Highcharts synchronization with multiple yaxis - highcharts

I have two charts that are synchronized. They have a margin left to make sure they are uniformly aligned. I have situations where I have multiple yAxis that can get turned on and they are on the right side opposed to the left. I attempted to use the same marginRight approach but when a second, third, or fourth axis gets added to the right it won't show up because there isn't enough room. So I am dealing with a dynamic amount of space over there on the right side. Highcharts handles the dynamic aspects when it's just one chart but I need my second chart to have the same margin even tho it doesn't have these additional yAxis. It's important that this time series data remains aligned in the two charts.
What is the approach to handle this?
I created a simple jsFiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/28hrffv7/
In my real-world example, I have showEmpty set to false and a series which is hidden by default.
{ opposite: true, title: { text: 'Random Text' }, showEmpty: false}
When they turn it own the series is rendered and the axis and title is added. This example shows that the first charts doesn't realize that the 3rd chart has 3 axis and as a result should have more marginleft
Update 2: Updated JS fiddle to show the more dynamic nature of the problem. When you toggle a series in the legend you can observe axes getting added and removed which is feature that is wanted. What is required is to keep all the charts synchronized in the width of the plotable area so they all line up correctly. http://jsfiddle.net/28hrffv7/3/

You could hard-code marginRight as well as marginLeft.
Demo #1: http://jsfiddle.net/28hrffv7/1/
Or check which marginRight is the highest and update all chart with the new setting. Relevant part of the code:
}, {
data: []
}, function(chart){
if (chart.marginRight > topMarginRight) {
topMarginRight = chart.marginRight;
}); // end of the each function creating the charts
$.each(Highcharts.charts, function (i, chart) {
chart.margin[1] = topMarginRight;
chart.isDirtyBox = true;
Demo #2: http://jsfiddle.net/28hrffv7/4/ (for Highcharts < 5.0.0)
With Highcharts 5+ the same is possible through a chart update.
$.each(Highcharts.charts, function (i, chart) {
chart: {
marginRight: topMarginRight
Demo #3: http://jsfiddle.net/28hrffv7/5/
In case of multiple series in each chart you could call a custom function for events like load, redraw, afterAnimate.
Demo #4: http://jsfiddle.net/acjaLxj1/1/


Highchart - give to series-marker other zIndex then to the series-lines

I work in angular project and use highchart.
The situation is:
At my chart, I have single series, type area.
I wanted the yAxis grid line to be displayed above my series, so I give it: gridZIndex: 10.
The problem is:
The yAxis is displayed also above the series markers, and I want it to appear only on the series area and line, not on markers.
Any solution?
Please the the demo that I draw:
There is no solution for this case using the regular API options because Z index in SVG is defined by the order the elements appear in the document. You can try to manipulate the DOM, however, this solution might not work well for all cases - like dynamic chart changes, so just keep in mind this is more like a POC then a solid fix.
Demo: https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/8p1smf05/
chart: {
polar: true,
type: 'line',
events: {
load() {
API to the load event: https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/chart.events.load

Add data to a legend, with different format? Or should I use a label?

I am experimenting with the legend; trying to get as result, a panel where I display data about the chart.
I am planning to add the last value, and min and max.
Looking for some examples, and I found one that use a function called labelFormatter, altho I am not having luck in understanding how does it works.
I need to have values with different text color and different size, so I am not even sure if I can use the title of the legend for this purpose, or if I should hide the legend and create directly a label (altho the issue then is related to moving and resizing, right? Since the legend update its position if the chart window is resized).
Which is the best way to do what I am planning to do? a label or the legend?
If you are considering adding HTML elements into the chart plot area then you will have to use Highcharts Renderer API.
You can refer this JSFIDDLE working demo
it works like:
var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
}, function(chart) { // on complete
chart.renderer.text('This text is <span style="color: red">styled</span> and linked', 150, 80)
color: '#4572A7',
fontSize: '16px'

Prevent xAxis of column highchart taking negative labels on hiding one of other series(on legendItemClick event)

On hiding both the series using legends, and then clicking one of the series shows xAxis starting from '-1', when ideally it should show only not null categories.
Using 'ignoreHiddenSeries: false' solves the purpose but again on hiding both the series using legend and then enabling other series tends to overlap both the series. Although on window resize event, series get aligned properly.
chart: {
type: 'column'
// ignoreHiddenSeries: false
Example for reference: http://jsfiddle.net/t88rc/
You can simply set for xAxis min:0, see: http://jsfiddle.net/t88rc/2/
Grouped column charts work best with equal number of data points per series.
Best solution I have found for this is to fill any missing data points with null values:
data: [49.9, 71.5,null,null,null,null,null,null]

Highcharts: xAxis yearly labels centered between ticks

I am drawing a line chart with monthly data points. However, I want the scale to display year strings only.
So far, so easy. However, as far as I can see, Highcharts will always draw the xAxis labels relative to the ticks... and I am required to display them centered between ticks.
Is there some simple way of doing this that I am missing, please...?
According to my understanding, the behavior you desire is: http://jsfiddle.net/msjaiswal/U45Sr/2/
Let me break down the solution :
1. Monthly Data Points
One data point corresponding to one month :
var data = [
2. Scale to display only yearly ticks
Use chart options like this:
xAxis: {
minRange : 30 * 24 * 3600 * 1000, //
minTickInterval: 12* 30 * 24 * 3600 * 1000 // An year
There is no simple, out-of-the-box solution. You have to use events and reposition the labels accordingly. Here is a sample solution that also works when resizing the browser window (or otherwise forcing the chart to redraw), even when the tick count changes: http://jsfiddle.net/McNetic/eyyom2qg/3/
It works by attaching the same event handler to both the load and the redraw events:
chart: {
events: {
load: fixLabels,
redraw: fixLabels
The handler itself looks like this:
var fixLabels = function() {
var labels = $('div.highcharts-xaxis-labels span', this.container).sort(function(a, b) {
return +parseInt($(a).css('left')) - +parseInt($(b).css('left'));
(parseInt($(labels.get(1)).css('left')) - parseInt($(labels.get(0)).css('left'))) / 2
$(labels.get(this.xAxis[0].tickPositions.length - 1)).remove();
Basically, it works like this:
Get all existing labels (when redrawn, this includes newly added ones). 2. Sort by css property 'left' (they are not sorted this way after some redrawing)
Calculate offset between the first two labels (the offset is the same for all labels)
Set half of the offset as margin-left of all labels, effectively shifting them half the offset to the right.
Remove the rightmost label (moved outside of chart, by sometimes partly visible).
This can be done with a workaround by manually adjusting the label positioning via a callback (called on both load and redraw). Please see the fiddle linked to in my comment on this post: Highcharts - how can I center labels on a datetime x-axis?
There are several xAxis options which may help do what you want.
Take a look at 'align' which specifies whether the labels are to the left or right of the tick, and also 'x' which allows you to specify a x-offset for the label from the tick.
Have you tried to use tick placement ? http://api.highcharts.com/highcharts#xAxis.tickmarkPlacement

Highcharts columnrange with strange height/width for columns

I'm trying to create a column chart (Highcharts) with a fixed width (range) for all the columns. I have around 300 columns, and I want to draw them actually as lines, and that's why I assign a very small range (0.001) for each of them.
The data format is basically like this: [numberId, min, max].
However, sometimes the height is shown correctly... but some other times it appears with strange height, not even the same for all the columns. I have tried many different things but I didn't manage to find the problem.
This is the jfiddle http://jsfiddle.net/deSSf/3/ (if you resize the area for the chart you will probably see the effect). The fiddle is actually using HighStock, but this chart should be from highcharts lib.
I have screenshos but can't post them.
The code is very simple:
chart: {
renderTo: 'container',
type: 'columnrange',
series: [{
data: [[1,0,0.001],......]]
There is huge difference between Highcharts and Highstock. In Highstock you have access to dataGrouping which collects data and groups when there is to many points to display on a chart.
Disable it to have working example: http://jsfiddle.net/deSSf/4/
dataGrouping: {
enabled: false
