Cocoapod path reference error - ios

I have newly added cocoapods into my application, now getting “parser error” while compiling the code in client machine, But the same source code working fine in my system (without any changes).
Please find below error along with screen shot.
And also i have added this tag ($(inherited) - > non-recursive) into below paths in Target -> Build settings.
Header Search Path,
Framework Search path,
Library Search Path.
i hope this is cocoapods path reference issue, Please any one help me out of this issue.
Note: Have sent file to client as a .zip.

Finally i came up with answer, I have sent source file to client end(other systems) as a .tar.gz format instead of .zip file.
This is solved my issue.Hope it will help for some one in the future.....


Socket.IO error: zlib no such module (Swift 3, Xcode 8.3)

I followed the instructions of Socket.IO's of manually implementing Socket.IO. I dragged in the Source folder into my project and I double-checked to make sure 'Add to target' was selected. When I try to run my project, I get an error 'No such module' because zlib can't be found in Compression.swift. Am I supposed to add any other files or folder to my project? What am I missing here?
Okay, I managed to find the answer on my own, even though the documentation of Socket.IO is very unclear about this and doesn't mention anything about zlib. To import zlib, go to your project's Build Settings and scroll to Swift Compiler - Search Paths. There, you should create a new path by clicking the + in both Release and Debug. Then, add the folder path to the zlib folder that was included in the Github file you downloaded. You can either direct your folder path to its original location inside the Github folder you downloaded, or you can place the zlib folder inside your project folder. It doesn't matter where you leave the folder, as long as you're referring to it correctly. Now, build and run and the No such module error should disappear.
I also got this error when compiling the project after having added I fixed it by adding libz.tbd to the Linked Frameworks and Libraries (clicked the + button in the General tab of the target, then I picked it from the list).
After doing that however, I got another error:
No such module 'CZLib'
I'm not sure which version of I added as I copied the entire folder from one of our previous projects. Anyway, the socket folder had a module.modulemap file which seemed to define the missing module. So I tried to fix the error by adding the folder containing the module map to the targets Import Paths, found in Build Settings under Swift Compiler - Search Paths.
The project would now compile without errors. At this point I tried to remove the linked libz.tbd and it would still compile. I have still not tried to establish a socket connection, but for now I'm moving forward without linking libz.tbd.

Xcode not searching correct subdirectory for headers

I am using Cocoapods for dependency resolution in an iOS project.
The problem I am having is that the compiler is unable to find the correct subdirectory where the headers are located.
See in the image below the directory in which the compiler is searching for the header file:
However, the file is in the subdirectory /Users/Scott/Documents/GitHub/ios-demo/Pods/iOS-KML-Framework/KML. How do I specifically enable that subdirectory to be searched? I have tried suggestions here and here but those did not seem to work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
try set Header Search Path or Library Search Path in Building Setting:

FBDialogClosePNG.h not found in Facebook iOS SDK

I've been trying to upgrade the Facebook iOS SDK used in my app. I cloned the Git repo and copied everything across to the directory containing the old version, and attempted to build the project. However I get the error "FBDialogClosePNG.h" file not found. I can't find that filename anywhere in the repo, or anywhere else through Google. It appears that it is meant to be a wrapper class for an image, since it appears to be called through the following line:
UIImage* closeImage = [FBDialogClosePNG image];
Does anyone know what we're meant to do with this?
Removing Xcode's DerivedData directory and the generated Pods directory fixed this for me.
there is a file in the path {FB_SDK_DIR}/scripts/ which will generate a bunch of files including FBDialogClosePNG.h.
To get this file, you need to compile facebook's source codes using src/facebook-ios-sdk.xcodeproj first, then locate the DerivedSources folder, put the whole folder into your project.
And you will need a to switch off a lot of compiler warning before your code could compile. Then you should good to go
For me, it was because my Facebook-iOS-SDK pod didn't get fully updated for whatever reason. I deleted the Facebook-iOS-SDK folder from my Pods folder, then ran pod update again, and now the problem is fixed.
I was getting lots of missing files: FBDialogClosePNG.h, FBLikeButtonPopWAV.h, FBLikeButtonBackgroundPNG.h, FBLoginViewButtonPNG.h, FBPlacePickerViewGenericPlacePNG.h and FBProfilePictureViewBlankProfilePortraitPNG.h.

import <IOKit/IOMessage.h> gives error

I'm using theos on iDevice. Installed it with installtheos3 command. If I got it right, it installed SDK too.
Now I have a project that has
import < IOKit/IOMessage.h >
Also I added IOKit to theos' makefile _FRAMEWORK section. Also I tried to add it to PRIVATE_FRAMEWORKS section.
When I'm trying to 'make' i got this error:
error: IOKit/IOMessage.h: No such file or directory
there is no errors with other frameworks, only with this.
Thank you!
I never use theos, but this kind of error generally come from the Header Search Path option inside Build Settings inside your project settings.
When I ran into similar issue, I had just downloaded files from Github as part of my project and proceed forward.
Problem is, these header files are for C type of library(not really obj C). So I doubt, you would be able to include by changing path or config settings.
For some reasons IOKit framework installed with 'installtheos3' doesn't have Headers directory at all. Copying it solved problem

Should I specify any path to access the header files in Xcode?

I have the source code for a video decoder. The code was executed without any problem on the MAC terminal.
Now, I need to port it on iOS. The source code has around 20 source files and 40 header files. I have created a project in Xcode 4.2 and put all of these in the project folder, without creating separate folders for headers and source files. When I tried building, its giving errors since the source files are not able to access the needed header files.
Is there any path that I need to specify for the headers?
Please help. Thanks in advance!
What about :
Project Target
Build Settings
User Header Search Paths (set it to your header path)
Always Search User Paths (set it to YES)
*These steps should (normally) resolve any "header not found"-related issues.
