How to send litter '&' as url parameter - swift - ios

I have a code to update name of department in the database .. I use this encoding code :
let myurlstring="http:example/updateDepartment.php?deptName="+"\(deptName)"+"&id="+"\(deptID)"
let escapedString = myurlstring.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters:NSCharacterSet.urlQueryAllowed)
let myUrl = URL(string:escapedString!)!
It works very well , but when deptName string contains this litter & it's not working.
example1 : send request with deptName = "CIT and Network" it will work .
example2 : send request with deptName = "CIT & Network" will be in the database as only "CIT" any litter after & will be skipped.
any help ?

Use URLComponents + URLQueryItem instead. It can be used to encode the query part from structured input:
var comp = URLComponents(string: "")!
comp.path = "/some path to/update.php"
comp.queryItems = [
URLQueryItem(name: "deptName", value: "CIT & Network"),
URLQueryItem(name: "id", value: "123456"),
let url = comp.url!


Get the value of URL Parameters in WKWebView and create new URL

I'm trying to get the current URL of the WKWebView, search/copy one value out of it, and create a new URL.
I use Swift and have this an URL like that and try to get the following value 572974a2.
My intention is to create a new URL with that value. The numbers can change from time to time.
I use this code to get the current WKWebView URL. I think I have to convert this to a string first.
let oldURL = webView.url
And I use this code to create my new URL.
var components = URLComponents()
components.scheme = "https" = ""
components.path = "/g"
components.queryItems = [
URLQueryItem(name: "newbundle", value: "XXXXXXXX")
let newURL = components.url
How can I change/paste the value: "XXXXXXXX" with the value 572974a2 of the old URL?
Some simple URL manipulation and string handling will get you the number from the old URL:
let oldURL = URL(string: "")! // An example
let name = oldURL.deletingPathExtension().lastPathComponent // bundle-572974a2
let number = name.dropFirst(7) // remove "bundle-"
This assumes the number will always be preceded by "bundle-" (or any seven-letter sequence really. If that can vary then the use of dropFirst(7) will need to be replaced with code that can handle strings like "bundle-572974a2" and remove the part you don't want.
Then building the new URL becomes:
var components = URLComponents()
components.scheme = "https" = ""
components.path = "/g"
components.queryItems = [
URLQueryItem(name: "newbundle", value: String(number))
let newURL = components.url
In a case where you might have both a prefix and a suffix you need to remove, the following would be one way to remove them. This code assumes there will be a prefix to remove if there is a suffix to remove. If there is a suffix and no prefix to remove then this code gives the wrong result.
var number = url.deletingPathExtension().lastPathComponent
if let hyphen = number.firstIndex(of: "-") {
number = String(number[number.index(after: hyphen)...])
if let hyphen = number.lastIndex(of: "-") {
number = String(number[..<hyphen])
P.S. String manipulation in Swift is a pain.

Get correct parameter value from URL in "/:id=" format using regex

What is the best way to get the id value from this url:
URL(string: "urlScheme://search/:id=0001")
I've been trying to route this URL using a deep link request. However, my url routing solution JLRoutes shows the parameters as key = id and value = :id=0001.
I instead need the parameters to be key = id and value = "0001".
In an ideal world I would just be using a URL string like "urlScheme://search/0001" and not have any problem but the ":id=" part has to be in there. George's comment about converting the parameter to a URL in of itself and using .pathComponents.last does work, but I think a regex solution is probably going to scale better going forward.
The answer from #George should work fine, but two things struck me: you decided you wanted a regex solution, and to make this generic seemed to be asking for a recursive solution.
The below approach uses regex to identify up to the last /: delimiter, then has to do a bit of inelegant string handling to split it into the base string and the final pair of (key: value) params. I'd hoped to be able to write a regex that just matches those final parameters as that would be a far cleaner range to work with, but haven't managed it yet!
func paramsFrom(_ str: String) -> [String: String] {
guard let baseRange = str.range(of:#"^.+\/:"#, options: .regularExpression ) else { return [:] }
let base = String(str[baseRange].dropLast(2))
let params = str.replacingCharacters(in: baseRange, with: "").components(separatedBy: "=")
return [params.first! : params.last!].merging(paramsFrom(base)){(current, _) in current}
using this on your example string returns:
["id": "0001", "title": "256", "count": "100"]
Managed to dig out the old regex brain cells and match just the final pair of parameters. You could adapt the above to use the regex
and the have slightly cleaner string handling as the shortened base string becomes
If your URL is in the form of an actual URL query, e.g. urlScheme://search?id=0001, there is a nice way to do this.
With thanks to vadian, this is really simple. You can just do the following:
let components = URLComponents(string: "urlScheme://search?id=0001&a=2")!
let dict = components.queryItems?.reduce(into: [:]) { partialResult, queryItem in
partialResult[] = queryItem.value
Or a slightly more compact version for dict:
let dict = components.queryItems?.reduce(into: [:], { $0[$] = $1.value })
Result from given input:
["id": "0001", "a": "2"]
If you must use the current URL form
You can replace the URL string, such as:
let urlStr = "urlScheme://search/:id=0001/:a=2"
let comps = urlStr.components(separatedBy: "/:")
let newUrl: String
if comps.count > 1 {
newUrl = "\(comps.first!)?\(comps.dropFirst().joined(separator: "&"))"
} else {
newUrl = urlStr
Prints: urlScheme://search?id=0001&a=2
Original answer (slightly modified)
If you have a URL with queries separated by /: you can use the following:
// Example with multiple queries
let url = URL(string: "urlScheme://search/:id=0001/:a=2")!
let queries = url.lastPathComponent.dropFirst().split(separator: "/:")
var dict = [String: String]()
for query in queries {
let splitQuery = query.split(separator: "=")
guard splitQuery.count == 2 else { continue }
let key = String(splitQuery.first!)
let value = String(splitQuery[1])
dict[key] = value
Result is same as before.
You can use next regex approach to enumerate parameters in your url path:
let urlString = "urlScheme://search/:id=0001" as NSString
let regex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "([^:\\/]+)=([0-9]+)")
if let match = regex.matches(in: urlString as String, options: [], range: NSMakeRange(0, urlString.length)).first, match.numberOfRanges == 3 {
let key = urlString.substring(with: match.range(at: 1))
let value = urlString.substring(with: match.range(at: 2))
print(key, ":", value)
// Prints
id : 0001

Syntax to put a variable in a string in swift3

A question I think pretty simple but I never had to do it in swift. it's pretty simple PHP but here I do not find my solution on the internet.
ask: I would like to add a variable in this chain of character. Instead of 123, I would need a variable.
final let urlString = ""
result = final let urlString = ""
Can you give me the syntax in swift3 or direct me to a good tutorial.
You can create a string using string formatting.
String(format:"", variable)
let variable = 123
final let urlString = "\(variable).json"
\(variable) is what you need
use string formatting
let variable = 123
final let urlString = String(format:"", variable)
There is good documentation about Strings in Swift Language Guide. Your options are:
Concatenating Strings
let urlString = "" + value + ".json"
String interpolation
let urlString = "\(value).json"
Swift4 You can add a string in these ways:
var myString = "123" // Or VARAIBLE Here any string you pass!!
var urlString = "\(myString).json"
A simple way of doing it could be:
final let urlString = "" + variablename + ".json"
You can also do it like this (a little more typesafe):
final let urlString = "\(variablename).json"
Swift will read \(variablename) into the string automatically and accepts - among all things - integers.
let variable = 123
final let urlString = "" + variable + ".json"
final let urlString = "\(variable).json"

The '#' char gets converted to %23 causing the GET Request to fail

I am a new Swift developer using Swift 3 developing an iOS app. I need to make a URL Request to get some data from the web. That URL contains a # character.
I use URLComponents with URLQueryItems to build the request URL. During this process the # char gets converted to %23 which I think is valid utf8 encoding. Unfortunately, this causes the GET to fail.
To test I pasted the URL into my browser and changed %23 back to # and it worked just fine.
How can I fix this so it does not change # to URL. I did find a post from a couple years ago but it was using old framework items so it does not apply to me.
Below is the playground I made to illustrate and test this.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
//: Playground - TestBuildURLWithParameters
// I am using this playground to build the proper
// URL for the GET request to get the detailed
// rtesults for a specific athlete where the "Key"
// is their Bib Nbr. If the GET cant find the specific
// Atlete with that URL it redirects you to the list
// of athlete results (which is no go to me in this case)
// Currently, there is a big "gotcha". In building the URL
// using component and query items, the foundation classes
// replace the '#' sign in the URL with the %23 which represents
// the pound sign. Unfortunately, the causes the GET to fail
// and redirects to athlete list which is not helpful
// I am still trying to figure out how to FORCE it to keep
// the '#" character in the URL so it will work
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
import Foundation
import UIKit
let baseURLString = ""
let rd = "20150927"
let race = "augusta70.3"
let bibID = "93"
var detail = "1#axzz4FGGcjBOn"
print("Detail w/o unicocde: \(detail)")
detail = "1\u{0023}axzz4FGGcjBOn"
print("Detail with unicocde: \(detail)")
var components = URLComponents(string: baseURLString)!
var queryItems: [URLQueryItem] = [] // All Items after the "?"
let baseParams =
"rd": rd,
"race": race,
"bidID": bibID, // Note: HTML mispelled bib with bid so "bidID" is the URL search
"detail": detail
for (key, value) in baseParams
let item = URLQueryItem(name: key, value: value)
components.queryItems = queryItems // what does this look like
print("components: \(components)") // see it
It is not a good way to include fragment part of URL into query items.
Try this:
import Foundation
let baseURLString = ""
let rd = "20150927"
let race = "augusta70.3"
let bibID = "93"
var detail = "1"
//# split the last query item and the fragment
let fragment = "axzz4FGGcjBOn"
var components = URLComponents(string: baseURLString)!
var queryItems: [URLQueryItem] = []
let baseParams =
"rd": rd,
"race": race,
"bidID": bibID,
"detail": detail
for (key, value) in baseParams
let item = URLQueryItem(name: key, value: value)
components.queryItems = queryItems
components.fragment = fragment
print("components: \(components)")
If you need you can choose the character that will receive the encoding.
In the charactersIn: you put all characters you want to encode.
Then you use the .inverted so all the others characters will go normal like this:
let customAllowedSet = NSCharacterSet(charactersIn:"=\"%/<>?#\\^`{|}").inverted
let encondedString = originalString.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: customAllowedSet)
print("enconded string: \(encondedString)")
Encode your parameters and then add it to URL, this will encode # before hitting API and you'll get desired result.
To encode parameters, you can use below code.
var parameterString = "your parameter string"
var encodedString = parameterString .addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlHostAllowed)
print(encodedString !)
I did get an answer via email from a friend that works for now. Basically, I added the query items manually to the URL using the URL extension below so it didn't monkey with the '#' char:
extension URL {
func appendingNonEscapedQueryItems(_ queryItems: [URLQueryItem]) -> URL {
let url = self
var urlString = url.absoluteString
for queryItem in queryItems {
let queryName =
guard let queryValue = queryItem.value else {
let query = queryName + "=" + queryValue
if queryItem == queryItems.first {
urlString = urlString + "?" + query
urlString = urlString + "&" + query
return URL(string: urlString)!
let requestURL = components.url!.appendingNonEscapedQueryItems(queryItems)
print("URL \(requestURL)")

Getting query string parameters from url in the UIWebView in Swift?

my question is pretty straight forward. Can someone please show me how to get the query string parameters in a url received by the UIWebView. It is pretty easy in objective c, but I need some help in swift as i'm new to the language. Thanks in advance.
In the NSURL class exists the .query property which returns the string of everything after the ? in the url in form:
in this example using the code:
var url: NSURL = NSURL(string: "")
println(url.query) // Prints: Optional("key1=value1&key2=value2")
More information in the documentation
As far as getting the url from the uiwebview, you could use something along the lines of:
let url: NSURL = someWebView.NSURLRequest.URL
To make it a bit easier to get the value of a particular parameter you expect, you can use URLComponents which will parse out the query string parameters for you.
For example, if we want the value of the query string parameter key2 in this URL:
We can create a URLComponents struct, then filter for the query item which matches the name, take the first one, and print its value:
let url = URL(string: "")
if let url = url,
let urlComponents = URLComponents(url: url, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: false) {
let parameterWeWant = urlComponents.queryItems?.filter({ $ == "key2" }).first
print(parameterWeWant?.value ?? "")
The key (!) thing is that urlComponents.queryItems gives us this array of QueryItem structs back, which gives us an easier way to filter the parameters and get the value of the parameter we're looking for.
▿ Optional([key1=value1, key2=value2])
▿ some: 2 elements
▿ key1=value1
- name: "key1"
▿ value: Optional("value1")
- some: "value1"
▿ key2=value2
- name: "key2"
▿ value: Optional("value2")
- some: "value2"
We can parse the Url params with this method,
func getParameterFrom(url: String, param: String) -> String? {
guard let url = URLComponents(string: url) else { return nil }
return url.queryItems?.first(where: { $ == param })?.value
let url = ""
let key1 = self.getParameterFrom(url: url, param: "key1")
print("\(key1)") // value1
