Prevent TFS of detecting packages contents in different folders - tfs

I've used .tfignore and Nuget.config solution to prevent tfs of detecting changes in packages folder, at the moment it is not detecting the packages folder changes anymore but whenever I add a new package or update the existing one it will detect the changes in possibly Scripts or Content folders. The problem is I cannot explicitly ignore the Scripts and Content folders because there are some custom scripts that have to be checked-in, what I would prefer is just somehow to ignore the scripts caused by package change?

You can ignore the specify files or include specify files in Scripts and Content folders. For example:
#Ignore .cpp files in the ProjA sub-folder and all its subfolders
# Do not ignore .dll files in this folder nor in any of its sub-folders


TFS 2017 build Copy files from

In a build, we have Copy files from the task. The problem we have is the source folder itself is copied to the destination. We'd want the contents of the source folder to be copied to the destination folder, not the folder itself. Is there any way to do that?
I tried a wildcard but that doesn't work. It seems it needs a path itself. An issue of this could be that the source is named 'X' but the destination is named 'Y' (it was setup before this build and IIS is pointing to this folder). Can we have the source folder be renamed in the build maybe?
That would be name_of_sourcefolder\**\* for all files and subfolders of just name_of_sourcefolder\* for all files.
This has to be set in the Contents part of the task.

Jenkins: Copying Artifact (directory) from one Job to another

in Jenkins, I have a job downloadAgents that is responsible of creating a folder and populating it with some files. Then the folder is saved as an artifact with the following folder structure
Then I need to copy the contents of the ios folder into the workspace of another job (into a specific folder).
I have added the Copy artifacts from another project step. And it does copy the artifacts, but it copies the full path
How can I tell jenkins to copy only one folder ios and everything that is inside it and, do not copy all folders that are before ios.
Also if there are already files in the destination folder, will it merge the 2 folders?
You can use regex for your copy (under "Artifacts to copy")-
** - all folders under ios
*.* - all file types
You can also specify the target directory, and you also have a flag for "Flatten directories". This will move all the files without the hierarchy of the folders (flat to your target directory)
Feel free to look at the plugin's home page:
In CopyArtifacts plugin specify the pattern: \dev\downloadIosAgents\target\dependency\ios\*.* or \dev\downloadIosAgents\target\dependency\ios\** - I don't remember exactly.
That should do the job.

Publishing GulpJs minified/concatenated javascript via MSDeploy and Teamcity

Apologies if this question has been asked before. I have found variants on this theme but nothing that seems to fit our particular configuration.
We have developed a custom GulpJS task which parses a .json file located inside our folder assets/javascript. This json file contains an array of relative paths to javascript files (both our own and library) in a specific order for minification. They are then outputted to the folder assets/javascript/build and concatenated. The javascript source files are in the project but the minified and concatenated versions of the scripts, in fact the entire build folder itself, are not included in the Visual Studio project.
Ideally, I would like to have a step in the MSDeploy configuration which would copy all the files in the javascript build folder to the destination. Otherwise I could potentially include another step in Teamcity to do so.
Has anyone successfully instituted a similar build configuration and could share some insight? I tried using the MSBuild copy task but that didn't seem to copy the files to the output location. One option that I am considering is including the minified scripts in the project file but this might potentially trip up other developers who don't have Gulp running in their development environments (hilarious as that might be)

bin subdirectories have no generated packages directories

I am using Dart 1.3.6 SDK and generated a typical command line application with a bin directory. The bin directory automatically gets its packages directory. However, none of the subdirectories of the bin directory gets any packages directory. As such I cannot import packages such as http that I am trying to use.
According to Dart's literature I think bin, test, web and example directories should all generate packages in there sub-directories. Yes?
I got the info that pub get should create these directories. I just created the symlinks manually when they were missing.
So far "entry points" in sub directories are not supported:
See also:

Teamcity is not copying all the folders

I've now setup a MSBuild script to create the folders and files I need in the right structure for my MVC project. I'm then setting Teamcity up to look at the folder with only the files I want to have and copy that to the artifacts folder. So far, so good!
However, There is a few folders in the structure that are empty, and Teamcity does not copy these folder, even if I've set it up to copy the mainfolder and everything in it.
Is there a way to force Teamcity to copy everything - and by that I mean EVERYTHING in my folder, or does it simply not work?
Teamcity Artifact path settings:
Website => Release
You may find your answer in this post : How do I exclude the contents of a directory but not the directory itself in MSBuild
It's not Teamcity but still MsBuild. The problem is that msbuild's include does not include empty directories...
We manage to work around this and skip the empty folders. Therefore this was no longer an issue. However, still don't know how to copy empty folders. My understanding from doing research for a long while now is that it simply doesn't work.
