Delphi base convert Binary to Decimal - delphi

Im converting binary to decimal and Im converting Decimal to binary. My problem is Length of the binary integer. For example:
Convertx("001110",2,10) = 14
Convertx("14",10,2) = 1110
But length of the binary is NOT constant, So How can I get exact original binary with zeros front of it? How can I get "001110" instead of "1110" ?
I m using this function in Delphi 7. -> How can I convert base of decimal string to another base?

The function you are using returns a string that is the shortest length required to express the value you have converted.
Any zeroes in front of that string are simply padding - they do not alter the binary value represented. If you need a string of a minimum length then you need to add this "padding" yourself. e.g. if you want a binary representation of a "byte" (i.e. 8 binary digits) then the minimum length you would need is 8:
binStr := Convertx("14",10,2);
while Length(binStr) < 8 do
binStr := '0' + binStr;
If you need the exact number of zeroes that were included in the "padding" of some original binary value when converting from binary to decimal and then back to "original" binary again, then this is impossible unless you separately record how many padding zeroes there were or the length of the original string, including those zeroes.
i.e. in your example, the ConvertX function has no idea (and now way to figure out) that the number "14" it is asked to convert to binary was originally converted from a 6 digit binary string with 2 leading zeroes, rather than an 8 digit binary with 4 leading zeroes (or a 16 digit binary with 12 leading zeroes, etc etc).

What you are hoping for is impossible. Consider
Convertx('001110', 2, 10)
Convertx('1110', 2, 10)
These both return the same output, 14. At that point there is no way to recover the length of the original input.
The way forward is therefore clear. You must remember the length of the original binary, as well as the equivalent decimal. However, once you have reached that conclusion then you might wonder whether there is an even simpler approach. Just remember the original binary value and save yourself having to convert back from decimal.


How to generate a sequence code string in Rails

I have a model which has a column named code, which is a combination of the model's name column and its ID with leading zeros.
name = 'Rocky'
id = 16
I have an after_create callback which runs and generates the code:
update(code: "#{[0..2].upcase}%.4d" %
The generated code will be:
The code is working.
I found (%.4d" % from another project, but I don't know how it works.
How does it determine the number of zeros to be preceded based on the passed integer.
You’re using a "format specifier". There are many specifiers, but the one you’re using, "%d", is the decimal specifier:
% starts it. 4 means it should always use at least four numbers, so if the number is only two digits, it gets padded with 0s to fill in the rest of the numbers. The second % means replace 4d with whatever comes after it. So in your case, 4d is getting replaced with "0016".
sprintf has more information about format specifiers.
You can read more about String#% in the documentation also.
After the percentage sign ("%") is a decimal (".") and a number. That number is the number of total digits in the result. If the result is less than this value, additional zeros will be added.
Thus, in this first example, the result is "34" but length was set to "4". The result will have two leading zeros to fill it into four digits.
"This is test string %.4d" % 34
result => "This is test string 0034"
"I want more zeroes in my code %.7d" % 34
result => "I want more zeroes in my code 0000034"

is there a way to convert an integer to be always a 4 digit hex number using Lua

I'm creating a Lua script which will calculate a temperature value then format this value as a 4 digit hex number which must always be 4 digits. Having the answer as a string is fine.
Previously in C I have been able to use
data_hex=string.format('%h04x', -21)
which would return ffeb
however the 'h' string formatter is not available to me in Lua
dropping the 'h' doesn't cater for negative answers i.e
data_hex=string.format('%04x', -21)
which returns ffffffeb
data_hex=string.format('%04x', 21)
which returns 0015
Is there a convenient and portable equivalent to the 'h' string formatter?
I suggest you try using a bitwise AND to truncate any leading hex digits for the value being printed.
If you have a variable temp that you are going to print then you would use something like data_hex=string.format("%04x",temp & 0xffff) which would remove the leading hex digits leaving only the least significant 4 hex digits.
I like this approach as there is less string manipulation and it is congruent with the actual data type of a signed 16 bit number. Whether reducing string manipulation is a concern would depend on the rate at which the temperature is polled.
For further information on the format function see The String Library article.

Under what conditions can [NSEvent characters] be a NSString of length greater than 1?

NSEvent has a characters property which is a NSString valid for key up/down events. Under what conditions can the string length be greater than 1?
The only condition I have been able to find till now is when the NSEvent corresponds to input from an IME (Input Method Editor).
Edit - I knew about the surrogate pair case, but it somehow slipped out of my mind while asking this. I am more interested in the case when the no. of graphemes(characters) is greater than 1 itself.
Under what conditions can the string length be greater than 1?
When you have a keyboard/input method which can input any single character which requires a surrogate pair in UTF-16, e.g. a 𐀀 (Unicode Linear B Syllable B008 A), then the length will be 2. This is because length returns the number of 16-bit code units, not the number of characters.
You can also get this with programmatically-posted events. CGEventKeyboardSetUnicodeString() allows the caller to attach any arbitrary string to the key event.
High unicode codepoints are coded with a character sequence in Mac OS X. Try 𫝑.

what is the difference between binary and binary coded decimal?

I'm studying encoders, which convert decimal to a code such as binary or binary coded decimal. What is binary coded decimal? Is it different from binary?
It's very late but I saw this so I thought I might answer. So binary coded decimal is a way to denote larger binary numbers in decimal form, except each digit is represented in binary for example.
1111(binary) = 15(decimal)
1111(binary) = 0001 0101(BCD)
so the bcd form of 1111 is two 4 bits numbers where the first 4 bit number in decimal is 1 and the second in decimal is 5, thus giving us 15. The way to calculate this is through an algorithm called double dabble.
(B)inary (C)oded (D)ecimal data usage is found mostly in Assembler programs. On mainframes, it was mostly used to save half a byte, typically to allow an 8-digit date to be stored in a (four-byte) fullword as YYYYMMDD, avoiding a full binary conversion while also keeping the date more "eye friendly" format (i.e. easier to see in a file dump).
IBM Mainframe Assembler provides a special instruction - MVO: (M)o(V)e with (O)ffset - enabling very easy conversion from Packed Decimal (i.e. COMP-3 in COBOL) to BCD format (and vice-versa) without using an algorithm.
Example: Assume a date of 31-DEC-2017 in YYYYMMDD (8-byte) format is to be converted to a 8-digit BCD format field (4-bytes).
(1) Use the PACK instruction to convert the 8-char DATE into 5-bytes PACKED
(2) Use the MVO instruction to move the 8 significant binary decimal digits to the BCD field
[Note length override "...BCD(5)...": so sign X'F' from PACKED is shifted into byte after the BCD field]
BCD now contains X'20171231'
(1) PACK PACKED,DATE C'20171231' BECOMES X'020171231F' IN PACKED
(2) MVO BCD(5),PACKED X'020171231F' BECOMES X'20171231' IN BCD
DATE DC CL8'21071231'
Likewise, to convert an 8-digit BCD date to an 8-char DATE is a simple sequence of 3 instructions:
(1) Insert sign into rightmost byte of a 5-byte packed decimal field
[think of this as restoring the sign shifted out in step 2 "MVO BCD(5),PACKED" in the first example, above]
(2) Use the MVO instruction to extract the 8 binary decimal digits into the 5-byte packed decimal field
(3) Use UNPK to convert the 5-byte packed decimal field to an 8-char date
DATE now contains C'20171231'
(2) MVO PACKED,BCD X'20171231' BECOMES X'020171231F' IN PACKED
(3) UNPK DATE,PACKED X'020171231F' BECOMES C'20171231' IN DATE
BCD DC XL4'20171231'

What is an Illegal octal digit?

I'm trying to make an array of zip codes.
array = [07001, 07920]
This returns :
array = [07001, 07920]
from (irb):12
from :0
Never seen this before. Any workarounds?
Ruby is interpreting numbers that have a leading 0 as being in octal (base 8). Thus the digits 8 and 9 are not valid.
It probably makes more sense to store ZIP codes as strings, instead of as numbers (to avoid having to pad with zeroes whenever you display it), as such: array = ["07001", "07920"]
Numbers that start with 0 are assumed to be in octal format, just like numbers that start with 0x are assumed to be in hexadecimal format. Octal digits only go from 0 to 7, so 9 is simply not legal in an octal number.
The easiest workaround would be to simply write the numbers in decimal format: 07001 in octal is the same as 3585 in decimal (I think). Or did you mean to write the numbers in decimal? Then, the easiest workaround is to leave off the leading zeroes: 07001 is the same as 7001 anyway.
However, you mention that you want an array of ZIP codes. In that case, the correct solution would be to use, well, an array of ZIP codes instead of an array of integers, since ZIP codes aren't integers, they are ZIP codes.
Your array is of numbers, so the leading zero causes it to be interpreted as octal (valid digits 0-7). If these are zip codes, and the leading zero is significant, they should probably be strings.
