Facebook login on Apple CNA - ios

Is it possible to set up Facebook login for use in the CNA?
Does CNA documentation exist for developers?
Can you debug the CNA screen using any developer tools?
I have created a captive portal login page that uses an email submission form or a Facebook login button. The login button uses javascript as documented on Facebook's developer resources to open a window and log the user in.
CNA: Clicking the Facebook sign in button redirects to the facebook login, after multiple clicks. Facebook login page allows submission of username and password but does not generate these entries from cookies. After submission, the page is blank and login is not completed.
Full Featured Browsers: In Safari, Chrome, Firefox, etc. the social sign is functioning and works as expected. All browsers redirect the user to the login page, the user may use the email submission button or the social sign to authenticate on the hotspot and redirected to a landing page. The problems only occur on the CNA.
Forums threads state that it's impossible to use Facebook login in this way but I'm not sold because Social Sign In seems to be doing exactly what I'm proposing. They claim to accomplish the login without using apps so I have to assume their using either a CNA browser or launching Safari directly. Some javascript is functional in the CNA but I'm unable to track down resources to explain exactly what the capabilities/limitations of the CNA are.
Thanks for any help on this issue


Using a URL to log a user out of a developer web app and redirect to another URL

I have an app that all works fine for authentication and it uses Oauth2 (Google).
Now, I am struggling with the logout URL for this app. It works, but I am under the impression that it is possible to logout of it and remain logged into my gmail account please? Currently, ALL accounts are logged out of so the two gmail accounts need to go through login each time the app is used and log out is pressed.
I have read that this is possible but this is the URL that I am using to Log out
I am sure it can be done because I did it in a former role but do not have the code!

How do I prevent the facebook login page from taking over my home page app?

I have a iPad home page app that I'm trying to integrate a facebook like button. Everything works fine if the user is already logged in, but if the user is not logged in the facebook login page takes over my app page and after login does not return to my app. Is there a way to make facebook login using an iframe?
My app is a web app not a native IOS app. It is setup with a manifest file and the user adds it to their home page. Because the app can have different URLs and all we want to do is provide like functionality, registering the app is not available to me.
What I want to know is there a way for facebook to open the login page in an iframe like the like dialog when the user clicks the like button? Right now I'm using the social plugin for the like button, but if the user isn't logged in to facebook the login page replaces my web app. Is there a way to make the login page use an iframe?
Wrapping it in a <div> worked for me

Facebook Test User Login URL - Doesn't work after clearing cache/cookies

I have a test users page for my site which loads a simple grid of 4 buttons, which, when clicked, launch their associated Facebook test user login_url. I'm obtaining these via the PHP SDK and they work great...
Except when the cookies are cleared in Safari (mobile and desktop)... In this case, the test user login_url takes me to a Facebook login page where I'm prompted to login.
If I clear cookies and visit the plain old www.facebook.com homepage first and then navigate to my site, it works fine.
I understand that the 3rd party cookie setting would prevent me from loading this login_url successfully in an iFrame, but I don't understand why it doesn't work when I actually try to follow the link.
Is this a bug? Are Facebook test users a rather unpolished developer feature?
Disclaimer: I work for Facebook, but I am not on the Platform team, so my knowledge on this topic isn't that much more than a regular developer.
The login_url mechanism is not a full blown secure login mechanism. I would venture to guess that it switches the identity of the currently logged in user from the regular user to the test user. However, if there is no currently logged in user, it can't switch the identity, and therefore needs to ask you to login.
However, test users do have a user ID and password (which were returned as a response to the create API) that you could use to go through the standard Facebook login procedure. Note though that as far as I know, currently there is no automated method of loggin a user using the user ID/password - they are intended for manual logging in scenarios.

I get "Session Expired" when logging in to our site

Sorry for double posting probably same question but I don't think I've explained the question much on the previous one. Here's an easier to understand question:
The site I'm working on uses Devise (https://github.com/plataformatec/devise/) and Omniauth (https://github.com/intridea/omniauth) to allow users to logon via Twitter. It works well when it's used in browsers.
This is how to reproduce the problem:
User is using Twitter's IOS app
User clicks on a link of our site that was embedded in a tweet
Twitter opens our site via UIWebView
Our site requires the user to login via Twitter
The app executes Safari and redirects to Twitter's login portal, prompting the user to login
When the users submits the form, it redirects him back to our site and throws an error: "Session Expired"
Any ideas why this is happening? Or anyone experiencing the same problem?
I don't think there has been any change to this, I posted this question here that has more interaction https://dev.twitter.com/discussions/9711.

Different Facebook Auth Dialog in Safari?

I found two different FaceBook auth dialog while using two apps one is "Poker by Zynga" and other one is I am developing.
When I use FaceBook login in "Poker by Zynga" then Safari opens this page:
And when I use my app which is under development now, then Safari opens this page:
You can see both of these are two different pages. In Poker by Zynga, it says "Logged in as Vicky Gupta - Log Out" where user can choose Log Out to sign in as a different user. While in my app it says "You are logging into this app as Vicky Gupta", in this there is no Log Out button. The only way to log in as a different user to open FaceBook in Safari and then log out from there.
Does any one know why this difference is occurring ? am i missing something in FaceBook app settings? Or is this a normal behavior because I don't think so?
Note: I am using the latest FaceBook SDK (with graph api).
If you are using latest iOS Facebook SDK, I think to logout a user you just have to delete the token obtained by the Facebook main object.
