Renaming a project in TFS 2015 - tfs

I know that this is possible for TFS projects, but I seem unable to take care of this. I've renamed TFS-hosted GIT projects with no issues, but I'm not able to see the drop-down menus or text-editing boxes on my TFS2015 Admin Site.
I've tried in multiple browsers, multiple systems. I am a Project COllection Manager, and have verified that I have full rights on all projects to be renamed.
Please provide some input as to how I can further diagnose.

You can go to team project admin page, and move your mouse to the Name of team project, the text-editing box will show up, then you can remove the team project:
Another way is go to team project collection admin page, right click the team project you want to rename, then select Rename:


Team Foundation Server 2012

I have tried to delete a project in TFS, but the delete iterm is not show,
Please help me to delete the project, thanks very much.
Click here to show the picture image
You are trying to delete a default Team in a team project, not a team project (The default Team is not allowed to delete). As I don't have TFS 2012 environment, I'm not sure whether TFS 2012 support deleting a team project on Web UI. You can click on DefaultCollection in the navigation area in the upper left, and check whether you can see a drop down arrow to the left of a team project name when you hover over the name with you mouse. If you could see Delete option, then click it to delete a team project on Web UI.
If you can not delete a team project from Web UI, you can use the following options:
Using the Administration Console, you can delete a team project from a team project collection:
Details, you can refer to this website:
You can use the TFSDeleteProject command line tool to delete a team project:
TFSDeleteproject [/q] [/force] [/excludewss]/collection:URL TeamProjectName
Details, you can refer to this website:

Swtich project teams in TFS 2017 portal

I have got TFS 2017 on prem and have created an additional team with it's own area. I have then added a new user story for both of these areas/teams.
I am a member of both of the areas, but can't see a way to switch between the two teams.
When looking at the backlog I can only see one of the user stories. How can I then switch to the other team and see other stories associated with that area?
In addition, I can't see a way of seeing what teams I belong to in a project without going into the settings.
This is due to several features depend on the team project or team that you have selected. For example, dashboards, backlogs, and board views will change depending on the context selected. How to select team based on your detail TFS version, such as:
Open the team project/team drop-down menu and select the team
project/team that you've recently visited. If you don't see the team
or team project you want, choose Browse all to browse all team
projects and teams.
If you are using TFS2017 update1, to switch your team focus to a team project or team you've recently viewed, hover over the Team Services icon and choose from the drop-down menu of options.
For more detail info please refer the tutorial in MSDN--Switch team project or team focus
I was thinking along the lines of a new user coming along to view the project teams and so the teams wouldn't be in the Recent list. I found the list is at the Team Project list, it just needs to be expanded:

TFS - User can only see certain branches within a Team Project

I have set up security in TFS 2012 Team Projects. There is one user who can see parts of a Team Project (certain branches) that he otherwise should not see. I have checked the branch security as well and can't find anywhere why that user should have access to it. It also shows a weird plus sign in front of that Team Project for that user only where he can only see some branches and not the full team project.
figured it out. apparently user had checked out some files before we restricted the permissions and therefore once the user checked in their changes, they could not see these projects anymore.

Where is the "Edit build definition" permission in our TFS 2013 installation?

Our environment is a TFS 2013 server (12.0.21005.1 Tfs2013.RTM) which was upgraded from a fresh installation of TFS 2008, with a number of team projects and developers.
One thing that our developers regularly need to do is create and edit build definitions. According to both Visual Studio and all documentation I've been able to find, there should be a "Edit build definition" privilege (perhaps along with a few others) which controls access to this. But as you can see in the screenshot, it doesn't exist in our installation:
The only workaround I've found is to grant the people in question membership of the Project Administrators group, which is clearly not desirable. There is no group like build administrators or anything of the sort which might help, either; this is the list of groups available to choose from:
As a consequence, whenever a developer wants to edit a build definition (which is perfectly appropriate in our case) they keep running into:
What, short of making everyone a project administrator in every team project they might possibly work in, can I do to resolve this?
Here's where to find the security settings for build definitions.
TFS 2015 UI: Go to the Build Explorer, click on the drop down arrow to the left of All build definitions or All XAML definitions.
VS Team Services and TFS "15" RC2 and newer: Go to Build and click on the Security button in the upper right side.
You will then get a dialog like the following with the build permissions.
The permissions that you show above are for Team Projects and not builds.
If you select a build and right-click on it you should get a permissions option. Here you will find build specific permission that you are looking for.
You can also set permissions through the API with PowerShell...

Developers can't see projects in Team Explorer/TFS 2010

For some reason our developers can only add projects that they've created to Team Explorer, even though they've all been given rights to the other projects. I created a top level group and added all of their AD users to it, and I assigned that group rights to access all of our projects.
They can see the projects in Source Control Explorer, and are able to do their work, but if they try to add a project to Team Explorer, the Connect to Team Project dialog box only shows their own projects.
Is there some other set of permissions?
If you want to make everyone can see and operate each others project, you need to put your team group into Project Collection Administrators in Collection level
If you don't want everyone have admin right,
you need to tell everyone to put the team group into Readers group in the team project they created.
Actually, I don't think there is a way to create a group in Collection level to access all team projects.
In fact, I think the best solution for you situation should be everyone use the same Team project and put everyone in the Reader group in that team project.
So everyone can create their own project under that team project instead of creating their own team project.
If you still want to let everyone create their own team project,
I suggest you use Team Foundation Server Administration Tool to manage group membership.
Permission right usually given on team project level basic. By "top level group" if you mean by giving permission at collection level. then i will suggest you try adding member at 'team project level' under any required group with necessary permission. if you cant add the member ask the admin of the team project to add separately.
you can directly access the security page through web access by.
[TFS web access url]/[Collection]/[team project]/_admin/_security
Under the "TeamExplorer - Connect" there is an option to "Select Team Projects..." When you click on this a box should pop-up titled "Connect to Team Foundation Server" that has a select dropbox, a "Team Project Collections" panel and a "Team Projects" panel. The latter has a list of projects in the collection and each has a checkbox next to them.
Make sure the projects you are interested in are in the list, and have the box checked. You can use the "Select All" checkbox to turn them all on at once.
