UITableView not appearing in UIScrollView - ios

I am combining what was previously two separate views into one unified view inside a UIScrollView. One of the subviews I am dealing with is a UITableView that is used to display user data in a visually appealing manner.
Here is how I would like the UI to look:
but when I build the app with this view the table disappears. When I move the table further up on the screen though it displays, but with weird dimensions:
I do not know what is going on here or how to debug it. Has anyone encountered this behavior before and know of a possible resolution?

Never mind, looks like I solved it. I embedded the UITableView in a UI view and set the layout rules for the UITableView to fill the parent view, and I then applied the layout rules to UIView to position it where I wanted.


How to correctly animate change of size of a paged UICollectionView

I have an iPad app similar to the iPad Keynote with a narrow overview on the left and a paged UICollectionView of my "slides" on the right. The collection view is using the default FlowLayout. Some of these slides are standard PDFs and some are embedded UIViewControllers that have been scaled (with a CGAffineTransform) and embedded in the cell. I'd like to smoothly animate the overview sidebar offscreen and zoom the current page cell to fullscreen. The collection view should allow paged swiping at whatever size. I'm using storyboards and autolayout.
I think I need to simultaneously animate about three things:
The collection view constraints (to the sidebar) to enlarge/shrink it
The flow layout's sizeForItemAt: value
The CGAffineTransform on the embedded view controller.
I have some pieces working (a single embedded View Controller "slide" that scales correctly) but cannot get the collectionView/cell resize dance to work correctly. The cell resize animation is jerky, or ends up with the wrong offset, or works for the leftmost cell but not for other cells.
I've tried most of the suggestions in the answers to this question but with no convincing success. I can't believe it's impossible but at this point I'm considering the smoke and mirrors approach of animating a static slide and hiding it after the animation completes. The attached video - ignoring the glitches - illustrates the kind of effect I'm after:
It's worth noting, on close inspection, that Keynote cheats somewhat when it comes to swiping between slides in edit mode, and manually manages the next slide sliding onscreen, so probably doesn't use a UICollectionView.
Has anyone done anything similar, or have any suggestions for things to try?
I managed to solve this. There's a proof-of-concept GitHub repo here.
There are a few moving parts:
There are two pieces of UIView scaling code. I suspect these could be combined with suitable delegate references as the nested view controllers are embedded. The first piece scales (statically) correctly when the Collection View cell is created. The second is an animated scale/translate when the sidebar size is changed.
I added a FlowLayout subclass to remove flicker as the collection's layout is invalidated during scaling.
The sidebar-related transform in the top-level VC uses most of the tricks in the book - invalidateLayout(), performBatchUpdates(...), layoutIfNeeded() etc. as well as animating the contentOffset to the correct value. Some manual tracking of the correct page/slide is required.
There's still a slight flicker occasionally at the start of resizing. This may not be an issue with my particular colour-scheme which will be black on dark gray. Bonus points if anyone can suggest how to track this down or alleviate it.

Change view sizes inside UIScrollView using Autolayout

I'm trying to create a 3x3 menu, based on a grid of buttons, and I'm facing a lot of problems trying to adapt it to different screen sizes.
Since I want my menu to be equally spaced on the screen (using autolayout tricks on the Storyboard), I have created a custom class with this menu that i'm adding to the center part of the main controller view. The problem is that the menu doesn't fit in small screen (3,5" screens).
Trying to solve this problem, I have created a scrollView in the main screen to add the menu and be able to scroll in small screens.
The problem is that since the view I'm loading in the scrollview, automatically fits to the size of the container (in this case the UIScrollView), only a small part of the menu is appearing in the 3,5" screen, without the option of scrolling (In bigger views it appears equally spaced and everything appears correctly).
How can I solve this UIScrollView problem? Or there is a better solution for this problem?
p.s: I'm sorry, but I don't have enough reputation to add images :(
Uiscrollview with autolayout has some pain into it.
You need to place you're inner views so the scrollview Will be able to understand the contentsize it should use.
You can find more detailed info here

Adding a UIScrollView to an existing view with lots of objects... how to easily make whole view scrollable?

I made an app that has a lot of content on its view (images, buttons, text labels, etc.) and is optimized for the iPhone 5 display. However, the part of the view that is missing when viewed on an iPhone 4 screen is just additional settings, and is perfectly acceptable to be hidden until scrolled to.
So, how do I made my entire view scrollable for iPhone 4 users? I tried just dragging and dropping a UIScrollVIew object over the top of the whole view, but it doesn't add scrolling capability.
I have worked with UIScrollView before, but it was always something I added to the view before anything else, and don't know how to go about adding it to my view now that there are already bunches of objects. Hopefully there is some easy solution that doesn't require manually addig every object as a subView, etc.
Thanks for the suggestions!
I don't know how your views are created, but the easiest thing would be to change the class of the main view from UIView to UIScrollView.
From the InterfaceBuilder you can select all your content views (images, buttons, text labels, etc.) and then select Editor > Embed in > ScrollView.
This will create a UIScrollView containing al the views selected.
WARNING: you will lose all constraints between these subviews and the superview or the layout margin. Relative constraints (from subview to subview) will remain.
This approach is very useful when you wan to make only some content scrollable.

slideshow of a collection of images managed with uicollectionview

I'm using a UICollectionView (with horizontal layout) to manage a collection of images. The view controller that manages the collection view has the bottom toolbar visible with a play button to start a slideshow of the images in the collection. My question is what is the best way to implement a slideshow that involves a collection view? My initial thought was to try to make the collection view changing the visible cells with a UIView transition (transitionFromView or transitionWithView) with a cross dissolve option but I didn't get the effect I was expecting (maybe something wrong in my code). The other idea I had was to simply add a subview to the collection view to handle slideshow. This subview would have access to the data source and be able to iterate through the images. Don't know if this last option is a good way to approach the problem. Anyone has ever tried this and/or what would the recommendation be to solve this problem?
My idea is no need of collection view. In scrollview place imageview which display images. In timer Change the offset of scrollview. so it looks like automatically images are changing as like slide show.

Add a ScrollView Manually or Programmatically

I have an existing view with several elements, I was thinking of how to include a scrollview to contain all the existing elements without having to go through redesigning one by one the elements,
My objective is, that when my orientation changes to landscape, the elements behind can be scrollable specially when a keyboard is currently displayed.
Can this be done manually or programmatically, and how? Or is there any best approach for this type of scenario's?
*Edit (for clarity)
My apologies for the lack of clarity with the initial question;
I have a view with 3 Textfield, A button and 2 switch, Initially my app only supported the "Portrait" orientation, however, recently I have decided to add "Landscape" orientation support, I already did this. Now my problem is when I'm on landscape the view elements gets covered by the keyboard (specifically). So I was thinking if I could include a scrollview and put the views existing elements(objects) without having to re-design the nib, what I have done already;
I drag a scrollview into the view then making all the existing elements as children of the scrollview so the hierarchy looks like;
The end product I get with this approach is that all the elements stacks on top of the other, so I've lost my original design.
So this is what Im asking, is there anyway, to add a scrollview without having to go through the design phase again.
If your view is designed in a nib, from IB you can select all the elements of the view and then go to Editor->Embed in->Scroll View from the menu.
Following are the steps-
1.Add the scrollview to the main view as subview.
2.create a new view which contains all your elements for the scrollview.
3.add the new view to the scrollview as subview.
4.set the content size of the scrollview as the size of the new view.
Change the frame of the newView accordingly on orientation and repeat step 4.
Thats all you need to do..
