Xamarin Forms FFImageLoading Image not showing - ios

I am trying to use FFImageLoading in one of our Xamarin Forms Projects but I am having some weird issues.
When I try to put Sources="anyvalidimageurl" on the XAML, I get this error:
Invalid XAML: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: 'obj'
This is the XAML:
<ffimageloading:CachedImage HorizontalOptions="Center"
I tried to load the image through code, but no image is shown on iOS.

You need to add this to your AppDelegate.cs
public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
var dummy = new FFImageLoading.Forms.Touch.CachedImageRenderer();
LoadApplication(new App());
return base.FinishedLaunching(app, options);
For more information see https://github.com/luberda-molinet/FFImageLoading/issues/55

Did you miss to include CachedImageRenderer.Init(); in AppDelegate.cs


Xamarin.Forms on iOS 11.1.2: Webview loads a bigger font

I'm using Xamarin.Forms to load an internet's webpage (requirements of the client, please don't judge me), the problem is that in iOS the webpage appears to be bigger that it is.
I don't have any custom render on iOS.
Here is the website loaded on safari on a iPhone 6 iOS 11.1.2
And here is loaded on the webview
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
<WebView x:Name="Navegador" Source="http://empleosapp.caonainteractive.com/"
WidthRequest="1000" HeightRequest="1000" IsVisible="{Binding Path=HayInternet}" ></WebView>
<ActivityIndicator IsRunning="{Binding Path=Navegando}" IsVisible="{Binding Path=Navegando}"
RelativeLayout.XConstraint="{ConstraintExpression Type=RelativeToParent,
RelativeLayout.YConstraint="{ConstraintExpression Type=RelativeToParent,
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Xamarin.Forms;
using Plugin.Connectivity;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace Juppie
public partial class MainPage : ContentPage, INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public MainPage()
Navegador.Navigating += Navegador_Navigating;
Navegador.Navigated += (sender, e) => { Navegando = false; };
HayInternet = true;
BindingContext = this;
bool hayInternet;
public bool HayInternet
return hayInternet;
hayInternet = value;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("HayInternet"));
bool navegando;
public bool Navegando
return navegando;
navegando = value;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Navegando"));
public async void EvaluarInternet(){
if (!HayInternet)
await DisplayAlert("Aviso","Se requiere conexion a internet para emplear esta aplicacion", "OK");
protected override void OnAppearing()
HayInternet = CrossConnectivity.IsSupported && CrossConnectivity.Current.IsConnected;
CrossConnectivity.Current.ConnectivityChanged += (sender, args) =>
HayInternet = args.IsConnected;
protected override bool OnBackButtonPressed()
if (Navegador.CanGoBack)
return false;
return base.OnBackButtonPressed();
void Navegador_Navigating(object sender, WebNavigatingEventArgs e)
Navegando = true;
if (e.Url.Contains("/banner"))
e.Cancel = true;
var uri = new Uri(e.Url.Replace("/banner", ""));
I tried with a custom render and set the scalePageToFit = false, without success.
If anyone knows how can I fix this, please let me know.
Xaml: - VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" seems to fill the HeightRequest and WidthRequest property specification requirements for the WebView to render in a StackLayout - in a Grid it seems to render anyway:
<WebView x:Name="webView"
Renderer, ScalesPageToFit is false by default (at least in the simulator with iPhone SE 11.2)
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(WebView), typeof(MyWebViewRenderer))]
namespace MyNamespace.iOS
public class MyWebViewRenderer : WebViewRenderer
protected override void OnElementChanged(VisualElementChangedEventArgs e)
if (NativeView != null && e.NewElement != null)
var webView = ((UIWebView)NativeView);
webView.ScalesPageToFit = true;
The screenshots below are from the simulator with iPhone SE.
ScalesPageToFit = true:
ScalesPageToFit = false:
Tested on my iPhone 6 and the app was showing the same size of font as Safari.
I also tested with larger system font in the font size in the app and it was not affected with the app font size.
But I did notice that when the activity indicator was running, my font size became smaller and it turned normal after the activity indicator disappear.
Maybe the font size issue was cause by the side effect of any additional stuff like a Nuget packages or Activity indicator?
You could try to use a new empty form and load only the Webview to compare the differences.
By the way, your app appearance is very alike with iPhone with turned on Display Zoom function.
Before turn on Display Zoom:
After turned on Display Zoom:
Is it possible that the sizing is overwritten by the accessability-settings from the iPhone?
See Settings-App -> General -> Accessability -> Bigger Text
(freely translated from german, actual menu entries may be named different)
I have faced the same issue.
In Xamarin.Forms App resolution is based on the Launch screen. If you are using Assets (LaunchImage) for Launch screen. Then your app resolution is set as per LaunchImage.
The best solution is: use storyboard (LaunchScreen.storyboard) or XIB for Launch screen. This improves your App UI. like font size and App resolution

Using VS 2017 Xamarin.Forms PCL iOS--how do I control the image visibility using a toggle switch?

I am new to Xamarin.Forms. My project is a cross platform PCL. Single Page. Built using VS 2017. This question pertains to the iOS platform.
Background: App layout has 13 images all with the IsVisible=False. Each image has a toggle switch.
Objective: To have the user be able to control the image visibility through the toggle switch. When the switch is toggled the image will become visible.
Code sample below. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
<Image x:Name="Sheep_Image" Source="1-Sheep.png" Aspect="AspectFit" AbsoluteLayout.LayoutFlags="All" AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds=".15,.87,.5,.1" IsVisible="False"/>
<Switch x:Name="Switch" Toggled="Switch_Toggled"/>
private void Switch_Toggled(object sender, ToggledEventArgs e){
var toggle = sender as ToggleSwitch;
Sheep_Image.IsVisible = toggle.IsOn;
The property for Toggle is called "IsToggled"
You need to subscribe an event handler to each toggle:
void Handle_Toggled(object sender, Xamarin.Forms.ToggledEventArgs e)
Sheep_Image.IsVisible = e.Value;
In XAML, you need this:
<Switch Toggled="Handle_Toggled" />
This should work too:
<Image x:Name="Image"></Image>
<Switch IsToggled="{Binding Source={x:Reference Image}, Path=IsVisible, Mode=TwoWay}" HorizontalOptions="Start"></Switch>
As #Dbl,#lowry0031, #BraveHeart said, I just make a summary and provide more details.
Solution 1 : Event Handle
private void Switch_Toggled(object sender, ToggledEventArgs e){
Sheep_Image.IsVisible = (sender as Switch).IsToggled;
//Sheep_Image.IsVisible = e.Value;
Solution 2 : Binding
<Image x:Name="Sheep_Image" Source="Icon-Small.png" Aspect="AspectFit" AbsoluteLayout.LayoutFlags="All" AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds=".15,.87,.5,.1" IsVisible="False"/>
<Switch x:Name="Switch" IsToggled="{Binding Source={x:Reference Sheep_Image}, Path=IsVisible, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
PS: Make sure the image is available in your Resource folder.

MvvmCross Xamarin.Forms Modal Dialogs

I'm just trying to make my first app with MvvmCross but I already encounter a problem for my app and can't find anything on the web for that. I want to open a specific page as a modal dialog on supported devices (eg. iPads). For my non MvvmCross applications I do this with Rg.Plugin.Popup but I do not want it this way this time. I found a few solutions on how it can be done with native and MvvmCross but nothing about how it is done with Xamarin.Forms in combination to MvvmCross. Did I need to implement a own presenter and filter on the type of my page (because this page should always be modal on supported devices)? And if I do so, is there any example for this?
Using MvvmCross 5.2.0, the following worked for me (on iOS at least; haven't tested on Android):
var bundle = new MvxBundle(new Dictionary<string, string>{ { MvxFormsPagePresenter.ModalPresentationParameter, "true" } });
await _navService.Navigate<MyViewModel>(bundle);
This uses the stock-standard MvxFormsPagePresenter, so you don't have to create your own presenter.
I'm using MVVMCross 7.1.2 here, this was tested on Android only.
In your Views code behind implement IMvxOverridePresentationAttribute with code similar to this.
public MvxBasePresentationAttribute PresentationAttribute(MvxViewModelRequest request)
if (request.PresentationValues == null) return null;
if (request.PresentationValues.ContainsKey("NavigationMode") &&
request.PresentationValues["NavigationMode"] == "Modal")
return new MvxModalPresentationAttribute
WrapInNavigationPage = true,
Animated = false,
NoHistory = true
return null;
All you need to do now, is when Navigating to the view model is just pass a key value pair as the parameter like this
await NavigationService.Navigate<MainViewModel>(new MvxBundle(new Dictionary<string, string> { { "NavigationMode", "Modal" } }));
That's it... easy as that !

Aritchie userdialogs no background for ShowSuccess and ShowError on iOS

I have installed Aritchie userdialogs version 5 and I'm using Xamarin.Forms Version 2.2.
When I use UserDialogs.Instance.ShowSuccess or UserDialogs.Instance.ShowError, on Android a dark backgroud is displayed, on iOS is NOT displayed which makes this alert message pretty unreadable when the page behind is mostly white.
On iOS I just get the message and the icon in the center of the screen but no dark background.
Example code on iOS:
UserDialogs.Instance.ShowSuccess("Data saved correctly");
How can I solve it ?
Without and With ForceiOS6LookAndFeel:
In your iOS native app:
Add the Nuget BTProgressHUD
In your: AppDelegate (AppDelegate.cs):
add the using clause: using BigTed;
add the code BTProgressHUD.ForceiOS6LookAndFeel = true; in FinishedLaunching method
All done :-)
public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
BTProgressHUD.ForceiOS6LookAndFeel = true;
LoadApplication(new App());
return base.FinishedLaunching(app, options);
Any calls within your Xamarin.Forms based code to ShowSuccess (or any other BTProgressHud dependent code) will default to 'older' style.
Is it possible to use a Toast instead? As you can set the background like so:
ToastConfig.SuccessBackgroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.BurlyWood;
create it like so:
Either that or you are going to have to change the BTProgressHud settings that Acr.UserDialogs uses. I managed it by setting these values in Acr.UserDialogs.iOS UserDialogsImpl.cs:
public override void ShowSuccess(string message, int timeoutMillis)
UIApplication.SharedApplication.InvokeOnMainThread(() =>
BTProgressHUD.ForceiOS6LookAndFeel = true; // This is the line you need
BTProgressHUD.ShowSuccessWithStatus(message, timeoutMillis);
And it looks like this:

TextInputLayout hint issue when handling FocusChange event

My app has a couple of EditTexts with a TextInputLayout wrapped around them. This works fine in most cases, but when I attach a handler to the FocusChange event of the EditText, the hint fails to animate.
I found this issue on the android forum, but he uses the OnFocusChangeListener. Proxying the call should not be necessary with events, right?
Any ideas on this issue? Is it a bug in the Xamarin android design support NuGet package?
Thanks in advance
Layout code:
android:hint="Artikelcode" />
Fragment code:
public override void OnStart()
txtProductCode.FocusChange += txtProductCode_FocusChange;
// ...
void txtProductCode_FocusChange(object sender, View.FocusChangeEventArgs e)
if (!e.HasFocus)
txtDescription.Text = GetProductDescription();
From this post this i found my solution for the problem.
As stated in the post it's kind of a workaround but i think this should work in the new design library version 22.2.1 but for me the problem still persists.
Here is my code based on the mentioned post:
final View.OnFocusChangeListener userNameEtFocusListener = userNameEt.getOnFocusChangeListener();
userNameEt.setOnFocusChangeListener(new View.OnFocusChangeListener() {
public void onFocusChange(View v, boolean hasFocus) {
userNameEtFocusListener.onFocusChange(v, hasFocus);
if (!hasFocus){
