Can Orbeon generate an HTML document of a form instead of a PDF? - orbeon

Orbeon provides a button to generate a PDF version of a form. It appears that it is generating an HTML document and then that is being converted to PDF. I am looking for a way to get that HTML document instead of the PDF. Is this possible?

This is currently not possible. It is correct that Orbeon Forms first generates HTML and then converts that to PDF (with the automatic PDF mode).


tcpdf jQuery object conversion issue to pdf

I need to generate a PDF report and make that available as download on the screen.
I created an html to display the report and passing the html to TCPDF to convert the html to PDF.
There is a jQuery component in html which shows a graph. This graph is not converting into PDF.
If I display the html directly on browser the jQuery component runs and displays the visual graph but TCPDF is not able to display the graph in PDF.
Here is the jQuery component that I am using for displaying the graph:
Please help.
It is pretty naive to expect all the scripts, styles and dynamically generated canvases to readily work in any environment which is not a so-called «grade A» web browser.
TCPDF has its graphic methods which you could use to draw vector images resembling your graphs.

Ruby on Rails adding PDFs to partials

I have a rails form that a user fills out, and later they can print it off as a PDF. The content is very similar (removed navbar and links, etc).
Now I need to add PDF documents at specific locations of the PDF version of the form.
For example, take a form for a rental application that has the property details, first tenant details, pdf document, followed by a second tenants details, another pdf document.
I'm currently using PDFkit to generate PDFs from html. But I'm open to suggestions.

Can not generate _blank links on PDF via pdfkit on rails app

I have a rails app that generates a pdf for a given html partial. In the partial I have a number of links that have a target of _blank, however in the generated PDF the target looks like it is being ignored.
I just want the pdf to open links in a new tab/window.
A collaborators from PDFKIT said
"This sounds like a problem with wkhtmltopdf (which is what renders the pdf from the html). (Pdfkit just wires up everything between ruby/rails and that binary.)"
Any help would be appreciated.
Sean Hubers Answer:
PDFs are not marked up with HTML. How a link click is handled in a PDF
depends on the PDF viewer you are using. Modern browsers with built-in
PDF viewers may navigate to the page within the same frame as the PDF
view and that is not something that can be controlled with an HTML
element attribute. What happens if your link is clicked when the PDF
is being viewed in Adobe Acrobat or Mac Preview? You're at the whim of
the software and operating system. Sorry to bear the bad news but this
is the reality of the PDF format.

embed javascript to a jasper report pdf?

I want to embed a javascript function into a pdf file generated by jasper.
it comes to my mind because I want to make the pdf file auto open printing dialog.
after reading this question and tried this example I want to do the same.
but I use iReport designer to create my pdf templates and then export using struts actions, any idea how to embed javascript with ireport?
You can try to use the net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.javascript property.
The information about this property is here.

How to see XFA forms in i-Pad?

I would like to develop an interactive XFA form in LiveCycle Designer ES -2 which will support Windows as well as i-Pad. But the problem is when I open an XFA form it does not show the form rather it shows the form can not be shown(If the form has scripts within it).It only shows simple PDF documents in read only format.It also does not show the button in Acroforms.There is no interactivity related with the form.I would like to know is there any way to show the interactive PDf forms?
There is also another solution from SPZAP designed for Microsoft SharePoint and supporting XFA forms in PDFs and in some way in HTML5 compliant browsers. It has a form designer that runs in a browser (html5) and two kinds of runtime that are SharePoint integrated and are displaying PDF either in Adobe Acrobat Reader (probably Foxit in future) or converted as html5 structure (with some limitations in latter case).
LiveCycle Mobile ES4.0 will be able to render your forms. The look will be similar to HTML rendering.
The built-in pdf reader doesn't support dynamic PDF forms, Adobe doesn't have an iOS client and iPad doesn't support flash (natively).
Your only option is to render the form as HTML using LiveCycle Forms ES (server module).
You cannot render an interactive form in iPad as pdf. Reason being Apple doesn't allow any application (except web browser) to run any kind of scripts inside it (In this case Acrobat application, trying to run Javascript).
But you can render it as HTML which can be rendered in a browser and has some strip out functionality than the pdf version but its worth to try.
