I have Neo4j version 3.0.4 with tree based data inside and I am trying to find solution for following problem:
I want start from root and travel down collecting all nodes. When I found node of type (property) "female" I want to include it in the result and stop going down.
Here is my try to describe the problem and expected result
there is relationship between nodes called "relation". Every node has
only 1 parent so it is tree structure.
So far I have:
match p=(root:User {isRoot:true})-[:RELATION*..]-(child:User) return p
Which return the tree structure but without stopping condition
How can achieve the result?
Update 1:
Maybe a better way to describe the desired outcome is - I want every node from a tree going in depth and starting from root (or specific node) that has no direct or indirect parents of type female. Does that make sense?
You have two options here, really. The easy one is to do as InverseFalcon suggests and get all results, then prune using a predicate:
MATCH (root:User {isRoot: true})
WITH root
MATCH p = (root) - [:RELATION*] -> (:User {type: 'female'} )
WHERE ALL(x IN NODES(p)[1..-1] WHERE x.type = 'male')
The harder, but better one, especially if your data set is very large or you plan to run a very large number of queries, is to refactor your data model so that instead of a generic -[:RELATION]->, you have particular relationship types that you plan to query against (:DAUGHTER|:SON, e.g.). Relationships in neo4j are much faster to query on than node labels or especially node properties, so design your relationships to accommodate the analysis you'll want to perform.
Does this work for you?
MATCH p=(root:User {isRoot:true})-[:RELATION*0..]-(:User {type: 'male'})-[:RELATION]-(:User {type: 'female'})
This query should return all paths that start at the root node and end at a female node, but without going through any other female nodes. I have assumed that the non-female nodes have "male" as the type value. The variable-length relationship pattern specifies 0.. so that a path consisting of a female root node can be returned as well.
[Edit] I'm using Neo4j 4.2.1
I have this need for a Cypher query that brings back a complete tree given its root node. All nodes and relationships must be fetched and present only once in the returned sets. Here's what I have come to:
MATCH p = (n)-[*..]->(m)
WHERE id(n) = 0
WITH relationships(p) AS r
WITH distinct last(r) as rel
WITH [node IN [startNode(rel), endNode(rel)] | node] AS tmp, rel
UNWIND tmp AS node
RETURN collect(DISTINCT node) AS nodes, collect(distinct rel) AS relationships;
Running the query on our database to get about 820 nodes makes the thing crash for lack of memory (5Gb allowed). Hard to believe. So I'm wondering : Is this query ill-born? Is there one technique I'm using that shouldn't be used for my purpose?
I strongly recommend that you come up with a node property that is guaranteed to be the same on all the nodes in a contiguous tree, if you don't have one already. I'll call that property same_prop. Here's what I do to run queries like the one you're running:
Index same_prop. If you have different node labels, then you need this index created for each different node label you expect to have in the tree.
CREATE INDEX samepropnode FOR (n:your_label) ON (n.same_prop)
is the kind of thing you need in Neo4j 4+. In Neo4j, indices are cheap, and can sometimes speed up queries quite a bit.
Collect all possible values of same_prop and store them in a text file (I use tab-separated values as safer than comma-separated values).
Use the Python driver, or your language of choice that has a Neo4j driver written (strongly recommend Neo4j-provided drivers, not third-party) to write wrapper code that executes a Cypher query something like this:
MATCH (p)-->(c)
USING INDEX p:your_label(same_prop)
WHERE p.same_prop IN [ same_prop_list ]
p.datapiece1 AS `first_parent_datapiece`,
p.datapiecen AS `nth_parent_datapiece`,
c.datapiece1 AS `first_child_datapiece`,
c.datapiecen AS `nth_child_datapiece`
It's not a good idea, in general, to return nodes and relationships unless you're debugging.
Then in your Python (for example) code, you're simply going to read in all your same_prop values from the file you got in Step 2, chunk up the values in reasonable size chunks, maybe 1,000 or 10,000, and substitute them in for the [ same_prop_list ] in the Cypher query on-the-fly.
I'm looking into neo4j as a Graph database, and variable length path queries will be a very important use case. I now think I've found an example query that Cypher will not support.
The main issue is that I want to treat composed relations as a single relation. Let my give an example: finding co-actors. I've done this using the standard database of movies. The goal is to find all actors that have acted alongside Tom Hanks. This can be found with the query:
MATCH (tom {name: "Tom Hanks"})-[:ACTED_IN]->()<-[:ACTED_IN]-(a:Person) return a
Now, what if we want to find co-actors of co-actors recursively.
We can rewrite the above query to:
MATCH (tom {name: "Tom Hanks"})-[:ACTED_IN*2]-(a:Person) return a
And then it becomes clear we can do this with
MATCH (tom {name: "Tom Hanks"})-[:ACTED_IN*]-(a:Person) return a
Notably, all odd-length paths are excluded because they do not end in a Person.
Now, I have found a query that I cannot figure out how to make recursive:
MATCH (tom {name: "Tom Hanks"})-[:ACTED_IN]->()<-[:DIRECTED]-()-[:DIRECTED]->()<-[:ACTED_IN]-(a:Person) return DISTINCT a
In words, all actors that have a director in common with Tom Hanks.
In order to make this recursive I tried:
MATCH (tom {name: "Tom Hanks"})-[:ACTED_IN|DIRECTED*]-(a:Person) return DISTINCT a
However, (besides not seeming to complete at all). This will also capture co-actors.
That is, it will match paths of the form
So what I am wondering is:
can we somehow restrict the order in which relations occur in a multi-path query?
Something like:
MATCH (tom {name: "Tom Hanks"}){-[:ACTED_IN]->()<-[:DIRECTED]-()-[:DIRECTED]->()<-[:ACTED_IN]-}*(a:Person) return DISTINCT a
Where the * applies to everything in the curly braces.
The path expander procs from APOC Procedures should help here, as we added the ability to express repeating sequences of labels, relationships, or both.
In this case, since you want to match on the actor of the pattern rather than the director (or any of the movies in the path), we need to specify which nodes in the path you want to return, which requires either using the labelFilter in addition to the relationshipFilter, or just to use the combined sequence config property to specify the alternating labels/relationships expected, and making sure we use an end node filter on the :Person node at the point in the pattern that you want.
Here's how you would do this after installing APOC:
MATCH (tom:Person {name: "Tom Hanks"})
CALL apoc.path.expandConfig(tom, {sequence:'>Person, ACTED_IN>, *, <DIRECTED, *, DIRECTED>, *, <ACTED_IN', maxLevel:12}) YIELD path
WITH last(nodes(path)) as person, min(length(path)) as distance
RETURN person.name
We would usually use subgraphNodes() for these, since it's efficient at expanding out and pruning paths to nodes we've already seen, but in this case, we want to keep the ability to revisit already visited nodes, as they may occur in further iterations of the sequence, so to get a correct answer we can't use this or any of the procs that use NODE_GLOBAL uniqueness.
Because of this, we need to guard against exploring too many paths, as the permutations of relationships to explore that fit the path will skyrocket, even after we've already found all distinct nodes possible. To avoid this, we'll have to add a maxLevel, so I'm using 12 in this case.
This procedure will also produce multiple paths to the same node, so we're going to get the minimum length of all paths to each node.
The sequence config property lets us specify alternating label and relationship type filterings for each step in the sequence, starting at the starting node. We are using an end node filter symbol, > before the first Person label (>Person) indicating that we only want paths to the Person node at this point in the sequence (as the first element in the sequence it will also be the last element in the sequence as it repeats). We use the wildcard * for the label filter of all other nodes, meaning the nodes are whitelisted and will be traversed no matter what their label is, but we don't want to return any paths to these nodes.
If you want to see all the actors who acted in movies directed by directors who directed Tom Hanks, but who have never acted with Tom, here is one way:
MATCH (tom {name: "Tom Hanks"})-[:ACTED_IN]->(m)
MATCH (m)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(ignoredActor)
WITH COLLECT(DISTINCT m) AS ignoredMovies, COLLECT(DISTINCT ignoredActor) AS ignoredActors
UNWIND ignoredMovies AS movie
MATCH (movie)<-[:DIRECTED]-()-[:DIRECTED]->(m2)
WHERE NOT m2 IN ignoredMovies
MATCH (m2)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(a:Person)
WHERE NOT a IN ignoredActors
The top 2 MATCH clauses are deliberately not combined into one clause, so that the Tom Hanks node will be captured as an ignoredActor. (A MATCH clause filters out any result that use the same relationship twice.)
I am new at Neo4j but not to graphs and I have a specific problem I did not manage to solve with Cypher.
With this type of data:
I would like to be able in a single query to follow some incoming and some outgoing flow.
Starting on "source"
Follow all "A" relationships in the outgoing way
Follow all "B" relationships in the incoming way
My problem is that Cypher only allows one single direction to be specified in the relationship pattern.
So I could do (source)-[:A|:B*]->() or (source)<-[:A|:B*]-().
But I have no possibility to tell Cypher that I want to follow -[:A]-> and <-[:B]-.
By the way, I know that I could do -[:A|:B]- but this won't solve my problem because I don't want to follow -[:B]-> and <-[:A]-.
Thanks in advance for your help :)
Alternatively to #Gabor Szarnyas answer, I think you can achieve your goal using the APOC procedure apoc.path.expand.
Using this sample data set:
CREATE (:Source)-[:A]->()-[:A]->()<-[:B]-()-[:A]->()
And calling apoc.path.expand:
match (source:Source)
call apoc.path.expand(source,"A>|<B","",0,5) yield path
return path
You will get this path as output:
The apoc.path.expand call starts from the source node following -[:A]-> and <-[:B]- relationships.
Remember to install APOC procedures according to the version of Neo4j you are using. Take a look in the version compatibility matrix.
To express this in a single query would require a regular path query, which has been proposed to and accepted to openCypher, but it is not yet implemented.
I see two possible workarounds. I recreated your example with this command with a Source label for the source node:
CREATE (:Source)-[:A]->()-[:A]->()<-[:B]-()-[:A]->()
(1) Insert additional relationships that have the same direction:
MATCH (s)-[:B]->(t)
CREATE (s)<-[:B2]-(t)
And use this relationship for traversal:
MATCH p=(source)-[:A|:B2*]->()
(2) As you mentioned:
By the way, I know that I could do -[:A|:B]- but this won't solve my problem because I don't want to follow -[:B]-> and <-[:A]-.
You could use this approach to first get potential path candidates and manually check the directions of the relationships afterwards. Of course, this is an expensive operation but you only have to calculate it on the candidates, a possibly small data set.
MATCH p=(source:Source)-[:A|:B*]-()
WITH p, nodes(p) AS nodes, relationships(p) AS rels
WHERE all(i IN range(0, size(rels) - 1) WHERE
CASE type(rels[i])
WHEN 'A' THEN startNode(rels[i]) = nodes[i]
ELSE /* B */ startNode(rels[i]) = nodes[i+1]
Let's break down how this works:
We store path candidates in p and use the nodes and relationships functions to extract the lists of nodes/relationships from it.
We define a range of indexes for the relationships (e.g. from 0, 1, 2 if there are 3 relationships).
To determine the direction of relationships, we use the startNode function. For example, if there is a relationship r between nodes n1 to n2, the paths will like <n1, r, n2>. If r was traversed to in the outgoing direction, the startNode(r) will return n1, if it was traverse in the incoming direction, startNode(r) will return n2. The type of the relationship is checked with the type function and a simple CASE expression is used to differentiate between types.
The WHERE clause uses the all predicate function to check whether all :A and :B relationships had the appropriate directions.
I have a graph of a tree structure (well no, more of a DAG because i can have multiple parents) and need to be able to write queries that return all results in a flat list, starting at a particular node(s) and down.
I've reduced one of my use cases to this simple example. In the ascii representation here, n's are my nodes and I've appended their id. p is a permission in my auth system, but all that is pertinent to the question is that it marks the spot from which I need to recurse downwards to collect nodes which should be returned by the query.
There can be multiple root nodes related to p's
The roots, such as n3 below, should be contained in the results, as well as the children
The relationship depth is unbounded.
^ ^
/ \
n2 n3<--p
^ ^
/ \
n4 n5
If it's helpful, here's the cypher I ran to throw together this quick example:
CREATE path=(n1:n{id:1})<-[:HAS_PARENT]-(n2:n{id:2}),
MATCH (n{id:3})
CREATE (:p)-[:IN]->(n)
Here is the current best query I have:
MATCH (n:n)<--(:p)
WITH collect (n) as parents, (n) as n
WITH collect(c) as children, (parents) as parents
UNWIND (parents+children) as tree
This returns the correct set of results, and unlike some previous attempts I made which did not use any collect/unwind, the results come back as a single column of data as desired.
Is this the most optimal way of making this type of query? It is surprisingly more complex than I thought the simple scenario called for. I tried some queries where I combined the roots ("parents" in my query) with the "children" using a UNION clause, but I could not find a way to do so without repeating the query for the relationship with p. In my real world queries, that's a much more expensive operation which i've reduced down here for the example, so I cannot run it more than once.
This might suit your needs:
MATCH (c)-[:HAS_PARENT*0..]->(root:n)<--(:p)
RETURN root, COLLECT(c) AS tree
Each result row will contain a distinct root node and a collection if its tree nodes (including the root node).
My graph is a tree structure with root and end nodes, and a line of nodes between them with [:NEXT]-> relationships from one to the next. Some nodes along that path also have [:BRANCH]-> relationships to other root nodes, and through them to other lines of nodes.
What Cypher query will return an ordered list of the nodes on the path from beginning to end, with any BRANCH relationships being included with the records for the nodes that have them?
EDIT: It's not a technical diagram, but the basic structure looks like this:
with each node depicted as a black circle. In this case, I would would want every node depicted here.
How about
MATCH p=(root)-[:NEXT*0..]->(leaf)
OPTIONAL MATCH (leaf)-[:BRANCH]->(branched)
RETURN leaf, branched, length(p) as l
see also this graph-gist: http://gist.neo4j.org/?9042990
This query - a bit slow - should work (I guess):
START n=node(startID), child=node(*)
MATCH (n)-[rels*]-(child)
WHERE all(r in rels WHERE type(r) IN ["NEXT", "BRANCH"])
That is based on Neo4j 2.0.x Cypher syntax.
Technically this query will stop at the end of the tree started from startID: that is because the end in the diagram above belongs to a single path, but not the end of all the branches.
I would also recommend to limit the cardinality of the relationships - [rels*1..n] - to prevent the query to go away...
You wont be able to control the order in which the nodes are returned as per the depth first or breadth first algo unless you have a variable to save previous element or kind of recursive call which I dont think is not possible using only Cypher.
What you can do
MATCH p =(n)-[:NEXT*]->(end)
WITH collect(p) as node_paths
MATCH (n1)-[:NEXT]->(m)-[:BRANCH]->(n2)
WITH collect(m) as branch_nodes , node_paths
RETURN branch_nodes,node_paths
Now node_paths consists of all the paths with pattern (node)-[:NEXT]->(node)-[:NEXT]->...(node) . Now you have the paths and branch Nodes(starting point of basically all the paths in the node_paths except the one which will be emerging from root node) , you can arrange the output order accordingly.