Angular material fullscreen layout broken by Google Sign-In button - angular-material

I'm trying to use the Google Sign-In button in a fullscreen Angular Material layout (based on, but as soon as it renders, the page layout grows just slightly taller than full screen. For example you can scroll down just a little bit past the supposedly full-height side navigation and see its drop shadow.
What is the button doing to my layout, and how do I fix fullscreen layout while using the button?

This can be fixed by adding a style to the embedding page, to display: none the iframe, which is otherwise a 1-pixel affair shoved offscreen to the side. In my testing it still does its job when completely hidden.


New Fixed position bug on iOS8

I have a site with a fixed header and slide-out sidebars. With iOS7 in portrait orientation, the fixed header stays fixed when the sidebar is visible, but on iOS8 the header pushes slightly upward depending on how far down you are scrolled. I need it to stay fixed.
See this jsbin:
The main pieces are a header, a sidebar, and the main content. The header is fixed to the top of the screen using fixed position and has a z-index that keeps it above the content when you are scrolling.
The sidebar is fixed to the left side of the screen, and is initially hidden by being translated left by its own width.
To open the sidebar, each of the header, content, and sidebars are translated to the right by the width of the sidebar.
Again, this works perfectly on iOS7 and all other browsers that support translate3d, and it even works correctly in iOS8 when in landscape orientation. But in iOS8 in portrait, the fixed header will slide off the screen based on how far down the user is scrolled.
Further, using the Safari inspector shows that the menu items on screen are offset from their expected positions. I.e. selecting an element in the inspector highlights an area on the screen that is offset from the actual location where it's rendered.
Has anyone else run into this? Anyone know a fix?
EDIT: The inspector thinks that the fixed position header is exactly where it should be, even though it's actually getting pushed off screen.
A little late to the party, but adding
html, body {
overflow-x: hidden;
overflow-y: scroll;
Will fix the offset scrolling on fixed elements that are offset (eg. left:20px) in iOS 8.
I had a similar issue on iOS using multiple fixed position elements and a CSS animated off-canvas nav. On a long page the upward "drift" was a blocker because it eventually increased to the point where it hid the nav trigger, making it impossible to close the menu. I tried extensively to find a fix and settled on a workaround: scroll back to top before animating. (#ocnTrigger is my off-canvas menu trigger.)
scrollTop: 0
}, 0);
I was trying to do something similar (see here and here) then found that Apple has published a technical note recommending that fixed positioning be avoided. I swear it worked fine in iOS 7, but now with iOS8 it no longer "sticks".
This problem seems closely related to setting this meta tag:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
See also: Fix div to bottom without using css position

iOS Slide in UIView on top of other UIView

I need to present of a menu UIView on top of my main UIView. This happens when the user clicks the square button as illustrated in the picture. It´s kinda of a facebook app layout except the main view is not pushed away, it´s still in position but with the menu view on top of it.
The menu is supposed to be around 80% in screen width and sliding in from left when clicking the square button.
Every possible non-external-lib solution I´ve tried so far failed so I´m really need some help with this one. Code examples or a push in the right direction would be highly appreciated!
Requirements: No external libs.
Facebook Navigation
Here is an app demo that you can try to use the code from

UIWebView scrollsToTop and ignores UIEdgeInsets in iOS

I basically have a Title bar with a UIWebView behind it. I have set the UIEdgeInsets of the UIWebView.scrollView to be such that the top of the Web page is at the bottom of the Title bar. Everything works as I expect except when the web page loads it moves the top of the UIWebView and ignores the UIEdgeInsets.
The behavior is particularly strange because while a web page is loading, parts of the web page are shown and are in the correct position (with the top of the web page just below the Title bar as it should be because of the UIEdgeInsets). However, once the web page completes loading it suddenly jumps up to the top of the UIWebView and ignores the UIEdgeInsets.
The workaround I am currently using is to set the contentOffset to the correct position immediately after the page loads, but this is not ideal because you can see it jumping to the top of the UIWebView then jumping back down to the bottom of the Title bar.
Does anyone know if there is something I can do to stop it jumping to the top of the UIWebView, either by forcing it to ignore the message to scroll to CGPointZero, or by setting the 'Start Position' to be the at the bottom of the title bar (please note, I have tried setting the origin to this point and it did not resolve the issue)?
Any help would be much appreciated.

jQuery UI: Slider inside of a Tab?

I want my tab content area to have a vertical scrollbar to the right using the jQuery UI Slider API. The tab content area will have a fixed height, and the vertical overflow needs to cause a jQuery UI Slider to appear to scroll through the content.
The specific issue I'm having trouble with is how to structure the HTML and what to style each element with in CSS.
Why do you want to use slider as a scroll bar?
Normally, you should simply pick a scroll bar plugin and go with it, instead of trying to make a control to do what it is not designed for.
This page lists a few jQuery plugins for scoll bars. Here are a few of them:
jScrollPene (demo)
jQuery Custom Content Scroller (demo)
Tiny Scrollbar
But, if you insist using jQuery UI Slider, someone has already made this work, with a demo page.

UIPageControl with iPad SplitView for a magazine

I'm creating a magazine using the SplitView feature with each article at the left, then to navigate the pages I added a UIPageControl.
This works PERFECTLY when vertical, but when horizontal the PageControl is hidden. I'm assuming it's either some "autoRotate" code or something in the nib...BUT WHAT???
I'm pretty sure it's hidden because the detail view gets cut off at the bottom when the screen is turned. See if you can move the UIPageControl up the page when the screen goes to the horizontal mode and then move it back when the screen goes to the vertical mode.
