How to calculate similarity based on purchase records? - mahout-recommender

I have a purchase history data set. It contains userid, itemid, purchase records. The Purchase Records means how many times the user purchased the item.
So how can I calculate the user or item similarity based on this data set for producing recommendations.

You can go for Spark MLlib algorithms. Spark provides the Collaborative filtering - Alternating Least Squares (ALS) machine learning algorithm which gets trained using the user, products and rating. In your case rating will be the count(Number of times user purchased a item) of purchases for a item.
You can straight away go for the ALS algorithm by following the example shown here Collaborative filtering - ALS.

You can use Cos co-variance and correlation.

Mahout has user and item similarity based on the probabilistic Log-Likelihood Ratio (LLR), this has been demonstrated to give superior performance compared to other similarity metrics and is only nominally "similarity", actually a correlation test. LLR in Mahout generates a score for every detected event (line in your dataset) This is collected in an "indicator" matrix with the spark-itemsimilarity job. You can use this along with a search engine to create a recommender or use one we created for PredictionIO.
PredictionIO is a machine learning server with DB, workflow control, and storage and compute engine integration. See the Universal Recommender, which uses Mahout on Spark and is a full featured end-to-end recommender that can be queried for item of user-based recommendations.


How to fine-tune the number of cluster in k-means clustering and incremental way of building the model using BigQuery ML

Used K-means clustering Model for detecting anomaly using BigQuery ML.
Datasets information
date Date
trade_id INT
trade_name STRING
agent_id INT
agent_name String
total_item INT
Mapping - One trade has multiple agent based on date.
Model Trained with below information by sum(total_iteam)
Number of cluster: 4
Need to find the anomaly for each trades and agent based on date.
Model is trained with given set of data and distance_from_closest_centroid is calculated. for each trade and agent based on date distance is called. Rightest distance is consider as a anomaly. Using this information
1. How to find the number of cluster need to use for model(eg: Elbow method used for selecting minimal cluster number selection).
2. How to build the model in case when trade data added on daily basis. Its is possible to build the incremental way of building the model on daily basis.
As the question was updated, I will sum up our discussion as an answer to further contribute to the community.
Regarding your first question "How to find the number of cluster need to use for model(eg: Elbow method used for selecting minimal cluster number selection).".
According to the documentation, if you omit the num_clusters option, BigQuery ML will choose a reasonable default based on the total number of rows in the training data. However, if you want to select the most optimal number, you can perform hyperarameter tunning, which is the process of selecting one (or a set) of optimal hyperparameter for a learning algorithm, in your case K-means within BigQuery ML. In order to determine the ideal number of clusters you would run CREATE MODEL query for different values of num_clusters. Then , finding the error measure and select the point which it is at the minimum value. You can select the error measure in the training tab Evaluation, it will show the Davies–Bouldin index and Mean squared distance.
Your second question was "How to build the model in case when trade data added on daily basis. Its is possible to build the incremental way of building the model on daily basis."
K-means is an unsupervised leaning algorithm. So you will train your model with your current data. Then store it in a data set. This model is already trained and can certainly be used with new data, using the ML.PREDICT. So it will use the model to predict which clusters the new data belong to.
As a bonus information, I would like to share this link for the documentation which explains how K-means in BigQuery ML can be used to detect data anomaly.
Regarding your question about retraining the model:
Question: "I want to rebuild the model because new trade information has to be updated in my existing model. In this case is this possible to append the model with only two month of data or should we need to rebuild the entire model?"
Answer: You would have to retrain the whole model if new relevant data arrives. There is not the possibility to append the model with only two months of new data. Although, I must mention that you can and should use warm_start to retrain your already existing model, here.
As per #Alexandre Moraes
omiting the num_clusters using K-means, BigQuery ML will choose a reasonable amount based in the number of rows in the training data. In addition, you can also use hyperparameter tuning to determine a optimal number of clusters. Thus, you would have to run the CREATE MODEL query for different values of num_clusters, find the error measure and pick the point which the error is minimum, link. –

Hybrid recommendation system with matrix factorization and linear regression

I'm following a tutorial that for creating a recommendation system in BigQueryML. The tutorial uses matrix factorization first to calculate user and item factors. In the end I have a model that can be queried with user ids or item ids to get recommendations.
The next step is feeding the factors and additional item + user features into a linear regression model to incorporate more context.
"Essentially, we have a couple of attributes about the movie, the
product factors array corresponding to the movie, a couple of
attributes about the user, and the user factors array corresponding to
the user. These form the inputs to our “hybrid” recommendations model
that builds off the matrix factorization model and adds in metadata
about users and movies."
I just don't understand why the dataset for linear regression excludes the user and item ids:
p.* EXCEPT(movieId),
u.* EXCEPT(userId),
FROM productFeatures p, userFeatures u
JOIN movielens.ratings r
ON r.movieId = p.movieId AND r.userId = u.userId
My question is:
How will I be able to get recommendations for a user from the linear model, when I don't have the user or item ids in the model?
Here you can find the full code:
In the example you have shared, the goal is to fit a linear regression to the discovered factor values so that a novel set of factor values can be used to predict the rating. In this kind of setup, you don't want information about which samples are being used; the only crucial information is the training features (the factor scores) and the rating (the training/test label). For more on this topic, take a look at "Dimensionality reduction using non-negative matrix factorization for information retrieval."
If you included the movie ids and user ids in as features, your regression would try to learn on those, which would either add noise to the model or learn that low ids = lower score etc. This is possible, especially if this ids are in some kind of order you're not aware of, such as chronological or by genre.
Note: You could use movie-specific or user-specific information to build a model, but you would have many, many dimensions of data, and that tends to create poorly performing models. The idea here is to avoid the problem of dimensionality by first reducing the dimensionality of the problem space. Matrix factorization is just one method among many to do this. See, for example, PCA, LDA, and word2vec.

Is it a bad idea to use the cluster ID from clustering text data using K-means as feature to your supervised learning model?

I am building a model that will predict the lead time of products flowing through a pipeline.
I have a lot of different features, one is a string containing a few words about the purpose of the product (often abbreviations, name of the application it will be a part of and so forth). I have previously not used this field at all when doing feature engineering.
I was thinking that it would be nice to do some type of clustering on this data, and then use the cluster ID as a feature for my model, perhaps the lead time is correlated with the type of info present in that field.
Here was my line of thinking)
1) Cleaning & tokenizing text.
3) Clustering
But after thinking more about it, is it a bad idea? Because the clustering was based on the old data, if new words are introduced in the new data this will not be captured by the clustering algorithm, and the data should perhaps be clustered differently now. Does this mean that I would have to retrain the entire model (k-means model and then the supervised model) whenever I want to predict new data points? Are there any best practices for this?
Are there better ways of finding clusters for text data to use as features in a supervised model?
I understand the urge to use an unsupervised clustering algorithm first to see for yourself, which clusters were found. And of course you can try if such a way helps your task.
But as you have labeled data, you can pass the product description without an intermediate clustering. Your supervised algorithm shall then learn for itself if and how this feature helps in your task (of course preprocessing such as removal of stopwords, cleaining, tokenizing and feature extraction needs to be done).
Depending of your text descriptions, I could also imagine that some simple sequence embeddings could work as feature-extraction. An embedding is a vector of for example 300 dimensions, which describes the words in a manner that hp office printer and canon ink jet shall be close to each other but nice leatherbag shall be farer away from the other to phrases. For example fasText-Word-Embeddings are already trained in english. To get a single embedding for a sequence of hp office printerone can take the average-vector of the three vectors (there are more ways to get an embedding for a whole sequence, for example doc2vec).
But in the end you need to run tests to choose your features and methods!

Reversing machine learning models to get particular features

I am trying to model a process. My input data includes certain features and measurements about the product. I built Random forests and Gradient boosting models in Python, and got good results. I am now trying to determine which features and measurements lead to the best product (almost like reversing an equation to get the x variable back for a particular y). How can I go about doing this?
This is basically doing the feature selection so here are some examples you could try out
Feature selection
I was using some of the below for my feature selection which ranks your features based on the spread of the data
Fishers score
F score
chi Squ
I found the above usefull.

Is training data required for collaborative filtering methods?

I'm about to start writing a recommender system for videos, mostly based on collaborative filtering as video metadata is pretty sparse, with a bit of content-based filtering as well. However, I'm not sure what to do about training data. Is training data something of importance in recommender systems, specifically in collaborative methods? If so, how can I generate that kind of data, or what type of data should I look for?
Any ML algorithm needs data. Take Matrix Factorization approach, for example.
It receives (incomplete) matrix of rates: rows represent users, columns represent items and a cell contains rate that particular user rated particular item. Then by factorizing this matrix you obtain latent vector representation for each user and each item, thus allowing you to predict future rates. Obviously, unseen items with highest rate are most interesting to the user, according to the model.
Essentially, Matrix Factorization learns predicting new rates for known users and items.
