Use split in as delimiter - powershell-2.0

I have many .txt file in one location. This txt content is as below.
%-ile | Read (ms) | Write (ms) | Total (ms)
min | N/A | 0.018 | 0.018
25th | N/A | 0.055 | 0.055
50th | N/A | 0.059 | 0.059
75th | N/A | 0.062 | 0.062
90th | N/A | 0.070 | 0.070
95th | N/A | 0.073 | 0.073
99th | N/A | 0.094 | 0.094
3-nines | N/A | 0.959 | 0.959
4-nines | N/A | 67.552 | 67.552
5-nines | N/A | 75.349 | 75.349
6-nines | N/A | 84.994 | 84.994
7-nines | N/A | 85.632 | 85.632
I am reading 3-nines from above content and want to write a program like it Total (ms) column's value in greater than 1 with respect to 3-nines row it should print that file name.
For that I have written a program as below:
$data = get-content "*.txt" | Select-String -Pattern "3-nines"
$data | foreach {
$items = $_.split("|")
if ($items[0] -ge 1 ) {Echo $items[1]}
But getting below error.
Method invocation failed because [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MatchInfo] doesn't contain a method named 'split'.
At line:2 char:18
+ $items = $_.split <<<< ("|")
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (split:String) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MethodNotFound
Cannot index into a null array.
At line:3 char:12
+ if ($items[ <<<< 0] -lt 1 ) {Echo $items[1]}
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (0:Int32) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NullArray
Could you please help here. I am very new to the powershell scripting.

$items = $_.split("|")
$items = ([string]$_).split("|")
The contents of the match is returned as an array and it doesn't have a split method. Casting it to a string will give you the split method.
Update: To print the filename you have to change the script a bit since the current input for Select-String is an array so you loose the filename:
Select-String -Pattern "3-nines" -Path "*.txt" | foreach {
$items = ([string]$_).split("|")
if ([double]$items[3] -ge 1 ) {
Write-Output "FileName: $($_.Filename)"
Echo $items[3]

First of all - why would you pipe to Select-String here? You can use -Path parameter and pass *.txt directly to it.
The reason split doesn't work is because you should call it agains Line property of [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MatchInfo] object. I guess what you need there is a simple Where-Object:
Select-String -Pattern 3-nines -Path *.txt |
Where-Object { [double]($_.line.Split('|')[-1]) -gt 1 } |
Select-Object Path, Line
Alternatively, you can turn content of the file into objects with Import-Csv cmdlet:
foreach ($file in Get-ChildItem -Path *.txt) {
# Existing headers are terrible - replacing them...
$3nines = Import-Csv -Path $file.FullName -Delimiter '|' -Header Percent, Read, Write, Total |
Where-Object Percent -match 3-nines
if ([double]$3nines.Total -gt 1) {
$3nines | Select-Object *, #{
Name = 'Path'
Expression = { $file.FullName }


Cypher query aggregate sum of values

I have a Cypher query that shows the following output:
| usid | count |
| "000" | 1 |
| "000" | 0 |
| "000" | 0 |
| "001" | 1 |
| "001" | 1 |
| "001" | 0 |
| "002" | 2 |
| "002" | 2 |
| "002" | 0 |
| "003" | 4 |
| "003" | 2 |
| "003" | 2 |
| "004" | 4 |
| "004" | 4 |
| "004" | 4 |
How can I get the below result with the condition SUM(count) <= 9.
| usid | count |
| "000" | 1 |
| "001" | 2 |
| "002" | 4 |
| "003" | 8 |
Note: I have used the below query to get the 1st table data.
WHERE us.count <= 4
RETURN as usid, us.count as count;
I don't know how you get your original data, so I will just use a WITH clause and assume the data is there:
// original data
WITH usid, count
// aggregate and filter
WITH usid, sum(count) as new_count
WHERE new_count <= 9
RETURN usid, new_count
Based on the updated question, the new query would look like:
WHERE us.count <= 4
WITH as usid, sum(us.count) as count
WHERE new_count <= 9
RETURN usid, count

pyspark drop and merge rows

I am trying to parse some file and put data to the table:
File = "somehtml.file"
Data =
df_file ="col1", '(.*?)', 0).alias("somedata"), \
regexp_extract("col1", '(.*?)', 0).alias("somedata2"))
after that I have not correct result:
| somedata| somedata2|
|| |
| |helo my name lololol...|
| | |
| | |
|| |
| |helo my name alallal...|
and I needed this one:
| somedata| somedata2|
||helo my name lololol...|
||helo my name alallal...|
this out any '' , please help me

MQL help required, how to generate key

I am struggling with one code line. It is a Key generation Line for a Expert Adviser. Can someone help me figure out how I can generate key by using this line:
int key=3*(StringToInteger(StringSubstr(IntegerToString(AccountNumber()), 0, 3)))+333333;
And what is the problem?
int accountNumber = AccountNumber();
string accountNumberString = IntegerToString(accountNumber);
string accountNumberStringFirst3Digits=
int accountNumberFirstThreeDigits = StringToInteger(accountNumberStringFirst3Digits);
int accountNumberFirstThreeDigitsMultiplied = 3 * accountNumberFirstThreeDigits;
int key = accountNumberFirstThreeDigitsMultiplied + 333333;
Can someone help me figure out how to generate key by this line?
Welcome, certainly, let's look on that :
int key = 3*(StringToInteger(StringSubstr(IntegerToString(AccountNumber()), 0, 3)))+333333;
Your code actually means this:
// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type declaration
// | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- variable name definition
// | | +------------------------------------------------------------------------- assignment operator
// | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------- compile-time integer constant
// | | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------- multiply operator
// | | | | | +-------------------------------------------------- MT4 system function: StringToInteger( aString )
// | | | | | | +------------------------------------ MT4 system function: StringSubstr( aString, aPosToStartSubstrFrom, aSubstrLength )
// | | | | | | | +------------------- MT4 system function: IntegerToString( aIntNum ) | |
// | | | | | | | | +---- MT4 system function: AccountNumber() | |
// | | | | | | | | | | |
// | | | | | | | | | +------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
// | | | | | | | | | | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | | | | | | | | | | |
int key = 3 * ( StringToInteger( StringSubstr( IntegerToString( AccountNumber() ), 0, 3 ) ) )
+ 333333;
// | ||
// +------||----------------------------------------------------------------- add operator
// +|----------------------------------------------------------------- compile-time integer constant
// +----------------------------------------------------------------- literal MQL4-language syntax-terminator
The code above both defines and generates a fair integer value, so wherever your Expert Advisor code refers to a value of key, this calculated value will be used ( see also the documentation about the New-MQL4 scope-of-validity, inside which this variable remains visible ).

Aerospike: lua udf always returns an empty result even if udf return stream without any filtering, etc

Can not understand why aggregateQuery always returns an empty result. Tried to test in aql, the same problem: 0 rows in set.
Indexes are all there.
aql> show indexes
| ns | bin | indextype | set | state | indexname | path | sync_state | type |
| "test" | "name" | "NONE" | "profiles" | "RW" | "inx_test_name" | "name" | "synced" | "STRING" |
| "test" | "age" | "NONE" | "profiles" | "RW" | "inx_test_age" | "age" | "synced" | "NUMERIC" |
aql> select * from test.profiles
| name | age |
| "Sally" | 19 |
| 20 | |
| 22 | |
| 28 | |
| "Ann" | 22 |
| "Bob" | 22 |
| "Tammy" | 22 |
| "Ricky" | 20 |
| 22 | |
| 19 | |
10 rows in set (0.026 secs)
aql> AGGREGATE mystream.avg_age() ON test.profiles WHERE age BETWEEN 20 and 29
0 rows in set (0.004 secs)
It seems that you are trying the example here.
There are two problems about the udf script. I paste the code of the lua script :
function avg_age(stream)
local function female(rec)
return rec.gender == "F"
local function name_age(rec)
return map{, age=rec.age }
local function eldest(p1, p2)
if p1.age > p2.age then
return p1
return p2
return stream : filter(female) : map(name_age) : reduce(eldest)
First, there is no bin named 'gender' in your set, so you got 0 rows after aggregateQuery.
Second, this script isn't doing exactly what the function name 'avg_age' means, it just return the eldest record with name and age.
I paste my code bellow, it just replace the reduce func, and alert the map and filter func to meat the demand. You can just skip the filter process.
function avg_age(stream)
count = 0
sum = 0
local function female(rec)
return true
local function name_age(rec)
return rec.age
local function avg(p1, p2)
count = count + 1
sum = sum + p2
return sum / count
return stream : filter(female) : map(name_age) : reduce(avg)
The output looks like bellow :
AGGREGATE mystream.avg_age() ON test.avgage WHERE age BETWEEN 20 and 29
| avg_age |
| 22 |
1 row in set (0.001 secs)

Truth Table For Switching Functions

Can someone explain how these concept works?
I have 1 question. But I don't know have any ideas on constructing the truth table.
f(A,B,C) = AB + A’C
The answer given was ABC + ABC' + A'BC + A'B'C
And i have no idea how it get there. :-(
1. Create a column for each of the inputs, each intermediate functions, and the final function:
A B C | AB | A' | A'C | AB + A'C
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
2. Enumerate all input possibilities, and start filling in the intermediate function values and then the final function value:
A B C | AB | A' | A'C | AB + A'C
0 0 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0
0 0 1 | | | |
0 1 0 | | | |
0 1 1 | | | |
1 0 0 | | | |
1 0 1 | | | |
1 1 0 | | | |
1 1 1 | | | |
3. Now, you finish the truth table.
Update per OP's edit of question:
The "answer given" can be reduced as follows using Boolean Algebra:
ABC + ABC' + A'BC + A'B'C
AB(C + C') + A'C(B + B')
AB + A'C
...which is the same as the given f(A,B,C). Not sure why ABC + ABC' + A'BC + A'B'C would be considered to be the "answer," but this does show equivalence between the two formulae.
