Centering node vertically in horizontal ASStackLayout - ios

I'm wonder what is the correct way to center textNode inside vertical ASSStackNode which is inside horizontal ASStackNode without setting any sizes?
I've tried different options with ASCenterLayout / ASRelativeLayout around vertical layout, flewGrow, flexShrink.
Only possible way that I see is static layout with minimum height around vertical layout. But wanna find if there are another way.
Images to better picture:
My layout structure:
What I get when one of text fields is empty:
What I want to see:

If your ASTextNode is empty or nil. Isn't mean node not exist. If you want hide node if it empty, you must write a simple logic for it. For exlude it Spec from calculation. What i use on ADK1.9:
- (ASLayoutSpec *)layoutSpecThatFits: (ASSizeRange)constrainedSize
NSMutableArray *arrayOfChildren = [NSMutableArray new];
[arrayOfChildren insertObject:self.titleNode];
if (self.textNode.text.length > 0) {
[arrayOfChildren insertObject:self.textNode];
ASStackLayoutSpec *verticalElementCoreStack = [ASStackLayoutSpec stackLayoutSpecWithDirection:ASStackLayoutDirectionVertical spacing:8
justifyContent:ASStackLayoutJustifyContentCenter alignItems:ASStackLayoutAlignItemsStretch
return verticalElementCoreStack;


How do I resize my UITableView using Autolayout?

I have a UITableView in a ViewController in a Storyboard (not a UITableViewController). What I want to do is add a custom UIView above the TableView in code. When the View is not there, the TableView's top anchor is anchored to PrimaryNavCollectionViewOutlet. I store this constraint as an outlet, and then if I have to add the View, I can use this outlet to remove the storyboard constraint.
I then constrain the inserted View to be below where the TableView was, and constraint the TableView to be below that.
Here's my code:
if (_viewAboveTableView != null)
_viewAboveTableView.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false;
TableView.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false;
_viewAboveTableView.LeadingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.LeadingAnchor).Active = true;
_viewAboveTableView.TopAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(PrimaryNavCollectionViewOutlet.BottomAnchor).Active = true;
_viewAboveTableView.TrailingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.TrailingAnchor).Active = true;
_viewAboveTableView.BottomAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(TableView.TopAnchor).Active = true;
Unfortunately, when I run it, I can't see _viewAboveTableView. I feel like I'm missing something easy, but I can't figure out what. I've tried LayoutIfNeeded() and a few other methods on the View, but they don't make it appear. What have I missed?
Add height constraint to _viewAboveTableView.
Make sure _viewAboveTableView has content that will specify intrinsic content size -- it should have properly laid-out subviews with content size (intrinsic or explicit via layouts. e.g. image, label etc.)
My guess is _viewAboveTableView is not getting inflated because it doesn't specify intrinsic content size (height > 0). If it's wrong constraints, you should be able to see it in the console.
It looks like the problem with what I was doing was that TableView.RemoveConstraint(TableViewTopConstraint); didn't have the intended effect.
From this answer I learned that RemoveConstraint is, or is about to be, deprecated in favour of TableViewTopConstraint.Active = false;. This made my code work the way that was intended.

How to set alignments right for dynamic UIStackView with inner XIB

My original ViewController consists of only one scrollView like this:
Now I also have my own xib file (CheckBoxView) which mainly consists of one button, see this screenshot:
I dynamically create some UIStackViews and add them to the ScrollView Inside these UIStackViews I add multiple instances of my xib file.
What I want to achieve is, that the StackViews are just vertically stacked. And inside the StackViews the UIViews from my xib-file should also be vertically stacked.
At the moment it looks like this:
So the xib-Views are not in the whole view. Since I am using multi-os-engine I can't provide swift/obj-c code. But here is my Java-Code:
for (ItemConfiguration config : itemInstance.getConfigurations()) {
List<DLRadioButton> radioButtons = new ArrayList<DLRadioButton>();
UIStackView configView = UIStackView.alloc().initWithFrame(new CGRect(new CGPoint(0, barHeight), new CGSize(displayWidth, displayHeight - barHeight)));
for (ConfigurationOption option : config.getOptions()) {
UIView checkBox = instantiateFromNib("CheckBoxView");
for (UIView v : checkBox.subviews()) {
if (v instanceof DLRadioButton) {
((DLRadioButton) v).setTitleForState(option.getName(), UIControlState.Normal);
//((DLRadioButton) v).setIconSquare(true);
radioButtons.add((DLRadioButton) v);
// group radiobuttons
private UIView instantiateFromNib(String name) {
return (UIView) UINib.nibWithNibNameBundle(name, null).instantiateWithOwnerOptions(null, null).firstObject();
How do I need to set the Alignments etc. to Achieve what I want. It should look like this:
I don't know if there is a reason to not use UITableView, that i highly recommend for your case. In case it's not possible, below you can find some pieces of advice that should help.
If you use Auto Layout, you should set constraints for all views instantiated in your code. The constraints must be comprehensive for iOS to know each view's position and size.
Remove redundant constraints
These two constraint just doesn't make sense to me. You need the stackviews be stacked within you ScrollView, but not centered. If i understand you goal correctly, this should be removed
Set width/x-position constraints for UIStackViews
Right after a stack view is added to the ScrollView, you need to set up constraints for it. I'll provide my code in swift, but it looks quite similar to what your Java code is doing, so hopefully you'll be able to transpile it without difficulties:
Set height constraints for UIStackViews
StackViews doesn't change their size whenever you add arranged view in it. So you need to calculate a desired stackview size yourself and specify it explicitly via constraints. It should be enough to accommodate items and spaces between them. I suppose that all items should be of the same size, let it be 32 points, then height should be:
let stackViewHeight = items.count * 32 + * (items.count + 1)
And make new height constraint for the stack view:
configView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: stackViewHeight).isActive = true
Set y-position for UIStackView
This is a little bit more challenging part, but the most important for the views to work properly in a scroll view.
1) Change loop to know the index of a UIStackView
A scroll view should always be aware of height of its content, so you need to understand which stack view is the top one, and which is the bottom. In order to do that, you need to change for each loop to be written as for(;;) loop:
for (int i = 0; i < itemInstance.getConfigurations().length; i++) {
ItemConfiguration config = itemInstance.getConfigurations()[i]
I'm not aware of which type your array is, so if it doesn't have subscript functionality, just replace it with corresponding method.
2) Set top anchor for stack views
For the first stack view in the array, top anchor should be equal to the scroll view top anchor, for others it should be bottom anchor of the previous stack view + spacing between them (say, 8 points in this example):
if i == 0 {
configView.topAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(scrollView.topAnchor, constant: 8).isActive = true
} else {
let previousConfigView = itemInstance.getConfigurations()[i - 1]
configView.topAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(previousConfigView.bottomAnchor, constant: 8).isActive = true
3) Set bottom anchor for the last stack view
As was said - for the Scroll View to be aware of content size, we need to specify corresponding constraints:
if i == itemInstance.getConfigurations() - 1 {
configView.bottomAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(scrollView.bottomAnchor, constant: 8).isActive = true
Note: please be advised, that all constraints should be set on views that are already added to the scroll view.

How to align data points in shinobichart based on bars frame in iOS

I'm developing an iOS application and using shinobichart for iOS to display data. But I'm stuck with positioning the datapoints outside or inside the bar based on the bar frame.
I'm stuck in positioning the data point labels inside the bar or outside the bar based on bar frame. If bar is big enough to accommodate the data point I need to position the data point inside bar or else outside the bar as in the below image
In - (void)sChart:(ShinobiChart *)chart alterDataPointLabel:(SChartDataPointLabel *)label forDataPoint:(SChartDataPoint *)dataPoint inSeries:(SChartSeries *)series we need to update data points if we wish as per shinobi documentation. But what logic can help to solve such an alignment of data points.
Also I tried to with the following official shinobi example to align data point aside
But unable to modify for the requirement.
Please help to solve this riddle.
The best way for you to achieve this is to use the alterDataPointLabel method as you have mentioned. I would do something like this:
func sChart(chart: ShinobiChart!, alterDataPointLabel label: SChartDataPointLabel!, forDataPoint dataPoint: SChartDataPoint!, inSeries series: SChartSeries!) {
if Int(label.text!) > [YOUR CUT OFF VALUE]
label.frame.origin.y += 15
label.textColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
label.frame.origin.y -= 15
label.textColor = UIColor.blackColor()
This works best if you know the values your chart is going to be displayed. However as a more generic way of achieving it I would recommend comparing the y value of the data label's origin against y value of the chart canvas. Then for example you could set the it so it appears within the column if it the series was 90% of the canvas?

How do I control the relative widths of UIStackViews nested within another stack view?

I've a fairly difficult layout design that might be easier using nested stack views in iOS. BUT, I'm having problems controlling the size or distribution of stacks nested inside other stacks. One part of the layout, for example, looks OK-ish if I set Distribution to Fit Equally:
BUT, what I really want is the photo and container to be about 1/3 the width of the text field stack. If I set Distribution to Fit Proportionally, the stack with the image (which doesn't change size) and container spreadout and squash the text against the side of the display. Everything I read suggests to reduce the Content Compression Resistance Priority. I've tried this on the image, the container and on the stack view itself, but it doesn't do much.
Could someone please point me in the right direction to control the relative widths of stacks nested inside other stacks?
To answer your question: Could someone please point me in the right direction to control the relative widths of stacks nested inside other stacks?
The problem is that your top-level UIStackView is asking for the intrinsicContentSize of all its subviews when determining how to divy up extra space/squash things together, based on each of the subviews' returned intrinsicContentSize and their contentHuggingPriority/contentCompressionResistance. Unfortunately, UIStackView itself - ie your nested UIStackView - doesn't return anything useful for its own intrinsicContentSize (despite it having its own subviews, which do). So the top-level UIStackView just ploughs ahead and lays things out as though the nested one doesn't care, which is why your nested UIStackView is ending up wider than you'd like.
I've had good luck by using a simple UIStackView subclass for the nested one which returns a useful intrinsicContentSize based on its own contents' widths (for a vertical axis) or heights (for a horizonal axis), as follows:
#implementation NestedStackView
- (CGSize)intrinsicContentSize
CGSize size = [super intrinsicContentSize]; // returns {UIViewNoIntrinsicMetric,UIViewNoIntrinsicMetric}
for (UIView *view in self.arrangedSubviews)
if (!view.hidden) { // UIStackView ignores hidden subviews when doing its layout; so should we...
if (self.axis == UILayoutConstraintAxisVertical) {
size.width = MAX(view.intrinsicContentSize.width, size.width);
} else {
size.height = MAX(view.intrinsicContentSize.height, size.height);
return size;
By doing so, the top-level UIStackView now takes the nested UIStackView's desired content width into account when allocating its space. [aside: I first attempted adding an explicit NSLayoutConstraint on the width of the nested UIStackView, but it was just ignored. Whereas returning an instrinsicContentSize.width worked]
I'd hope there might be a better answer, but the only effective method that I've found is to put the image into a view and pin it to the view's edges. The size of the view can then be controlled with constraints.
If anyone has a better approach, they can still answer as part of this more detailed question:
One easy way to do this is to use AutoLayout to set relative width constraints on your nested stack views. For example, if you want to have your left UIStackView to fill 2/3rds of the screen and your right UIStackViewto fill 1/3rd, you can use the code below.
let leftStackView = UIStackView(arrangedSubviews: [...])
leftStackView.axis = .vertical
let rightStackView = UIStackView(arrangedSubviews: [...])
rightStackView.axis = .vertical
let containerStackView = UIStackView(arrangedSubviews:
[leftStackView, rightStackView])
containerStackView.axis = .horizontal
containerStackView.distribution = .fillProportionally
containerStackView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
//leftStackView will be twice as wide as the rightStackView, so
//the distribution is 2/3rds to 1/3rd
rightStackView.widthAnchor, multiplier: 2.0).isActive = true

Update segmented control in ios without change interface

when I update segmented control text, the interface (segment's width) changed and cut some letters.
[segmentedcontoll setTitle:#"test" forSegmentAtIndex:1];
segmentedcontoll.apportionsSegmentWidthsByContent = YES;
How can I solve this ?
It looks like your content has outgrown the dimensions of the standard UISegmentedControl.
If you are okay with smaller font, it's possible to set the entire control to have a smaller font point size, seen here.
Another option is to configure the segments the other supported way.. With images. It's a little bit of a hack, but you can create images on the fly with the UIView Snapshotting API of views/labels configured however you want and set images for each segment instead of using text. This would allow you to create 2 line labels with fixed widths and set images for each section to be images generated from the label as the content changes. More work, but you would still be using the standard class.
The last option, which might work the best for you, is to create some other custom control that does what you would like. After all, UISegmentedControl really is just a nice button container. And it does somewhat seem like you are using the control in a non-standard way - both as a control and an input form section.
Others have gone this route before and created alternatives that you can use.
You can create a separate class as below,
class CustomSegmentedControl: UISegmentedControl {
//code for creating multi line
override func didMoveToSuperview()
for segment in subviews
for subview in segment.subviews
if let segmentLabel = subview as? UILabel
segmentLabel.numberOfLines = 0 //just change here the number of lines and check it.
and create an outlet in your viewcontroller as,
// Initialize
let items = ["Purple", "Green", "New Segment"]
let customSC = CustomSegmentedControl(items: items)
use customSC and do what ever you want to do, similar to segmentedControl object.
