Running script outside of docker container - docker

I'm trying to do an automatic deploy, so...
I have a .sh script to automatically pull docker images, for example:
docker pull mongo
docker stop db
docker rm db
docker run --name db -d mongo
And I am waiting for a POST request to start it.
So I have a container (with nginx) to act as a server. But I have to call that script outside the container, because it can update any container.
Is that possible? If so, how?

It sounds to me like you are looking for the Docker UNIX socket. See some explanation here (might be best to scroll down to the 'The Solution' part of that page.
Basically, you would start your Nginx container with the mounted UNIX socket. This allows you to use the docker command from inside the Nginx container, on other sibling containers.
Important security note:
Using the UNIX socket is a definite security issue, especially if you are exposing it to the worldwide web. See [1] and [2]. Other alternatives might include using Docker-in-Docker, though I am not certain that's suitable for your case right here. Docker did publish a blogpost on how to secure the UNIX socket here, if that is the path you want to go.


Can (Should) I Run a Docker Container with Same host name as the Docker Host?

I have a server application (that I cannot change) that, when you connect as a client, will give you other URLs to interact with. Those URLs are also part of the same server so the URL advertised uses the hostname of a docker container.
We are running in a mixed economy (some docker containers, some regular applications). We actually need to set up where we have the server running as a docker application on a single VM, and that server will be accessed by non-docker clients (as well as docker clients not running on the same docker network).
So you have a server hostname (the docker container) and a docker hostname (the hostname of the VM running docker).
The client's initial connection is to: dockerhostname:1234 but when the server sends URLs to the client, it sends: serverhostname:5678 ... which is not resolvable by the client. So far, we've addressed this by adding "server hostname " to the client's /etc/hosts file but this is a pain to maintain.
I have also set the --hostname of the server docker container to the same name as the docker host and it has mostly worked but I've seen where a docker container running on the same docker network as the server had issues connecting to the server.
I realize this is not an ideal docker setup. We're migrating from a history of delivering as rpm's to delivering containers .. but it's a slow process. Our company has lots of applications.
I'm really curious if anyone has advice/lessons learned with this situation. What is the best solution to my URL problem? (I'm guessing it is the /etc/hosts we're already doing)
You can do port-mapping -p 8080:80
How you build and run your container?
With a shell command, dockerfile or yml file?
Check this:
docker port
Call this and it will work:
To work with hostnames you need DNS or use hosts file.
The hosts file solution is not a good idea, it's how the internet starts in the past ^^
If something change you have to change all hosts files on every client!
Or use a static ip for your container:
docker network ls
docker network create my-network
docker network create --subnet= mynet123
docker run --net mynet123 --ip -it ubuntu bash
Assign static IP to Docker container
You're describing a situation that requires a ton of work. The shortest path to success is your "adding things to /etc/hosts file" process. You can use configuration management, like ansible/chef/puppet to only have to update one location and distribute it out.
But at that point, you should look into something called "service discovery." There are a ton of ways to skin this cat, but the short of it is this. You need some place (lazy mode is DNS) that stores a database of your different machines/services. When a machine needs to connect to another machine for a service, it asks that database. Hence the "service discovery" part.
Now implementing the database is the hardest part of this, there are a bunch of different ways, and you'll need to spend some time with your team to figure out what is the best way.
Normally running an internal DNS server like dnsmasq or bind should get you most of the way, but if you need something like consul that's a whole other conversation. There are a lot of options, and the best thing to do is research, and audit what you actually need for your situation.

Use docker image in another docker image

I have two docker images:
CLI tool
The CLI tool is a very heavy docker file which takes hours to compile. I am trying to call the CLI tool from the webserver, but not sure how to go from here. Is there a way to make the command created in 1 available in 2?
At this point I tried working with volumes, but no luck. Thanks!
The design of Docker sort-of assumes that containers communicate through a network, not through the command line. So the cleanest solution is to create a simple microservice that wraps the CLI tool and can be called through HTTP.
As a quick and dirty hack, you could also use sshd as such a microservice without writing any code.
An alternative that doesn't involve the network is to make the socket of the Docker daemon available in the webserver container using a bind mount:
docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ...
Then you should be able to communicate with the host daemon from within the container, provided that you have installed the docker command line tool in the image. However, note that this makes your application strongly dependent on Docker, which might not be ideal. Also note that it essentially gives the container root access to the host system!
(Note that this is different from Docker-in-Docker, which is running a second Docker daemon inside a container and is generally not recommended except for specialized use cases.)

docker app serving on https and connecting to external rethinkdb

I'm trying to launch a docker container that is running a tornado app in python 3.
It serves a few API calls and is writing data to a rethinkdb service on the system. RethinkDB does not run inside a container.
The system it runs on is ubuntu 16.04.
Whenever I tried to launch the docker with docker-compose, it would crash saying the connection to localhost:28015 was refused.
I went researching the problem and realized that docker has its own network and that external connections must be configured prior to launching the container.
I used this command from a a question I found to make it work:
docker run -it --name "$container_name" -d -h "$host_name" -p 9080:9080 -p 1522:1522 "$image_name"
I've changed the container name, host name, ports and image name to fit my own application.
Now, the docker is not crashing, but I have two problems:
I can't reach it from a browser by pointing to https://localhost/login
I lose the docker-compose usage. This is problematic if we want to add more services that talk to each other in the future.
So, how do I launch a docker that can talk to my rethinkdb database without putting that DB into a container?
Please, let me know if you need more information to answer this question.
I'd appreciate your guidance in this.
The end result is that the docker will serve requests coming over https.
for exmaple I have an end-point called /getURL.
The request includes a token verified in the DB. The URL is like this:
after verification with the DB it will send back a relevant response.
the docker needs to be able to talk on 443 and also on 28015 with the rethinkdb service.
(Since 443 and https include the use of certificates, I'd appreciate a solution that handles this on regular http with some random port too and I'll take it from there)
P.S. The service works when I launch it without a docker on pycharm it's the docker configuration I have problems with.
I found a solution.
I needed to add this so that the container can connect to both the database and the rethinkdb:
Since this solution works for me right now, but it isn't the best solution, I won't mark this as the answer for now.

It is possible to run a command inside a Docker container from another container?

Here's my scenario.
I have 2 Docker containers:
C1: is a container with Ruby (but it could be anything else) that prepares data files on which it must perform a calculation in Julia language
C2: is a container with Julia (or R, or Octave...), used to perform the calculation, so as to avoid installing Julia on the same system or container that run Ruby code
From the host, obviously, I have no problem doing the processing.
Usually when two containers are linked (or belong to the same network) they communicate with each other via a network exposing some door. In this case Julia does not expose any door.
Can I run a command on C2 from C1 similar to what is done between host and C2?
If so, how?
Technically yes, but that's probably not what you want to do.
The Docker CLI is just an interface to the Docker service, which listens at /var/run/docker.sock on the host. Anything that can be done via the CLI can be done by directly communicating with this server. You can mount this socket into a running container (C1) as a volume to allow that container to speak to its host's docker service. Docker has a few permissions that need to be set to allow this; older versions allow containers to run in "privileged" mode, in which case they're allowed to (amongst other things) speak to /var/run/docker.sock with the authority of the host. I believe newer versions of Docker split this permission system up a bit more, but you'd have to look into this. Making this work in swarm mode might be a little different as well. Using this API at a code level without installing the full Docker CLI within the container is certainly possible (using a library or coding up your own interaction). A working example of doing this is JupyterHub+DockerSpawner, which has one privileged Hub server that instantiates new Notebook containers for each logged in user.
I just saw that you explicitly state that the Julia container has no door/interface. Could you wrap that code in a larger container that gives it a server interface while managing the serverless Julia program as a "local" process within the same container?
I needed to solve the same problem. In my case, it all started when I needed to run some scripts located in another container via cron, I tried the following scenarios with no luck:
Forgetting about the two-containers scenario and place all the logic in one container, so inter-container execution is no longer needed: Turns out to be a bad idea since the whole Docker concept is to execute single tasks in each container. In any case, creating a dockerfile to build an image with both my main service (PHP in my case) and a cron daemon proved to be quite messy.
Communicate between containers via SSH: I then decided to try building an image that would take care of running the Cron daemon, that would be the "docker" approach to solve my problem, but the bad idea was to execute the commands from each cronjob by opening an SSH connection to the other container (in your case, C1 connecting via SSH to C2). It turns out it's quite clumsy to implement an inter-container SSH login, and I kept running into problems with permissions, passwordless logins and port routing. It worked at the end, but I'm sure this would add some potential security issues, and I didn't feel it was a clean solution.
Implement some sort of API that I could call via HTTP requests from one container to another, using something like Curl or Wget. This felt like a great solution, but it ultimately meant adding a secondary service to my container (an Nginx to attend HTTP connections), and dealing with HTTP requisites and timeouts just to execute a shell script felt too much of a hassle.
Finally, my solution was to run "docker exec" from within the container. The idea, as described by scnerd is to make sure the docker client interacts with the docker service in your host:
To do so, you must install docker into the container you want to execute your commands from (in your case, C1), by adding a line like this to your Dockerfile (for Debian):
RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install
To let the docker client inside your container interact with the docker service on your host, you need to add /var/run/docker.sock as a volume to your container (C1). With Docker compose this is done by adding this to your docker service "volumes" section:
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
Now when you build and run your docker image, you'll be able to execute "docker exec" from within the docker, with a command like this, and you'll be talking to the docker service on the host:
docker exec -u root C2 /path/your_shell_script
This worked well for me. Since, in my case, I wanted the Cron container to launch scripts in other containers, it was as simple as adding "docker exec" commands to the crontab.
This solution, as also presented by scnerd, might not be optimal and I agree with his comments about your structure: Considering your specific needs, this might not be what you need, but it should work.
I would love to hear any comments from someone with more experience with Docker than me!

Is it ok to run docker from inside docker?

I'm running Jenkins inside a Docker container. I wonder if it's ok for the Jenkins container to also be a Docker host? What I'm thinking about is to start a new docker container for each integration test build from inside Jenkins (to start databases, message brokers etc). The containers should thus be shutdown after the integration tests are completed. Is there a reason to avoid running docker containers from inside another docker container in this way?
Running Docker inside Docker (a.k.a. dind), while possible, should be avoided, if at all possible. (Source provided below.) Instead, you want to set up a way for your main container to produce and communicate with sibling containers.
Jérôme Petazzoni — the author of the feature that made it possible for Docker to run inside a Docker container — actually wrote a blog post saying not to do it. The use case he describes matches the OP's exact use case of a CI Docker container that needs to run jobs inside other Docker containers.
Petazzoni lists two reasons why dind is troublesome:
It does not cooperate well with Linux Security Modules (LSM).
It creates a mismatch in file systems that creates problems for the containers created inside parent containers.
From that blog post, he describes the following alternative,
[The] simplest way is to just expose the Docker socket to your CI container, by bind-mounting it with the -v flag.
Simply put, when you start your CI container (Jenkins or other), instead of hacking something together with Docker-in-Docker, start it with:
docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ...
Now this container will have access to the Docker socket, and will therefore be able to start containers. Except that instead of starting "child" containers, it will start "sibling" containers.
I answered a similar question before on how to run a Docker container inside Docker.
To run docker inside docker is definitely possible. The main thing is that you run the outer container with extra privileges (starting with --privileged=true) and then install docker in that container.
Check this blog post for more info: Docker-in-Docker.
One potential use case for this is described in this entry. The blog describes how to build docker containers within a Jenkins docker container.
However, Docker inside Docker it is not the recommended approach to solve this type of problems. Instead, the recommended approach is to create "sibling" containers as described in this post
So, running Docker inside Docker was by many considered as a good type of solution for this type of problems. Now, the trend is to use "sibling" containers instead. See the answer by #predmijat on this page for more info.
It's OK to run Docker-in-Docker (DinD) and in fact Docker (the company) has an official DinD image for this.
The caveat however is that it requires a privileged container, which depending on your security needs may not be a viable alternative.
The alternative solution of running Docker using sibling containers (aka Docker-out-of-Docker or DooD) does not require a privileged container, but has a few drawbacks that stem from the fact that you are launching the container from within a context that is different from that one in which it's running (i.e., you launch the container from within a container, yet it's running at the host's level, not inside the container).
I wrote a blog describing the pros/cons of DinD vs DooD here.
Having said this, Nestybox (a startup I just founded) is working on a solution that runs true Docker-in-Docker securely (without using privileged containers). You can check it out at
Yes, we can run docker in docker, we'll need to attach the unix socket /var/run/docker.sock on which the docker daemon listens by default as volume to the parent docker using -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock.
Sometimes, permissions issues may arise for docker daemon socket for which you can write sudo chmod 757 /var/run/docker.sock.
And also it would require to run the docker in privileged mode, so the commands would be:
sudo chmod 757 /var/run/docker.sock
docker run --privileged=true -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -it ...
I was trying my best to run containers within containers just like you for the past few days. Wasted many hours. So far most of the people advise me to do stuff like using the docker's DIND image which is not applicable for my case, as I need the main container to be Ubuntu OS, or to run some privilege command and map the daemon socket into container. (Which never ever works for me)
The solution I found was to use Nestybox on my Ubuntu 20.04 system and it works best. Its also extremely simple to execute, provided your local system is ubuntu (which they support best), as the container runtime are specifically deigned for such application. It also has the most flexible options. The free edition of Nestybox is perhaps the best method as of Nov 2022. Highly recommends you to try it without bothering all the tedious setup other people suggest. They have many pre-constructed solutions to address such specific needs with a simple command line.
The Nestybox provide special runtime environment for newly created docker container, they also provides some ubuntu/common OS images with docker and systemd in built.
Their goal is to make the main container function exactly the same as a virtual machine securely. You can literally ssh into your ubuntu main container as well without the ability to access anything in the main machine. From your main container you may create all kinds of containers like a normal local system does. That systemd is very important for you to setup docker conveniently inside the container.
One simple common command to execute sysbox:
dock run --runtime=sysbox-runc -it any_image
If you think thats what you are looking for, you can find out more at their github:
Quicklink to instruction on how to deploy a simple sysbox runtime environment container:
