Uploading Data Using NSURLSession and Queue - ios

I am designing a chat application and I have set up the following mechanism for users to upload messages. Basically, I push the messages onto a queue and upload them one after the other. When the queue is empty, I call finishedUploading which runs every second and reruns the task if there is anything in the queue.
var uploadQueue:[UploadMessage]?
let session = NSURLSession.sharedSession()
let lockQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.dsdevelop.lockQueue", nil)
func getRemainingActiveUploads() -> Int {
return (self.uploadQueue != nil) ? self.uploadQueue!.count : 0
func removeMessageFromUploadQueue(messageToBeRemoved : UploadMessage) {
if (uploadQueue != nil) {
dispatch_sync(lockQueue) {
self.uploadQueue = self.uploadQueue?.filter({$0.date!.compare(messageToBeRemoved.date!) == NSComparisonResult.OrderedSame})
var uploadTimer : NSTimer?
func finishedUploading() {
uploadTimer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(1, target: self, selector: #selector(uploadAllLinks), userInfo: nil, repeats: false)
if (needToRefetch) {
needToRefetch = false
func uploadAllLinks()
uploadTimer = nil
// suspending queue so they don't all finish before we can show it
session.delegateQueue.suspended = true
session.delegateQueue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1
let myUrl = NSURL(string: "http://****")
// create tasks
if (uploadQueue != nil) {
if (uploadQueue?.count > 0) {
for message in uploadQueue!
let request = NSMutableURLRequest(URL:myUrl!)
request.HTTPMethod = "POST"
request.timeoutInterval = 10
var postString = "sender=" + message.sender!
request.HTTPBody = postString.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding);
let dltask = session.dataTaskWithRequest(request, completionHandler: { (data, response, error) in
if data != nil
do {
let jsonArray = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data_fixed!, options:[])
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {
if let errorToken = jsonArray["error"] as! Bool? {
if !errorToken {
self.uploadQueue = self.uploadQueue!.filter({$0.date!.compare(message.date!) != NSComparisonResult.OrderedSame})
let remaining = self.getRemainingActiveUploads()
print("Downloaded. Remaining: \(remaining)")
if (remaining == 0) {
else {
let remaining = self.getRemainingActiveUploads()
print("Downloaded. Remaining: \(remaining)")
if (remaining == 0) {
else {
let remaining = self.getRemainingActiveUploads()
print("Downloaded. Remaining: \(remaining)")
if (remaining == 0) {
catch {
print("Error: \(error)")
print("Queuing task \(dltask)")
session.delegateQueue.suspended = false
else {
// resuming queue so all tasks run
Now this works fine in the following two cases :
Queue is empty -> finishedUploading gets called and uploadAllLinks is run every second to check for items in uploadQueue
Queue has one item -> the one item gets posted, remaining == 0 hence finishedUploading is called
However, whenever the queue has more than one item, the first one gets uploaded, if remaining == 0 fails, and then nothing happens. I don't understand why the for loop is not run for the other items in the queue at this point.

I suspect that the problem is your 10-second timeout interval. That begins ticking as soon as the data task is created and terminates the task if it remains idle (without receiving new data) for more than ten seconds.
If you have multiple tasks and the OS is only allowed to upload one or two of them at a time, then any task that is queued up waiting to start will never complete. I don't think the documentation mentions that.
In practice, this design makes NSURLSession's queueing less than ideal, and as a result, most folks seem to write their own queues and handle the concurrency limiting on their own, ensuring that each task is created right before it should start running. I would suggest doing something similar:
Create a method that starts the next upload in the queue or calls the "everything complete" method if the queue is empty—basically the body of your loop.
Instead of the loop itself, call that method to start the first upload.
In your completion handler (inside that method), call that method semi-recursively to start the next upload.
Also, 10 seconds is way too short for the timeout interval unless your device is mounted to a wall and is on Wi-Fi with a guaranteed solid signal. Flaky Wi-Fi and weak cellular signals can result in serious latency, so IIRC, the default is 120 seconds, though I've read 60 in various places. Either way, you do not want to use 10 seconds. Such a short timeout would pretty much guarantee that your app will be hopelessly unreliable.


GKTurnBasedMatch saveCurrentTurnWithMatchData returning an error on every other call

The player takes multiple actions before completing a turn. After each action, I call saveCurrentTurnWIthMatchData, with the match data updated.
[gameMatch saveCurrentTurnWithMatchData: matchData completionHandler: ^(NSError *error){
if (error) {
NSLog(#"Error updating match = %#",error);
On every other call I get "Error Domain=GKServerErrorDomain Code=5002 "status = 5002, Unexpected game state version expectedGameStateVersion='null'"
The GKTurnBasedMatch.state = 3 (GKTurnBasedMatchStatusMatching) in every call. I'm not changing this, I just check before the call. I have no idea if this is relevant.
Any suggestion what to try?
the "Unexpected game state version" error happens irregularly and is hard to reproduce -- although i can often reproduce it by calling saveCurrentTurn several times in rapid succession. it would be useful to have clarity from Apple on this since it appears to be server side (but i'm not sure). i wrote a unit test that does stress testing on GKTurnBasedMatch.saveCurrentTurn. it fails irregularly but often up to 20% of the time.
i have no full solution only a partial one. to partially mitigate the problem, you can wrap your saveCurrentTurn calls in a task queue, that way they wait for the previous one to finish. not a solution, but helps.
let dqt:DispatchQueueTask = {
gkTurnBasedMatch.saveCurrentTurn(withMatch:payload) { error in
//handle error
TaskQueue.completion() //step to next task
and here is the TaskQueue class i use
import Foundation
Uses the DispatchQueue to execute network commands in series
useful for server commands like GKTurnBasedMatch.saveCurrentTurn(...)
let doSomethingThatTakesTime:DispatchQueueTask = {
TaskQueue.add(task: doSomethingThatTakesTime)
typealias DispatchQueueTask = () -> ()
let DispatchQueue_serial = DispatchQueue(label: "org.my.queue.serial")
class TaskQueue {
static var isRunning:Bool = false
static var tasks:[DispatchQueueTask] = []
static func add(task:#escaping DispatchQueueTask) {
static func run() {
guard !isRunning else { return }
guard tasks.count > 0 else { return }
let task = tasks.removeFirst()
DispatchQueue_serial.async {
TaskQueue.isRunning = true
static func completion() {
TaskQueue.isRunning = false

Why can't I use `isCalculating` property to wait for calculation request to finish

I need to call the calculate() method of the MKDirections class in a for loop but I am making too many requests for a valid distance to be returned. I have tried putting in a while loop that keeps looping until the isCalculating property is set to false but I am still making too many requests as evidenced by the error.debugDescription message that prints out. How can I wait for the current request to finish before submitting another one?
I have tried putting in a while loop to delay submitting another request to the calculate() method but the code just keeps making too many requests as evidenced by the error.debugDescription.
// Step through sites one by one
for siteIndex in 0..<countySites.count {
var selectedSite = countySites[siteIndex]
let destinationPlacemark = MKPlacemark(coordinate: selectedSite.locationCoordinate)
request.destination = MKMapItem(placemark: destinationPlacemark)
let distanceAndDirections = MKDirections(request: request)
if currentCoordinate != nil {
busyCalculating = distanceAndDirections.isCalculating
while busyCalculating == true {
busyCalculating = distanceAndDirections.isCalculating
distanceAndDirections.calculate { (response, error) in
if error == nil {
let distanceInMetres = response?.routes.first?.distance
let distanceInMiles = distanceInMetres! / 1610
let roundedDistanceInMiles = Int(distanceInMiles.rounded())
let distanceToSite = roundedDistanceInMiles
selectedSite.distance = distanceToSite
self.countySites[siteIndex] = selectedSite
} else {
print("error is not nil = \(error.debugDescription)")
Using a while loop that will peg the CPU to 100% just so it can check a flag that will eventually be set in some other thread is far from the ideal choice.
I suggesting using group.wait. Here's a rough outline of the code:
for siteIndex in 0..<countySites.count {
let group = DispatchGroup()
distanceAndDirections.calculate { (response, error) in
// stuff
Note the change to create a new group inside the loop and to eliminate the while busy loop.
Another option over using a group is to use a semaphore.
The most critical thing here is to ensure that nothing done inside the async block results in any attempt to run code on the same queue as the main for loop.
And of course you must make sure this main for loop is not being run on the main queue.

Error while running multiple SFSpeechRecognitionTask in background

As per requirement of the App I am developing, I have to pass multiple audio files to SFSpeechRecognizer and get the transcription in return.
I did it in two ways
First Method - Using Recursion (Running correctly, you can skip it if you want)
I have first completed this task by getting transcription one by one. i.e when the SFSpeechRecognitionTask gets completed, the result gets saved and the process runs again through a recursive call.
class Transcription
let url = [URL(fileURLWithPath: "sad")]
var fileCount = 3
let totalFiles = 4;
func getTranscriptionRecursive()
getTranscriptionOfAudioFile(atURL: url[fileCount], fileCount: fileCount, totalFiles: totalFiles) { (result) in
if(self.fileCount <= self.totalFiles)
self.fileCount = self.fileCount+1
func getTranscriptionOfAudioFile(atURL url: URL, fileCount: Int, totalFiles: Int, completion: #escaping ((SFSpeechRecognitionResult?)->Void))
let request = SFSpeechURLRecognitionRequest(url: url)
request.shouldReportPartialResults = false
let recognizer = SFSpeechRecognizer(locale: Locale(identifier: "en-US"))
if (recognizer?.isAvailable)! {
recognizer?.recognitionTask(with: request) { result, error in
//error handling
This method worked great but it takes way too much time as each SFSpeechRecognizer request takes time to complete.
Second Method - Using Loop and Background Thread
(This one is having the issue)
I tried to create multiple requests and execute them in background at once.
For that I created a For Loop till the count of audio files, and in that loop I called the function to create SFSpeechRecognizer Request and task.
for index in 0..<urls.count
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async {
self.getTranscriptionOfAudio(atURL: self.urls[index]) { (result, myError, message) in
//error handling
//process Results
where as the function to get speech recognition results is
func getTranscriptionOfAudio(atURL audioURL: URL?, completion: #escaping ((SFSpeechRecognitionResult? , Error?, String?)->Void))
let request = SFSpeechURLRecognitionRequest(url: audioURL!)
request.shouldReportPartialResults = false
let recognizer = SFSpeechRecognizer(locale: Locale(identifier: "en-US"))
if (recognizer?.isAvailable)! {
recognizer?.recognitionTask(with: request) { result, error in
//error handling
} else {
completion(nil,nil,"Reognizer could not be initialized");
When I run this code, only one task executes and other tasks give this error
+[AFAggregator logDictationFailedWithError:] Error
Domain=kAFAssistantErrorDomain Code=209 "(null)"
I searched this error on internet but there is no documentation that contains its details.
It might be due to running SFSpeechRecognitionTask in parallel, but in official Apple documents here they didn't forbid to do so, as we can create SFSpeechRecognitionRequest object separately. We don't use singleton object of SFSpeechRecognizer
let me know if anyone has any idea what is going on and what you suggest me to do.

Swift 3 GCD lock variable and block_and_release error

I am using Swift 3 GCD in order to perform some operations in my code. But I'm getting _dispatch_call_block_and_release error often. I suppose the reason behind this error is because different threads modify same variable, but I'm not sure how to fix problem. Here is my code and explanations:
I have one variable which is accessed and modified in different threads:
var queueMsgSent: Dictionary<Date,BTCommand>? = nil
func lock(obj: AnyObject, blk:() -> ()) {
func addMsgSentToQueue(msg: BTCommands) {
if queueMsgSent == nil {
queueMsgSent = Dictionary.init()
let currentDate = Date()
lock(obj: queueMsgSent as AnyObject) {
queueMsgSent?.updateValue(msg, forKey: currentDate)
func deleteMsgSentWithId(id: Int) {
if queueMsgSent == nil { return }
for (date, msg) in queueMsgSent! {
if msg.isAck() == false && msg.getId()! == id {
lock(obj: queueMsgSent as AnyObject) {
queueMsgSent?.removeValue(forKey: date)
func runSent() -> Void {
while(true) {
if queueMsgSent == nil { continue }
for (date, msg) in queueMsgSent! {
if msg.isSent() == false {
mainSearchView?.btCom?.write(str: msg.getCommand()!)
msg.setSent(val: true)
lastMsgSent = Date()
if msg.isAck() == true {
lock(obj: queueMsgSent as AnyObject) {
queueMsgSent?.removeValue(forKey: date)
I start runSent method as:
DispatchQueue.global().async(execute: runSent)
I need that runSent continuously check some conditions withinn queueMsgSent, and other functions addMsgSentToQueueue and deleteMsgSentWithId are called in main thread id necessary. I am using some locking mechanism but its not working properly
I strongly suggest you to use the DispatchQueue(s) provided by Grand Central Dispatch, they makes multithreading management much easier.
Let's start with your command class
class Command {
let id: String
var isAck = false
var isSent = false
init(id:String) {
self.id = id
Now we can build our Queue class, it will provide the following functionalities
This is our class should not be confused with the concept of DispatchQueue!
push a Command into the queue
delete a Command from the queue
start the processing of all the elements into the queue
And now the code:
class Queue {
typealias Element = (date:Date, command:Command)
private var storage: [Element] = []
private let serialQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "serialQueue")
func push(command:Command) {
serialQueue.async {
let newElement = (Date(), command)
func delete(by id: String) {
serialQueue.async {
guard let index = self.storage.index(where: { $0.command.id == id }) else { return }
self.storage.remove(at: index)
func startProcessing() {
Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 10, repeats: true) { timer in
private func processElements() {
serialQueue.async {
// send messages where isSent == false
let shouldBeSent = self.storage.filter { !$0.command.isSent }
for elm in shouldBeSent {
// TODO: add here code to send message
elm.command.isSent = true
// remove from storage message where isAck == true
self.storage = self.storage.filter { !$0.command.isAck }
How does it work?
As you can see the storage property is an array holding a list of tuples, each tuple has 2 components: Date and Command.
Since the storage array is accesses by multiple threads we need to make sure it is accessed in a thread safe way.
So each time we access storage we wrap our code into this
serialQueue.async {
// access self.storage safely
Each code we write into the closure 👆👆👆 shown above is added to our Serial Dispatch Queue.
The Serial Queue does process 1 closure at the time. That's why our storage property is accessed in a thread safe way!
Final consideration
The following block of code is evil
while true {
It does use all the available CPU time, it does freeze the UI (when executed on the main thread) and discharge the battery.
As you can see I replaced it with
Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 10, repeats: true) { timer in
which calls self.processElements() every 10 seconds leaving plenty of time to the CPU to process other threads.
Of course it's up to you changing the number of seconds to better fit your scenario.
If you're uncomfortable with the objc mechanisms, you might take a look here. Using that, you create a PThreadMutex for the specific synchronizations you want to coordinate, then use mutex.fastsync{ *your code* } to segregate accesses. It's a simple, very lightweight mechanism using OS-level calls, but you'll have to watch out for creating deadlocks.
The example you provide depends on the object always being the same physical entity, because the objc lock uses the address as the ID of what's being synchronized. Because you seem to have to check everywhere for the existence of queueMsgSent, I'm wondering what the update value routine is doing - if it ever deletes the dictionary, expecting it to be created later, you'll have a potential race as different threads can be looking at different synchronizers.
Separately, your loop in runSent is a spin loop - if there's nothing to do, it's just going to burn CPU rather than waiting for work. Perhaps you could consider revising this to use semaphores or some more appropriate mechanism that would allow the workers to block when there's nothing to do?

Finish all asynchronous requests before loading data?

I have run into an issue where I have multiple asynchronous requests occuring which grab images and information from the Facebook API and my Firebase database. I want to perform all my asynchronous requests, then store all that data that I grabbed from the Facebook API/Firebase database into one entire object which I can quickly load. I have set up completion handlers for every asynchronous request which I thought forces the program to "wait" until the request is complete and then have the program continue, but that doesn't seem to work for me. Below is my attempt:
func setupEvents(completion: (result: Bool, Event: Event) -> Void){
// Get a reference to Events
eventsReference = Firebase(url:"<DB Name>")
eventAttendeesRef = Firebase(url:"<DB Name>")
//Read the data at our posts reference
println("Event References: \(eventsReference)")
eventsReference.observeEventType(FEventType.ChildAdded, withBlock: { (snapshot) -> Void in
let eventName = snapshot.value["eventName"] as? String
let eventLocation = snapshot.value["eventLocation"] as? String
let eventCreator = snapshot.value["eventCreator"] as? String
var attendees: NSMutableDictionary = [:]
var attendeesImages = [UIImage]()
let attendee: NSMutableDictionary = [:]
let group = dispatch_group_create()
//Get attendees first
self.getAttendees(snapshot.key as String, completion:{ (result, name, objectID) -> Void in
if(result == true){
println("Finished grabbing \(name!) \(objectID!)")
attendees.addEntriesFromDictionary(attendee as [NSObject : AnyObject])
else {
//Get attendees photos
self.getAttendeesPictures(attendee, completion: { (result, image) -> Void in
if result == true {
println("Finished getting attendee photos. Now to store into Event object.")
dispatch_group_notify(group, dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
println("both requests done")
//Maintain array snapshot keys
if snapshot != nil {
let event = Event(eventName: eventName, eventLocation:eventLocation, eventPhoto:eventPhoto, fromDate:fromDate, fromTime:fromTime, toDate:toDate, toTime:toTime, attendees: attendees, attendeesImages:attendeesImages, attendeesImagesTest: attendeesImagesTest, privacy:privacy, eventCreator: eventCreator, eventCreatorID: eventCreatorID)
println("Event: \(event)")
completion(result: true, Event: event)
}) { (error) -> Void in
I know I have my completion handlers set correctly as I have tested in my program. However, what I want is that only after both the getAttendees and getAttendeesPictures function completes, I then want to store all the information I grabbed the snapshot, getAttendees, and getAttendeesPictures function and store them into an event object. Any ideas on how to accomplish this? I've tried to look into dispatch_groups to help me handle this via this link: Checking for multiple asynchronous responses from Alamofire and Swift but my program seems to only execute the getAttendees function but not the getAttendeesPictures function. Below are also the getAttendees and getAttendeesPictures functions:
func getAttendees(child: String, completion: (result: Bool, name: String?, objectID: String?) -> Void){
//Get event attendees of particular event
var attendeesReference = self.eventAttendeesRef.childByAppendingPath(child)
println("Loading event attendees")
//Get all event attendees
attendeesReference.observeEventType(FEventType.ChildAdded, withBlock: { (snapshot) -> Void in
let name = snapshot.value.objectForKey("name") as? String
let objectID = snapshot.value.objectForKey("objectID") as? String
println("Name: \(name) Object ID: \(objectID)")
completion(result: true, name: name, objectID: objectID)
}) { (error) -> Void in
func getAttendeesPictures(attendees: NSMutableDictionary, completion: (result: Bool, image: UIImage?)-> Void){
println("Attendees Count: \(attendees.count)")
for (key, value) in attendees{
let url = NSURL(string: "https://graph.facebook.com/\(key)/picture?type=large")
println("URL: \(url)")
let urlRequest = NSURLRequest(URL: url!)
//Asynchronous request to display image
NSURLConnection.sendAsynchronousRequest(urlRequest, queue: NSOperationQueue.mainQueue()) { (response:NSURLResponse!, data:NSData!, error:NSError!) -> Void in
if error != nil{
println("Error: \(error)")
// Display the image
let image = UIImage(data: data)
if(image != nil){
completion(result: true, image: image)
For users seeking answer to question in title then use of dispatch_group and GCD outlined here: i.e embedding one group inside the notification method of another dispatch_group is valid. Another way to go at a higher level would be NSOperations and dependencies which would also give further control such as canceling operations.
func doStuffonObjectsProcessAndComplete(arrayOfObjectsToProcess: Array) -> Void){
let firstGroup = dispatch_group_create()
for object in arrayOfObjectsToProcess {
doStuffToObject(object, completion:{ (success) in
// doing stuff success
else {
// doing stuff fail
// regardless, we leave the group letting GCD know we finished this bit of work
// called once all code blocks entered into group have left
dispatch_group_notify(firstGroup, dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
let processGroup = dispatch_group_create()
for object in arrayOfObjectsToProcess {
processObject(object, completion:{ (success) in
// processing stuff success
else {
// processing stuff fail
// regardless, we leave the group letting GCD know we finished this bit of work
dispatch_group_notify(processGroup, dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
print("All Done and Processed, so load data now")
The remainder of this answer is specific to this codebase.
There seem to be a few problems here:
The getAttendees function takes an event child and returns an objectID and Name which are both Strings? Shouldn't this method return an array of attendees? If not, then what is the objectID that is returned?
Once an array of attendees is returned, then you can process them in a group to get the pictures.
The getAttendeesPictures eventually returns UIImages from Facebook. It's probably best to cache these out to the disk and pass path ref - keeping all these fetched images around is bad for memory, and depending on size and number, may quickly lead to problems.
Some examples:
func getAttendees(child: String, completion: (result: Bool, attendees: Array?) -> Void){
let newArrayOfAttendees = []()
// Get event attendees of particular event
// process attendees and package into an Array (or Dictionary)
// completion
completion(true, attendees: newArrayOfAttendees)
func getAttendeesPictures(attendees: Array, completion: (result: Bool, attendees: Array)-> Void){
println("Attendees Count: \(attendees.count)")
let picturesGroup = dispatch_group_create()
for attendee in attendees{
// for each attendee enter group
let key = attendee.objectID
let url = NSURL(string: "https://graph.facebook.com/\(key)/picture?type=large")
let urlRequest = NSURLRequest(URL: url!)
//Asynchronous request to display image
NSURLConnection.sendAsynchronousRequest(urlRequest, queue: NSOperationQueue.mainQueue()) { (response:NSURLResponse!, data:NSData!, error:NSError!) -> Void in
if error != nil{
println("Error: \(error)")
// Display the image
let image = UIImage(data: data)
if(image != nil){
attendee.image = image
dispatch_group_notify(picturesGroup, dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
completion(true, attendees: attendees)
func setupEvents(completion: (result: Bool, Event: Event) -> Void){
// get event info and then for each event...
getAttendees(child:snapshot.key, completion: { (result, attendeesReturned) in
if result {
self.getAttendeesPictures(attendees: attendeesReturned, completion: { (result, attendees) in
// do something with completed array and attendees
else {
The above code is just an outline, but hopefully points you in the right direction.
The two requests are executing at the same time, so there is no attendees to get pictures from when the second request executes, if the getAttendees completion closure is going to be called multiple times then you can do something like this:
let group = dispatch_group_create()
for key in keys {
self.getAttendee(key as String, completion:{ (result, attendee) in
if(result == true){
self.getAttendeesPictures(attendee, completion: { (result, image) in
if result == true {
} else {
dispatch_group_notify(group, dispatch_get_main_queue()) {}
If the result of the first request is the complete set of attendees you don't even need to use GCD, just call getAttendeesPictures inside the completion closure.
This code doesn't exactly uses the same variables and methods of the original code, it only gives the idea.
Hope it helps!
While there is definitely solution with using GCD and stuff around it, synchronization in general is pain and the more your code gets complicated, the more problems it will start showing - but I think there is one-for-all solution to that: Bolts framework from Facebook (both for android na iOS)
Bolts Framework usage
So what is so magical about it? Well, it lets you create "Tasks", and then chain them. The method in particular that you are interested in is taskForCompletionOfAllTasks: , which is made for parallel processing, just what you need. I wrote a little example for you which you can adjust to your needs:
func fetchAllInformation() -> BFTask {
// First, create all tasks (if you need more, than just create more, it is as easy as that
var task1 = BFTaskCompletionSource()
var task2 = BFTaskCompletionSource()
var tasks = [task1, task2]
// What you do, is you set result / error to tasks and the propagate in the chain upwards (it is either result, or error)
// You run task 1 in background
API.instance.fetchFirstDetailsInBackgroundWithBlock {
(object: AnyObject!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
// On error or on success, you assign result to task (whatever you want)
if error == nil {
} else {
// You run task 2 in background
API.instance.fetchSecondDetailsInBackgroundWithBlock {
(object: AnyObject!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
// On error or on success, you assign result to task (whatever you want)
if error == nil {
} else {
// Now you return new task, which will continue ONLY if all the tasks ended
return BFTask(forCompletionOfAllTasks: tasks)
Once you have main method done, you can use bolts chaining magic:
func processFullObject() {
// Once you have main method done, you can use bolts chaining magic
self.fetchAllInformation().continueWithBlock { (task : BFTask!) -> AnyObject! in
// All the information fetched, do something with result and probably with information along the way
The Bolts framework documentation / README covers basically everything there is to know about it and it is quite extensive, so I would suggest you to go through it - it is very easy to use once you get the basics. I personally use it for exactly this, and it is a blast. This answer will hopefully provide you with different solution and approach, possibly a cleaner one.
There is something wrong with this conceptually. It sounds like you want to wait until both of these functions complete before doing something else, but what you haven't explained is that getAttendeesPictures depends on the outcome of getAttendees. That means what you really want to do it execute one asynchronous block, then execute a second asynchronous block with the output of the first, and then execute your final completion block when both are finished.
GCD is not particularly suited for this; you're better of using NSOperationQueue with NSBlockOperations. There are two distinct advantages to this over GCD:
NSOperation uses familiar object-oriented syntax compared to GCD's c-type functions, so it's pretty easy to write and understand.
Operations in the queue can have explicit dependencies on one another, so you can make it clear that e.g. operation B will only be executed after operation A is complete.
There is a great writeup of this by NSHipster which I'd recommend you go read. It's talked about mostly in the abstract, but what you want to do is use NSBlockOperation to create two block operations, one for executing getAttendees and one for executing getAttendeesPictures, and then make it explicit that the second block depends on the first before adding them both to a queue. They will then both execute and you can use a completion block on the second operation to do something once both have completed.
Dave Roberts is right in his response though: an immediate problem with the code is that you don't use the output of the getAttendees function to actually create any attendees. Perhaps this part of the code is missing, but from what I can see the name and objectID are just printed out. If you want to pass something useful into the getAttendeesPictures function you will need to fix this part first.
This is off the top of my head. The idea is to read and handle new asyc data only when all of the nested blocks complete.
We leverage a while loop to handle waiting for a signal to read the next set of data.
The outside while loop continues as long as done equals false. And nothing is really going on, other than consuming cpu cycles while it waits. The if inside the loop will only be trigged (set to true) when all of the attendees have been read.
Meanwhile inside the loop we work through nested blocks, reading in the attendee and then when that completes, read their picture, and when that completes read the firebase data. Finally once we have all data from the prior blocks we stuff the data into an object which is then added to the dictionary. At that time it is determined if we are finished reading attendees and if so, bail completely. If not, we read the next attendee.
(this is conceptual)
done = false
readyToReadNextAttendee = true
while ( done == false )
if (readyToReadNextAttendee == true ) {
readyToReadNextAttendee = false
readFirebase {
if finishedReadingAttendees {
done = true
} else {
readyToReadNextAttendee = true
If you have the option of reading in all of the attendees first, you could iterate over and array as well, not reading the next index until readyToReadNextAttendee = true
One Idea i have used is to place an if statement check inside the query statement call back and place the query statement call back in a for loop (so you can loop through all of your queries), so the if statement should check if this the last call back expected, then you should execute a return statement or a deferred.resolve statement, the following is a concept code.
var list=fooKeys //list of keys (requests) i want to fetch form firebase
var array=[] // This is the array that will hold the result of all requests
for(i=xyz;loop breaking condition; i++){
Ref = new Firebase("https://yourlink.firebaseio.com/foo/" + fooKeys[i]);
Ref.once("value", function (data) {
if(loop breaking condition == true){
//This mean that we looped over all items
return array; //or deferred.resolve(array);
Putting this code in a function and call it asynchronously will give you the ability to wait for the whole results before proceed in doing other stuff.
Hope you (and the others) find this beneficial.
