SQLite3::BusyException: database is locked: INSERT INTO - ruby-on-rails

When I run this piece of code with a task, it works
task :importGss => :environment do
file = Rails.root + "app/assets/CSVs/gss.csv"
csv_text = File.read(file)
puts csv_text.size
csv = CSV.parse(csv_text, :col_sep => ';', :headers => true)
csv.each do |row|
When I run it with a MVC, I have the following message :
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (SQLite3::BusyException: database is locked:
I have put the above code in a function in the Gss model.
The import is launched from the browser with a GET that is routed to the controller that calls the model import function
When the import is finished, the complete list of record should then be returned to the view.
the csv file has 4k rows.
The process of importing takes time and it seems that after precisely 60 seconds the GET is resend.
Can someone explain me how to avoid this resending that crashes the import ?

Wrapping it in a transaction will make sure all the queries will be run together, rather than 1 at a time. This will drastically decrease the time taken to execute the import for that many rows.
task :importGss => :environment do
file = Rails.root + "app/assets/CSVs/gss.csv"
csv_text = File.read(file)
puts csv_text.size
csv = CSV.parse(csv_text, :col_sep => ';', :headers => true)
ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
csv.each do |row|
Read more on transactions here: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Transactions/ClassMethods.html


Parse binary CSV file in Ruby

This should have been such an easy thing... buy I can't for the life of me figure out how to parse a CSV file that doesn't seem to have a specific encoding.
File.open(Rails.root.join('data', 'mike/test-csv.csv'), 'rb') { |f| f.read }
=> "ID,\x00Q\x00u\x00a\x00n\x00t\x00i\x00t\x00y\n\x006\x00e\x005\x004\x009\x001\x00e\x007\x00-\x007\x00f\x001\x005\x00-\x004\x001\x007\x00d\x00-\x00a\x004\x000\x003\x00-345\x00,\x00\x005\x000\x00.\x000\x000\x000\x000\x000\x000\x000\x000\x00\n"
Here's a gist of it, can't figure out a way to post the specific CSV.
All I get from checking the encoding of the file is that it's in binary format, any thoughts on how I could get it into a normal csv?
Note: This is a downloaded CSV so converting it to another encoding via opening it in excel and exporting (or something like that) is not an option :)
Updating with attempted solution 1:
path = Rails.root.join('data', 'mike/test-csv.csv')
CSV.read(path, {:headers => true, :encoding => 'utf-8'}).each do |d|
puts d
Result: 6e5491e7-7f15-417d-a403-345,50.00000000
While this is correct, it ONLY works with puts, for example:
CSV.read(path, {:headers => true, :encoding => 'utf-8'}).map { |row| row }
=> [#<CSV::Row "ID":"\u00006\u0000e\u00005\u00004\u00009\u00001\u0000e\u00007\u0000-\u00007\u0000f\u00001\u00005\u0000-\u00004\u00001\u00007\u0000d\u0000-\u0000a\u00004\u00000\u00003\u0000-345\u0000" "\u0000Q\u0000u\u0000a\u0000n\u0000t\u0000i\u0000t\u0000y":"\u0000\u00005\u00000\u0000.\u00000\u00000\u00000\u00000\u00000\u00000\u00000\u00000\u0000">]
CSV.read(path, {:headers => true, :encoding => 'utf-8'}).map(&:to_s)
=> ["\u00006\u0000e\u00005\u00004\u00009\u00001\u0000e\u00007\u0000-\u00007\u0000f\u00001\u00005\u0000-\u00004\u00001\u00007\u0000d\u0000-\u0000a\u00004\u00000\u00003\u0000-345\u0000,\u0000\u00005\u00000\u0000.\u00000\u00000\u00000\u00000\u00000\u00000\u00000\u00000\u0000\n"]
It's unfortunately still not the correct string :(
Final Solution (via #ashmaroli below):
path = Rails.root.join('data', 'mike/test-csv.csv')
csv_text = ''
File.open(path, 'r') do |csv|
csv.each_line do |line|
csv_text << line.gsub(/\u0000/, '')
CSV.parse(csv_text, headers:true).map do |row| row end
[#<CSV::Row "ID":"6e5491e7-7f15-417d-a403-345" "Quantity":"50.00000000">]
Github Gist
Download Example CSV File
path = Rails.root.join('data', 'mike/test-csv.csv')
file = ""
File.open(path, 'r') do |csv|
csv.each_line do |line|
file << line.gsub(/\u0000/, '')
print file
print file.inspect # same as above just wraps the string in a
# single line with "\n" chars

Rails console vs a rake task: returning File.size is not consistent

I'm having a strange issue where when I check the File.size of a particular file in Rails console, it returns the correct size. However when I run the same code in a rake task, it returns 0. Here is the code in question (I've tidied it up a bit to help with readability):
def sum_close
daily_closed_tickets = Fst.sum_retrieve_closed_tickets
daily_closed_tickets.each do |ticket|
CSV.open("FILE_NAME_HERE", "w+", {force_quotes: false}) do |csv|
if (FileCopyReceipt.exists?(path: "#{ticket.attributes['TroubleTicketNumber']}_sum.txt"))
files = Dir.glob("/var/www/html/harmonize/public/close/CLOSED_#{ticket.attributes['TroubleTicketNumber']}_sum.txt")
files.each do |f|
Rails.logger.info "File size (should return non-0): #{File.size(f)}" #returns 0, but not in Rails Console
Rails.logger.info "File size true or false, should be true: #{File.size(f) != 0}" #returns false, should return true
Rails.logger.info "Rails Environment: #{Rails.env}" #returns production
if(!FileCopyReceipt.exists?(path: f) && (File.size(f) != 0))
Rails.logger.info("SUM CLOSE, GOOD => FileUtils.cp_r occurred and FileCopyReceipt object created")
Rails.logger.info("SUM CLOSE, WARNING: => no data transfer occurred")
Rails.logger.info("SUM CLOSE => DID NOT make it into initial if ClosedDate.present? if block")
task :close_tickets => :environment do
tickets = FstController.new
It is beyond me why this File.size comes back as 0 when this is run as a rake task. I thought it may be a environment issue, but that does not seem to be the case.
Any insight on the matter is appreciated.
The CSV.open block and everything being wrapped in there was causing issues. So I just made CSV generation it's own snippet instead of wrapping everything in there.
daily_closed_tickets.each do |ticket|
CSV.open("generate csv here.txt") do |csv|
#enter ticket.attributes here for the csv
#continue on with the rest of the code and File.size() works properly

Ruby CSV File Parsing, Headers won't format?

My rb file reads:
require "csv"
puts "Program1 initialized."
contents = CSV.open "data.csv", headers: true
contents.each do |row|
name = row[4]
puts name
...but when i run it in ruby it wont load the program. it gives me the error message about the headers:
syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting $end
contents = CSV.open "data.csv", headers: true
so I'm trying to figure out, why won't ruby let me parse this file? I've tried using other csv files I have and it won't load, and gives me an error message. I'm trying just to get the beginning of the program going! I feel like it has to do with the headers. I've updated as much as I can, mind you I'm using ruby 1.8.7. I read somewhere else that I could try to run the program in irb but it didn't seem like it needed it. so yeah... thank you in advance!!!!
Since you are using this with Ruby 1.8.7, :headers => true won't work in this way.
The simplest way to ignore the headers and get your data is to shift the first row in the data, which would be the headers:
require 'csv'
contents = CSV.open("data.csv", 'r')
contents.each do |row|
name = row[4]
puts name
If you do want to use the syntax with headers in ruby 1.8, you would need to use FasterCSV, something similar to this:
require 'fastercsv'
FasterCSV.foreach("data.csv", :headers => true) do |fcsv_obj|
puts fcsv_obj['name']
(Refer this question for further read: Parse CSV file with header fields as attributes for each row)

How to continue processing a block in Ruby after an exception?

I am trying to process some very large tab-separated files. The process is:
Dir["#{#data_path}*.tsv"].each do |file|
CSV.foreach(file, :col_sep => "\t") do |row|
# assign columns to model and save
#log.info("Loaded all files into MySQL database illu.datafeeds")
rescue Exception => e
#log.warn("Unable to process the data feed: #{file} because #{e.message}")
However, when I execute this I get the following error:
Unable to process the file: /Users/XXXXX_2013-06-12.tsv because Illegal quoting in line 153.
The files are too big for me to go in and fix the error rows. I would like the process to continue the loop and process the file even if there are error rows.
Any suggestions?
just ... rescue nil the row causing the error
you can even log it with logger
before the loop:
error_log ||= Logger.new("#{Rails.root}/log/my.log")
inside the loop instead of just rescue nil use
rescue error_log.info(row.to_s)
in case you get the error before file begins to parse (before .foreach procedure) you can open it as raw file and read it as CSV later - inside the loop (like mentioned here)
..or just rescue full file parsing procedure
CSV.foreach(file, :col_sep => "\t") do |row|
end rescue error_log.info(row.to_s)

There's an easy way to load csv rows into an Heroku hosted app?

I have some csv exported rows of data that I need to load into a Rails 2.3.8 app.
The csv data is already in the perfect format for the app that I'm hosting on Heroku.
Is there an easy way to do it?
I have had success with something like this:
require 'csv'
CSV.foreach(Rails.root.to_s+"/db/calseed_test1.csv") do |row|
:caldate => row[0],
:caltime => row[1],
:callocation => row[2],
:caldescription => row[3]
You could use Ruby's built-in CSV library to read your data into an array, which you can then do whatever you need to with:
CSV.foreach("path/to/file.csv") do |row|
# use row here...
# For example, if you had users in a CSV file like "username,email" you could do:
User.create(:username => row[0], :email => row[1])
Yes, there is a very simple way.
Upload the file to gist or anywhere publically accessible.
Use open-uri to load it in any console of your choice.
csv_file = open('https://gist.githubusercontent.com/gauravsaini23/84f9592bbc7cf444e869f8c67321a086/raw/84f7dc0c9d0770a30d28072e05527d1071870042/sample.csv') {|f| f.read}
You have all your required data.
csv = CSV.new(csv_file)
pry(main)> csv.first
=> ["Name", " Purpose"]
