iOS CoreMIDI Skipping MidiPackets - ios

I'm having issues with implementing MIDI into my iOS app as the receiver callback seems to be skipping MIDI messages and packets. I'm using Midi Monitor to check what MIDI messages I'm missing, skipping over, etc.
So the million dollar question is why is iOS skipping certain MIDI messages? Sometimes it doesn't skip MIDI messages, but other times it does. I'm not sure how to approach debugging this as I have exhausted my brain at this point.
My receiver code:
void MidiReceiver(const MIDIPacketList *packets,
void *context, void *sourceContext) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
if (packets->numPackets > 0) {
MIDIPacket *packet = (MIDIPacket *)packets->packet;
// Loop through total number of packets
for (int i = 0; i < packets->numPackets; i++) {
// Go through each packet, iOS sometimes clumps all data into one packet
// if the MIDI messages are triggered at the same time
for (int j = 0; j < packet->length; j += 3) {
NSArray *array = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:packet->data[j]],
[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:packet->data[j+1]],
[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:packet->data[j+2]], nil];
// Use the data to create do meaningful in the app
[myViewController processMidiData:array];
// Next packet
packet = MIDIPacketNext(packet);
The monitor code format is : (TIME) - (MIDI Command Type) - (CC Val or Velocity)
Midi Monitor Debug:
12:45:32.697 Control 0
12:45:32.720 Control 1
12:45:32.737 Control 1
12:45:32.740 Control 2
12:45:32.750 Control 3
12:45:32.763 Note Off A♯1 0
12:45:32.763 Note Off F2 0
12:45:32.763 Note Off D3 0
12:45:32.763 Control 4
12:45:32.770 Control 5
12:45:32.780 Control 6
12:45:32.790 Control 8
12:45:32.800 Control 9
12:45:32.810 Control 11
12:45:32.820 Control 13
12:45:32.832 Control 14
12:45:32.845 Control 16
12:45:32.850 Control 18
12:45:32.873 Control 21
12:45:32.883 Control 22
12:45:32.898 Control 24
12:45:32.913 Control 26
12:45:32.933 Control 27
12:45:32.948 Control 28
12:45:33.020 Control 27
12:45:33.030 Control 26
12:45:33.040 Control 25
12:45:33.050 Control 24
12:45:33.060 Control 22
My App's Debug Monitor:
12:45:33.050 Control 0
12:45:33.051 Control 1
12:45:33.051 Control 1
12:45:33.051 Control 2
12:45:33.051 Control 3
12:45:33.083 Note Off D3 0 <----- Where's A#1 and F2!!! :(
12:45:33.087 Control 4
12:45:33.087 Control 4
12:45:33.097 Control 5
12:45:33.100 Control 6
12:45:33.110 Control 8
12:45:33.120 Control 9
12:45:33.130 Control 11
12:45:33.140 Control 13
12:45:33.153 Control 14
12:45:33.165 Control 16
12:45:33.170 Control 18
12:45:33.193 Control 21
12:45:33.203 Control 22
12:45:33.218 Control 24
12:45:33.233 Control 26
12:45:33.256 Control 27
12:45:33.268 Control 28
12:45:33.341 Control 27
12:45:33.351 Control 26
12:45:33.361 Control 25
12:45:33.374 Control 24
12:45:33.381 Control 22

Got some help from Kurt Revis and it seemed like I was sending the packets too late due to my usage of dispatch_async.
My revised code (I parsed the packets first):
void MidiReceiver(const MIDIPacketList *packets,
void *context, void *sourceContext) {
NSMutableArray *packetData = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
if (packets->numPackets > 0 && object != nil) {
MIDIPacket *packet = &packets->packet[0];
// Loop through total number of packets
for (int i = 0; i < packets->numPackets; ++i) {
int idx = 0;
while (idx < packet->length) {
NSArray *array = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:packet->data[idx]],
[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:packet->data[idx+1]],
[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:packet->data[idx+2]], nil];
[packetData addObject:array];
idx += 3;
packet = MIDIPacketNext(packet);
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
for (NSArray *packet in packetData) {
[object receiveMIDIInput:packet];


IOS:Convert hex values from the characterstic.value result

i am able to retrieve value from the peripheral as hex value and i need to convert as per my requirement.[24/12/14 11:37:00 am] sonali_phatak: I can see that i have received proper response.from 01117100352e36302e313100000000e55a
01 - 01-start byte
11 - 17(Dec) - length of responce packet
71 - response ID
00 - Ignore this byte
So now out of total length 17, first 4 bytes are header, last 2 bytes are CRC. We
need to read remaining 11 bytes and convert them to ASCII.
35 - 5
2e - .
36 - 6
30 - 0
2e - .
31 - 1
31 - 1
So Iam getting version number from watch as 5.60.11
But i need to show the above value 5.60.11 in string and print in console . how to convert it pleas help me
Please try this :
NSString *strOriginalHex= #"01117100352e36302e313100000000e55a";
NSString *strNewHexForVersion = [strOriginalHex substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(8, 14)];
NSLog(#"%#",[self stringFromHexString:strNewHexForVersion]);//5.60.11
- (NSString *)stringFromHexString:(NSString *)aStrHexString
// The hex codes should all be two characters.
if (([aStrHexString length] % 2) != 0)
return nil;
NSMutableString *aMutStrNewString = [NSMutableString string];
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < [aStrHexString length]; i += 2)
NSString *hex = [aStrHexString substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(i, 2)];
NSInteger decimalValue = 0;
sscanf([hex UTF8String], "%x", &decimalValue);
[aMutStrNewString appendFormat:#"%c", decimalValue];
return aMutStrNewString;

Golang append memory allocation VS. STL push_back memory allocation

I compared the Go append function and the STL vector.push_back and found that different memory allocation strategy which confused me. The code is as follow:
// CPP STL code
void getAlloc() {
vector<double> arr;
int s = 9999999;
int precap = arr.capacity();
for (int i=0; i<s; i++) {
if (precap < i) {
arr.push_back(rand() % 12580 * 1.0);
precap = arr.capacity();
printf("%d %p\n", precap, &arr[0]);
} else {
arr.push_back(rand() % 12580 * 1.0);
// Golang code
func getAlloc() {
arr := []float64{}
size := 9999999
pre := cap(arr)
for i:=0; i<size; i++ {
if pre < i {
arr = append(arr, rand.NormFloat64())
pre = cap(arr)
log.Printf("%d %p\n", pre, &arr)
} else {
arr = append(arr, rand.NormFloat64())
But the memory address is invarient to the increment of size expanding, this really confused me.
By the way, the memory allocation strategy is different in this two implemetation (STL VS. Go), I mean the expanding size. Is there any advantage or disadvantage? Here is the simplified output of code above[size and first element address]:
Golang CPP STL
2 0xc0800386c0 2 004B19C0
4 0xc0800386c0 4 004AE9B8
8 0xc0800386c0 6 004B29E0
16 0xc0800386c0 9 004B2A18
32 0xc0800386c0 13 004B2A68
64 0xc0800386c0 19 004B2AD8
128 0xc0800386c0 28 004B29E0
256 0xc0800386c0 42 004B2AC8
512 0xc0800386c0 63 004B2C20
1024 0xc0800386c0 94 004B2E20
1280 0xc0800386c0 141 004B3118
1600 0xc0800386c0 211 004B29E0
2000 0xc0800386c0 316 004B3080
2500 0xc0800386c0 474 004B3A68
3125 0xc0800386c0 711 004B5FD0
3906 0xc0800386c0 1066 004B7610
4882 0xc0800386c0 1599 004B9768
6102 0xc0800386c0 2398 004BC968
7627 0xc0800386c0 3597 004C1460
9533 0xc0800386c0 5395 004B5FD0
11916 0xc0800386c0 8092 004C0870
14895 0xc0800386c0 12138 004D0558
18618 0xc0800386c0 18207 004E80B0
23272 0xc0800386c0 27310 0050B9B0
29090 0xc0800386c0 40965 004B5FD0
36362 0xc0800386c0 61447 00590048
45452 0xc0800386c0 92170 003B0020
56815 0xc0800386c0 138255 00690020
71018 0xc0800386c0 207382 007A0020
See comments for Golang memory allocation strategy.
For STL, the strategy depends on the implementation. See this post for further information.
Your Go and C++ code fragments are not equivalent. In the C++ function, you are printing the address of the first element in the vector, while in the Go example you are printing the address of the slice itself.
Like a C++ std::vector, a Go slice is a small data type that holds a pointer to an underlying array that holds the data. That data structure has the same address throughout the function. If you want the address of the first element in the slice, you can use the same syntax as in C++: &arr[0].
You're getting the pointer to the slice header, not the actual backing array. You can think of the slice header as a struct like
type SliceHeader struct {
len,cap int
backingArray unsafe.Pointer
When you append and the backing array is reallocated, the pointer backingArray will likely be changed (not necessarily, but probably). However, the location of the struct holding the length, cap, and pointer to the backing array doesn't change -- it's still on the stack right where you declared it. Try printing &arr[0] instead of &arr and you should see behavior closer to what you expect.
This is pretty much the same behavior as std::vector, incidentally. Think of a slice as closer to a vector than a magic dynamic array.

Why my [UIScrollView removeFromSuperview] is crashing?

The crash log is below.
Do you know any particular reason why might [UIScrollView removeFromSuperview] can crash? The scrollview contains view hierarchy with different types of UIViews. I also finds that the ad hoc version crash often not the debug version. I could not find any reason for that.
Same viewcontroller is loaded in a different flow in iPhone that works fine. But in iPad it crashes.
In iPad, in a container view controller, only viewcontroler.view is loaded.
Incident Identifier: EE102239-34D1-4BE7-8B52-41F74AB26203
CrashReporter Key: 2b11ea2a01ac5618e199ffc5a1e1f321600bb6a9
Hardware Model: iPad3,4
Version: ??? (???)
Code Type: ARM (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [1]
Date/Time: 2013-06-18 15:19:16.132 +0200
OS Version: iOS 6.1.3 (10B329)
Report Version: 104
Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x00000000
Crashed Thread: 0
Thread 0 name: Dispatch queue:
Thread 0 Crashed:
0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x3bab7070 prepareForMethodLookup + 20
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x3bab6fb2 lookUpMethod + 42
2 libobjc.A.dylib 0x3bab6f7e _class_lookupMethodAndLoadCache3 + 14
3 libobjc.A.dylib 0x3bab6638 objc_msgSend_uncached + 24
4 QuartzCore 0x357f2a72 CA::Layer::contents_visibility_changed(CA::Transaction*, bool) + 50
5 QuartzCore 0x357f29de CA::Layer::mark_visible(CA::Transaction*, bool) + 190
6 QuartzCore 0x357f29b2 CA::Layer::mark_visible(CA::Transaction*, bool) + 146
7 QuartzCore 0x357f29b2 CA::Layer::mark_visible(CA::Transaction*, bool) + 146
8 QuartzCore 0x357f29b2 CA::Layer::mark_visible(CA::Transaction*, bool) + 146
9 QuartzCore 0x357f29b2 CA::Layer::mark_visible(CA::Transaction*, bool) + 146
10 QuartzCore 0x357f28d2 CA::Layer::update_removed_sublayer(CA::Transaction*, unsigned int) + 18
11 QuartzCore 0x357f255a CA::Layer::remove_sublayer(CA::Transaction*, CALayer*) + 130
12 QuartzCore 0x357f246a CA::Layer::remove_from_superlayer() + 34
13 UIKit 0x35a6e92c -[UIView(Hierarchy) removeFromSuperview] + 144
14 UIKit 0x35b857bc -[UIScrollView removeFromSuperview] + 60
15 MyApp 0x000bde8a -[iPadNavigationController vcAnimationDone] (iPadNavigationController.m:400)
16 UIKit 0x35a55ab6 -[UIViewAnimationState sendDelegateAnimationDidStop:finished:] + 154
17 UIKit 0x35aca8f8 -[UIViewAnimationState animationDidStop:finished:] + 44
18 QuartzCore 0x35801304 CA::Layer::run_animation_callbacks(void*) + 204
19 libdispatch.dylib 0x3bed55d8 _dispatch_client_callout + 20
20 libdispatch.dylib 0x3bed8e40 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 224
21 CoreFoundation 0x33c051ac __CFRunLoopRun + 1284
22 CoreFoundation 0x33b78238 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 352
23 CoreFoundation 0x33b780c4 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 100
24 GraphicsServices 0x37733336 GSEventRunModal + 70
25 UIKit 0x35a942b4 UIApplicationMain + 1116
A few line from the code (as asked),
previous = showing;
showing = [ vc retain ];
showing.view.frame = startFrameIn;
[ container addSubview:showing.view ];
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
[ UIView beginAnimations:nil context:context ];
[ UIView setAnimationDelegate:self ];
[ UIView setAnimationDidStopSelector:#selector(vcAnimationDone) ];
[ UIView setAnimationCurve:UIViewAnimationCurveEaseOut ];
[ UIView setAnimationDuration:0.4 ];
previous.view.frame = endFrameOut;
showing.view.frame = detailFrame;
[ UIView commitAnimations ];
- (void) vcAnimationDone {
if ( previous != nil ) {
if (previous.view.superview != nil) {
[previous.view removeFromSuperview];
[ previous release ];
previous = nil;
A very probable reason is that you are overreleasing your scrollview or one of the views inside it.
Calling removeFromSuperview then deallocates the view instead of simply decreasing the retain count.
Actually, if you are still stuck with non-ARC project, Static Code Analysis is very useful for this kind of bug. Retain/release balancing issues are hard to pin down, and nearly impossible with incomplete method so I suggest you post the full method body if possible.
Thanks everyone for your answers, tips and tricks. However one thing I want share with you is the cause of the crash. I found that the crash was at different thread in different times. I had several views loaded with button pressing/menu in my iPad app. Some of the button pressing fetch data from web service. So I was bit confused to get the cuase of crash, animation, or url connection etc... I tried with enabled NSZombie objects, but it did not show any information.
Then I tried with Guard Malloc. This only runs in Simulator. And magically I found the code point of crash. I have function to convert a hex string into data. There I have line of code to make a C string null terminated. where I assigned 0 at the last index. and that makes the crash!
tmpCh[count] = 0;
I do not why, but probably it takes some time in the memory management procedure in iOS so it crash at different thread at different times. But with Guard malloc in Simulator, it always point out here and when I rewrite the code, the crash is gone.
/* Converts a hex string to bytes.
. The hex string can be separated by space or not.
. the string length without space or 0x, must be even. 2 symbols for one byte/char
. sample input: 23 3A F1 OR 233AF1
+ (NSData *) dataFromHexString:(NSString*)hexString
if (hexString.length < 1) {
return nil;
char * tmpCh = (char *) malloc([hexString length] * sizeof(char));
int count = 0;
for (int k=0; k<hexString.length;k++) {
char c = [hexString characterAtIndex:k];
if (c == (char)0x20) { //skip space
if (c == '0') { // skip 0x
if(k+1 < hexString.length){
if ([hexString characterAtIndex:k+1] == 'x'
|| [hexString characterAtIndex:k+1] == 'X' )
k = k + 1;
tmpCh[count] = c;
tmpCh[count] = 0; // make null terminated string
if (count % 2) {
return nil;
NSString *temp = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:tmpCh];
if ([temp length] % 2 != 0) {
return nil;
NSMutableData *result = [[NSMutableData alloc] init];
unsigned char byte;
char hexChars[3] = {0};
for (int i=0; i < (temp.length/2); i++) {
hexChars[0] = [temp characterAtIndex:i*2];
hexChars[1] = [temp characterAtIndex:i*2+1];
if (![Util isValidChar:hexChars[0]] || ![Util isValidChar:hexChars[1]]) {
return nil;
byte = strtol(hexChars, NULL, 16);
[result appendBytes:&byte length:1];
NSData * data = [NSData dataWithData:result];
[result release];
return data;

MPMoviePlayerController crashes seemingly random

At random times, my app crashes with this crash log.
A magic solution would be ideal, but some help on where to start debugging this would also be helpful. The app is quite difficult to debug as it is a GPS based app, so if I know what to look for, I can build some kind of stress test.
Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x00000000, 0x00000000
Crashed Thread: 0
Last Exception Backtrace:
0 CoreFoundation 0x3789c88f __exceptionPreprocess + 163
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x31911259 objc_exception_throw + 33
2 AVFoundation 0x309301d9 -[AVPlayer _attachItem:andPerformOperation:withObject:] + 249
3 AVFoundation 0x309300db -[AVPlayer _insertItem:afterItem:] + 27
4 AVFoundation 0x30943b9d -[AVQueuePlayer insertItem:afterItem:] + 137
5 MediaPlayer 0x364a68b7 __block_global_2 + 199
6 libdispatch.dylib 0x34a4bc59 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 13
7 libdispatch.dylib 0x34a4dee7 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF$VARIANT$mp + 195
8 CoreFoundation 0x3786f2ad __CFRunLoopRun + 1269
9 CoreFoundation 0x377f24a5 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 301
10 CoreFoundation 0x377f236d CFRunLoopRunInMode + 105
11 GraphicsServices 0x379eb439 GSEventRunModal + 137
12 UIKit 0x309fecd5 UIApplicationMain + 1081
13 App 0x000b5b6f main (main.m:14)
I am playing a variety of movies (mov (H.264, 1024 x 576, AAC, 44100 Hz, Stereo (L R)) and sounds (MP3 and WAV), sometimes mixed.
Movies are played using the MPMoviePlayer, sounds use the AVAudioPlayer.
Happens on both ios 5 and 6. (iPad)
--- edit: adding code ----
Video is prepared here:
- (void) prepareLayer:(NSDictionary*) aUserInfo{
mMoviePlayerController.contentURL = [aUserInfo objectForKey:#"contenturl"]; // set content
[mMoviePlayerController prepareToPlay];
mMoviePlayerController.shouldAutoplay = NO; // prevent autoplay
mMovieShouldLoop = NO;
[mWrapper setOpacity: 0]; // hide video view (we don't want to see the previous video file)
mWrapper is used to encapsulate the video in a cocos2d node
- (void) showLayer {
[mWrapper setVisible: YES];
[mMoviePlayerController pause];
mRetryCounter = 0;
mMovieStarted = NO;
self.visible = YES;
- (void) updateLayer {
if (!self.visible) { return; } // not visible, so not updating (prevents accidental playing of video)
if (mWarningHidden && !mMovieStarted) // if warning is hidden and the movieStarted flag is false
if (mMoviePlayerController.playbackState == MPMoviePlaybackStatePlaying) { // if movie did start successfully.
mMovieStarted = YES; // set flag
[mWrapper setOpacity: 255]; // show video view
else { // if movie is not playing yet
if (mRetryCounter == 0) { // if this is the first try
[[[CCDirector sharedDirector] openGLView] addGestureRecognizer:mSwipe]; // enable swipe gesture
[mMoviePlayerController play]; // start playing
if (mMovieShouldLoop) { // and set loop or not
if (mMoviePlayerController.repeatMode != MPMovieRepeatModeOne) {
mMoviePlayerController.repeatMode = MPMovieRepeatModeOne;
} else {
if (mMoviePlayerController.repeatMode != MPMovieRepeatModeNone) {
mMoviePlayerController.repeatMode = MPMovieRepeatModeNone;
if (mMoviePlayerController.playbackState != MPMoviePlaybackStatePlaying && mRetryCounter > 5) { // if movie not playing and retried for 5 times,
mMoviePlayerController.contentURL = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:#"novideo" withExtension:#"m4v"]; // switch to movie of static, indicating something went wrong
[mMoviePlayerController play]; // and play that.
if (mRetryCounter > 10) {
mMovieStarted = YES; // if movie still doesn't run after switched to static and retrying that for 5 times, skip it.
NSLog(#"A Movie was skipped after trying to play it for 10 times.");
mRetryCounter++; // count retries.
-- edit: removed the sound portion of the code snippets as they were not part of the problem, and changed the title to reflect the problem is in the MPMoviePlayerController, not in the AVPlayer.
I worked around the problem by using the lower level AVPlayer instead of the MPMoviePlayer. This solved my problem completely.

Crash EXC_BAD_ACCESS on string with format

I am processing raw IP data to process a video signal (ATSC-MH). However, I am having issues with some basic issue and I'm apparently fried at the moment and need another set of eyes.
This is the function that flips. Funny part is that it was working for a while and I can't rememeber what I changes. The line that is **d is the one that is referred to in the error log. I can't do much NSLog debugging because the stream comes from an accessory(so no direct debugging pipe :().
//NSString* ret = #"Not implemented yet";
__autoreleasing NSMutableString* ret = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithFormat:#"\nSMT:\n SecSynInd:%# PriInd:%#\n SecLen:%d SMTMHProVer:%d\n EnID:%d VerNum:%d\n CurNxtInd:%# SecNum:%d\n lastSec#:%d #Servs:%d\n\n",(Header.section_syntax_indicator?#"YES":#"NO"),(Header.private_indicator?#"YES":#"NO"),Header.section_length,Header.SMT_MH_protocol_version,Header.ensemble_id,Header.version_number,(Header.current_next_indicator?#"YES":#"NO"), Header.section_number,Header.last_section_number,Header.num_MH_services];
[ret appendString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"SMT Table:\n"]];
for (int i = 0; i<Header.num_MH_services; i++) {
**[ret appendString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"Serv(%d):\n ServID:%d MultiEnServ:%d\n ServStat:%d ServSPInd:%#\n ServShotName:%#\n ServCat:%d\n source:%# dest:%#\n #MHServComps:%d\n",i,Services[i].MH_service_id,Services[i].multi_ensemble_service,Services[i].MH_service_status,(Services[i].SP_indicator?#"YES":#"NO"),[NSString stringWithUTF8String:(char*)Services[i].short_MH_service_name],(Services[i].service_source_IP_address_flag?[Utility ParseIP:Services[i].service_source_IP_address]:#"N/A"),(Services[i].service_destination_IP_address_flag?[Utility ParseIP:Services[i].service_destination_IP_address]:#"N/A"),Services[i].num_components]];**
for (int m=0; m<Services[i].num_components; m++) {
[ret appendString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#" Comp(%d)(essential:%#):\n port#count:%d compSource:%#\n compDest:%# destPort:%d\n",m,(Services[i].components[m].essential_component_indicator?#"YES":#"NO") ,Services[i].components[m].port_num_count,(Services[i].components[m].component_source_IP_address_flag?[Utility ParseIP:Services[i].components[m].component_source_IP_address]:#"N/A"),(Services[i].components[m].component_destination_IP_address_flag?[Utility ParseIP:Services[i].components[m].component_destination_IP_address]:#"N/A"),Services[i].components[m].component_destination_UDP_port_num]];
return [ret copy];
Here is that Utility parseIP function. Though it didn't change anything to comment the call to it and hardcode a value there:
__autoreleasing NSString* ret = nil;
if (ip) {
unsigned char* ipPtr = (unsigned char*)&ip;
unsigned char ipc[4];
for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
ipc[i] = *(ipPtr+i);
ret = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"(%d.%d.%d.%d)",ipc[3],ipc[2],ipc[1],ipc[0]];
return ret;
Here is the structure for that part of the SMT:
struct SMTChunk{
unsigned int MH_service_id;//16
unsigned char multi_ensemble_service;//2
unsigned char MH_service_status;//2
bool SP_indicator;//1
unsigned char short_MH_service_name_length;//3 /* m */
unsigned char* short_MH_service_name;//16*m
unsigned char reserved2;//2 should be 11
unsigned char MH_service_category;//6
unsigned char num_components;//5
bool IP_version_flag;//1
bool service_source_IP_address_flag;//1
bool service_destination_IP_address_flag;//1
unsigned long service_source_IP_address;//32 if (service_source_IP_address_flag)
unsigned long service_destination_IP_address;//32 if (service_destination _IP_address_flag)
struct SMTComponent* components;
unsigned char reserved4;//4 1111(f)
unsigned char num_MH_service_level_descriptors;//4
struct SMTServiceDescriptor* descriptors;
Like I said this was working before, so I'm pretty sure the parser that fills the data structure is fine.
Device Log(important part):
Date/Time: 2012-03-06 00:56:40.480 -0600
OS Version: iPhone OS 5.0.1 (9A405)
Report Version: 104
Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000a
Crashed Thread: 0
Thread 0 name: Dispatch queue:
Thread 0 Crashed:
0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x300e4fb6 objc_msgSend + 10
1 Foundation 0x30dd9d14 _NSDescriptionWithLocaleFunc + 44
2 CoreFoundation 0x335d699e __CFStringAppendFormatCore + 7998
3 CoreFoundation 0x33551210 _CFStringCreateWithFormatAndArgumentsAux + 68
4 Foundation 0x30dd9c3e +[NSString stringWithFormat:] + 54
5 APT-test 0x000c9630 -[SMT reportSMT] (SMT.m:178)
6 APT-test 0x000c54bc -[VideoViewController saveTimerFun:] (
7 Foundation 0x30e79616 __NSFireTimer + 138
It feels like I've been working on this app forever so any help or pointers you can give are welcome.
Thanks in advance!
The printf wildcards and arguments do not appear to be balanced properly:
[NSString stringWithFormat:#"1%d 2%d 3%d 4%d 5%# 6%# 7%d 8%# 9%# A%d",
/* 1 */i,
/* 2 */Services[i].MH_service_id,
/* 3 */Services[i].multi_ensemble_service,
/* 4 */Services[i].MH_service_status,
/* 5 */(Services[i].SP_indicator?#"YES":#"NO"),
/* 6 */[NSString stringWithUTF8String:(char*)Services[i].short_MH_service_name],
/* 7 */(Services[i].service_source_IP_address_flag?[Utility ParseIP:Services[i].service_source_IP_address]:#"N/A"),
/* 8 */(Services[i].service_destination_IP_address_flag?[Utility ParseIP:Services[i].service_destination_IP_address]:#"N/A"),
/* 9 */Services[i].num_components]];
It looks like you’re trying to match the %# specifier at position 9 with Services[i].num_components, which is quite probable to result in EXC_BAD_ACCESS. You would do best to rewrite the code so that it’s more readable, this mess is only asking for trouble.
