Need help on the Need of Responsive website - jquery-mobile

I have created a fully functional good looking website but it is not responsive as of now, I tried to make it responsive but the code is not developed that way.
So Now I am thinking to go for an alternative. i:e Jquery Mobile.
So there will be two websites one is for desktop and one is for mobile device(to be coded newly in jquery mobile). Whenever user visit with any mobile device, I will redirect the user to the mobile version.
So I just wanted to confirm if it could be the good practice or not. Will it impact SEO or Would there be any problem for the website in future if I go that way?

I have several sites that use jQuery Mobile and they all rank well and pass the Google Mobile Friendly Test, so I don't think you need to be too concerned about SEO being affected if you have two sites.
Having standalone mobile sites does have some advantages, for example you can make the page weight of your mobile sites lighter without any complicated javascript.
One to the downsides is that you'll have two versions on the same site to maintain. The only reason I still have some jQuery Mobile sites is that they are older and were designed before responsive web design was cross-browser reliable.
So I just wanted to confirm if it could be the good practice or not?
You can go either way. I found jQuery Mobile easy to implement and it has been very reliable and low maintenance. Personally I go for responsive design now, but I'm sure you'll find plenty of developers that prefer using standalone mobile sites and jQuery Mobile.
Good luck!


How to create mobile only website

I have presently using bootstrap to make a responsive website. But problem is that, in this case we need to load all the same content for mobile as well which is not required, like heavy images, text etc. which are good only for desktop websites. So, I thought of creating a mobile version of this website which based on User-agent will open.
But I am confused with technology stack to make such website. I need to give users view as well as features which are available in native app. So user coming from mobile do not feel odd using our website. I have found two libraries for such purpose (jquery mobile and angular mobile ui)
I am impressed by mobile view of following website:
For these two websites I fail to understand what library they are using to deliver such smooth and native view and functionality. Please suggest me which tools or libraries should I use to make such beautiful website like ?

Available technologies for Mobile Web Development

Recently we have finished the development of our application and we have used Spring , Hibernate,Jquery etc in it.
Now today my manager came to me and asked , hey we have to develop a mobile version of our application so that it can work efficiently on mobile devices. He was more focusing on the responsive design.
So, i think in this case we have to change only the view component of
the application. Am i correct ?
What all technologies are available at our disposal that we can use
to develop an efficient mobile version of application ?
I have heard about Spring mobile , jquery mobile etc , but I am not sure from where to start basically i have to give a list of technologies/library/framework that can be used for the mobile web development.
Please help with your valuable suggestions.
First I think I should caveat that this question is only going to get opinion based answers since there are many different ways to support mobile platforms from web applications and the right solution will largely depend upon what platform the majority of your end users will be using and the amount of content you need to display.
If the majority of your users will be pc/tablet based but you also want to support mobiles with the one application then you should take a look at the bootstrap css framework which provides an easy way to create a responsive UI which will look usable on most screen sizes however it won't look like a native mobile app, which from my experience is where jquery/spring mobile have the advantage they make web apps look like native mobile applications although whilst they can viewed on a pc/tablet they won't look great scaled up.
In my experience if you want a great user experience on both mobile and pc you should create 2 separate User Interfaces each one focused on a specific platform otherwise one or other user experience will be compromised in some way.

Rails 3.1+ way to serve both mobile & desktop clients

What the going "best practice" for serving both mobile & desktop browsers from a Rails application?
I'm not talking about custom apps on the mobile side but, mainly (entirely?!?), mobile Webkit.
I watched Railscast 199 which shows a technique of rendering and returning different views depending on whether the browser is mobile or not. Wondering if this is still preferable? What about just offering different CSS (assuming the content is largely the same)? Ideally the solution could take advantage of one of the mobile JQuery libraries (JQuery Mobile, JQTouch, Sencha Touch, etc.) How would things be handled through the asset pipeline?
Since you mention mobile Webkit, I think using CSS3's media query to adapt various devices would be a good choice. Here are some blog posts that are related:
Responsive Design with CSS3 Media Queries
How To Use CSS3 Media Queries To Create a Mobile Version of Your Website
Mobile_fu is still a great way to do it.
You'll need a separate layout file. For my apps which serve up both versions, I have separate JS and CSS folders at /assets/application & /assets/mobile.
I've had good luck with JQuery Mobile, but I've heard good things about Sencha too so that's probably personal preference.

twitter-bootstrap vs jquery-mobile [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm wondering if someone can give some advice as to which is 'better'. Twitter-bootstrap or JQuery mobile?
I don't know if "better" is something you can answer since they serve different purposes. Bootstrap is great all-purpose CSS library whereas jQueryMobile is closer to a framework. Meaning jQueryMobile doesn't just make your pages look nice- it gives a lot of mobile oriented features such as- swipe-events, page transitions, allows for single page applications (since it will only show a single div with data-role='page' at a time), AJAX preload and history API, and lots of touch friendly components/widgets. Whereas bootstrap is foremost a CSS library mostly for desktop but works on mobile as well especially since 2.0 comes with media queries built in. Bootstrap will not help you with touch friendly lists, checkboxes, select menu's, etc.
One more thing to point out, jQueryMobile takes your markup and dresses it with all sorts of pretty stuff using JavaScript. Bootstrap has some javascript, but only for optional components, the rest is CSS.
So to answer IMHO- if you're a making a web application that you explicitly plan on using primarily on mobile devices go with jQueryMobile; Anything else go with Bootstrap- it's really quite awesome.
jQuery mobile != twitter bootstrap. Twitter bootstrap is used to create responsive layouts [a single CSS can work on big as well as small screen size]. jQuery mobile is intended for mobile development. So if you develop a site using jQuery mobile won't give a good layout consistency in all desktop browsers.
While I agree that Twitter Bootstrap != jQuery Mobile, you can develop mobile sites with Bootstrap. After spending the last couple months developing a mobile site using jQuery Mobile, my conclusion is this:
The concept behind jQuery Mobile is perfect. The "page" concept integrates very well with server side technologies (ASP.Net MVC in my case). It allows you to develop pages as individual files, rendered mostly on the server, as you're already used to doing and probably desire to do.
However, in its current state, it can get very slow and very buggy if you try to do too much with it. I've run into problem after problem with it on my project.
So I'd say, if your site isn't too complicated (e.g. no swiping, no wizards), then go with jQuery Mobile. Otherwise, think about waiting for the project to mature. It's almost there.
I think the main differences are apparent by how the two projects identify themselves:
"Sleek, intuitive, and powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development."
jQuery Mobile:
"Touch-Optimized Web Framework for Smartphones & Tablets."
Both frameworks are aiming at meeting different needs and accomplishing different things. I've used both of them in separate projects and each of them have strengths and weaknesses, but it would be a disservice to both to directly compare them. It's our job as programmers/designers/engineers to decide the goal for your project and pick the best tool for the job.
It depends on what you are going to do with it. I prefer Bootstrap in most cases, because i like the base css plus you can compile with responsive.less so you got a mobile version too. Iam much faster when prototyping with bootstrap because it is very loose coupled and just plain markup (except for the plugins, those are great too).

Sencha touch vs Dojo Mobile vs jQuery Mobile?

I've read the Sencha Touch docs. I feel its MVC model is very attractive but it seems to has a long start-up time, especially with external JavaScript (eg:map).
Although I'm comfortable using jQuery in a web site, I have concerns about the maturity of jQuery Mobile. (I haven't tested it yet)
I have no idea about Dojo's mobile framework.
Which of these alternatives do you like? Why?
So what exactly are you requirements? Each framework has different several advantages and disadvantages....
Me personally I use Jquery Mobile, which is now at it's first official release. Don't let version numbers fool you, this has been developed 1 year long and actually works pretty good!
The others provide different capabilities:
sencha is based on javascript controls - you create the whole layout from within javascript using JSON notation for properties/actions/events
jqm allows you to use your "standard" HTML and enhances it "auto-magically". In my opinion this is the closest to HTML you'll ever get
Dojo is more about MVC and allows a more structured environment. Haven't used it personally so I can't say too much about it...
Hope this helps
