Any way to automatically calculate Annular regions of nerve cells in ImageJ? - analysis

I'm trying to do a particle analysis of cross section of nerve cells. In essence, each nerve fiber has an outer and inner radius and I want to calculate the annular region. It's fairly simple to convert the image to a binary one, and then analyze particles, but it only gives the area of the outer region (inner region included). I want to somehow automate finding the outer region (marked by the outer edge of the black band) area less the inner region (marked off by the inner edges of the black band). Picture is related to what I'm talking about (the image is a sample and has already been converted to binary).

You should first invert the image, the white patterns will be what you want to analyze. Then, you apply a connected component labeling in order to separate the patterns, and then you can analyze them one by one.
Unfortunately, I don't think that the connected component labeling and separation exists in ImageJ, but you can take a look to the union-find algorithm, it's pretty simple. Here is a java code.


How to segment part of an image so that the edges are smooth?

I have an input image as follows and wish to segment the parts into regions. I also want the segmented parts to not been just the pixels which contribute to the solid color but also the edge anti-aliasing between the edge of the region and the next region.
Does there exist any filter or method to segment the image in this way? The important part is that the end result segmented part must contain the edge anti-aliasing between it and the next regions. A correct solution is shown in yellow.
In these two images I zoomed the pixels to be large so the edge anti-aliasing between region edges can be seen clearly.
An example output that I want for the yellow region is shown.
For a definition of "edge anti-aliasing" see
I'm not sure what exactly you want. For example, would some pixels belong to two segments? If that is the case, then I'm relatively sure you have to do something on your own. Otherwise, the following might work:
Opening and Closing
Opening and closing are two morphological operations which will smooth borders
There are many clustering algorithms. They are what you want for non-semantic segmentation (for semantic segmentation, you might want to read my literature survey). One example is
P. F. Felzenszwalb, “Graph based image segmentation.”
I would simply give those algorithms a try and see if one directly works.
Other clustering algorithms:

Algorithm for selecting outer points on a graph ("rich" convex hull)

I'm looking for an efficient way of selecting a relatively large portion of points (2D Euclidian graph) that are the furthest away from the center. This resembles the convex hull, but would include (many) more points. Further criteria:
The number of points in the selection / set ("K") must be within a specified range. Most likely it won't be very narrow, but it most work for different ranges (eg. 0.01*N < K < 0.05*N as well as 0.1*N < K < 0.2*N).
The algorithm must be able to balance distance from the center and "local density". If there are dense areas near the upper part of the graph range, but sparse areas near the lower part, then the algorithm must make sure to select some points from the lower part even if they are closer to the center than the points in the upper region. (See example below)
Bonus: rather than simple distance from center, taking into account distance to a specific point (or both a point and the center) would be perfect.
My attempts so far have focused on using "pigeon holing" (divide graph into CxR boxes, assign points to boxes based on coordinates) and selecting "outer" boxes until we have sufficient points in the set. However, I haven't been successful at balancing the selection (dense regions over-selected because of fixed box size) nor at using a selected point as reference instead of (only) the center.
I've (poorly) drawn an Example: The red dots are the points, the green shape is an example of what I want (outside the green = selected). For sparse regions, the bounding shape comes closer to the center to find suitable points (but doesn't necessarily find any, if they're too close to the center). The yellow box is an example of what my Pigeon Holing based algorithms does. Even when trying to adjust for sparser regions, it doesn't manage well.
Any and all ideas are welcome!
I don't think there are any standard algorithms that will give you what you want. You're going to have to get creative. Assuming your points are embedded in 2D Euclidean space here are some ideas:
Iteratively compute several convex hulls. For example, compute the convex hull, keep the points that are part of the convex hull, then compute another convex hull ignoring the points from the original convex hull. Continue to do this until you have a sufficient number of points, essentially plucking off points on the perimeter for each iteration. The only problem with this approach is that it will not work well for concavities in your data set (e.g., the one on the bottom of your sample you posted).
Fit a Gaussian to your data and keep everything > N standard
deviations away from the mean (where N is a value that you'd have to
choose). This should work pretty well if your data is Gaussian. If
it isn't, you could always model it with several Gaussians (instead
of one), and keep points with a joint probability less than some threshold. Using multiple Gaussians will probably handle concavities decently. References:
How to fit a gaussian to data in matlab/octave?\
Use Kernel Density Estimation - If you create a kernel density
surface, you could slice the surface at some height (e.g., turning
it into a plateau), giving you a perimeter shape (the shape of the
plateau) around the points. The trick would be to slice it at the
right location though, because you could end up getting no points
outside of the shape, but with the right selection you could easily
get the green shape you drew. This approach will work well and give you the green shape in your example if you choose the slice point wisely (which may be difficult to do). The big drawback of this approach is that it is very computationally expensive. More information:
Use alpha shapes to get a general shape the wraps tightly around
the outside perimeter of the point set. Then erode the shape a
little to force some points outside of the shape. I don't have a lot of experience with alpha shapes, but this approach will also be quite computationally expensive. More info:

Analyzing a hand-drawn flowchart diagram

I'm trying to detect objects and text in a hand-drawn diagram.
My goal is to be able to "parse" something like this into an object structure for further processing.
My first aim is to detect text, lines and boxes (arrows etc... are not important (for now ;))
I can do Dilatation, Erosion, Otsu thresholding, Invert etc and easily get to something like this
What I need some guidance for are the next steps.
I've have several ideas:
Contour Analysis
Edge detection
Contour Analysis
I've been reading about "Contour Analysis for Image Recognition in C#" on CodeProject which could be a great way to recognize boxes etc. but my issue is that the boxes are connected and therefore do not form separate objects to match with a template.
Therefore I need some advises IF this is a feasible way to go.
I would like to use UNIPEN (see "Large pattern recognition system using multi neural networks" on CodeProject) to recognize handwritten letters and then "remove" them from the image leaving only the boxes and lines.
Edge detection
Another way could be to detect all lines and corners and in that way infer the boxes and lines that the image consist of. In that case ideas on how to straighten the lines and find the 90 degree corners would be helpful.
Generally, I think I just need some pointers on which strategy to apply, not code samples (though it would be great ;))
I will try to answer about the contour analysis and the lines between them.
If you need to turn the interconnected boxes into separate objects, that can be achieved easily enough:
close the gaps in the box edges with morphological closing
perform connected components labeling and look for compact objects (e.g. objects whose area is close to the area of their bounding box)
You will get the insides of the boxes. These can be elliptical or rectangular or any shape you may find in common diagrams, the contour analysis can tell you which. A problem may arise for enclosed background areas (e.g. the space between the ABC links in your example diagram). You might eliminate these on the criterion that their bounding box overlaps with multiple other objects' bounding boxes.
Now find line segments with HoughLinesP. If a segment finishes or starts within a certain distance of the edge of one of the objects, you can assume it is connected to that object.
As an added touch you could try to detect arrow ends on either side by checking the width profile of the line segments in a neighbourhood of their endpoints.
It is an interesting problem, I will try to remember it and give it to my students to grit their teeth on.

Extract coordinates from image file

How to get an array of coordinates of a (drawn) line in image? Coordinates should be relative to image borders. Input: *.img . Output array of coordinates (with fixed step). Any 3rd party software to do this? For example there is high contrast difference - white background and color black line; or red and green etc.
Oh, you mean non-straight lines. You need to define a "line". Intuitively, you might mean a connected area of the image with a high aspect ratio between the length of its medial axis and the distance between medial axis and edges (ie relatively long and narrow, even if it winds around). Possible approach:
Threshold or select by color. Perhaps select by color based on a histogram of colors, or posterize as described here: Adobe Photoshop-style posterization and OpenCV, then call scipy.ndimage.measurements.label()
For each area above, skeletonize. Helpful tutorial: "Skeletonization using OpenCV-Python". However, you will likely need the distance to the edges as well, so use skimage.morphology.medial_axis(..., return_distance=True)
Do some kind of cleanup/filtering on the skeleton to remove short branches, etc. Thinking about your particular use, and assuming your lines don't loop around, you can just find the longest single path in the skeleton. This is where you can also decide if a shape is a "line" or not, based on how long the longest path in its skeleton is, relative to distance to the edges. Not sure how to best do that in opencv, but "Analyze Skeleton" in Fiji/ImageJ will let you filter by branch length.
What is left is the most elongated medial axis of the original "line" shape. You can resample that to some step that you prefer, or fit it with a spline, etc.
Due to the nature of what you want to do, it is hard to come up with a sample code that will work on a range of images. This is likely to require some careful tuning. I recommend using a small set of images (corpus), running any version of your algo on them and checking the results manually until it is pretty good, then trying it on a large corpus.
EDIT: Original answer, only works for straight lines:
You probably want to use the Hough transform (OpenCV tutorial).
Python sample code: Horizontal Line detection with OpenCV
EDIT: Related question with sample code to skeletonize: How can I get a full medial-axis line with its perpendicular lines crossing it?

Finding interior regions in figure

Let's say we have a dark donut on a white background. What is a good way, looking only at any pixel's value (0 = not white, 1 = white) and any neighbouring pixel values, to determine which one of the two white regions found on the image is inside the donut?
In computer graphics, this problem has been extensively studied in the context of geometry processing. The goal is to know whether a point is outside or outside a polygon (possibly with holes), and has been used for color filling for example.
The most common solution is to throw a line in a random direction from your current point (for simplicity, you can take an horizontal scan line), and count the number of intersections with the boundary. If this number is even, you are outside, and if it is odd, your are inside.
In the context of image processing, finding the boundary can be done with edge finding techniques (for instance, the Sobel operator). You can now just walk on a single row from your given point to the right (for instance) and count how many edges you found.
WhitAngl's answer is correct, so my answer is simply bringing in context some problems involved in Image Processing. If you are aware of these, sorry for the naïveness.
Given your initial image, simply considering its edges is bound to give incorrect results due to the own problems of detecting edges. They might be broken, they might not be detected, etc.. Also, from your own considerations, we cannot simple use 0 = not white, 1 = white. With your original image, this is the result of such consideration:
If we suppose you have a better binary representation as this one:
Then WhitAngl's answer applies perfectly. Also, in this case, the answer can be simplified to: if there is a black pixel of the exterior edge touching a white pixel, then this white pixel is not an interior one. This gives:
Where every white pixel is interior to your donut.
