How do I avoid download images on all docker hosts which are part of my swarm? - docker

I have a swarm setup which has around 6 nodes. Whenever I execute a docker run or docker pull command from the swarm manager it downloads the new image on all the swarm nodes.
This is creating data redundancy and choking my network.
Is there any way I can avoid this ?

Swarm Nodes need Images available to them by design. That will help swarm to start the container on an available node immediately when current node hosting the container crashes or current hosting node goes into maintenance (Drain Mode).
On the other hand docker Images will be pulled one time only, and you can use them until you upgrade your service.
Another one, Docker is designed for microservices, If you Image getting too large, Maybe you should try to cut it down to multiple containers.


What is a cluster and a node oriented to containers?

Sorry for this question, but I just started with Docker and Docker Compose and I really didn't need any of this until I read that I need to use Docker Swarn or Kuebernetes to have more stability in production. I started reading about Docker Swarn and they mentioned nodes and clusters.
I was really happy not knowing about this as I understood docker-compose:
Is that I could manage my services/containers from a single file
and only have to run several commands to launch, build, delete, etc.
all my services based on the docker-compose configuration.
But now the nodes and cluster have come out and I've really gone a bit crazy, and that's why if you can help me understand this next step in the life of containers. I've been googling and it's not very clear to me.
I hope you can help me and explain it to me in a way that I can understand.
Thank you!
A node is just a physical or virtual machine.
In Kubernetes/Docker Swarm context each node must have the relevant binaries installed (Docker Engine, kubelet etc..)
A cluster is a grouping of one or more nodes.
If you have just been testing on your local machine you have a single node.
If you were to add a second machine and link both machines together using docker swarm/kubernetes then you would have created a 2 node cluster
You can then use docker swarm/kubernetes to run your services/containers on any or all nodes in your cluster. This allows your services to be more resilient and fault tolerant.
By default Docker Compose runs a set of containers on a single system. If you need to run more containers than fit on one system, or you're just afraid of that system crashing, you need more than one system to do it. The cluster is the group of all of the systems (physical computers, virtual machines, cloud instances) that are working together to run the containers. Each of those individual systems is a node.
The other important part of the cluster container setups is that you can generally run multiple replicas of a give container, and you don't care where in the cluster they run. Say you have five nodes, and a Web server container, and you'd like to run three copies of it for redundancy. Instead of having to pick a node, ssh to it, and manually docker run there, you just tell the cluster manager "run me three of these", and it chooses a node and launches the container for you. You can also scale the containers up and down at runtime, or potentially set the cluster to do the scaling on its own based on load.
If your workload is okay running a single copy of containers on a single server, you don't need a cluster setup. (You might have some downtime during updates or if the single server dies.) Swarm has the advantages of being bundled with Docker and being able to use Docker-native tools (docker-compose can deploy to a Swarm cluster). Kubernetes is much more complex, but at this point most public cloud providers will sell you a preconfigured Kubernetes cluster, and it has better stories around security, storage management, and autoscaling. There are also a couple other less-prominent alternatives like Nomad and Mesos out there.

How Swarm mode image orchestration works?

I have setup a 3 node cluster (with no Internet access) with 1 manager and 2 worker-nodes using the standard swarm documentation.
How does the swarm manager in swarm mode know about the images present in worker nodes?
Lets say I have image A in worker-node-1 and image B in worker-node-2 and no images in the manager-node.
Now how do I start container for image A using the manager?
Will it start in manager or node-1?
When I query manager for the list of images will it give the whole list with A and B in it?
Does anyone know how this works?
I couldn’t get the details from the documentation.
Docker Swarm manager node may to be a worker one by the second role but not strictly necessary.
Image deployment policy is mapped via docker-compose.yml which has an information like target nodes, networks, hostnames, volumes, etc. in relation of particular service. So, it will start either in specified node or in emptiest default one.
Swarm manager communicates with the worker nodes via Docker networks:
When you initialize a swarm or join a Docker host to an existing swarm, two new networks are created on that Docker host:
an overlay network called ingress, which handles control and data
traffic related to swarm services. When you create a swarm service and
do not connect it to a user-defined overlay network, it connects to
the ingress network by default
a bridge network called
docker_gwbridge, which connects the individual Docker daemon to the
other daemons participating in the swarm.
During Swarm deployment, the images of it's services are being propagated to worker nodes according to their deployment policy.
The manager node will contain images once the node is the worker one too (correct me, if it won't).
The default configuration with swarm mode is to pull images from a registry server and use pinning to reference a unique hash for those images. This can be adjusted, but there is no internal mechanism to distribute images within a cluster.
For an offline environment, I'd recommend a stand alone registry server accessible to the cluster. You can even run it on the cluster. Push your image there, and point your server l services to the registry for their images to pull. See this doc for details on running a stand alone registry, or any of the many 3rd party options (e.g. Harbor):
The other option is to disable the image pinning, and manually copy images to each of your swarm nodes. You need to do this in advance of deploying any service changes. You'll also lose the benefit of reused image layers when you manually copy them. Because of all this issues it creates, overhead to manage, and risk of mistakes, I'd recommend against this option.
Run the docker stack deploy command with --with-registry-auth that will give the Workers access to pull the needed image
By default Docker Swarm will pull the latest image from registry when deploying

Docker Swarm for managing headless containers, and keeping them updated (or watchtower?)

I've been trying to devise a strategy for using Docker Swarm for managing a bunch of headless containers - don't need load balancer, exposing any ports, or auto scaling.
The only thing I want is the ability to update all of the containers (on all nodes), if any of the images are updated. Each container running will need to have a specific --hostname.
Is running docker service even viable for this? Or should I just do a normal docker run targeting specific nodes to specify the --hostname i want? The reason I'm even asking about docker service is because it allows you to do an update (forcing an update for all containers if there are updated images).
Was also thinking that Docker Swarm would make it a bit easier to keep an eye on all the containers (i.e. manage them from a central location).
The other option I was looking at was watchtower, to run on each server that is running one of the containers, as an alternative to swarm. My only issue with this is that it doesn't provide any orchestration, for centralized management.
Anyone have any ideas of what would be a better option given the scenario?
Docker swarm does not give you any advantage regarding rolling updates apart from the docker service command, swarm only provides the user horizontal scaling and places a load balancer in front of those replicas called "service", as well as some other goodies such as replicating the docker events across the swarm nodes.
docker service --force would work as expected.
However, you should probably use both, docker swarm for orchestration and watchtower for rolling updates.

docker: why are images per machine?

I'm trying to learn docker-machine and docker swarm. After creating and running a few machines, I discovered that the docker images are actually per machine. This means that one has to pull/build images for each machine that's in a cluster.
This sounds like a waste of time/space for me. What's the logic behind this?
Correction. Docker 1.12 still requires the images to be present on each node before doing docker service create. That's inconvenient as you write but on the other hand it's the only way to make sure that services are restarted on some other node if the main node that had the images goes down.

Scaling: Docker containers vs Vms

I'm trying to understand the benefits of scaling an app via docker.
As I understand it; if I have a dockerized app running in a single docker container or pod in kubernetes; to scale it i.e. in the case of increased load I would create multiple instances of the same container and load balance requests to each container; thing is if all these containers are on the same vm aren't they all drawing from the same system resources?
What is scaling via docker then? Is it real? If all the container instances of your app are all drawing on the resources of the host machine?
You are correct that scaling up and running more instances of a container on a single host will cause them to compete for resources. You'd want a kubernetes cluster with more than one 'minion'/host nodes. Having more than one container on a single host can be good, if load balanced properly, and a single container crashes, the other will still be up, without any delay or downtime while the replacement container is created.
