Change the width of animated input in w3 css - w3.css

I used animated input from W3 CSS. It takes 100% of the width when I click on it, but I only want it to take up 75% of the width when I click on it.
The code is:
<input class="w3-input w3-border w3-animate-input" type="text" style="width:30%">

The property you are trying to change is controlled by a pseudo-class. You need to change the width of w3-animate-input:focus {width:75%;}. You must add this to your code. You can add this to
the head section of your page between <script> tag.
the w3.css file if you are hosting it on your website.


Place a icon-button inside jQuery Mobile list divider

I'd like to place an icon inside a list-divider, but it seems that jQuery Mobile lets me apply data-icons to normal list items only and not to list items with data-role='list-divider' assigned.
Simply enough, I want the list-divider to display an info button for providing the user with more information about this category, which should look like so:
The point is, I'd like to place the info icon (with data-icon='info' or class='ui-icon-info') within the list-divider, while maintaining consistency in the overall style, i.e.:
The category is headed by a list-divider, and not by a list-item that is just styled to look like the list divider.
The icon is displayed on the right side, like the arrows in the list items below. The icon has to have the same style of appearance like the arrows, which means that it should not look like a button or have an extra frame around it.
The list-divider, or at least the icon, should be clickable, so the user is able to get the information about this category.
I'd preferably like to achieve this without any CSS customizations or JavaScript fiddling, using data-attributes only.
This is what I got (using jQuery Mobile 1.3.2):
List-item with data-icon:
<li data-theme='a' data-icon='info'><a href='#' onclick='alert("Some info...");'>Category: A</a></li>
Correct appearance of info-icon
Wrong appearance of category, because a normal list-item is used instead of a list-divider
Using a list-item with data-role='list-divider' assigned:
<li data-role='list-divider' data-icon='info'><a href='#' onclick='alert("Some info...");'>Category: A</a></li>
No icon at all
Wrong title appearance and only text is hyperlinked instead of the whole list-item
List-divider with info-button inside:
<li data-role='list-divider'>Category: A<a href='#' data-role='button' data-icon='info' data-mini='true' data-iconpos='notext' data-inline='true' data-theme='a' onclick='alert("Some info...");'>Category: A</a></li>
Info button has wrong appearance
The button has a border which I like to remove for consistency, so the icon is shown in its usual disc appearance. Removing data-role='button' doesn't help, because the button wouldn't be rendered at all and would therefore not show the icon.
The icon's position is not on the right side. I know it would be possible using data-iconpos='right', but I used this attribute for the icon-only (notext) layout already.
Category appearance is not pleasing, as the button increased its height. Even data-mini='true' didn't help.
I know there are a dozen of easy ways doing it the normal, less jQuery Mobile fixated way, but after 3 approaches, I'm eager to find out how this could be done with jQM.
This works, including the click, i just test it
<li data-role="list-divider">Test<div onclick='alert("Some info...");' class="ui-icon ui-icon-info" style="color:white;float:right"><div></li>
if the icon doesnt align with the rest of the icons add the below to the style
margin-right: -5px;
and change the pixels size to match the other icons

Bootstrap input textfield are too small?

I dont have enough points to post a picture, but I am working on a project and the input text fields are way smaller than it is on the site. I have <!DOCTYPE html> in the application.html.erb, but it still dont work.
Anyone got any idea on what the problem might be?
The width of textbox may be affected by the parent html tag's width. I cant be sure without seeing the html mark-up. The default width is defined in bootstrap.css for input text field. You can override this width by including desired span classes to the control like this..
<input type="text" class="span3" />
<input type="text" class="span12" />
It would be better to use the chrome inspector to check for the CSS rule for the input field. If that doesnt work, you can add a class or id to the input fields you need and then in a custom CSS file you can set the width of the class or id. This will change the size of your input field. Just make sure that your custom css file comes after the bootstrap css file.

Is there a way to use JQM button styling outside of a Page or Header data-role?

I just started working with JQM a little while ago. I used the default VS2012 mobile project to start with. I like how the mobile pages work, but wanted a fixed area at the top of each page that essentially has 3 columns one of which is a logo. I've done that (with a basic table to start with) in the _layout.cshtml, and right below that is where I start the JQM Page layout. This is all working well, and I like how the page transitions happen while keeping a fixed header area at the top.
However, I would like to add a button to my fixed area at the top that is styled similar to the other JQM buttons. This doesn't work because the buttons are not within a valid Page or Header data-role I presume. Is there a way to take advantage of the JQM styles for HTML that is outside of those data-roles?
As an example, I'd like to use the anchor tag for a Log In button and have it styled the same as it is with a gear-icon when it's within a div that has data-role = "header". I'm not sure I have a deep enough understanding to drill down through all the elements that are used in the .css file and was hoping there are other individual classes or something I can take advantage of.
This is the line I am trying to display as a button, but I am only getting text (does work as anchor tag though):
<a data-role="button" data-transition="pop" href="/Vision/Account/Login">Log in</a>
Also, I am using and jquery-1.7.2.
You can style any element as a button by calling the jQuery Button Widget on the element:
The button function also accepts options such as the icon and theme:
icon: 'gear'
See also:
Try adding data-role="button" to your anchor tag.

jQuery Mobile: multi-line buttons, in a vertical control group

On my jQuery Mobile page, i'm using a horizontal control group for some buttons.
But in some languages the text within these buttons is too long.
Instead of wrapping the text within each button, the buttons themselves wrap onto the next line.
this is the base code:
<div data-role="controlgroup" data-type="horizontal">
short button
really really really insanely long button is really really insanely long. No really, who makes buttons this big?
and with this css, we convince it to wrap inside the buttons. Otherwise the text is truncated with an ellipsis
white-space: normal !important;
On the third page of this fiddle the problem is demonstrated
Anyone have any ideas how I might tackle this?
Thanks in advance,
ps. Inspiration for the original fix came from Tosh in Jquery Mobile Multiline Button
You could set widths for the links in your control-group:
.ui-page .ui-content .ui-controlgroup a {
width : 49%;
This will keep them on the same line. Here is a demo:
Also, just to be thorough, the white-space : normal actually needs to be applied to the .ui-btn-text element which is a child of the .ui-btn-inner element (so it still receives the inherited value).
Trim your long buttons - that's a usability issue. If you have action buttons named that long seems like that just defeats the purpose of an action? Other than that I wouldn't use controlgroups for something like this. I would use a custom data theme & some grids to house my buttons inline.

Setting html controller to right side in firefox extension

I am creating Mozilla extension.
Here I need to set button controller right side in extension.
Here I divide XUL file to div element. I have take a main div element and inside this i have take two more inner div.
Then I have set one inner div style property float:left; and another div style property float:right. But this is not helpful for me.
Here I also set Button CSS style property float:right which is inside the div which have property float:right.
In a XUL window, dialog, page or vbox, elements are displayed from top to bottom, and if you put elements in an <hbox> then those are displayed left to right (except in RTL locales). But sometimes you want a right-aligned object. You then have several options:
The simplest version is <hbox pack="end"><button label="right"/></hbox>
If you also need an element on the left, then you can separate them with a spacer, like this: <hbox><button label="left"/><spacer flex="1"/><button label="right"/></hbox>
Alternatively you can also use <vbox align="end"><button label="right"/></vbox> which works better if you need a radio, checkbox, label or description element to be able to wrap.
Hi Dad you tried to use dir="rtl" this one can be applied to the document or the element ....
You can also specify the language... like it's exist on the HTML Specification...
For Example
<Q lang="he" dir="rtl">...a Hebrew quotation...</Q>
