cmp in bash gives wrong result - cmp

I execute cmp in two files and despite are the same, I get
file1 file2.csv differ: char 1, line 1
Why this might happen?


I want to obtain the ASM (Intel assembly) code generated by Julia

I wrote a simple for loop in Delphi and translated it to Julia. The execution time of the Delphi program, compared with the Julia one, is just pathetic: Julia is 7 times faster - see the program and the results.
I am trying to figure out how this is possible, because Delphi was supposed to be one of the fastest languages on the planet!
I want to compare the ASM code generated by Julia with the ASM code generated by Delphi. In Delphi, I need only one click to get that code. Where I can see the ASM code for a specific function in Julia?
using BenchmarkTools
println("----------- Test for loops")
# test for loops
function for_fun(a)
total = 0
big = 0
small = 0
for i in 1:a
total += 1
if i > 500000
big += 1
small += 1
return (total, small, big)
res_for = for_fun(1000000000)
#btime for_fun(1000000000)
You use the #code_native macro applied to the function call. Here's an example
julia> #code_native 1+1
.file "+"
.globl "julia_+_13305" # -- Begin function julia_+_13305
.p2align 4, 0x90
.type "julia_+_13305",#function
"julia_+_13305": # #"julia_+_13305"
; ┌ # int.jl:87 within `+`
# %bb.0: # %top
leaq (%rdi,%rsi), %rax
.size "julia_+_13305", .Lfunc_end0-"julia_+_13305"
; └
# -- End function
.section ".note.GNU-stack","",#progbits

iOS ARM64 Syscalls

I am learning more about shellcode and making syscalls in arm64 on iOS devices. The device I am testing on is iPhone 6S.
I got the list of syscalls from this link (
I learnt that x8 is used for putting the syscall number for arm64 from here (
I figured the various registers used to pass in parameters for arm64 should be the same as arm so I referred to this link (, taken from
I wrote inline assembly in Xcode and here are some snippets
//exit syscall
__asm__ volatile("mov x8, #1");
__asm__ volatile("mov x0, #0");
__asm__ volatile("svc 0x80");
However, the application does not terminate when I stepped over these codes.
char write_buffer[]="console_text";
int write_buffer_size = sizeof(write_buffer);
__asm__ volatile("mov x8,#4;" //arm64 uses x8 for syscall number
"mov x0,#1;" //1 for stdout file descriptor
"mov x1,%0;" //the buffer to display
"mov x2,%1;" //buffer size
"svc 0x80;"
If this syscall works, it should print out some text in Xcode's console output screen. However, nothing gets printed.
There are many online articles for ARM assembly, some use svc 0x80 and some use svc 0 etc and so there can be a few variations. I tried various methods but I could not get the two code snippets to work.
Can someone provide some guidance?
This is what Xcode shows in its Assembly view when I wrote a C function syscall int return_value=syscall(1,0);
mov x1, sp
mov x30, #0
str x30, [x1]
orr w8, wzr, #0x1
stur x0, [x29, #-32] ; 8-byte Folded Spill
mov x0, x8
bl _syscall
I am not sure why this code was emitted.
The registers used for syscalls are completely arbitrary, and the resources you've picked are certainly wrong for XNU.
As far as I'm aware, the XNU syscall ABI for arm64 is entirely private and subject to change without notice so there's no published standard that it follows, but you can scrape together how it works by getting a copy of the XNU source (as tarballs, or viewing it online if you prefer that), grep for the handle_svc function, and just following the code.
I'm not gonna go into detail on where exactly you find which bits, but the end result is:
The immediate passed to svc is ignored, but the standard library uses svc 0x80.
x16 holds the syscall number
x0 through x8 hold up to 9 arguments*
There are no arguments on the stack
x0 and x1 hold up to 2 return values (e.g. in the case of fork)
The carry bit is used to report an error, in which case x0 holds the error code
* This is used only in the case of an indirect syscall (x16 = 0) with 8 arguments.
* Comments in the XNU source also mention x9, but it seems the engineer who wrote that should brush up on off-by-one errors.
And then it comes to the actual syscall numbers available:
The canonical source for "UNIX syscalls" is the file bsd/kern/syscalls.master in the XNU source tree. Those take syscall numbers from 0 up to about 540 in the latest iOS 13 beta.
The canonical source for "Mach syscalls" is the file osfmk/kern/syscall_sw.c in the XNU source tree. Those syscalls are invoked with negative numbers between -10 and -100 (e.g. -28 would be task_self_trap).
Unrelated to the last point, two syscalls mach_absolute_time and mach_continuous_time can be invoked with syscall numbers -3 and -4 respectively.
A few low-level operations are available through platform_syscall with the syscall number 0x80000000.
This should get you going. As #Siguza mentioned you must use x16 , not x8 for the syscall number.
#import <sys/syscall.h>
char testStringGlobal[] = "helloWorld from global variable\n";
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
char testStringOnStack[] = "helloWorld from stack variable\n";
//VARIANT 1 suggested by #PeterCordes
//an an input it's a file descriptor set to STD_OUT 1 so the syscall write output appears in Xcode debug output
//as an output this will be used for returning syscall return value;
register long x0 asm("x0") = 1;
//as an input string to write
//as an output this will be used for returning syscall return value higher half (in this particular case 0)
register char *x1 asm("x1") = testStringOnStack;
//string length
register long x2 asm("x2") = strlen(testStringOnStack);
//syscall write is 4
register long x16 asm("x16") = SYS_write; //syscall write definition - see my footnote below
//full variant using stack local variables for register x0,x1,x2,x16 input
//syscall result collected in x0 & x1 using "semi" intrinsic assembler
asm volatile(//all args prepared, make the syscall
"svc #0x80"
:"=r"(x0),"=r"(x1) //mark x0 & x1 as syscall outputs
:"r"(x0), "r"(x1), "r"(x2), "r"(x16): //mark the inputs
//inform the compiler we read the memory
//inform the compiler we clobber carry flag (during the syscall itself)
//syscall write for globals variable using "semi" intrinsic assembler
//args hardcoded
//output of syscall is ignored
asm volatile(//prepare x1 with the help of x8 register
"mov x1, %0 \t\n"
//set file descriptor to STD_OUT 1 so it appears in Xcode debug output
"mov x0, #1 \t\n"
//hardcoded length
"mov x2, #32 \t\n"
//syscall write is 4
"mov x16, #0x4 \t\n"
//all args prepared, make the syscall
"svc #0x80"
//clobbered registers list
//inform the compiler we read the memory
//inform the compiler we clobber carry flag (during the syscall itself)
//VARIANT 3 - only applicable to global variables using "page" address
//which is PC-relative addressing to load addresses at a fixed offset from the current location (PIC code).
//syscall write for global variable using "semi" intrinsic assembler
asm volatile(//set x1 on proper PAGE
"adrp x1,_testStringGlobal#PAGE \t\n" //notice the underscore preceding variable name by convention
//add the offset of the testStringGlobal variable
"add x1,x1,_testStringGlobal#PAGEOFF \t\n"
//set file descriptor to STD_OUT 1 so it appears in Xcode debug output
"mov x0, #1 \t\n"
//hardcoded length
"mov x2, #32 \t\n"
//syscall write is 4
"mov x16, #0x4 \t\n"
//all args prepared, make the syscall
"svc #0x80"
//clobbered registers list
//inform the compiler we read the memory
//inform the compiler we clobber carry flag (during the syscall itself)
#autoreleasepool {
return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([AppDelegate class]));
To #PeterCordes excellent comment, yes there is a syscall numbers definition header <sys/syscall.h> which I included in the above snippet^ in Variant 1. But it's important to mention inside it's defined by Apple like this:
#define SYS_syscall 0
#define SYS_exit 1
#define SYS_fork 2
#define SYS_read 3
#define SYS_write 4
I haven't heard of a case yet of an iOS app AppStore rejection due to using a system call directly through svc 0x80 nonetheless it's definitely not public API.
As for the suggested "=#ccc" by #PeterCordes i.e. carry flag (set by syscall upon error) as an output constraint that's not supported as of latest XCode11 beta / LLVM 8.0.0 even for x86 and definitely not for ARM.

Forth and processor flags

Why doesn't Forth use processor flags for conditional execution?
Instead the result of a comparison is placed on the parameter stack. Is it because the inner interpreter loop may alter flags when going to the next instruction? Or is it simply to abstract conditional logic?
E.g. on x86 the flags register holds results of a comparison as most processors if not all will have a flags register.
As Forth is a stack-based language, in order to define the operations inside the language, you must define the result to alter something that is inside the language. The flags register isn't in the language. Obviously in case of an optimizing compiler, whatever approach that gives the same final result is equally acceptable.
It depends on the Forth, and the level of optimization.
: tt 0 if ." true" else ." false" then ;
In SwiftForth (x86_64 GNU/Linux):
see tt
808376F 4 # EBP SUB 83ED04
8083772 EBX 0 [EBP] MOV 895D00
8083775 0 # EBX MOV BB00000000
808377A EBX EBX OR 09DB
808377C 0 [EBP] EBX MOV 8B5D00
808377F 4 [EBP] EBP LEA 8D6D04
8083782 808379D JZ 0F8415000000
8083788 804D06F ( (S") ) CALL E8E298FCFF
808378D "true"
8083793 804C5BF ( TYPE ) CALL E8278EFCFF
8083798 80837AE JMP E911000000
808379D 804D06F ( (S") ) CALL E8CD98FCFF
80837A2 "false"
80837A9 804C5BF ( TYPE ) CALL E8118EFCFF
80837AE RET C3 ok
In Gforth:
see tt
: tt
IF .\" true"
ELSE .\" false"
THEN ; ok

asm usage of memory location operands

I am in trouble with the definition 'memory location'. According to the 'Intel 64 and IA-32 Software Developer's Manual' many instruction can use a memory location as operand.
For example MOVBE (move data after swapping bytes):
Instruction: MOVBE m32, r32
The question is now how a memory location is defined;
I tried to use variables defined in the .bss section:
section .bss
memory: resb 4 ;reserve 4 byte
memorylen: equ $-memory
section .text
global _start
MOV R9D, 0x6162630A
MOV [memory], R9D
SHR [memory], 1
MOVBE [memory], R9D
MOV EAX, 0x01
MOV EBX, 0x00
int 0x80
If SHR is commented out yasm (yasm -f elf64 .asm) compiles without problems but when executing stdio shows: Illegal Instruction
And if MOVBE is commented out the following error occurs when compiling: error: invalid size for operand 1
How do I have to allocate memory for using the 'm' option shown by the instruction set reference?
[CPU=x64, Compiler=yasm]
If that is all your code, you are falling off at the end into uninitialized region, so you will get a fault. That has nothing to do with allocating memory, which you did right. You need to add code to terminate your program using an exit system call, or at least put an endless loop so you avoid the fault (kill your program using ctrl+c or equivalent).
Update: While the above is true, the illegal instruction here is more likely caused by the fact that your cpu simply does not support the MOVBE instruction, because not all do. If you look in the reference, you can see it says #UD If CPUID.01H:ECX.MOVBE[bit 22] = 0. That is trying to tell you that a particular flag bit in the ECX register returned by the 01 leaf of the CPUID instruction shows support of this instruction. If you are on linux, you can conveniently check in /proc/cpuinfo whether you have the movbe flag or not.
As for the invalid operand size: you should generally specify the operand size when it can not be deduced from the instruction. That said, SHR accepts all sizes (byte, word, dword, qword) so you should really not get that error at all, but you might get an operation of unexpected default size. You should use SHR dword [memory], 1 in this case, and that also makes yasm happy.
Oh, and +1 for reading the intel manual ;)

x86 Assembly: Writing a Program to Test Memory Functionality for Entire 1MB of Memory

I need to write a program that tests the write functionality of an entire 1MB of memory on a byte by byte basis for a system using an Intel 80186 microprocessor. In other words, I need to write a 0 to every byte in memory and then check if a 0 was actually written. I need to then repeat the process using a value of 1. Finally, any memory locations that did not successfully have a 0 or 1 written to them during their respective write operation needs to be stored on the stack.
I am an Electrical Engineering student in college (Not Computer Science) and am relatively new to x86 assembly language and MASM611. I am not looking for a complete solution. However, I am going to need some guidance.
Earlier in the semester, I wrote a program that filled a portion of memory with 0's. I believe that this will be a good starting point for my current project.
Source Code For Early Program:
;Program Name: Zeros
;File Name: PROJ01.ASM
;DATE: 09/16/14
MOV AX, 0FFFFh ;Moves a Hex value of 65535 into AX
MOV BX, 0000h ;Moves a Hex value of 0 into BX
CALL Zero_fill ;Calls procedure Zero_fill
MOV AX, 4C00H ;Performs a clean exit
Zero_fill PROC NEAR ;Declares procedure Zero_fill with near directive
MOV DX, 0000h ;Moves 0H into DX
MOV CX, 0000h ;Moves 0H into CX. This will act as a counter.
Start_Repeat: INC CX ;Increments CX by 1
MOV [BX], DX ;Moves the contents of DX to the memory address of BX
INC BX ;Increments BX by 1
CMP CX, 10000h ;Compares the value of CX with 10000H. If equal, Z-flag set to one.
JNE Start_Repeat ;Jumps to Start_Repeat if CX does not equal 10000H.
RET ;Removes 16-bit value from stack and puts it in IP
Zero_fill ENDP ;Ends procedure Zero_fill
1. Employ explicit segment structure.
2. Use the ES:DI register pair to address the test memory area.
3. Non destructive access: Before testing each memory location, I need to store the original contents of the byte. Which needs to be restored after testing is complete.
4. I need to store the addresses of any memory locations that fail the test on the stack.
5. I need to determine the highest RAM location.
1. In a loop: Write 0000H to memory location, Check value at that mem location, PUSH values of ES and DI to the stack if check fails.
2. In a loop: Write FFFFH to memory location, Check value at that mem location, PUSH values of ES and DI to the stack if check fails.
Source Code Implementing Preliminary Plan:
;Program Name: Memory Test
;File Name: M_TEST.ASM
;DATE: 10/7/14
;FUNCTION: Test operational status of each byte of memory between a starting
; location and an ending location
;HISTORY: Template code from Assembly Project 1
MOV AX, FFFFH ;Moves a Hex value of 65535 into AX
MOV BX, 0000H ;Moves a Hex value of 0 into BX
CALL M_TEST ;Calls procedure M_TEST
MOV AX, 4C00H ;Performs a clean exit
M_TEST PROC NEAR ;Declares procedure M_TEST with near directive
MOV DX, 0000H ;Fill DX with 0's
MOV AX, FFFFH ;Fill AX with 1's
MOV CX, 0000H ;Moves 0H into CX. This will act as a counter.
Start_Repeat: MOV [BX], DX ;Moves the contents of DX to the memory address of BX
CMP [BX], 0000H ;Compare value at memory location [BX] with 0H. If equal, Z-flag set to one.
MOV [BX], AX ;Moves the contents of AX to the memory address of BX
CMP [BX], FFFFH ;Compare value at memory location [BX] with FFFFH. If equal, Z-flag set to one.
INC CX ;Increments CX by 1
INC BX ;Increments BX by 1
CMP CX, 10000H ;Compares the value of CX with 10000H. If equal, Z-flag set to one.
JNE Start_Repeat ;Jumps to Start_Repeat if CX does not equal 10000H.
RET ;Removes 16-bit value from stack and puts it in IP
M_TEST ENDP ;Ends procedure Zero_fill
My commenting might not be accurate.
1. How do I use ES:DI to address the test memory area?
2. What is the best way to hold on to the initial memory value so that I can replace it when I'm done testing a specific memory location? I believe registers AX - DX are already in use.
Also, if I have updated code and questions, should I post it on this same thread, or should I create a new post with a link to this one?
Any other advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
How do I use ES:DI to address the test memory area?
E.g. mov al, es:[di]
What is the best way to hold on to the initial memory value so that I can replace it when I'm done testing a specific memory location? I believe registers AX - DX are already in use.
Right. You could use al to store the original value and have 0 and 1 pre-loaded in bl and cl and then do something like this (off the top of my head):
mov al, es:[di] // load/save original value
mov es:[di], bl // store zero
cmp bl, es:[di] // check that it sticks
jne #pushbad // jump if it didn't
mov es:[di], cl // same for 'one'
cmp cl, es:[di]
jne #pushbad
mov es:[di], al // restore original value
jmp #nextAddr
mov es:[di], al // restore original value (may be redundant as the mem is bad)
push es
push di
Some words about for to test also the memory location that our own routine is claimed. We can copy and run our routine into the framebuffer of the display device.
Note: If we want to store or compare a memory location with an immediate value, then we have to specify how many bytes we want to access. (But in opposite of it with using a register as a source, or a target, the assembler already knows the size of it, so we do not need to specify.)
Accessing one byte of one address (with an immediate value):
CMP BYTE[BX], 0 ; with NASM (Netwide Assembler)
CMP BYTE PTR[BX], 0 ; with MASM (Microsoft Macro Assembler)
Accessing two bytes of two adresses together
(executing faster, if the target address is even aligned):
CMP WORD[BX], 0 ; with NASM
If you start with the assumption that any location in RAM might be faulty; then this means you can't use RAM to store your code or your data. This includes temporary usage - for example, you can't temporarily store your code in RAM and then copy it to display memory, because you risk copying corrupted code from RAM to display memory.
With this in mind; the only case where this makes sense is code in ROM testing the RAM - e.g. during the firmware's POST (Power On Self Test). Furthermore; this means that you can't use the stack at all - not for keeping track of faulty areas, or even for calling functions/routines.
Note that you might assume that you can test a small area (e.g. find the first 1 KiB that isn't faulty) and then use that RAM for storing results, etc. This would be a false assumption.
For RAM faults there are many causes. The first set of causes is "open connection" and "shorted connection" on either the address bus or the data bus. For a simple example, if address line 12 happens to be open circuit, the end result will be that the first 4 KiB always has identical contents to the second 4 KiB of RAM. You can test the first 4 KiB of RAM as much as you like and decide it's "good", but then when you test the second 4 KiB of RAM you trash the contents of the first 4 KiB of RAM.
There is a "smart sequence" of tests. Specifically, test the address lines from highest to lowest (e.g. write different values to 0x000000 and 0x800000 and check that they're both correct; then do the same for 0x000000 and 0x400000, then 0x000000 and 0x200000, and so on until you get to addresses 0x000000 and 0x000001). However, the way RAM chips are connected to the CPU is not necessarily as simple as a direct mapping. For example, maybe the highest bit of the address selects which bank of RAM; and in that case you'd have to test both 0x000000 and 0x400000 and also 0x800000 and 0xC00000 to test both banks.
Once you're sure the address lines work; then you can do similar for data lines and the RAM itself. The most common test is called a "walking ones" test; where you store 0x01, then 0x02, and so on (up to 0x80). This detects things like "sticky bits" (e.g. where a bit's state happens to be "stuck" to its neighbour's state). If you only write (e.g.) 0x00 and test it then write 0xFF and test it, then you will miss most RAM faults.
Also; be very careful with "open connection". On some machines bus capacitance can play tricks on you, where you write a value and the bus capacitance "stores" the previous value, so that when you read it back it looks like it's correct even when there's no connection. To avoid this risk, you need to write a different value in between - e.g. write 0x55 to the address you're testing, then write 0xAA somewhere else, then read the original value back (and hope you get 0x55 because the RAM works, and not 0xAA). With this in mind (for performance) you may consider doing "walking ones" in one area of RAM while also doing "walking zeros" in the next area of RAM; so that you're always alternating between reading a value from one area and reading the inverted value from the other.
Finally, some RAM problems depend on noise, temperature, etc. In these cases you can do extremely thorough RAM tests, say that it's all perfect, then suffer from RAM corruption 2 minutes afterwards. This is why (e.g.) the typical advice is to run something like "memtest" for 8 hours or so if you really want to test RAM properly.
