Multiple Individual App Developer Accounts - ios

I am having a weird issues with Xcode. I have an Individual Developer Account under my name. Now, I am working for a client and they have added me as a "App Manager" for their app. The client's account is also an "Individual Developer Account".
When I use Xcode and try to send the app to the App Store, Xcode always complain that the provisioning profile I am using is not contained in the Development Team settings. In Development Team settings I only see my own personal account and not the clients team name. My name email is used for my personal account and the member of the client's team name.
Any ideas?
Xcode preferences -> Selecting User -> View Details at the bottom. Even if I click download it does not download anything. Keep in mind that the email I am using is not registered as a Apple Developer. != iTunesConnect
You may be confusing the Apple Developer site with the completely separate iTunesConnect site. The first is for all the technical stuff, and the second is for the business stuff (submitting app, sales, etc.).
See my Answer to a similar question to explain membership on each site.
Create a new Apple ID to satisfy iTunesConnect
In iTunesConnect, the "admin" person cannot assign existing Apple IDs as members with a role. Very strange. The admin is forced to create a new ID for each person being adding to the team. That means the person joining must have multiple email address. See my other Answer for a workaround to reuse your same email account.


Individual Apple Developer accounts in a Team with two members

Can two Individuals, both with paid Individual Developer Accounts create a team so that they both are able to submit updates to the app, without having to go to the route of registering an Enterprise account?
It seems not - the issue is that the second person can't get access to the provisioning profile for the app ID - unless I missed something.
No. Thats the point of having an Enterprise Account. While on individual, only one account can have provisioning files. Workaround is to login in both machines with the same account, which is something not recommended.

Cannot upload app to Apple Testflight - Need to be Admin

I want to upload an iOS app to Testflight for internal testing within my team. When I archive and try to upload to App Store (which as I understand is the process for this), I get an error saying that my role is Member, but at least Admin is required. Here's a screenshot;
Now, I checked account roles in various Apple pages and found the following;
I am an Admin in the App Store Connect team of the company.
I am only a member in the company's team as per the info on my Apple Developer account membership details.
I am new to iOS development. I am guessing my developer account needs to be admin in the company team in order to submit app to Testflight. Is that correct or is there another way?
it may not be enough just to be assigned a role via iTC - the Admin should also go to the Member Center and send you a ’team' invite.
Using a current Admin or Agent account log-in and go here:
Select the member account (yours), then press the "Change to Admin" button.

Give other people access to my development team in Xcode

I have a "single member" Apple Membership profile, and one of the developers I work with needs access to my development team to test the app he's building on his device (Xcode won't allow him to build the app without one). How can I give him access to the development team without having to give him the login credentials of my account?
As you have a individual account, you don't have any development team on your own and hence cannot invite a collegue in your not existing team. To own a team, your membership's Entity type must be Company / Organization . You can see it at
To update your entity type, you'll have to provide some documents about your company.
At the moment there is no simple procedure in the dashboard as "click this button, upload some documents and magic you're now Company", you'll have to ask directly to Apple support (a colleague have done this for 2 different accounts)
More infos here:
If you have registered your account with type Company / Organization, go to manu People and invite a new user.
If you have registered your account as Individual, you are out of luck I think since this type of account is not able to invite users and the People menu entry does not exist.

Why can't I add a technical role?

I am trying to beta test my app, but for some reason I can't seem to find the technical role. I am logged in and am the admin and Legal role.
Technical has been replaced with App Manager.
If you look at user in iTunes Connect who has the Technical role it says:
Note: the Technical role will become App Manager. Please remove users from the Technical Role
Well, it might not be strictly about code, but you can't release your app via TestFlight until you get past this mystifying problem.
The problem is caused because Apple will not allow an Apple ID that is associated with a developer account to be used for TestFlight (except for the account owner themselves). In other words, because my Apple ID is associated with my developer account, none of my developer friends can invite that Apple ID to be a TestFlight user. I must instead create a new Apple ID and ask them to invite that one.
The worst part of this particular bit of nonsense is that you use the same mechanism to invite developers and other team mates to work in iTunesConnect with you, and for those roles a developer account is irrelevant. Only being a TestFlight user seems to be affected by whether or not you are using an Apple ID associated with a developer account.

Bundle IDs and iOS Developer Teams

I have my personal Dev Account and recently was invited via an email (separate email, that I do not user with other iOS Dev accounts) to be a part (join) of one company Developer account. I can access and login via that Developer account and create app IDs, bundle IDs and so on but when I login to iTunes Connect with that same email i can only see one company bundle ID like company* and not the ones that I have created.
Did the person that invited me made a mistake by checking some limitations, is it a bug* or is this limitation by default?
**I had used that same email as a part of iTunes Connect technical role for another app that I no longer develop/support, could this be causing some mixup with accounts and so on?
I have the same infuriating scenario. I'm assuming iTunes Connect is either deficient when it comes to supporting userids related to two teams or I just don't know how to switch my iTunes Connect login to use the correct team. Everywhere else I login I get prompted as to which team I wish to use for the new session.
Apple developer Technical Support came to my rescue:
Create a new, free, Apple Developer ID
Have my existing iTunes Connect account one add the new id to iTunes Connect as an Admin
Have the second, new, account use iTunes Connect to remove the first ID.
The first ID can now be added to my preferred team account in iTunes Connect
