dyld: Symbol not found: _kABPersonAddressCityKey XCODE 8 issue - ios

Hi My code was running perfectly in xcode 7.x.x
As soon as i updated my xcode i am getting this issue please give me the solution for this.
Details :
dyld: Symbol not found: _kABPersonAddressCityKey Referenced from:
Expected in: /System/Library/Frameworks/PassKit.framework/PassKit in

Add PassKit.framework to your Link Binary With Libraries in your Build Phases and set its Status to Optional

There are two things that might fix your problem:
1- Open your target -> Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries -> Add AddressBook.framework
AddressBook framework was deprecated in iOS 9. Apparently your app will crash if you compile the code on Xcode 8 and run on a iOS 9 or lower device.
I recommend migrating to Contacts framework and/or have preprocessor macros that don't include the AddressBook framework code when built on iOS 10.
Source: https://github.com/OceanLabs/iOS-Print-SDK/issues/257

Paul Senabre's solution worked for me, thank you, thank you, thank you! This has been driving me nuts!
Adding PassKit.framework solved but problem, but make sure to add it for all of your targets! When you add it, it only affects your current target. BTW, my app with a target of iOS-8 ran fine with iOS-10 in Xcode-8, but would crash with anything previous to iOS-10.


Xcode Library included but not found?

I'm working with Wikitude AR and on running their out-of-the-box example I'm running into an error.
-> 0x12008d088 <+0>: brk #0x3
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/WikitudeNativeSDK.framework/WikitudeNativeSDK
Referenced from: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/F826D5F6-554F-4CFA-B3DA-D3522636E93A/unityexample.app/unityexample
Reason: image not found
Here's a screen of the included library: I've also tried re-adding it
So why is this framework not found?
Already tried: library linked but Xcode says "file not found."
Xcode 7.3.1 | OS X 10.11.4
In newer versions of Xcode / iOS you need to do the additional step of adding the framework as an Embedded Binary
Can you please try enabling the following:
If that doesn't work then best will to go through the example app supplied by the framework provider or check the documentation page aginan. It seems they have lot of dependancy frameworks to be added for it to work:
This may work:
Delete the framework by right click show in finder
Do a clean build Cmd+Shift+K
Then create a new build.
Which XCode version are you using?

Library not found for -lOAuth

i am trying to run an app which was build on old xcode 5. i want to run that app on new xcode but It gives clang error library not found -lOAuth.
Please help how to fix this error.
Any Help.
Please add that library to general setting of the project

Xcode 6.4 Unity project dyld: symbol not found error

i'm getting this error when running my Xcode project in simulator
dyld: Symbol not found: _UP_ACAccountCredential_alloc_initWithOAuth2Token_refreshToken_expiryDate_
Referenced from: /Users/apple/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/EE487FF8-61D9-4F6D-9B37-68B59E6EFD38/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/DA009D88-B649-449E-B53F-107A97D29365/sling.app/sling
Expected in: flat namespace
in /Users/apple/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/EE487FF8-61D9-4F6D-9B37-68B59E6EFD38/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/DA009D88-B649-449E-B53F-107A97D29365/sling.app/sling
Simulator goes black screen.
Thanks for any help, i'm Xcode newbie, it's my first day with it.
Looking at the documentation for the ACAccountCredential class it may be an issue that you have not added the Accounts framework to the XCode project. This can be added by going to the Build Phases->Link Binary With Libraries pane. Click the '+' button and search for Accounts and add it.
The issue was u3dxt plugin, works fine when removed.

Error when debugging on 7.1 device swift xcode6 beta 3

I have a project that worked fine in beta2 but now it's broken with the following runtime error.
dyld: Symbol not found: __TWPVSs26AutoreleasingUnsafePointerSs8_Pointer
Referenced from: /var/mobile/Applications/6A8ABF68-4B3D-464A-9322-3B3F61B429E2/MovieLookUp.app/MovieLookUp
Expected in: /private/var/mobile/Applications/6A8ABF68-4B3D-464A-9322-3B3F61B429E2/MovieLookUp.app/Frameworks/libswift_stdlib_core.dylib
in /var/mobile/Applications/6A8ABF68-4B3D-464A-9322-3B3F61B429E2/MovieLookUp.app/MovieLookUp
I have changed all arrays etc. to the new standard (got nice warnings and autocorrection boxed for them). I'm pretty new to iOS coding so I need some guidance that might give me a better clue at this matter.
I still have a warning and get the same problem as mentioned in: relocatable dylibs (e.g. embedded frameworks) are only supported on iOS 8.0 and later (#rpath/libswift_stdlib_core.dylib)
I was getting the same error and I solved it by:
Opening the organizer in XCode 6 Beta3 (Window -> Organizer)
Selecting the "Projects" tab at the top
Selecting my project in the left hand side column
Selecting the "Delete..." button next to the Derived Data location
My swift application now runs on iOS 7.1.2 on my iPhone 4
I solved this by deleting the cached files in ../DerivedData/* and ~/Library/Caches/com.apple.dt.Xcode
cleaning DerivedData folder resolves the issue.
I had to add import Foundation to the first line of my AppDelegate.swift file (Xcode 6 Beta 3)

dyld isuess (Library not loaded)

I have this message when I build my project:
dyld: Library not loaded:
Referenced from: /Users/dev01/mobile/ios/Test/test/testTests/FoneMonkey/bin/iphonesim
Reason: image not found
This is dynamic link error and as I understand correct this error came because image not found. is this correct?
What steps should be taken to resolve errors?
I have found this link and as I understad this error came because I use xcode 4.3. Now I have try this on 4.2 and everething work good.
But I not have any idea how to run it on XCode 4.3
Maybe you have this problem after adding new library and you linked it in actual framework path, if you drag this library in embeded framework path then problem will solve. Another variant is that in build scheme you have enabled memory managment malloc, if you turn it off problem will be solved.
Check your SDK project settings (i.e. when passing from SDK 6.x to 7.x) maybe one of library was not compiled for architecture and project target. And the paths. Clean DerivedData and delete app from simulator (if it is there).
If you still need the Sdk just copy it from Xcode 4.6.(3) both for device and simulator and see if this solve your problem.
