Erlang term_to_binary hex output - erlang-shell

Anyone knows how to make term_to_binary in erlang console print the output in hex format instead of its standard list of unsigned decimal bytes?

There is no such option in io:format but you can build something like:
A =[s,f,g,t,w,{t,g}].
Bin = term_to_binary(A).
io:format("<<~s>>~n", [[io_lib:format("~2.16.0B",[X]) || <<X:8>> <= Bin]]).


send hex variable via TCP socket

Probably it's an easy thing, but I'm a Lua beginner...
I'm creating a very simple QSC QSYS plugin to control a projection server using KVL API. Server API is based on hex strings.
For example this command asks the server to load a the playlist with 9bf5455689ed4c019731c6dd3c071f0e uuid:
Controls["LoadSPL"].EventHandler = function()
Now I need to be able to create a string with a variable UUID, according to the text indicated in a textbox (or a list of available UUIDs read from the server) in the user interface.
I will concatenate this string to the fixed part of the command.
How can I correctly make a string like
ad17fc696b49454db17d593db3e553e5 become
Try this:
local input = "ad17fc696b49454db17d593db3e553e5"
local output = input:gsub("%w%w", function(s) return string.char(tonumber(s, 16)) end)
Explanation: this takes every pair of characters, interprets them as base 16 numeric string, and then takes the character with that number, and uses that to replace the original characters.
EDIT: To make it clear what's going on, and why the other answers are wrong, backslash escape sequences like \xad are a feature of the Lua source code, in memory it's represented by a byte with value 173, just like A is represented by a byte with value 65. Trying to concatenate a literal backslash character with hexadecimal characters does not create an escape code. So the way to do that is manually with string.char.
#! /usr/bin/env lua
str = 'ad17fc696b49454db17d593db3e553e5'
strx = ''
for i = 1, #str, 2 do -- loop through every-other position in your string
chars = str :sub( i, i+1 ) -- capture every 2 chars
strx = strx ..'\\x' ..chars
end -- append a literal backslash, the letter x, then those 2 chars
target = [[\xad\x17\xfc\x69\x6b\x49\x45\x4d\xb1\x7d\x59\x3d\xb3\xe5\x53\xe5]]
print( x, x == target ) -- print results, and test if it meets expected target
\xad\x17\xfc\x69\x6b\x49\x45\x4d\xb1\x7d\x59\x3d\xb3\xe5\x53\xe5 true
This can be code-golfed into a one-liner
x=''for i=1,#s,2 do x=x..'\\x'..s:sub(i,i+1)end

Parse double char command line option in C++

I searched a lot around but found no answer:
I have to use a lot of command line options which I planed to parse with optarg (which works well for single char) - if I count all arguments the alphabet has to less letters :(
So my plan was to use double letter codes (-a, -ab, -ac ) how can I parse them ?
Would it easier to solve by using boost:programoptions?

Converting HEX to ASCII in Lua Dissector

I'm trying to take HEX bytes and display them as their ASCII values. If someone could point me reasonably firmly in the right direction I'd be obliged. Tried any number of uint-type commands, and working with buffer(x, 2) as an argument.
I'm not sure what you mean by hex bytes, but the relevant functions are:
string.byte, which converts chars to numerical codes
string.char, which converts numerical codes to chars
For a single character in hexadecimal, you can use string.byte as mentioned by lhf. For longer sequences, you can create a loop in Lua, but that is not very efficient since it involves a lot of copying.
Since Wireshark 1.11.3 there is a Struct.fromhex function that converts a string of hexadecimal characters to the binary equivalent.
-- From hex to bytes (with no separators)
assert(Struct.fromhex("5753") == "WS")
-- From hex to bytes (using a single space as separator)
assert(Struct.fromhex("57 53", " ") == "WS")
Similarly, there is a Struct.tohex function that converts from bytes to hex.

Decrypt Lua byte code?

I'm encrypting my Lua code with this script.
local script = string.dump(
local function h4x(strtbl)
for v in strtbl do
return buffer
for v=1,string.len(script) do --Convert our string into a hex string.
end'encrypted.txt','w') --Output our bytecode into ascii format to encrypted.txt
The output of encrypted.txt is like "00/12/46/4/2/6/4/62/". How do I decrypt bytecode?
This text is not encrypted. It's just Lua bytecode in hexadecimal.
Discussion of means of disassembling this bytecode into human-readable opcodes is in another question: Lua equivalent to Python dis()?
Obviously its printing out each BYTE as a value (which is decimal, even though its stated its converted to hex) delimited by a '/'.
All you need to do then is fill an array using the bytes you pull from the string, using tonumber to convert them back to their byte value. this will help with parsing the formatted output

In Erlang how do I convert a String to a binary value?

In Erlang how do I convert a string to a binary value?
String = "Hello"
%% should be
Binary = <<"Hello">>
In Erlang strings are represented as a list of integers. You can therefore use the list_to_binary (built-in-function, aka BIF). Here is an example I ran in the Erlang console (started with erl):
1> list_to_binary("hello world").
<<"hello world">>
the unicode (utf-8/16/32) character set needs more number of bits to express characters that are greater than 1-byte in length:
this is why the above call failed for any byte value > 255 (the limit of information that a byte can hold, and which is sufficient for IS0-8859/ASCII/Latin1)
to correctly handle unicode characters you'd need to use
unicode:characters_to_binary() R1[(N>3)]
instead, which can handle both Latin1 AND unicode encoding.
HTH ...
