How can I have a master detail flow with each uiviewcontroller layered on top of the previous - ios

I'm creating a new universal iOS app that I'd like to use the following interaction pattern (when in a non-iPhone size class):
Starting with a full-screen tableview, the user can navigate through successive viewcontrollers, with each new one effectively "stacked" or layered over the previous one, with the previous one fixed to the left edge of the screen and the current one occupying around 80% of the screen's width, so the previous one can be seen "underneath". To go back, the user taps anywhere on the previous (greyed out) view.
I thought this might be possible with the default master-view template but that almost seems to do the reverse of what I'm after. I also looked at some third-party cocoapods, such as PKRevealController and ECSlidingViewController but they don't appear to be maintained any more.
Is this type of interaction possible and straightforward? What sort of approach should I take?

Ok so it looks like Spotify solved the problem for me. SPStackedNav has an SPStackedNavigationController which does exactly what I want to do.


Flutter navigation animations

We are wanting to design a flutter application that navigates the way that the app "Reflectly" does. It looks very similar to responsive web sites with a parallax type design. I'm including screen shots in case you haven't seen it.
I have begun replacing the MaterialPageRoute with CupertinoPageRoutes and it basically has changed the navigation to a sliding effect from right to left.
If you look at the navigation arrows they are on the bottom right hand side vertically.
Im not sure how to be sure but is it possible this is just one page?
You might want to try to wrap your view in a PageView with scrollDirection: Axis.vertical.
You can also customize the way you want to handle multiple events and so by providing a custom PageController.
From what I’ve seen in that app (downloaded to get an idea) it seems to be suitable for what you’re looking for.

Sidemenu and tableview customization

I am working on a project and with the hopes of developing my skills and providing open source package in iOS. I came across a unique interface that really got my attention which comes from a great app and there are two main things I would want to work on.
Pull to add and release to add.
This feature I know was built with a table view but how it was implemented remains unknown to me
Side navigation which contains time selection. The time overlays the tableview in this part
I would be glad if anyone could gimmie tips on how to go about this things or open source libraries that one can reference.
The application is Sorted you can check it out on the App Store
Look up on the following topics,
UIPanGestureRecognizer (this is to recognize the pull down)
CGAffineTransform (to rotate the text field)
Movement/Transformation of the elements could be done by changing the constraint values and calling UIView's layoutIfNeeded inside an UIView animation block
You can make the keyboard appear by making the text field first responder
If you are interested in building rest of the features 'Sorted' has. They you may check for some inspiration :)

How do i make View Controllers's Animation as like in Inshorts App but in horizontal direction

I'm working on an ios(Swift) project. In this project i want to read stories by fetching from a particular api.
But the problem is that i want only one story on my View and when i swipe right the another view with another story come from left with the effect that it is overlapping the story which is on the present view and so on until the story persist on the api.
And again when i swipe left, the most recent view(which was most recently get overlapped) with their respective story will come from right and give the effect like, it is overlapping the view which is present view at now.
And vice versa mentioned in above two points.
How can i achieve this in ios i don't. If anyone knows how to do it, please help me. I'm waiting for answers
NOTE: I don't want the pushing effect like in horizontal ScrollView. I only want the overlapping effect.
You should use 'UIPageViewController' and adjust 'transitionStyle' what you want.

How To Create Animated Onboarding on iOS

I'm creating an app that will have a quick onboarding at the beginning with some pretty simple scroll through animations and finish with a button to basically "GO" into the app's content.
I'm looking for suggestions as for how to most effectively and efficiently develop this, here's some things that it needs:
there should be paging so that it locks onto about 4 different positions throughout the onboarding.
the animations progress should be dependent on the scroll view's position (I'm guessing the x value of the content offset)
there needs to be views that stay on screen through multiple pages and some that move on screen and off screen throughout the onboard, it can not just be one picture moving on then off
there needs to be a button that pops up on the last page
I have a good understanding of Scroll Views, Page Views, and Page Controls. I also just bought Core Animator (the app) if anyone can suggest how implement that.
The way that I'm thinking of doing it is basically creating a Scroll View with paging that is empty and just use it to control animations with its content offset. Is there a faster way to do this or maybe a open source library that would work better? I'm only proficient in Swift currently :?
Thanks for any suggestions! This my first app and I'm very excited to hear your suggestions
I would look at UIPageViewController as its setup to do the scrolling by page for you, although you have control over what kind of animation it uses. You are responsible for feeding it view controllers to display using this method:
here is the link to the apple documentation UIPageViewController docs
I created a scrolling credits screen for one of my company's apps, FaceDancer, that would be a decent starting point for what you are after. The app is free. You can download it to check it out at this link: FaceDancer. The credits screen is off the info button on the main screen.
It's not hard to use UIView animations to simply animate a series of views. I think that might be easier than working with a scroll view.
I can give you some guidance if you think it would be helpful.

What iOS Control can overlay the detail like Toucharcade app

I have been searching for a UI Control and don't know what its called, which makes it tough to find right? What UI Control in iOS 5 or 6 provides a view overlay that can swipe away? Kind of the opposite of a slide-out nav view. I am looking at the TouchArcade app as an example, where you tap an item and this slides out an overlay with an article or review. Its also possible to have several overlay's that can swipe to the right for removal. Is this a custom control? I know this must be an easy question, I just don't know what its called, and therefore, my terms don't help much in Google. The closest thing I have found is ShinobiControls Overlays:
I'd rather just make my own than rely an somebody else's library I have to keep up to date. On the other hand, that one does look pretty good and would save me time.
Picture of TouchArcade as an example overlay view.
You see how the article is presented over the list view below? What controls do that in iOS? It also allows multiple overlays as you click further into each item. You dismiss them by swiping them to the right, dragging them out of view.
