white text on white background image in swift - ios

I've image and label over it. Images are of multiple color and I would like to add text label of white color. Is there anyway I can make the label text standout even if background image is white color?
I tried lowering alpha value for the background image, it gives little effect but label text not standing out clearly unless alpha value for background image is too low.

Set up your label field with a shadow on it.


Skip a particular color in smart invert mode of accessibility

Is there any way to skip a particular color in whole app when device is in smart invert mode of accessibility?
I don't want the blue color in my app to be inverted. I have am image which have black and blue color text in it. I want the black color text to be inverted but want to skip blue color.
Any help would be appreciated.
P.S -I am familiar with accessibilityIgnoresInvertColors. But this property can be applied on uiview or object but i need to skip a color.
do it inside the appcolor constant file :- you can check UIAccessibilityIsInvertColorsEnabled() if its true then return clear color else reurn the blue color.

UILabel text color dependant on location over a UIImage

I want my UILabel's text color to be dependent on the UIImage that is beneath it. I think the solution involves getting the average color of my UIImage but I don't know what tools are available for me in swift to get that information. Also, my label is in the top left corner. I don't want the average color of the whole image. I want the average color of the area around my label.

how change a part of image color no the entire image

what I want to do is change only the black color of my original image to another color, and keep for example white color of my image
what I have tried is:
cell.iconeEcoute?.image = cell.iconeEcoute?.image!.imageWithRenderingMode(UIImageRenderingMode.AlwaysTemplate)
cell.iconeEcoute?.tintColor = colorHexIcone
But this code change the entire image color, and I want to keep green color and replace only black color in the image
any help would be appreciated
You can achieve it by taking separate View. Then give different color and alpha as you want. and you will see that part in different color.

how to change the Label/TextField text color Based on background image color in iOS Objective-C?

I'm working on UIImageView with Labels and TextFields.
In my scenario, how can I change the label text color based on background image?
For Example: My Background image white, in that scenario the label text color is black or red except white.
Please help me.
Thanks in Advance.
Just engineering of answers found online:
Calculate average color for your background image:
how to find average color of image
Calculate an inverted color for the found color:
inverting a UIColor
Set label.textColor to a result color

Open layer 3 label

I have seen this link: http://openlayers.org/en/v3.4.0/examples/vector-labels.html
But how can I have a label with a background rectangle of a chosen color, to improve the readability (such as white text over a black rectangle) ?
