Can't submit ios app for review after installing osx security update - ios

I installed the latest osx security update ( and tried to archive an update for my ios app. The archive was successful. However, after uploading the build to itunes connect with the Application loader, I received the following email :
When trying to submit my app for review I got this other error message :
I am clearly not running any beta build of macos or xcode. Here is my setup : OSX El Capitan 10.11.6, Xcode 7.3 (7D175)
Any one having the same issue? How did you get around this?

Since there have been many errors at iTunes Connect which Apple still can't solve on macOS Sierra (10.12) when uploading archives(build) of our applications,
You must use Xcode 8 no matter what on macOS Sierra
These are common errors that is happening when we upload our archive from Xcode 7.3.1 on macOS Sierra (10.12)
ERROR ITMS - 90163 (No.App bundle found)
Now your problem
Changing the build version or Xcode version from info.plist doesn't seen to worked. Believe me, I have tried many alternative hacking ways. Finally I gave up. Instead install Xcode 8 and Xcode 7.3.1 parallel on my mac because I am not ready for migration.
Archive your build from Xcode 7.3.1 and export it's ipa from App Store Release. Then, use Application Loader of Xcode 8 to upload your build to App Store.
Hope this help.

From this thread, try this:
I was able to submit without warnings or errors by digging into the
.xcarchive and modifying the info.plist of the app.
Change the key
to the value for the original 10.11.6
Then export the IPA or submit to the app store as usual.
I didn't test so it could not fix your problem.

From this same thread, this seems to be a recurrent issue when Security Updates are released.
If #marco-santarossa's method does not work, you can wait for Apple to update iTunes Connect so that they accept the new OS build version, or contact support hoping they can speed this up.
I did and after a few hours the same build I had uploaded was submitted for review.


How To Solve App Store Connect Organizer Warning "Your version of iTMSTransporter will be updated in approximately ... days" Error?

I have uploaded a build through the xCode organizer and It shows the error "Your version of iTMSTransporter will be updated in approximately ... days"
As it shows, Upload the archive with warnings thought it was not available in the App Store Connect TestFlight after some time. And there is no any mail received from Apple regarding the build. Any idea how to sort this out and how to upload the build?
This start to happen after I update the macOS to 12.1 Monterey and xCode to 13.
Apple just released version 13.2.1 that fixes the multiple big issues with 13.2
I have tried a few options but the optimal workaround is to download the iTMSTransporters' early access versions as mentioned in the instructions. You can download it from a terminal command.
/Applications/ -updateChannel earlyAccess
Update your XCode to the latest version - Version 13.2.1 (13C100).
Rebuild your solution and upload your app again. The error should not appear anymore.
Ignore this warning and update latest Xcode and it should be gone

ERROR ITMS-90596: "Invalid Bundle. The asset catalog at 'Payload/' can't be processed."

Problem summary : I would like to submit an app to the Apple App store (TestFlight). I am using Transporter v1.1 to submit the app. I am getting the following error in Transporter during the submission process. Please note that I am not using Xcode in this process.
Actual result:
ERROR ITMS-90596: "Invalid Bundle. The asset catalog at 'Payload/' can't be processed. Rebuild your app, and all included extensions and frameworks, with the latest GM version of Xcode and resubmit."
Expected result : successful submission to the app store.
Development environment : Expo 36.0.0 / macOS High Sierra v 10.13.6 / Processor 2,3 GHz Intel Core i5 / Transporter v 1.1
What have I tried ? :
Deleting all node modules and installing them again (npm install).
Deleting any old Xcode folders on my mac. Please note that I am not using Xcode.
Checked the version of xcode in package-lock.json. It is 2.0.0 but it is being used as dependancy and not as a direct tool in the submission process.
Generate a new build thrice and submitting it once more in Transporter.
Can anyone please help me in this process ? I know this question has been asked before but the case is not applicable to me because I am not using xcode or application loader to submit the app.
This could help someone in a similar situation. Here is how I solved my problem with the advice of a senior developer.
Using expo diagnostics I found out the version of Xcode that my expo toolkit was using. The answer was undefined because I wasn't using Xcode at all.
Being on macOS High Sierra 10.13.6, I needed Xcode 10.1 for compatibility.
I downloaded Xcode 10.1 and also the compatible command line tools.
I transferred the installed Xcode from the downloads folder to applications folder.
Again ran expo diagnostics and noted that expo has taken into account the associated Xcode version.
Ran expo build:ios
Downloaded the .ipa file generated by expo on their server.
Submitted the .ipa file using Transporter to the Apple app store (TestFlight).
Successful submission.

Crashlytics fail to install application build on some of the testers' devices using IOS 11.4.1

Tester who are using IOS 11.4.1 are unable to run the test builds on their devices, This didn't happen before, after installing the build from beta app this happens
download problem detected :(
But the application installs on my Device which is also using IOS 11.4.1.
These are the steps i tried for fixing this issue:
1) I checked all the UDIDs (all of the UDIDs were in provisioning profile already)
2) Removed XCode cache, made new build but still same issue
3) Updated the crashlytics to latest version
4) deleted provisioning certificate from apple website and made a new one.
basically followed these Questions but wasn't able to fix thisCrashlytics with iOS 9 Unable to Download App.
Beta from Crashlytics fail to install build on testers' devices
Try using old version of crashlytics, Maybe it works

App downgrading automatically , distributed outside of appStore for Diawi from Xcode8.2.1?

I am stuck in a weird scenario , I created a build in xcode 8.2.1 by selecting distribute outside appstore then I uploaded the ipa file to . By using the link I installed the build in my device it was running successfully but when I opened the app again its in the old version of the same app. I don't understand how it happened, I already removed the old version of the app from device before installing the new version.
I don't think it is to do with any certificates or provisioning profile.
Please help me if someone has encountered the same issue like this.
Thank you.
Try changing the build version while creating a build and make sure you export the ipa using correct build from archive utility.And sign out from Diawi and create a link.So none of your old builds are interfered.

Can't update Xcode 5.1 to Xcode 5.1.1 with Yosemite

I've made an app for iOS7 using Xcode 5.1 and Yosemite OS. When I tried to submit my app, it showed the following error "This bundle is invalid. new apps and updates submitted to the app store must be built with public"
After searching about that error, I realized I need Xcode 5.1.1 in order to submit my app. So I went to App Store to update my Xcode 5.1 to the new version (5.1.1) and it said I couldn't update my software because I was using a new OS version (Yosemite).
So at this time I'm stuck because I don't want to downgrade to Mavericks and I want to update Xcode 5.1.1 ... is it possible to fix this issue? Or do I have to downgrade to Mavericks?
Download Xcode 5.1.1 from the Apple Developer Downloads website and install it from .dmg.
