Create Google-Maps-API signature with Delphi - delphi

I would like to create signatures for my maps-for-work clientid. I need to get the geolocation-api running with my clientid. The API is called for example like this:,+Mountain+View,+CA&client=gme-myPersonalclientid&signature=HereIsMyProblem
I call this link from my Delphi application.
I tried to transfer phyton/java/c# from the official helpsite ( to Delphi but I am still missing something.
function TMgrGoogleMap.SignUrl(AUrl: String): String;
CryptoKey: String;
Signature: String;
CryptoIDByte: TBytes;
SignatureHash: TidBytes;
// IdSSLOpenSSL.LoadOpenSSLLibrary; // not sure if needed, think not
CryptoKey := 'ARandomKryptoKeyfY1XbqTib1QlY=';
CryptoIDByte := TNetEncoding.Base64.DecodeStringToBytes(CryptoKey);
HMac := TIdHMACSHA1.Create;
HMac.Key := TIdBytes(CryptoIDByte);
SignatureHash := HMac.HashValue(TidBytes(AUrl));
Signature := TNetEncoding.Base64.EncodeBytesToString(SignatureHash);
Result := AUrl + '&signature=' + Signature;
As Google-Help code-examples tell, I first decode my cryptokey with Base64, then I create a hash-value with SHA-1 with the encoded cryptokey and the url.
Afterwards I encode it again with Base64 but the result is unfortunately another then the onlinetest gives.
What am I missing? Thanks for every answer in advance.


How to set body data indy HTTPS post

So I've looked around, and the only question describing my problem is 6 years old with 0 answers, so I guess I will try again.
I am using delphi 2009 with Indy10.
I am trying to post JSON to an api using HTTPS.
Instance.FHTTP := TIdHTTP.Create;
Instance.FHTTP.IOHandler := TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.Create(Instance.FHTTP);
Instance.FHTTP.ProxyParams.ProxyPort := 8888;
Instance.FHTTP.ProxyParams.ProxyServer := '';
Instance.FHTTP.Request.ContentType := 'application/json';
Instance.FAccessToken := Instance.FHTTP.Post('', '{JSONName: JSONValue }' );
I have seen many answers suggesting that the JSON payload should be given as a string param in the TidHTTP.Postmethod, but when i try that, it expects a filepath, and throws an error saying:
'Cannot open file "[path to project{JSONName:JSONValue }]". The specified file was not found'.
If i add my JSON to a TStringList and add give that as a parameter, it simply adds the JSON to the header of the request.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
The Post overload that takes a second string indeed interprets it as a filename:
function Post(AURL: string; const ASourceFile: String): string; overload;
That's why this doesn't work. You need to instead use the overload that takes a TStream:
function Post(AURL: string; ASource: TStream): string; overload;
You can put your JSON in a TStringStream:
StringStream := TStringStream.Create('{JSONName: JSONValue }', TEncoding.UTF8);
Instance.FAccessToken := Instance.FHTTP.Post('', StringStream);

Creating an amazon MWS signature with Delphi XE7 and Indy classes

I need to generate a signature for amazon MWS and decided to find a solution with only the components and classes which come with Delphi. Because I am using Indy for the HTTP post itself, it seemed to be a good idea to use Indy classes for the calculation of the RFC 2104-compliant HMAC.
For others, who work on amazon integration, the creation of the "Canonicalized Query String" is explained in the amazon tutorial very well:
Be careful, just use #10 for line breaking, as #13#10 or #13 will fail with a wrong signature. It may also be important to add ":443" to the amazon Endpoint (Host), depending on the TIdHttp version, as explained in question #23573799.
To create a valid signature, we have to calculate a HMAC with SHA256 with the query string and the SecretKey we got from amazon after registration and then, the result has to be encoded in BASE64.
The query string is properly generated and identical to the string the amazon Scratchpad creates. But the call failed because the signature is not correct.
After some tests I realized that the signature I got from my query string is not the same as the result I got when I used PHP to generate it. The PHP result is considered as correct, as my PHP solution simply works with amazon since a long time, the Delphi result is different, which is not correct.
To make testing easier, I use '1234567890' as value for the query string and 'ABCDEFG' as replacement for the SecretKey. When the result I get with Delphi is the same as the result I get with PHP, the problem should be solved, I believe.
Here is how I get the correct result with PHP:
echo base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', '1234567890', 'ABCDEFG', TRUE));
This shows a result of
The following Delphi XE7 code returns the wrong result, while using the indy version that comes with Delphi XE7:
  IdHash, IdHashSHA, IdHMACSHA1, IdSSLOpenSSL, IdGlobal, IdCoderMIME;
function GenerateSignature(const AData, AKey: string): string;
   AHMAC: TIdBytes;
     With TIdHMACSHA256.Create do
         Key:= ToBytes(AKey, IndyTextEncoding_UTF16LE);
         AHMAC:= HashValue(ToBytes(AData, IndyTextEncoding_UTF16LE));
         Result:= TIdEncoderMIME.EncodeBytes(AHMAC);
Here the result, which is shown in a Memo with
Memo.Lines.Text:= GenerateSignature('1234567890', 'ABCDEFG');
I believe the problem has something to do with the encodings, so I have done some research around that. As the amazon tutorial (link see above) tells, amazon expects a utf8 encoding.
As the Indy function "ToBytes" expect a string, which is a UnicodeString in my Delphi version, I quit testing with other string types as UTF8String for parameters or variables, but I just do not know where utf8 should come into place. Also I do not know if the encodings I use in the code above are the correct ones.
I choose UTF16LE because UnicodeString is utf16 encoded (see for details) and LE (Little-Endian) is most commonly used on modern machines. Also the TEncodings of Delphi itself there is "Unicode" and "BigEndianUnicode", so "Unicode" seems to be LE and some kind of "standard" Unicode.
Of course I tested to use IndyTextEncoding_UTF8 instead of IndyTextEncoding_UTF16LE in the code above, but it does not work anyway.
is writing the TidBytes to a Stream first and then reading it all with 8bit encoding, this could be a source of problem also, so I also tested with
Result:= BytesToString(AHMAC, IndyTextEncoding_UTF16LE);
Result:= TIdEncoderMIME.EncodeString(Result, IndyTextEncoding_UTF16LE);
but the result is the same.
If you like to see the main code for creating the request, here it is:
function TgboAmazon.MwsRequest(const AFolder, AVersion: string;
const AParams: TStringList; const AEndPoint: string): string;
i: Integer;
SL: TStringList;
AMethod, AHost, AURI, ARequest, AStrToSign, APath, ASignature: string;
AKey, AValue, AQuery: string;
AStream, AResultStream: TStringStream;
AMethod:= 'POST';
AHost:= AEndPoint;
AURI:= '/' + AFolder + '/' + AVersion;
AQuery:= '';
SL:= TStringList.Create;
SL.Values['AWSAccessKeyId']:= FAWSAccessKeyId;
SL.Values['SellerId']:= FSellerId;
FOR i:=0 TO FMarketplaceIds.Count-1 DO
SL.Values['MarketplaceId.Id.' + IntToStr(i+1)]:= FMarketplaceIds[i];
SL.Values['Timestamp']:= GenerateTimeStamp(Now);
SL.Values['SignatureMethod']:= 'HmacSHA256';
SL.Values['SignatureVersion']:= '2';
SL.Values['Version']:= AVersion;
FOR i:=0 TO SL.Count-1 DO
AKey:= UrlEncode(SL.Names[i]);
AValue:= UrlEncode(SL.ValueFromIndex[i]);
SL[i]:= AKey + '=' + AValue;
SL.Delimiter:= '&';
AQuery:= SL.DelimitedText;
AStrToSign:= AMethod + #10 + AHost + #10 + AURI + #10 + AQuery;
ASignature:= GenerateSignature(AStrToSign, FAWSSecretKey);
APath:= 'https://' + AHost + AURI + '?' + AQuery + '&Signature=' + Urlencode(ASignature);
AHTTP:= TIdHTTP.Create(nil);
AHTTP.IOHandler := TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.Create(AHTTP);
AHTTP.Request.ContentType:= 'text/xml';
AHTTP.Request.Connection:= 'Close';
AHTTP.Request.CustomHeaders.Add('x-amazon-user-agent: MyApp/1.0 (Language=Delphi/XE7)');
AHTTP.HTTPOptions:= AHTTP.HTTPOptions + [hoKeepOrigProtocol];
AHTTP.ProtocolVersion:= pv1_0;
AStream:= TStringStream.Create;
AResultStream:= TStringStream.Create;
AHTTP.Post(APath, AStream, AResultStream);
Result:= AResultStream.DataString;
Urlencode and GenerateTimestamp are my own functions and they do what the name promises, SortList is my own procedure which sorts the stringlist in a byte order as requested by amazon, TgboUtil.ShowMessage is my own ShowMessage alternative which shows the complete message with all characters and is used for debugging only. The http protocol is 1.0 for testing only, because I got a 403 (permission denied) as HTTP return earlier. I just wanted to exclude this as problem as the indy documentation said, that protocol version 1.1 is considered incomplete because of problematic server answers.
There are several posts regarding the amazon mws topic here, but that specific problem seems to be new.
This question here may help someone who just not have come so far, but also I hope that someone can provide a solution to just get the same signature value in Delphi as I got with PHP.
Thank you in advance.
Using the latest SVN snapshot of Indy 10, I am not able to reproduce your signature problem. When using UTF-8, your example key+value data produces the same result in Delphi as the PHP output. So, your GenerateSignature() function is fine, provided that:
you use IndyTextEncoding_UTF8 instead of IndyTextEncoding_UTF16LE.
you make sure that AData and AKey contain valid input data.
Also, you should make sure that TIdHashSHA256.IsAvailable returns true, otherwise TIdHashHMACSHA256.HashValue() will fail.
this could happen, for instance, if OpenSSL fails to load.
Try this instead:
function GenerateSignature(const AData, AKey: string): string;
AHMAC: TIdBytes;
if not TIdHashSHA256.IsAvailable then
raise Exception.Create('SHA-256 hashing is not available!');
with TIdHMACSHA256.Create do
Key := IndyTextEncoding_UTF8.GetBytes(AKey);
AHMAC := HashValue(IndyTextEncoding_UTF8.GetBytes(AData));
Result := TIdEncoderMIME.EncodeBytes(AHMAC);
That being said, there are quite a few problems with your MwsRequest() function:
you are leaking the TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL object. You are not assigning an Owner to it, and TIdHTTP does not take ownership when assigned to its IOHandler property. In fact, assigning the IOHanlder is actually optional in your example, see New HTTPS functionality for TIdHTTP for why.
you are setting AHTTP.Request.ContentType to the wrong media type. You are not sending XML data, so don't set the media type to 'text/xml'. In this situation, you need to set it to 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' instead.
when calling AHTTP.Post(), your AStream stream is empty, so you are not actually posting any data to the server. You are putting your AQuery data in the query string of the URL itself, but it actually belongs in AStream instead. If you want to sent the data in the URL query string, you have to use TIdHTTP.Get() instead of TIdHTTP.Post(), and change your AMethod value to 'GET' instead of 'POST'.
you are using the version of TIdHTTP.Post() that fills an output TStream. You are using a TStringStream to convert the response to a String without any regard to the actual charset used by the response data. Since you are not specifying any TEncoding object in the TStringStream constructor, it will use TEncoding.Default for decoding, which may not (and likely will not) match the response's actual charset. You should instead use the other version of Post() that returns a String so TIdHTTP can decode the response data based on the actual charset reported by the HTTPS server.
Try something more like this instead:
function TgboAmazon.MwsRequest(const AFolder, AVersion: string;
const AParams: TStringList; const AEndPoint: string): string;
i: Integer;
SL: TStringList;
AMethod, AHost, AURI, AQuery, AStrToSign, APath, ASignature: string;
AMethod := 'POST';
AHost := AEndPoint;
AURI := '/' + AFolder + '/' + AVersion;
AQuery := '';
SL := TStringList.Create;
SL.Values['AWSAccessKeyId'] := FAWSAccessKeyId;
SL.Values['SellerId'] := FSellerId;
for i := 0 to FMarketplaceIds.Count-1 do
SL.Values['MarketplaceId.Id.' + IntToStr(i+1)] := FMarketplaceIds[i];
SL.Values['Timestamp'] := GenerateTimeStamp(Now);
SL.Values['SignatureMethod'] := 'HmacSHA256';
SL.Values['SignatureVersion'] := '2';
SL.Values['Version'] := AVersion;
SL.Values['Signature'] := '';
for i := 0 to SL.Count-1 do
SL[i] := UrlEncode(SL.Names[i]) + '=' + UrlEncode(SL.ValueFromIndex[i]);
SL.Delimiter := '&';
SL.QuoteChar := #0;
SL.StrictDelimiter := True;
AQuery := SL.DelimitedText;
AStrToSign := AMethod + #10 + Lowercase(AHost) + #10 + AURI + #10 + AQuery;
ASignature := GenerateSignature(AStrToSign, FAWSSecretKey);
APath := 'https://' + AHost + AURI;
AHTTP := TIdHTTP.Create(nil);
// this is actually optional in this example...
AHTTP.IOHandler := TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.Create(AHTTP);
AHTTP.Request.ContentType := 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
AHTTP.Request.Connection := 'close';
AHTTP.Request.UserAgent := 'MyApp/1.0 (Language=Delphi/XE7)';
AHTTP.Request.CustomHeaders.Values['x-amazon-user-agent'] := 'MyApp/1.0 (Language=Delphi/XE7)';
AHTTP.HTTPOptions := AHTTP.HTTPOptions + [hoKeepOrigProtocol];
AHTTP.ProtocolVersion := pv1_0;
AStream := TStringStream.Create(AQuery + '&Signature=' + Urlencode(ASignature);
Result := AHTTP.Post(APath, AStream);
However, since the response is documented as being XML, it would be better to return the response to the caller as a TStream (not using TStringStream, though) or TBytes instead of as a String. That way, instead of Indy decoding the bytes, let your XML parser decode the raw bytes on its own. XML has its own charset rules that are separate from HTTP, so let the XML parser do its job for you:
procedure TgboAmazon.MwsRequest(...; Response: TStream);
AHTTP.Post(APath, AStream, Response);

Encode string variable to UTF-16LE base64 using Delphi

I'm looking to encode a string variable to UTF-16LE and base64 , the problem is that I find nothing about how to do UTF-16LE in Delphi.
Example in Python :
from base64 import b64encode
b64encode('my text'.encode('UTF-16LE'))
Example in Ruby :
require "base64"
Base64.encode64('my text'.force_encoding('UTF-16LE'))
As I can do this in Delphi?
Updated :
procedure TFormTest.btnTestClick(Sender: TObject);
dest, src: TEncoding;
srcBytes, destBytes: TBytes;
Encoder: TIdEncoderMime;
Encoder := TIdEncoderMime.Create(nil);
src := TEncoding.Unicode;
srcBytes := src.GetBytes(Edit1.Text);
Edit2.Text := Encoder.EncodeBytes(srcBytes);
Is a valid base64 UTF-16LE created?
Powershell tells me it is invalid
Command to use :
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('http://localhos/update_program.exe','updater.exe'); Start-Process 'updater.exe'
Output error :
Missing expression after unary operator '-'.
What you have shown is technically correct. The String gets encoded to a UTF-16LE byte array first, and then the bytes get base64 encoded.
Since you are calling TIdEncoderMIME.Create() to create an object instance, you should be using the Encode() instance method instead of the EncodeBytes() static method (which creates another instance internally):
procedure TFormTest.btnTestClick(Sender: TObject);
Encoder: TIdEncoderMIME;
Encoder := TIdEncoderMIME.Create(nil);
// prior to Indy 10.6.0, use TIdTextEncoding.Unicode
// instead of IndyTextEncoding_UTF16LE...
Edit2.Text := Encoder.Encode(Edit1.Text, IndyTextEncoding_UTF16LE);
Which can be simplified further using the EncodeString() static method:
procedure TFormTest.btnTestClick(Sender: TObject);
// prior to Indy 10.6.0, use TIdTextEncoding.Unicode
// instead of IndyTextEncoding_UTF16LE...
Edit2.Text := TIdEncoderMIME.EncodeString(Edit1.Text, IndyTextEncoding_UTF16LE);
But either way, the output is all the same. So any problem you are still having has to be elsewhere. But you have not provided any details about how you are validating the data, what tools are rejecting it, what errors are actually being reported, etc.

Delphi - Reading a file signature and compare them

I need of a little help in delphi. I have search in very places but i can't find the answer for my question.
How i can read a file signature(4 bytes in my case) and put the value in HEX into a string? The signature my program will have to identify is $4E4553A1.
I need to test if the file, for example. C:\Happy.bin. Have this signature. To avoid people to put wrong format files in my software. Signature are the first 4 bytes in it.
Thank you so much, english isn't my first language, so sorry for the mistakes. Love you all
This is probably the easiest. You call it and pass in the filename.
function CheckSignature(aFilename: string): Boolean;
signature: UInt32;
myFile: TFileStream;
myFile := TFileStream.Create(aFilename, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
if myFile.Read(signature, SizeOf(signature)) = SizeOf(signature) then
Result := (signature = $A153454E)
Result := False;
The signature is reversed because of the way the integer stores it's data (little endian).
To use this function you would call it like this:
if CheckSignature('C:\Happy.bin') then
ShowMessage('Didn''t match');

IdHTTP.Put Error: HTTP/1.1405 Method Not Allowed

In Delphi XE2, I am trying to upload the lines of a memo to a file on my webspace with IdHTTP.Put:
procedure TForm1.btnUploadClick(Sender: TObject);
StringToUpload: TStringStream;
StringToUpload := TStringStream.Create('');
// Error: HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed.
IdHTTP1.Put(edtOnlineFile.Text, StringToUpload);
But I always get this error message:
So what must I do to avoid the error and make the upload?
It means the HTTP server does not support the PUT method on that URL (if at all). There is nothing you can do about that. You will likely have to upload your data another way, usually involving POST instead, or a completely different protocol, like FTP.
BTW, when using TStringStream like this, don't forget to reset the Position if you use the WriteString() method:
StringToUpload.Position := 0;
Otherwise, use the constructor instead:
StringToUpload := TStringStream.Create(memo.Lines.Text);
Thanks for the above code, here is perhaps a little more information with a little helper function to assist with that Stream constructor which I found works for any string you pass through, even it contains binary stuff.
//Helper function to make JSON string correct for processing with POST / GET
function StringToStream(const AString: string): TStream;
Result := TStringStream.Create(AString);
//somewhere in your code, I am posting to Spring REST, encoding must be utf-8
IdHTTP1.Request.ContentType := 'application/json'; //very important
IdHTTP1.Request.ContentEncoding := 'utf-8'; //which encoding?
response := IdHTTP1.Put(URL, StringToStream(body)); //response,URL,body are declared as String
