sorted out. I initially installed Docker for Windows to use Hyper-V for virtualization and then had to uninstall since Windows 10 Home is not supporting. Then I installed Docker Toolbox. Looks like this added wincred in config.json in the .docker dir. All started working after removed the entries in the config.json
You don't need to modify the config.json file. Just go to and download the Unzip it and move the executable docker-credential-wincred.exe to the C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox\ folder. It should do the trick.
I had similar problems with Ubuntu 18-04 running on WSL2 and found that using docker from a windows-console worked okay.
For me the following solved the issue. In
change credsStore to credStore
