Simple Matrix multiplication in opencv fails - opencv

I do the following
Mat xOld,xNew;
for(uint i=0;i<inliers.size();i++){
double xOld_arr[3]={kpOld[i].pt.x,kpOld[i].pt.y,1};
double xNew_arr[3]={kpNew[i].pt.x,kpNew[i].pt.y,1};
Mat xo(1,3,CV_64FC1,xOld_arr),xn(1,3,CV_64FC1,xNew_arr);
cout<<F.size()<<" "<<xNew.size();
Mat t=xNew*F;
Output is
[3 x 3] [24 x 3]OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (a_size.width == len) in gemm, file /home/flex/test/opencv/modules/core/src/matmul.cpp, line 1537
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception'
what(): /home/flex/test/opencv/modules/core/src/matmul.cpp:1537: error: (-215) a_size.width == len in function gemm
What am I missing? when I multiply matrix shouldn't it be correct. Cause xNew has same colums and F same Rows?

what type is F?
so F is 3 rows, 3 cols. xNew (after transpose) is 3 rows, 24 cols. Now you try to multiply (matrix notation: rows x columns) 3x24 * 3x3 which is not defined. Matrix multiplication is size: N x M * M x O => NxO matrix. So you should be able to multiply both matrices if you don't transpose, but I can't tell you whether that is the multiplication you want.
Maybe the confusion is in this line: xn(1,3,CV_64FC1,xNew_arr) here you create a matrix with 1 row and 3 columns and later add this row to xNew.


Resize image mask (shrink) using max value of united pixel group

I would like to resize, and specifically shrink, a mask (2D array of 1s and 0s) so that any pixel in the low-resolution-mask that maps to a group of pixels in the high-resolution-mask (original) containing at least one value of 1 will be set to 1 itself (example at bottom).
I've tried using cv2.resize() using cv2.INTER_MAX but it returned an error:
error: OpenCV(4.6.0) /io/opencv/modules/imgproc/src/resize.cpp:3927: error: (-5:Bad argument) Unknown interpolation method in function 'resize'
It doesn't seem that Pillow Image or scipy have an interpolation method to do so.
I'm looking for a solution for the defined shrink_max()
>>> orig_mask = [[1,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
>>> orig_mask
>>> mini_mask = shrink_max(orig_mask, (2,2))
>>> mini_mask
>>> mini_mask = shrink_max(orig_mask, (1,1))
>>> mini_mask
I'm not aware of a direct method but try this for shrinking the mask to half-size, i.e. each low-res pixel maps to 4 original pixels (modify to any ratio as per your needs):
import numpy as np
orig_mask = np.array([[1,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]])
# first make the original mask divisible by 2
pad_row = orig_mask.shape[0] % 2
pad_col = orig_mask.shape[1] % 2
# i.e. pad the right and bottom of the mask with zeros
orig_mask_padded = np.pad(orig_mask, ((0,pad_row), (0,pad_col)))
# get the new shape
new_rows = orig_mask_padded.shape[0] // 2
new_cols = orig_mask_padded.shape[1] // 2
# group the original pixels by fours and max each group
shrunk_mask = orig_mask_padded.reshape(new_rows, 2, new_cols, 2).max(axis=(1,3))
Check working with submatrixes here: Numpy: efficiently sum sub matrix m of M
Here's the complete function for shrinking to any desired shape:
def shrink_max(mask, shrink_to_shape):
r, c = shrink_to_shape
m, n = mask.shape
padded_mask = np.pad(mask, ((0, -m % r), (0, -n % c)))
pr, pc = padded_mask.shape
return padded_mask.reshape(r, pr // r, c, pc // c).max(axis=(1, 3))
For example print(shrink_max(orig_mask, (2,1))) returns:

Transferring 2d boundaries onto its 1d grid

I have a matrix defined mxn 128x128. And I have translated my 2d x,y positions onto this 1D matrix grid. My 2d coordinates accept positions using numbers 0->127 i.e. any combo in ranges {x=0,y=0}-->{x=127,y=127}. I'm implementing algorithms that take the neighboring positions of these nodes. Specifically the 8 surrounding positions of distance i (lets say i=1). So considering node={0,0}, my neighbours are generated by adding these vectors to said node:
In terms of 2d though I am excluding neighbours outside the boundary. So in the above for node={0,0}, only neighours {0,1},{1,1}{1,0} are generated. Setting the boundary is basically just implementing some form of:
if x>=0 and y>=0 and x<=127 and y<=127 then...
The 1d translation of node={0,0} is node={0} and my vector additions translated to 1d are:
However the relationship with the 2d boundary expressions doesn't hold true here. Or at least I don't know how to translate it. In response I tried generating all the loose cases of the grid:
{0,127,16256,16383} --the 4 corner positions
node%128==0 --right-side boundary
node%128==1 --left-side boundary
node>1 and node<128 --top-side boundary
node>127*128 and node<128*128 --bottom-side boundary
Then tried implementing special cases....where I just ignored generating the specific out of bounds neighbours. That was messy, and didn't even work for some reason. Regardless I feel I am missing a much cleaner method.
So my question is: How do I translate my 2d boundaries onto my 1d grid for the purposes of only generating neighbours within the boundary?
The following is in regards to the answer below:
function newmatrix(node) --node={x=0,y=0}
local matrix={}
add(matrix,{(node.y<<8)+node.x}) --matrix= {{0},...}
--lets say [1 2 3] is a width=3; height=1 matrix,
--then the above line maps my 2d coord to a matrix of width=256, height=128
matrix.height, matrix.width = #node,#node[1] --1,1
return matrix
function indexmatrix(matrix, r,c)
if r > 1 and r <= matrix.height and c > 1 and c <= matrix.width then
return matrix[matrix.width * r + c]
return false
function getneighbors(matrix, r, c)
local two_d_nodes={
local neighbors = {}
for index, node in ipairs(two_d_nodes) do
table.insert(neighbors, indexmatrix(matrix, r + node[1], c + node[2]))
return neighbors
matrix=newmatrix(m) --{{0}}
--here's where I'm stuck, cause idk what r and c are
--normally I'd grab my neighbors next....
--then I have indexmatrix for...?
--my understanding is that I am using indexmatrix to
--check if the nieghbors are within the bounds or not, is that right?
--can you illustrate how it would work for my code here, it should
--toss out anything with x less then 0 and y less than 0. Same as in OP's ex
indexmatrix(matrix) ---not sure what to do here
Attempt 2 in regards to the comment sections below:
function indexmatrix(matrix, x ,y)
if x > 1 and x <= matrix['height'] and y > 1 and y <= matrix['width'] then
return matrix[matrix['width'] * x + y]
return false
function getneighbors(matrix, pos_x, pos_y)
local two_d_nodes={
local neighbors = {}
for _, node in ipairs(two_d_nodes) do
add(neighbors, indexmatrix(matrix, pos_x + node[1], pos_y + node[2]))
return neighbors
matrix={} --128 columns/width, 128 rows/height
for k=1,128 do
add(matrix,{}) ----add() is same as table.insert()
for i=1,128 do
id_matrix={{}} --{ {1...16k}}
for j=1,128*128 do
id_matrix.height, id_matrix.width = 128,128
neighbors = getNeighbors(matrix, position.x, position.y)
Attempt 3: A working dumbed down version of the code given. Not what I wanted at all.
function indexmatrix(x,y)
if x>=0 and y>=0 and x<127 and y<127 then
return 128 * x + y
return false
function getneighbors(posx,posy)
local two_d_nodes={
local neighbors = {}
for _, node in pairs(two_d_nodes) do
add(neighbors, indexmatrix(posx+node[1], posy + node[2]))
return neighbors
neighbors = getneighbors(pos.x,pos.y)
Edit: The equation to map 2D coordinates to 1D, y = mx + z, is a function of two variables. It is not possible for a multivariable equation to have a single solution unless a system of equations is given that gets x or z in terms of the other variable. Because x and z are independent of one another, the short answer to the question is: no
Instead, the constraints on x and z must be used to ensure integrity of the 1D coordinates.
What follows is an example of how to work with a 1D array as if it were a 2D matrix.
Let's say we have a constructor that maps a 2D table to a 1D matrix
local function newMatrix(m) -- m is 128x128 Matrix
local Matrix = {}
--logic to map m to 1D array
-- ...
return Matrix -- Matrix is m 1x16384 Array
The numeric indices are reserved, but we can add non-numeric keys to store information about the matrix. Let's store the number of rows and columns as height and width. We can do this in the constructor
local function newMatrix(m)
local Matrix = {}
--logic to map to 1D array
-- ...
-- Store row and column info in the matrix
Matrix.height, Matrix.width = #m, #m[1] -- Not the best way
return Matrix
Although the matrix is now a 1x16384 array, we can create a function that allows us to interact with the 1D array like it's still a 2D matrix. This function will get the value of a position in the matrix, but we return false/nil if the indices are out of bounds.
To be clear, the formula to map 2D coordinates to a 1D coordinate for a matrix, and can be found here:
1D position = 2D.x * Matrix-Width + 2D.y
And here's what that function could look like:
local function indexMatrix(Matrix, r,c)
if r >= 1 and r <= Matrix.height and c >= 1 and c <= Matrix.width then
return Matrix[Matrix.width * r + c] -- the above formula
return false -- out of bounds
We can now index our Matrix with any bounds without fear of returning an incorrect element.
Finally, we can make a function to grab the neighbors given a 2D position. In this function, we add vectors to the given 2D position to get surrounding positions, and then index the matrix using the indexMatrix function. Because indexMatrix checks if a 2D position is within the bounds of the original Matrix (before it was converted), we only get neighbors that exist.
local function getNeighbors(Matrix, r, c) -- r,c = row, column (2D position)
local two_d_nodes={
local neighbors = {}
for index, node in ipairs(two_d_nodes) do
-- Add each vector to the given position and get the node from the Matrix
table.insert(neighbors, indexMatrix(Matrix, r + node[1], c + node[2]))
return neighbors
You can either skip elements that return false from indexMatrix or remove them after the fact. Or anything else that sounds better to you (this code is not great, it's just meant to be an example). Wrap it in a for i ... do loop and you can go out an arbitrary distance.
I hope I haven't assumed too much and that this is helpful. Just know it's not foolproof (the # operator stops counting at the first nil, for instance)
Edit: Usage
Matrix = {
{1,2,3...128}, -- row 1
{1,2,3...128}, -- row 128
Array = newMatrix(Matrix) -- Convert to 1D Array ({1,2,3,...,16384})
--Array.width = 128, Array.height = 128
position = {x=0, y=0}
neighbors = getNeighbors(Array, position.x, position.y)
-- neighbors is: {{0,1}, false, false, {1,0}, {1,1}, false, false, false}

Caffe - Concat layer input and output

I read about Concat layer on Caffe website. However, I don't know if my understanding of it is right.
Let's say that as an input I have two layers that can be described as W1 x H1 x D1 and W2 x H2 x D2, where W is the width, H is height and D is depth.
Thus, as I understand with Axis set to 0 output will be (W1 + W2) x (H1 + H2) x D, where D = D1 = D2.
With Axis set to 1 output will be W x H x (D1 + D2), where H = H1 = H2 and W = W1 = W2.
Is my understanding correct? If no I would be grateful for an explanation.
I'm afraid you are a bit off...
Look at this
Usually, data in caffe is stored in 4D "blobs": BxCxHxW (that is, batch size by channel/feature/depth by height by width).
Now if you have two blobs B1xC1xH1xW1 and B2xC2xH2xW2 you can concatenate them along axis: 1 (along channel dimension) to form an output blob with C=C1+C2. This is only possible iff B1==B2 and H1==H2 and W1==W2, resulting with B1x(C1+C2)xH1xW1

How does keras basic optimizer works?

Here is part of get_updates code from SGD from keras(source)
moments = [K.zeros(shape) for shape in shapes]
self.weights = [self.iterations] + moments
for p, g, m in zip(params, grads, moments):
v = self.momentum * m - lr * g # velocity
self.updates.append(K.update(m, v))
Since moments variable is a list of zeros tensors. Each m in the for loop is a zero tensor with the shape of p. Then the self.momentum * m, at the first line of the loop, is just a scalar multiply by zero tensor which result a zero tensor.
What am I missing here?
Yes - during a first iteration of this loop m is equal to 0. But then it's updated by a current v value in this line:
self.updates.append(K.update(m, v))
So in next iteration you'll have:
v = self.momentum * old_velocity - lr * g # velocity
where old_velocity is a previous value of v.

Multiplying a vector component with an array in ArrayFire

I'm getting an error while trying to multiply a vector component with an array (element-wise multiplication or broadcast). The docs show that this overloaded case for * should be fine:
AFAPI array operator* (const float &lhs, const array &rhs)
Multiplies two arrays or an array and a value. (const array&, const
But according to the error message below, perhaps vect(0) needs to be further flattened or reduced so that the sizes are consistent?
The error statement is clear:
Invalid dimension for argument 1 Expected: ldims == rides
Below is the code:
#include <arrayfire.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int device = argc > 1 ? atoi(argv[1]) : 0;
int n = 3;
int N = 5;
// Create the arrays:
af::array matrix = af::constant(0,n,n,f32); // 3 x 3 float array of zeros
af::array vect = af::seq(1,N); // A col vector of floats: {1.0, ... ,5.0}
// Show the arrays:
// Print a single component of the vector:
// This line produces the error (see below):
af_print(vect(0) * matrix); // Why doesn't this work?
// But somthing like this is fine:
af_print(1.0 * matrix);
return 0;
Producing the output:
ArrayFire v3.3.2
ATI Radeon HD 6750M
matrix [3 3 1 1]
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
vect [5 1 1 1]
vect(0) [1 1 1 1]
The dims() output of af_print() for the matrix = [3 3 1 1], and vect(0) = [1 1 1 1], make me suspicious, but I'm not sure how to flatten further. One would think this example to be a common way of using the ArrayFire API.
The error exception that is thrown is:
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type
af::exception: ArrayFire Exception (Invalid input size:203): In
function getOutDims In file src/backend/ArrayInfo.cpp:173
Invalid dimension for argument 1 Expected: ldims == rides
In function af::array af::operator*(const af::array &, const af::array
Adding a use-case to clarify:
In practice I am constructing a final array by summation of coeff(k) * (a 2-d slice of a 3-d array Z):
for (int j = 0; j<indx.dims(0); ++j)
final += coeff(indx(j)) * Z(af::span,af::span,indx(j));
I'll look into using a gfor but initially just wanted to get the correct numerical output. Note also that the vector: index is predefined, e.g., say index = {1, 2, 4, 7, ...} and the elements are not necessarily in sequence; this allows the selection of specific terms.
ArrayFire does not implicitly do vector array-scalar array element-wise operation (the case you say is failing). Only vector array-value ones are supported implicitly.
To do what you are doing, you will need to use the tile() function as shown below.
af_print(tile(vect(0), matrix.dims()) * matrix);
Since the dimension being tiled is 1, tile will be used as a JIT function. There is no extra memory used here. The entire computation is done in a single kernel. Hence no performance hit either.
Since OP added a usecase since the last answer, this is how you write a fully vectorized version in arrayfire.
array coeffs = moddims(coeff(indx), 1, 1, coeff.elements());
array final = sum(Z(span, span, indx) * tile(coeffs, Z.dims(0), Z.dims(1)), 2);
